Book Title: Sambodhi 1984 Vol 13 and 14
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, Ramesh S Betai, Yajneshwar S Shastri
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Nilanjana S. Shah
comments of Patanjali on the sūtra H (3.3.18) : graziarz Alu fea, एकवचनान्तेन च । तेन पुलिङ्गे एव भावे एकवचने चैते प्रत्ययाः स्युः ।
Thus the ata 213-a usages should take only the masculine gender. Saranadeva justifies it by quoting the opinion of Vallabha, who differs from others and remarks Hy as afa g Fiata 50 f aiz artanari In this usage the word steifo, being of aard, the neuter gender is
The compound Flatanga: (16.2) employed by Bhatti goes against the rule
2 (2.2, 12) as the word ending with a sixth case is not compounded with the affix a when it denotes respect.
In rejoinder, he quotes the view of Nyāsakara, that the compound can be justified as instrumental compound by the sātra. कत करणे कृता बहुलम् (2.1.32), on the analogy of viagfearga:. The remarks of Ganapati sastri the editor of Durghatavștti (p. 36) are useful in this context : faisa भूते न तु वर्तमाने, कर्तरि च तृतीया यथा पूजिते। यः सुरासुरैः।
To justify the much discussed form (6.11), employed by Bhatti, Saranadeva quoted the opinion from Bhattitikā. This must be some other commentary than Jayamangala, because he generally refers to it by name,
The sutra नेयडव-स्थानावनी (1.4.4) prohibits नदीसंज्ञा for the उवस्थानीय words such as al. Thus, it cannot be Et in the vocative according to 27674491: (7.3.107).
Bhattitika derives the form in the following way: In his bhasya on 4.1.66, Patanjali has instanced 9714 and 5 : indicating thereby that 5*11words may also take acc. to nga: (4.1.66). Now by the Vartike 37gfold 2/
2aela (on 4.1.66) We apply 36 to an and then it gets 3198 by rates ara Juga (1.2.43). Afterwords the word is changed to aby na 1. (1.2 48). Again by 33 a: We apply s to as and get a. Now the adu (957161) at 1.4.3) can apply to ad and the vocative singular will be by 7.3.107.
An unknown grammarian Srikantha has been quoted by Saraṇadeva, who derives it in another way. He opines that the shortening of in is possible by drawing ar from the next sūtra af (1.4.5) and thus providing aftualan in the present case.
Some grammarians proclaim this form aa' as correct, by applying fafarag (93.5) paribhasa to it. In the sūtra 27791ataalt (1.4.4),