one lady's head just like 'we' do on the men. Her husband became suspicious. Then 'we' may have unknowingly placed the hand on her shoulder. He became suspicious again. The suspicion of: 'Dada's intentions have turned bad started to play on his mind. 'We understood that this poor man had suspicions in his mind, what can anyone do? We knew he must be suffering
So he wrote me a letter saying, "Dadaji, I am hurting in this way so I would appreciate it if you do not do this anymore. You being a Gnani cannot do this. 'Later when that man would meet 'us', he would look at 'us' and realize that 'Dada does not seem to be affected'. Then he met 'us' again a few days later 'We greeted him with 'Jai Sat Chit Anand' as if nothing had happened. This happened six or seven times and when he did not see any effect on 'us' he got tired. He became very confused from within, 'what is all this about? I wrote him a letter: He received it and read it and yet I cannot see an effect on him at all.'
You silly man! Only the guilty one will be affected. How can there be an effect on 'us' when 'we' are not guilty? No matter how many letters you write or do whatever you can, 'we' have no problem. 'We do not have an answer for the letter. 'We have vitaragata - 'we' are detached. It is you who believes otherwise. Then later he tells me, 'Did anything happen to you? 'We told him, 'What can happen to 'us'? You have the suspicion but 'we' are not involved in it and so 'we' do not have a problem.
That is why Kavi wrote profound Gnan. Other people would be affected if someone were to write them such a letter.
Questioner: Yes, any other person would be shaken up.
Dadashri: Then what would become of that disciple? Whereas this incident did not put a stain on his wife or me. The time passed without a dent on anyone. The moment of suspicion
will pass one day, will it not? Does it ever remain forever?
Has Kavi not written a powerful sentence about what suspicion is? This suspicion is of a misguided intellect. And I am a Gnani Purush and yet that man became suspicious of even the Gnani? Here the Gnani Purush makes you nihshank (free from all suspicion. The Gnani makes everyone nihshank through the knowledge of 'my real Self is the Soul), and still you have suspicions about Him? But this is how the world is, what will one not say? I would listen to such suspicions with the magic' of Gnan, and then I regard everything with vitaragata. No separation between him and us, even
when reprimanding Then what does Kavi go on to say?
"Even then He did not punish us by keeping a separation of 'me' and 'you'."
Yes I have never punished anyone and I have never maintained a separation of you' and 'T', or you are like this, why do you do this, why do you become suspicious?'' There is nothing of the sort. I know that this is the way things always are and that he simply has a misunderstanding.
In our satsangs, there has never been a separation of 'You' and 'T. So far, over all these years, this separation (bheda) has never taken place. Man naturally makes a mistake because he is full of mistakes and so what can the poor man do? Yet, I have never said, 'You are like this.' When we say you and I', we create divisions. That is the end of it! And here there is complete oneness (abhedta). Do you not feel this oneness? I do not have such a sense of separation. Otherwise, suspicion will create differences and divisions. And suspicion over these matters is a very grave mistake. Therefore, this statement is very significant. With the Gnani, there is no, 'Why are you like this?' or 'Why did you do such a thing?' or 'You' and 'me': there is