Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 20
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 480
________________ 448 INDEX. sines of arcs in the Panchasiddhantikd ...... 228 Suchet Singh raises Dalip Singh to the throne, Singhana II. (Yadava of Dêvagiri); see Påtna 422 71 ; - his various intrigues, 71; - his Siyasarman, an officer of Jayasimha I.......... 97 death .................. ............... 72 Sndtripanchalikd ; see Udayasagara......... 399 n. Sudhamma, Sudharman, the second Képalin. Solar Rase, the, 268; - it included the 347, 358 Chôļas, 276, 279; - and the Gajapati kings suffixes, a peculiar class of, in Nicobarese, reof Orissa ............ ferring to parts of the human body ......... 300 Somadêva (see Lalita-Vigrahardja) ............ 202 | sun, warding off the light of, the rule of, 197; Somaditya, father of Pritiviyaraja ............ 104 - impregnation by the, the belief in......... 197 Sôinavamsa, the; (see Lunar Race), 268, 274, Sûnak grant of Karnadêva, of Vikrama 279, 285 Samvat 1148; English equivalent of the date Sömêsvara (Châhumana); see Bijhôli ......... 133 129 and n. son, in old age, in folktales ................. 316, 317 Soryavaria, the ; see Solar Race ... 268, 276, sorcerers, an origin of the belief in ............ 48 279, 390, 392 * soul as understood by the savage, 48; -- futi (see also vati), used to denote the bright contained in the human shadow, 48; - in fortnight? ........... ............. 149 and n., 152 the human reflection, 48; - in the blood, sutra, 'a manual of religious ritual, &c.;' 49; - in the head, 49; - its presence names of sútras mentioned in recorde :means 'life', its absence death,' in savage A pastamba ........................ 106, 416 n., 418 belief, 48; -- its temporary absence from Hiranya kesin .................................... 418 the body, 48; - the spiritual and physical Sútrasamuchchaya, the, of Santidêva, noted 89 dangers to which it is exposed, 48; - in. svarga, and not nirudna, is always spoken of jured by food, 49 ; - by the remains of by Asoka in his inscriptions.... ................ 265 food after eating, 49, — notions of the, in evayamvara, in folktales, 111 ff.;-a reversal North America, 119, 120 ; - transferring of the custom, in folktales..................... 332 ff. the, 199; -- the external soul discussed, sword, the use of the, to represent the bride199; - of the oak = the mistletoe, 199; - groom at marriages ......... ............. 123 of trees .................. ........... 47 spirits, capable of being wounded by sharp instruments ........................................ 3 tabu, doctrine of, explained, 47 ff.;- its effects spirits, the, of trees, 47; -- of woods, their on customs, 48 ; -object of, to protect the power and nature, 47; - of groves, 47; -- man-god. +7; -- the object of ustablishing it of the corn, 52; - as an animal, 193; -- generally, 48; - is set up generally to provarious animal forms of the .................. 103 tect the soul,' 48; - various methods of, spurious copper-plate grants, a general remark 48; - origin of the tabued person, 49; - in connection with ...... origin of tabued things, 49; -- its effect on śri-Tribhuvandikusa, a legend on the seals the Nicobarese language .................. 297, 298 of the Eastern Chalukya grants... 100, 206, Tadapa (Eastern Chalukya) ......... 12, 13, 268, 283 269, 270, 273, 284, 285, 414 Täha, a variant of the name of Tallapa ......... 269 śrf-Vijayasiddhi, a legend on a seal ............ 104 Takshasila mentioned in the Asoka inscripSriniiaya bhoga, an ancient territorial divi. tions .......................... ......... 247 sion ..................... .................. Tala, a variant of the name of Tadapa ......... 268 fríprithivivallabha, an epithet of Vishņu- Talapa, Talapa, variants of the name of vardhana I. ... Tadapa ............. Srutu- Kevaline names of the five, according Tåmra parni river mentioned in the Asöka insto the pattávali of the Sarasvati-Gachchha criptions ............. ........ 239, 240 347, 358 task, the impossible, in folktales, a variant Sthânu-Ravigupta, a king ........................... 287 of ................................................... 111 ff. strangers, dread of, amongst savages, explain. Tatabikki, a king slain by Châlukyabhima. ed .................... ............ 48 Vishnuvardhana VII. ... ... .. ............ 270 ów, an abbreviation, used with the number of Tatabikyana, a variant of the name of Tâtaa tithi ora civil day, and without di or ti 84, 136 bikki ......... 270 substituted persons in folktales; the bride- Tchelebi = Christian : Baron V. Rosen on groom, 112, 113, 321 ff.;- children, variants the word of the idea ......... .................45 ff. Têwar inscription, noticed .......... subtraction, the Burmese system of, explained 56 ff. Thiyakavalli, wife of Kulóttunga-Chôdadêra I. 280 succession, a peculiar custom of .................. 422 thre-thauk, a Burmese custom, explained. 423, 124 ... 410 ................... 95 .... 268 ... ..... 429 85


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