AUGUST, 1891.]
Dhanishtha, Ardri or Aslesha, [or, under (one It is clear that the vyatipata here described by of the nakshatras) Sravank, Abvint, Dhanishth&, Hêmádri (together with vaidhriti, with which Ardra, Aslesha or Mrigasiras,) is joined with a have no concern) is the same vyatipata which in Sunday, this (combination) is called vyatipata." the Sarya-Siddhdnta XI. 2, is defined thus :2.-From another Sastra Hômadri quotes the When the moon and the sun are upon opposite verses
sides of either solstice, and their minutes of Panchanana-sthau Guru-Bhomiputrau declination are the same, it is vystipata, the sum
Mêahê raviḥ syâd=yadi sukla-pakshei of their longitudes being a half-circle.' pas-AbhidhAna Karabhêna yukta
Vyatípáta, then, is here the time at which the sun tithir=vyatipeta it=iha yôgah ||
and the moon, standing in different ayanas, have Asmin=hi gô-bhami-hiranya-vastra
the same declination (kránti-sdmya). It would be dânêna sarvar parihâya papam !
easy to shew that, were it not for certain attendédratvam=Indratvam=anamayatvam
ing circumstances, the sum of the longitudes of marty-Adhipatyam labhatên manushyah 11 the sun and the moon at that time would be 180°, Here Hêmadri adds that pañchanana = sinha, and the yoga Harshana (No. 14): but I am not and Guru-Bhumiputrau Brihaspaty-Angdrakau, myself sufficiently versed in astronomy to pursue • Jupiter and Mars;' and that pds dbhidhdnd is this matter further. According to Hômadri, it the 12th tithi, and karabha the nakakatra Hasta. is possible that in reality the yoga at the time Madhava, on the other hand, quotes from Vriddha
may be any one from the second half of Ganda Manu a verse of the same import with Hêmadri's (No. 10) up to Vajra (No. 15); but it can never be first verse, but worded thus:
the yôga Vyatîpåta (No. 17). Sinha-sthau Guru-Bhanmau chên=Mesha- If I may venture a remark about the two dates
sthé cha ravau hi va which have induced me to write these lines, I dvadasi Hasta-samyukta vyatipâtô mabån= would say that the date given ante, Vol. XVIII.
hi saḥ 11 p. 127, may perhaps, to a certain extent, furnish With Hemadri's wording of the definition, its an example for vyatipata in the first sense here meaning would be :
explained, and the date ib. p. 274 an example for When in the bright half of the month the 12th vyatipata used in the third sertae. But this I lon ve tithi is joined with the nakshatra Hasta, while
Mr. Fleet to settle. Jupiter and Mars stand in the sign of the Lion
Göttingon. and the Sun in Aries, the combination is termed vyatipata.'
PROGRESS OF EUROPEAN SCHOLARSHIP, 3.-Finally, Hemadri quotes from Bhrigu the
No. 24. verse
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Krantisamya-samayan samiritaḥ Baryaparva-sadfiső mun-isvaraih
Gesellschaft for 1889 (Vol. XLIII.) tatra datta-huta-japta-pajanam
Dr. K. Jacob commences the third part of the yAga-kôţi.gunamáha Bhargavaḥlt;
volume with a paper on the Caspian-Baltio to which he adds the following explanation :- trade in the middle ages, with special reference Sarya-chandramasdh kranti-amye punyakáladvayam bhavati 6ko vyatipat-Akhyahi aparê He is followed by Signor Guidi on East Syrian vaidhșity-Akhyah | Tatra krantisamya-laksha Bishops and Bishops' sees in the fifth, sixth nasya vyatipAtasya Gand-ottarardh&d=rabhya and seventh centuries. kramát=s&rdhôshu paboha-yôgôshu sambhavo-still An article of more general interest, continued vaidbriti-sarjllasya tu Suklu-yôgad-arabhya kia- in the following number, is by Herr K. Himly. mát sârdboahu pasicha-yogeshu sambhavaḥ 1 Tat- on the Eastern or Western origin of certain parva-kala-samkhya cha dasa-ghaçikâbhyah games. After giving Rome additional information samarabhy-aikasaptatyadhikasata-paryan tam
regarding chess, his former article on which sambhavyatê | Tatha cha vêdange Jyotishe I has been already noticed in the Indian AntiGand-ottarardhAd-vyatipata-sambhavaḥ quary, vie., that he has at length succeeded in
sukl-Aditô vaidhșiti-samjữako bhavêt) tracing the name chaturanga as far east as ardhéshu pañchase parôshu tath=eahyatê sa Cambodia where it becomes chhoeutrang, he takes
évam dvayath tat-suksit-aika-s&dhakam || up the question of playing cards. In two most * The verse was well-known to Colebrooke ; see . It has been fully explained to me by Professor Misc. Easays, Vol. II. p. 284. It also occurs in the Jacobi. Nirnayasindhu, p. 87.