FEBRUARY, 1891.)
Now subtract the second cipher of the subtractor from the cipher of the integer immediately above it. But 8 cannot be subtracted from 5, so borrow 10 from the 20 of 25, and substitute thos: 15.
Now subtract in the head the second cipher from the sum thus borrowed and, because 10 -- 8 = 2, set down the remainder below the cipher of the integer immediately above it : thus : 15.
78 Now add the remainder to that cipher of the integer and substitate the result thus: 17
Answer: 17. Demonstration by the European method : 95
17. The Burmese processes, as shewn saccessively on the slate, sand or parabaik, are as follows:- (a) 95, (6) 25, (c) 15, (d) 15, (e) 17, () 17. Thus 6 processes are gone 78 78 782
78 through before the result is arrived at.18
Example 2. Subtract 9 from 29. The process just explained is always observed when the cipher of the subtractor is greater than the cipher of the integer immediately above it. Thus, in taking 9 from 22, as 9 will not subtract from 2, borrow 10 from the 20 of 22 and substitute thus: 12. Then sabtract 9 from
9 the 10 thus borrowed and set remainder below the 2: thus 12. Now add this remainder to 2
and substitute thus : 18.
Answer: 18.
Example 3. Subtract 96 from 221. In this case by observing the above rules the Burmese processes as set down successively are 8 in number, and as follows:-(a) 221, (b) 121, () 121, (d) 131, (e) 121, () 121, (g) 126.
95 951 95 955
95 95
95 Answer: 126.
Demonstration by the European method: 221
18 The Hindas place the subtractor above the integer and proceed to see all the places where "one will have to be carried," as the Engligh would phrase it, marking each with the symbol. Thus take 188 from 482: write 186. Now 6
492 will not take from 2, and 8 will not take from 3, so write 186, and in the caloulation add 1 to the 1 and 8 thus marked.
482 The substitution of the results of the oploulation for the figures of the integer are made in the same way me in the Barmese system, and the process is otherwise the same.-8. B. D.