region. Whether Khimarasinghe has to be identified with the territory called Gidrisingi mentioned in the Dirghasi stone inscription or Kandarsingha in the 8.1. shost map 73H|5a2, cannot be definitely determined.
First Plate 1 [Siddham|| Khipdarasigharh | Sri-Narlmdradhavalardjy? Goundamandalo
Dharanimpha-vi. 2 nispita | Nägavansa-Sambhava | rāņaka-gri-Mudhavarábe 1 suta-ripaka-art-Vikara3 | Vikára"-guta-ränaka-sri-Ghõighākēna | rajaputra-Vigraha-sahasthana rupyska-67-16 4 padhina kraya-sasanatvēna kulaputraka | Vanadēva"-Buta | bhandari-Raniya 5 tasya buta Sēda | Sri-Nilabbaðjadēva-krita" | thăkara-Konvi thákara6 Umvă(mb) Domvi(mbi) syðbhanadaggē tirngarupyska pla 10 & 11 mi 2 gu 4 [11* 7 Tadēsvaragräma chatu-simā-paryamntaya sa-saila-Vana-kånanna-samata purva8 disēna | Chămpă-săndhi-vri(bri)hada-påthara Padumvi(mb)-sändhi gada Ardhdha
krðtri9 prākachhoda dakshinē gada-prākachhēda palohimēna Vori-stupa-kändhi pa10 schima-utarēna Kõsu[mvtal-pathara-prākachhoda vri(bri)hata-parvvate | Ga[la]
1 Abovo, Vol. IV, p. 318.
From the original plates presorved in the Madras Museum and impressions properved at the office of the Government Epigraphist for India, Ootaos.mund.
* Expressed by symbol.
Possibly the reading intended is risinghs for bringt.
The danda is superfluou. Tho visarga-like sign before the danda is a part of the stop (d., c.9., Annual Report of the Dacoa Museum for 1938-40, p. 8 and plate). With the exception of a fow only, the dandas, ko abundantly used in the insoription, are superfluous. In many cases the danda has been used just as a hyphen is dono ta English.
Motal has pooled off from some places on both sides of plate I. The damage is fortunately on the blank side. Due to the peeling off, the passage brf-Narendradhavala-njye Goo (or Mu) has been partially damaged. Whether the partial offacement of the king's name was intentionally dono by some person is diffioult to say. But it seems to me that the peeling off is natural. Of. romarks at p. H above.
What has been road as Goo may possibly also be road as Moor Ga. •What I have road as mi may possibly be also read as noi. .Read piniserita-Nagaosa-dombhapa. * The oorroot form of the name was possibly Kardha'. 11 It is better to omit the name here. 11 Spa-hastens seems to be intended. 13 8-spadhind is possibly intended. 24 The correct form of the name would be Vanao. 1 Tho ides sooms to bo : Raniyd-outena sida-ndmabina trt-Stabhaijadineira
** Possibly tinan which stands for Sanskrit traydon and refers to the theo portons, bit., Köpui, Uabi and Dombt. Doos ayobhanadagod stand for Sobhanadurge and indicate the place where the three persone waliwat The supersoript of the akshara road goe looks like dh and the akshara may be dugo; but tho dalga obould be there been longer. The ides may bo: thakkura-Konvitcha thebbwr-Ombd-ndmabacha pa d atok ai tribhyo brahmanabhyad.
1This danda is not straight like the others but is slanting mod pooviles. 1 Possibly ripyala-pala 10 mdaha 2 gwija is intended.
* In Sanskrit the passage would stand : Tadttvara-gramat chatu -md-paryantal aa-lala-pona samtal pårva-dini. The following passage (lines 8-18), describing the boundaries of the wingo Tudomongtime, is greatly influenced by the local Prakrit. As already notioed above, the words simili and prolmohaide an ro poatedly used; but their meanings are not absolutely oprtain. Sandii posibly means the thing w sandili or sandhi-sthita, whilo prakachhada possibly stands for prabakheda moaning prowbaliwa chida, dividing the of former time, 1.o, the well-known boundary. 2.6 DGA