in regard to the donor himself, Prithvidēva II, nothing is recorded as to his conquests or other achievements. The only fact of importance pertaining to the record is that it contains the earliest date for this king, viz., K. 890. His other records, both on stone and on copper so far discovered range in date from K. 893 to K. 915. Hence it is learnt from the present inscription that he ruled from K. 890, i.e., 1138 A. C. That he ruled at least up to K. 915 or 1163 A. C. is known from his record at Ratanpur bearing that date. The earliest date known for his son and successor Jājulladēva II is K. 919 or 1167-8 A. C. supplied by his Mallär stone inscription. Hence the period of rule of Pțithvidēva II can be placed between 1138 A. C. to 1165 A. C. or roughly from c. 1135 to 1165 A. C.
It may be observed that of the inscriptions of the Kalachuri princes of the Ratanpur line, the largest number, nearing about a dozen, belong to the reign of Prithvidēva II, the donor of the present charter. It is curious that no record of his early ancestors up to the time of Prithvidēva I have so far been discovered. The Amodā plates of this king dated Chēdi year 831 is the earliest record of the family. Of his son and successor Jājalladova I we have only one inscription so far discovered, viz., the Ratanpur stone inscription dated year 866. His son Ratnadēva II, the father of Přithvidēva II of our inscription, has left two records, viz., the Seorinarayan plates and the Sarkhổ plates bearing dates 878 and 880 respectively. Besides these kings who were predecessors of Prithvidēva II, other princes of the line who came after him have also left a few records. Of Jājalladēva II, the son and successor of Pșithvidēva II, two inscriptions have been secured, viz., the Mallār stone inscription" dated year 919 and the Amodā plates issued in the same year. The next prince of the family for whose reign an inscription is available is Ratnadēva III, son of Jagaddēva, the elder brother of Jājalladēva II. His Kharod inscription dated Chēdi samvat 933 has been edited in this journal. The son and successor of Ratnadēva III was Pratāpamalla, the last known prince of the Ratanpur branch of the Kalachuris, whose Pēņdrābandh plates were issued in the year 965.10
Reviewing the dynasty as a whole, it will be seen from the records of the family so far available and from the dates quoted in them, which, as has been pointed out above, have all to be referred to the Kalachuri-Chēdi era, that every one of these kings must have had sufficiently long reigns averaging from twenty to twenty-five years. This fact would be apparent from the interval that can be noticed between the dates of the records of the successive kings. Thus between the dated records of Přithvidēva I and his successor Jājalladēva I there is an interval of about 35 years which must have been partly covered by their respective reigns. Similar intervals are found between the other members of the family. On a broad calculation, the duration of the rule of each king can be indicated. I give below a tentative scheme of the chronology of such of the rulers of this line of the Ratanpur Kalachuris for whom a continuous genealogy is available.
Above, Vol. XXVI, p. 255. * Above, Vol. I, p. 39. • Above, Vol. XIX, p. 75.
Above, Vol. I, p. 32. 5 Ind. Hisl. Qart., Vol. IV, p. 31.
• Above, Vol. XXII, p. 159. The Paragaon plates of Ratnadēva II, dated K. 885, recently discoverod constitute the third known record of this king. Along with this charter was found another grant of Prithvidova 11 dated K. 897.
Above, Vol. I, p. 39.
# Above, Vol. XIX, pp. 209 ff. and plates. Prof. Mirashi is probably correct in reading the date of this rooord as 919 and not as 912 as was read hy Hiralal (above, Vol. XXVI, p. 267 and o. 1).
Above, Vol. XXI, pp. 159 ff. and plate. 10 Above, Vol. XXIII, pp. 1 ff. and plate.