Book Title: Sambodhi 1984 Vol 13 and 14
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, Ramesh S Betai, Yajneshwar S Shastri
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Bhatti as quoted in the Durgaaţavrtti
Jayamangala on the other hand remarks : 34tr272 HEPAT241241ae, आधेयश्चात्र वधः ।
According to the sútra, hei falfa A (3.1.23), the affix 19 is added to the roots denoting til, it means crookedness. In the verse of Bhatti यायावरा पुष्पकलेन च.न्ये (2.20), the word यायावर means vagrant or wandering mendicants though it is formed by the application of the sufix to Va1, . Saraṇadeva justifies the word by explaining that all the neck roots convey the meaning of knowledge. So here the root conveys the intensity of the action (foreT&T) acc. to 3.1.22. Therefore the word en is used in the sense of highly learned, so the suffix is justified.
In the verse of Ehatti, 59175 gtt al: (8.38), 3717 acc. to the sutra TECUCI fefe (3.1.35) is affixed to V4. In the above verse 14 denotes the meaning of aa, while in the sūtra, #12 meaning 1673ar is intended.
Sarañadeva, in support of Bhatti, argues that 'ta 5101 #cepat JFIFL1 The opinion of some Vidyāsāgar as quoted by Bharatamallika also supports the meaning intended by Bhatti : mag ara) दन्त्यान्तः अस्ति इति विद्यासागरः ।
As a truc graminarian, Sarañadeva discards incorrect readings and suggests incorreet readings or draws our attention to better readings already existing.
Saraṇadeva notices a metrical error in the third quarter of the verso 10.37 : fata fagtalasanna 99$47 The metre of the 'stanza being Nandana. the ninth syllable should be short, but in the above line, a will be considered long by संयोगे गुरु (1.4.11).
Sarañadeva suggests the reading agaan' to avoid the error. Bharatamallika, in support of Bhatti quotes the opinion of Bhojā, that in these circumstances, is not considered a fault. He himself suggests the reading fakgafaar!
While commenting on the sūtra, 6791 71179191: (5.4.59), Saraṇadeva remarks that in the verse......dae ger* (5.64), the form ga147 is not correct according to the sūtra. He proclaims it as 7{pa and remarks that the original reading 1919€ is better and correct.
The following usages liave been explained by Sarañadeva himself, without citing the opinion of any grammarian. .