Book Title: Madhuvidya
Author(s): S D Laddu, T N Dharmadhikari, Madhvi Kolhatkar, Pratibha Pingle
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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tamäd evamvit svapyát/ lokyam ha/ ... ete eva tad devate retah siñcatas tasmäd retasa idam sarvam sambhavati yad idam kimca.
In the Sat. Br: a student is first forbidden to beg alms after the period of his studentship. But again he is permitted to beg alms from a woman
in whom he has the greatest confidence' (Eggeling). This is supposed to be lókya 'customary in the world; permissible'.1 In Manu. 2.161 also alokyamay mean what is not usual in the world, not permissible '.' In Mbh. 13.1971 lokya- (v.l. laukya-) as an adj. of tejas- means spread over the world's
1 But it can also mean winning world (which is free from death), winning immortality', because as mentioned in the student is supposed to redeem by begging that part of his body which is in death (atha yad ... bhiksate ya eväsya mstyau padas tam eva tena parikrināti). Eggeling also translates that makes for heaven'. For the idea of immortality associated with Iólya. also cf. Sat. Br. and Br. Up. 1.3.28 discussed above.
yayasyodvijate väcá nálokyam tam udirayet. But the commentator gives the meaning not enabling to win the world or heaven' (svargadilokaprapti pratibandhini). Also Bühler . That will prevent him from gaining heaven'.
• This meaning is already noted by BR.
Madhu Vidyā/31
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