Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 08
Author(s): E Hultzsch
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 26
________________ No. 4.] SRAVANA-BELGOLA INSCRIPTION OF IRUGAPA. Third Plate; First Side. 31 [हो] स्तोतुं समा जनाः । [१२] श्रीपञ्जवत्रिनेत्रांको धन्यो वेममहो पतिः । श्रीघोडे32 रायगंगाख्यगुरुपादामषट्पदः । [१३] भास्ते श्रीगिरिपूर्वपादनिकटादा पूर्वपा]33 थोनिधेर्देश: कुंडितरंगिणीमुभयत[:*] श्रीगिनामांकित: । तस्मिन् भासु34 रसौधगोपुरवतो नित्योत्सवालंकता नंदत्यौरजना विभाति नितरामहकिना35 मा पुरी । [१४] उइंडमंडलिकमंडलकालदंडदोईडविक्रमविनिर्जि36 तवैरिलोकः । सोयं बिभर्ति नगरी नगराजधीर[:*] श्रीवमभूपतिरिमा 37 जगनोब्बगंडः । [१५] सप्तसंतानवत्यासोन्मही वेमविभीरिति । स्पर्डयेव धृताः कीर्त्या 38 गर्भ लोकाश्चतुर्दश । [१६] + शाकाब्दे कुधरतुभानु १२६७ गणिते चैयां श39 शांके तमोग्रस्ते विप्रगणाय वैमनृपतिर्माडूकशंभोः पुरः । प्राद40 त स्पटमातकूरुमनघखर्यभोगाष्टकं श्रीकृष्णोत्तरकूलसंस्थम Third Plate; Second Side. 41 तुलं ग्रामं महाश्रेयसे । [१७*] खनामचिह्नितं कृत्वा दत्तो वैमम[ही भुजा । श्रे42 ठो भात्य महाराणं ग्रामो वेमपुरातयः । [१८] + No. 4. SRAVANA-BELGOLA INSCRIPTION OF IRUGAPA; A.D. 1422. BY PROFESSOR H. LUDERS, Ph.D.; ROSTOCK. Transcripts of this inscription in Roman and Kanarese characters, together with an abstract of its contents, have been previously published by Mr. Rice. My edition is based on excellent inked estampagess received from Prof. Hultzsch. . The inscription is engraved on three faces of a quadrangular pillar bebind the image of the Kushmåndini-yaksh which is set ap in the Brahmad@va-maņdapa in front of the Gummata temple on the Vindhyagiri at' Sravana-Belgola. The inscription begins on the south face. Above the writing we find a number of sculptures representing, from the left to the right, beneath two chauris, & woman seated with folded hands, a Jina seated with a triple umbrella overhead, and & man seated, with one hand holding a book and the other raised. Next come two lines of the - Read °मानी. * The anusodra stands at the beginning of the next line. - Read स्ट '. • Inscriptions at Śravana-Belgola, No. 82. . No. 7 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for the year 1891..


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