[VOL. XXVIII 17 Madhavēna rachitē Lakshmipatēr-mamdirē sauvarņņam kalabar tataḥ suragirirayam
vikshya chimtām=agāt nūtno dakshiņa-Mērur=ēsha samabhūn=matto=pi sõbh-anvitaḥ
prāyaḥ 18 VU- srayöyur-amarās=tyakshyamti të mām=iti || [14] Kim brūmo vayam-asya
bauryam-atulam yasy-ögra-yuddh-amgaņē m astishk-ölbana-parka-samkata-taţā
--- -- 13 - kõ=pi pišācha-ramka-nikaro n=ady=āpi --u tē sphit-assik-paripurit-odara-bhara
. kramto vinishkråmati || [15*] Sõ=yam yasya samasta bátru UU--- 20 --u-u sa-dhvamsi-yasah-samasta-bhuvana-dhvämt-aika-sarv-odayaḥ saumdaryam
sudati-vilöla nayanā -- - - - 21-24 damaged.
V. 1. Praise of the Boar Incarnation of Vishņu. V. 2. Victorious is the Milk Ocean who sprayed Mukunda with drops of water emanating from
(the mountain) Mandara, auspicious grains of rice, as it were, showered at the time of marriag
of (his daughter) Sri. V. 3. From him (Milk Ocean) arose the moon, the joy of the world. V. 4. In his (lunar) race was born Uchita. He had a brother named Rāja. V. 5. In his family came forth Asaga, aggressive with his mighty arms. Next in descent was
Raja. After him rose to power king Bijja, whose feet were touched by the crests of rulers
of the earth. V. 6. In his house appeared Karna who was renowned by the titles, such as Sürāmkusa (Goad
to the Brave), etc., the veritable Agastya to the ocean of hostile kings. He was succeeded
by Jõgama who was unsurpassed in valour. V. 7. He was followed by Permādi, an ornament of the circle of kings. V. 8. After him rose to eminence his son Bijjana who was distinguished by the titles, Giridur
gamalla (Champion of the Hill-fort), Subhatāditya (Sun among the chosen warriors) and others. He, the mighty one, wrested by foroe the sovereignty from the race of the Chalukyas
and secured the paramount position of the lord of Kuntala, adorned with a single parasol. V. 9. Who can describe his triumphant expeditions that put his enemies to flight? V. 10. Uis successor is king Söma of extraordinary prowess. He is praised as Raya-Murari
(veritable Murari among the kings). The enemy is motionless before him. V. 11. King Sora, the veritable Arjuna to Karņa, the Karņāta, is the thunderbolt to the mountain,
the Andhra ; submarine fire to the ocean, the Vanga; elephant to the tender plantain, the
Chola ; whirlwind to the rumbling cloud, the Gūrjara ; fire to the wood, the Népala king. V. 12. When he prepares for an expedition, his enemies are struck with terror and run away
helter skelter to save their lives. V. 13. He has a minister in Madhava-daņdanātha. Born of parents, Māyidēva and Savitri, he
is a descendant of the sage Vasishtha. LI. 17-20. A temple of Vishnu was constructed by him. Seeing its golden pinnacle, the divine
mountain (Mēru) felt anxious that the gods would forsake him and resort to this, the more distinguished new Mēru of the South. The heroism displayed by this (general Madhava) on the fields of battle is beyond description.