..... 413
tiger, folklore origin of the strength of the... 192 Uigure, the, their probable dialect............... 125 tip 'assembly,'troops,' in modern Persian, Ujjayini mentioned in the Asöka inscriptions 247
origin uncertain...................................... 45 uncleanness' a form of sanctity ............... 197 Tirumalaraya of Vijayanagara; his coins...... 307 Undapura, an ancient town ..... Tirunelli, a village in the Malabar District; upajjha, an intermediate form between upd.
the grant of Bhaskara-Ravivarman, edited, dhyaya and ojja ............. .........393 n.
285; - explanation of the date ...... 286 to 289 Uparahadla (+) mandala, an ancient territorial Tirunelli-Alvå [?='the governor of Tiru
division...... . * ***** nelli') ............................................. 292 Urasa, an ancient country; it corresponded Tirimelli-Perumal, a god, a form of Vishnu... 291 pretty nearly with the modern llazarat ..... 336 Tiruppavanam grant of Kulasokharadêva; Urman Bek, a note of an elegy on ............... 86
examination of the date.....................288, 289 Urpuțūru, an ancient village .................... 418 rithi, 'a lunar day ;' the tithi of Kanakapati
(Vishnu), 288 and n.; - repeated tithis, 413; - the current tithi is usually quoted vadi used to denote' the dark fortnight'...... 1.82 with a sarialeránti ...........
Vadnagar prasasti, the date of the renewal tobacco, some South Indian verses on ......... 297 of it; English equivalent................. 1.11 in . Tômaras of Dehli ........... ............ 202 n.
vagaira,' and so forth,' used in the Tirunelli Tosali, a place mentioned in the Agoka in
grant............................................ 291 and 1. scriptions ........................ .................. 247 Vajjaya, of the Pånara family .................. 270 totemien, an origin for sex ................199, 200
Valabhi era, the (see Gupta-Valabhi ern): tree-spirits, 47; - their power to make the
two miscellaneous dates in it ............... 384 n. crops grow ...............
....... 47 Valaga, see Dhalaga.....
........ 270 tree.worship, enquired into ........................ 47 Valahari-Gana, of the Jains...
......... 271 Trikalinga country (see also Kalinga), con- Vallabharaja (Kalachuri of Ratnapur)...... 84, 85 quered and held by the Eastern Chalukyas Valacheri, an ancient town or village ......... 418
104, 269 V&maparra, or Vånaparru, an ancient town Tripuriya-chatukpatha ............... .......... 85 or village ................. ............................ 418 Trishubh and Jagati metres in the Maha- Vamrupireyu, or Vamrupileyu, a village in bharata..........
296 the Kandaruvadi vishaya........................ 101 tug-of-war' as a ceremonial custom, origin Vanarâjadêva (P); see Gaya ..................... 137 ot, 196; - as a rain charm .......
196 Vandrûpedayu, an ancient town or village ... 418 Taghlaqs, a proverb illustrating the cruelty Vangiparru, an ancient town or village......... 418 of the ...........
Vararuchi, his Lingánusdsana is earlier than Tummana desa, an ancient territorial division 85 those of Harshavardhana and Sakațâyana.. 119 Tundaparu, or Trandaparu, a village in the Vardhabhúmi, a division of Pundradéša ....... 421 Gudra vâra vishaya...............
Vardan, notes on the American author ...... 427 Turamaya, = Ptolemy ...........
241 Vardhamana, a division of Pundradesa ...... 421 twice-born,' an explanation of the phrase ... 200 Varendra, a division of Pundradeśa ........... 420
Varêávarasvamin, a form of Siva ................ 123
varru (see also barru and parru), a terminaUdaleávara, a god ..................................... 83 tion of village-names, in Elavarru ......... 271 Udandapura, an ancient town ..................... 313 Varushappirapu, the Tamil New Year's Day. 430 UdayAditya of Mâlava; an inscription of his, Vasantapala, a prince; perhaps one of the at Udaypur, noticed ..........
Tômaras of Dehli...........................202 and n. Udayapura, a town of Jayasimha I. ............ 97 vati (see also buti), used to denote the dark Udayapura, = Udaypur in Gwalior .........83, 841 fortnight'.................. 149 and n., 151, 152, 153 Udayasagara really composed his Sndtripan. Vatteluttu characters .................286 and Plate
chakika in A. D. 1748 ..............................399 n. Vavvêraa, a place; perhaps = Vyaghrêraka, Udaypur, inscriptions at, noticed; of Déva
the modern Baghêra ...................... 202 and n. påladêva, 83; - English equivalent of the Védántastras, the, with the commentary by date, 135 and n.; - of Harirjadêva, 84;
Samkaracharya ; notice of Dr. Thibaut's - of Jayasimhadêva, 84; -and of Uda
edition ............... ............................... 396 yAditya ..................................................
................. 83 Vogananda, an ancient river ..................... 123 Uigur; a note on the alphabet of the 8th veiling of men ; an origin for the custom...... 49
Century, 425: - Khåns, Chinese titles of Velanandu, vishaya, an ancient territorial the ......
.... 425 division..........
........ 272