Book Title: Sambodhi 1984 Vol 13 and 14
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, Ramesh S Betai, Yajneshwar S Shastri
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Kasiraja of Bhasa--an Appraisal
of PRY and Avimåraka. The author of Vvd. refers to Sañjaya as the son of Asmaka-lord. He refers to Jayavarma as the King of Madhura and Vispusena as the King of Kali; and Daršaka as the Magadharaja as such referred to as well in SVD when Udayana married Padmavati. This also presupposes a gap of a couple of years or more between the comp. osition of PRY and SVD. SVD and Vvd. may have had a gap of ten to fifteen years when Magadha-raja Dartaka was quite young and Udayana married Padmavati and continued to live a long life even after Kasiraja had handed over his Kingdom to Vispusena and offerred the Vassaldom of Madhura to Jayavarma. The theme of PRY and VVD. can never presuppose the contemporaneity of the authors of PRY, SVD and Vvd. Hence Kasiraja' of Bhasa could be Sanjaya' of Bhavabhuti and not that of vvd.
"Alamkrthamiti Yojanapeksaya Karmani şaşthy, Yatha Svapaaväsavadatta khye nätake:
Svancitapakama kapalam nayanadvaram svarüpataḍena Udghatyas pravista hrdayagrham me nppatanja"
is an illustration of "Svapnavasavadattam nafaka " by Abhinavagupta's, Locana Commentary on the Davanyaloka of Aaandavardhana. T. Ganapatisastri comments on it as under-And the stanza SvañcitapaksmaKapatam" expressly mentioned in his Dhvanyalocana as taken from. Svapnavasavadattam and not found in the published drama (Trivandrum play) must have been taken from the other drama of the same name mentioned by Sarvananda in his Commentary Amaratikasarvasva.
The story of that other Svapnavasavadattam must have been thi viz. that Vasavadatta having once seen Udayana in a dream fell in love with him and informing him of the same, married him, though she had been promised by her father to Sañjaya because here the stanza
"Svañcitapakṣmakapatam" etc. could not have been used to describe the first springs of love of the hero towards Vasavadatta and also there will be special appropriateness in the name of the drama of which the main theme is the dream which Vasavadatta has of Udayana and which results in their marriage ". Following on T. Ganapatisastri also quotes the version of Bhavabhuti is Malatimadhava already illustrated above 20 and agrees on the point that Svapaavasavadattam referred to by Abhina. vagupta and Sarvänanda was that of Trivandrum Series in so far as the story of Udayana has been referred to by Bhavabhuti, a great and responsible pool.