શ્રી. હૈમ સારસ્વત સત્રઃ અહેવાલ
9. Another work of importance is the Nyayaprakasha which is usually attributed to the famous Buddhist savant, Dinnaga. This work is on logic, and was entirely lost in the original. Translation of the work existed in Tibetan, Chinese and japanese. The Manuscript was supplied by Patan in the original with one comentary and a sub-commentary.
10. The Kaytmimansır of Rajashekhara was another work which came from the Patan Bhan. dars, and had to be printed thrice in the Series. This is replete with information on social. geographical, historical and cultural matters relating to ancient India. It is in this work that we meet with references to literary examinations held at capital cities like Pataliputra and Ujjayini where famous scholars like Panini, Vyadi, Patanjali, Kalidasa, etc., were examined, before they attained universal fame.
11. I do not wish to multiply instances, but I hope sufficient has been said to show how the late Maharaja was deeply and actively interested in the Bhandars, their contents and the publication of the Manuscripts. Our Dewan Saheb is none the less interested and even at present he is deliberating on a scheme which will accelerate the publication of the Jain manuscripts.
12. I hope it will not be out of place if I venture to make a few suggestions to the 2.21.2.-4
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