them everyone appears to be like animals. Now tell me, such are the ghemrajis. Where do you think this word came from? Is it a Persian word?
Questioner: This is the vintage native Charotari (district in the state of Gujarat) language.
Dadashri: Yes, Charotari (Gujarati dialect) languagebhasha. People will comment, 'so and so is very ghemraji. He has nothing and yet he is a ghemraji.' Is this not in our Gujarati language? Now where did this word come from? What is its root cause? I am looking but I cannot find it. I can find the root cause of abhimaan and all that.
Questioner: So these words are not as simple as they seem. There is a deep hidden meaning in them.
Dadashri: Yes. These words are full of meanings. One should not define them superficially. There is an absolute meaning (parmarth) within but this can only be realized when many layers are discarded.
Questioner: You said, "There was a lot of ego (Dada had a lot of ego before Gnan)', so did you experience all these phases through that ego?
Dadashri: Yes. I experienced them from all the sides. I also saw their perspective view' (three dimensional) too. I could see what the perspective' ego looks like.
Questioner: What does it look like?
Dadashri: I recognize it. I recognize its front elevation, back elevation; a perspective view. I would know from all these views. I can see what 'Dada' looks like in back elevation, in front elevation and from the perspective view. I can see and know what the nose looks like.
Questioner: The nose is part of the body but what do the phases of the ego look like?
Dadashri: I can see the ego in the same way too. Once you see that perspective of the body, then you will see that of the ego too. The ego will melt but these are 'body parts' and they are dependent upon the body.
Questioner: What do you mean by 'body parts?
Dadashri: If a person has a small nose, his ego is small too and if his nose is big, his ego is big. Therefore, however it is with the body, it is the same with the ego. 'Hum' ('1-ness' with ego) is an obstacle on
the path to moksha Questioner: What is the difference between ahamkar and ego?
Dadashri: They are the same thing.
Questioner: When one says, 'Hum', is that also an ego (ahamkar)?
Dadashri: 'Hum' is different and ego is different.
Generally it is considered that wife and children are major obstacles in attaining liberation. Are these the only things that hinder liberation? There are many other things that hinder one's liberation. How do the poor wife and children hinder him? They sleep in their own beds so how are they a hindrance to you? Do they get inside your stomach and go to sleep? If they did then you can consider them a hindrance, but is that what they do? Each sleeps in his or her own bed, so where is the problem for you?
But this 'hum'ego gets into your stomach and hinders by saying, 'hum, hum, hum?' This 'I am something, I am something.' does not go away, it will go wherever one goes. Have you ever seen this 'hum? It is not visible. But from its trait you will know, 'here comes the thum': you can see it in the eyes.'