No. 3.]
the village of Aminabad in the Sattenapalli tâluka of the Kistna district there is an inscription! of Racha-Voma, son of Véma, who is said to have, in the year Manmatha corresponding to the Saka year 1337 (expired), excavated a channel to feed the tank called Santana-Sagara, which had been dug by his mother Sûrâmba. We know from the Phirangipuram inscription that Peda-Kômaţi-Véma's wife Sûrâmbâ had tank excavated and called it Sant&na-Sagara. The two inscriptions are about two miles distant from each other, and they, no doubt, refer to the same tank. This establishes the fact that Peda-Kömati's successor Racha was his son and not his brother, and the same conclusion is pointed to by the Volugofivari Vambávali. This book says that Mâcha (who was the only brother Peda-Kömaţi-Vema seems to have had), son of Kömati, was killed in battle by Pina-Vêdagiri or Kumâra-Vêdagiri, great-grandson of Mâdânidu who had fought with Anapôta-Reddi at Dharapikota, and that Mâcha's elder brother Vêma killed Pina-Vedagiri and was himself killed by Pina-Vêdagiri's younger brother Linga. When Peda-Kômaţi-Vêma died, he had, therefore, no brother to succeed him.
The Dandakavili says that the Reddis of Kondavidu ruled for 100 years and distributes the period as follows:
Pôlaya-Vêma or Vêma; Saka 1242 to 1253 (both years inclusive). Anapota ; Saka 1253-1283. Anavêma; Saka 1284-1295. Kumâragiri; Saka 1296-1309. Peda-Kömati-Vêma ; Saka 1310-1337.
Racha-Vêma ; Saka 1338-1341. This distribution conflicts with the dates furnished by some of the inscriptions quoted above. Taking 100 years as the approximate total of the reigns of the six Reddi chiefs, I would redistribute it as follows, so as to make the distribution accord with the latest information available on the subject :
Pelaya-Véma or Véma ; Saka 1242-1271 (30 years). Anapôta ; Saka 1272-1283 (12 years). Apavêma ; Saka 1284-1299 (16 years). Kumâragiri; Saka 1300-1320 (21 years). Peda-Kömati-Vêma; Saka 1321-1337 (17 years). Racha-Vêma; Saka 1338-1341 (4 years).
First Plate. 14 श्रीमत्कोमलनीलनीरजरुचिौलावराहश्चिरं नातिप्रौढमृणालकंद2 कलसइंष्ट्रांकुरः पातु वः । यस्मिबुद्दहति क्रमेण विगळत्याथोधिनीलांश3 27 meter fra Hent Afeat. [**] relent[HT]
4 डिततनोवस्य लक्ष्मीपतेः पादात्पद्मनिभत्विषो भगवती गंगेव पुण्योदया ।
पाकल्पस्थिरजीवना त्रिजगतीसंतारणोद्योगिनी पर्यायेण चतुर्थ
1 This inscription consists of a Telugu verse in the Sisa metre and is engraved on the western side of a hillock named Pullaribodu, north-east of Aminabad which adjoins Phirangipuram. At the end of the verse are the words Srindtha-kriti, i.e.Srinatha's composition.'
• No. 162 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1899. • From ink-impressions.