In the light of the foregoing discussion the revised and consolidated genealogy of the family will tentatively be as follows:
Bijjala II (1140-67)
Bijja (Bijjala I)
By Echaladevi
Savaladevi; m. Vikramaditya VI (1077-78).
Uchita (0.955) Asaga
1 (Name lost)
Sankama I (Sankhavarma)
Karpadova (1167)
Siriyadevi; Vajradova Sövidova Daughter Mallugi m. Sinda (1067-76) (1175-76) Chāvunda II
Bammarasa (1163)
Vira-Bijjala III (1193) J Raya-Murari-Jannugideva
Rāja I
Kannara (Karna)
Raja 11 (Rajala)
Jogama; m. Tärādēvi (1080-1118)
Permadi (1118-40)
Mailugi (1167)
Sankama II Ahavamalla Singhana (1176-80) (1180-83) (1183-84)
Regarding Madhava, the minister and general of the Kalachuri king Sōma, not many details are known from the present record. The Bhögesvara temple inscription mentioned above, however, furnishes an authentic account of his achievements which, as described before, shows that he played a distinguished role in the troublous days following the death of Bijjala. He sponsored the cause of Sövideva and successfully crushed the machinations of his rivals. It was through his valour combined with diplomacy that Sövideva was restored to his father's throne. This entitled Madhava to the well-deserved praise, Kalachuri-bhüpala-vipula-räjyöddharana (upholder of the mighty rule of the Kalachuri king), which is bestowed upon him in that epigraph.
1 This son of Raya-Murari Sövidova is known from an inscription at Samkh, Jath State (B. K. No. 108 of 194041). The ruler of Mangalaveshtaka whom Bhillams is described as having vanquished (jaghnivan) could be this same person. The name Billana in the passage narrating the exploits of Bhillama by Hömädri, yö vä mangalavishtakam kahitipatin tri-Billasah jaghnivan (Bom. Gaz., Vol.I, pt. II, p.271), appears to be a mistaken reading for Bijjana. Or, if we accept the other reading Vajrinam, it may be taken as a Sanskritised from of Bijjanam.
B. K. No. 44 of 1936-37. It is suggested tentatively that Raya-Murari Jannugideva of this record might have been son of Vira-Bijjala III and grandson of Raya-Murări Sövideva.