[VOL. XXVIII king's name. The charter was drafted, on a verbal order of the king, by the Privy Councillor (Rahasyadhikrit) Chulla, who is also known from the Rithapur grant.
Of the geographical names mentioned in the Kesaribēda grant, Pushkari, as already indicated, has to be located in the Podagadh region of the Jeypore State, now in the Koraput District of Orissa. Késēlakagrāma has been identified with the village of Kesaribēda, the findspot of the charter, in the same State.
TEXT2 First Plate
1 Svasti [*] Pushkaryyah Mahesvara-Mahasen-ätisrishta-rajya-vibha[va*]h tri-pat[a]
2 ka-dhvajab Nala-nripati-kul-anvayaḥ śrl-mahinij-Artthapati-bhaṭṭārakaḥ
3 Kōsōlaka-grāmē Brahmarn-ēttaran kuṭumbinas-sirshakañ-ch-ajñāpaya[ti*]
Second Plate; First Side
4'yüyam-ambhith Kautsa-sagöträys Durgga(rggaryyaya Raviraryyaya Ravidattárgyaya
5 Artthapati-bhata (ṭṭā) rakasy-a(sy-a)nugraharttha[m*] udakapurv va[*] datta āchandra-tārakam-a-bhata-pravēša[h*] sarvva-kara
6 visarjjitah a-vahaḥ [*] na kénachi(t) kiñoha(chi)d-vaktavyah [] yatab bhavadbhi-cha]
Second Plate; Second Side
7 dhruva-karmmânt-Arambhäḥ(mhhaib) sunirvrita-visvastair-vvastavya[m] vishay-chitäis cha śuśruśā(shäḥ)
8 karttavyä hirany-adayas-cha pratyaya(ya) deyaḥ [*] tatas-cha Bhaṭā (ṭṭā)rakarājasya (sy=ā)
9 pyāyana[m] asmābhiḥ paritushṭa(shtaile-datta[b1] yaḥ kaichit vyapēta-dharmmā
Third Plate; First Side
10 rigid) dröhât-pral[6]bhad-vå gräme kitchit-pralopays [*] sa mahāpātaka
11 yuktab' pañchabhi-nna(r-nna)rakam vrajte [1] uktad-cha[*] Shashishtit) varshasahasrāņi
12 s[va]argge nandati bhumidaḥ [*] ākshēptā cha(ch-a)numa[ntā] cha tany-ēva narakē vasavati
1 Cf. Sel. Ins., Vol. I, p. 441.
From the facsimile published by Mr. Ramadas in JBRS, Vol. XXXIV, and from the impressions preserved at the office of the Government Epigraphist for India, Ootacamund.
Read Brahman-öllaran.
"The Rithapur inscription has also this reading; but the reading intended seems to be yath = ayam."
The third akshara read rå has above it the superscript r together with the sign for a. Possibly the engraver at first omitted rå and began to incise the next akshara, ryya, but noticed the mistake only after the incision of the upper part of it.
After this name, the upper part of a letter, which may be an ill-formed cha is visible. Below this and the preceding letter, there are traces of three aksharas which look like mättara. Whether this is meant for a correction in the line or for the insertion of a new name in the list of the donces cannot be satisfactorily determined.
Read patakair - yuklah.
Metre: Anush tubh.
Rear vaset [2] iti. Metre: Anush fubh.