Book Title: Sambodhi 1984 Vol 13 and 14
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, Ramesh S Betai, Yajneshwar S Shastri
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Bhatti as quoted in the Durgaațavrtti
While commenting on the sūtra, uaccai gal (6.4 126), Maitreya as quoted by Saraṇadeva remarks that on the bases of the usage......! 99 Tia' gaga37 H+1: (14.30), it is implied that here by the term alfa, only the dentolabial lettera is to be understood and 110t the letter a obtained by संप्रसारण.
Some difficult usages of Bhattikavya have been justified by quoting the views of Purushottamas, the famous grammarian, who was the author of Bhāṣāvștti etc.
___Bhatti has violated the rule ऊर्यादियिडाचश्च (1.4.61) in the verse पुरा TTHET 757i#r(4.5), because according to the above sūtra, the word gt: when designated as "gati' is to be employed exactly after the verbal form. To justify thus, Saraṇadeva cites the opinion of Purushottama. He opines that the anuvștti of 1919 descending from 1.4.59 is the deciding factor in this matter.
In this verse, the word. gy: is not in composition with the verb, therefore it cannot be designated as nfè. It is connected with the upra word I, hence the late I will not accrue to the word gt: and in absence of nael, the above rule will not apply.
_Bhatti has used the word सेदिर in the vers: a सेदिरस्यातिमदेधिनस्य' (12.2), instead of , which is derived according to a: (4.4.109) The word सेादर can be derived from समान+ उदर as well as from सह+उदर.
Saranadeva remarks that the form सेादर (समान+उदर) can be justified by resorting to योगविभाग of the sutra समानस्य च्छन्दसि (6.3.84) as suggested by Somanandi. As another alternative, he suggests ETHEFT AALE* aquara (6.3.82) la at hier 9184: 1
Saranadeva must have another reading of the line, as regra A ge? (12.2), therefore he explains the word wat also : 941 actez: समानार्थः । तथा च प्रयोगः स; ते सह जायन्त इति । तेन सह समान उदर अस्य इति
: 1
He wants to explain that liere by the word er Bhatti means. a brother born of the same mother and not a brother born at tlie same time, and so we have to derive the word accordingly.
The neuter gender of the word शेषाणि in the line शेषाण्यहोषीत... (1.1.20 is not proper according to the sūtra 49919 (2.4.38) and the following Sambodih XIII-6