Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 20
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ INDEX 435 .............. 69 . .... ....... er, (see also parru and varru), a terminasion of village-names, in Diggubarru, 270; - Påmbarra, 271; - and Kaluchumbarru. 272 Bå yazid Angari, the Afghân writer ............ 839 Belgaum District, an inscription from the, edited ........... Bengal Presidency, an inscription from the, lited ......................... Bengurunânţi vishaya, an ancient territorial division................................................ 268 tu-Vijayaditya V. (Eastern Chalukya) 12, 13, 95 n, 267, 283 Bezwa in the Kistaa District, mentioned at Vijayavada ............ ....... 101, 415, 418 Bhabra rock edict of Asóka, edited ........... 165 Bhudda bahu, Bhadrabahu I., the fifth Sint-Kralin .......................... 347, 348, 358 Bhralabu II., one of the Minor-Angins 349, 350, 351, 358, 359 Bhí galper grant of Narayanapala; an histori. al ullusion in it .................................... 187 Bhandlanåditya, a follower of Kollabiganda. Vijayaditya IV. ............................... 101, 267 Bhaskara-Ravivarman, a king, 286, 287, 291; --the Tiranelli grant of bis time, edited... 285 Bhattarako, a paramount title ; earliest ins. tance of its use by the Eastern Chalukyas 100; - conferred on the pontiff Padma. nandin of the Sarasviti-Gachchha............ 361 Bhattaraka-Vijayaditya I. (East. Chal) 12,13, 99, 283 Bhima, of the Solar Race ...... Bhima I., Chlukya-Bhima I. (Eastern Cha lukya)............ ................ 12, 13, 103, 283 Bhima II. Chalukya-Bhima II. (East. Cha lukya) ......................... 12, 13, 95 n., 269, 283 Bhima III. (East. Chal.)................ 12, 13, 269, 283 Bhimagupta, a king (see Kayyata) ............. 154 Bhimarathi, an ancient name of the river Bhima ................................................ 96 Bhoja, name of a people mentioned in the A Sôka inscriptions ...............239, 240, 247, Bhojadêva of Kanauj ............ Bhør State, Buddhist caves in the ............... 121 bhujang = ogre ............ Bhujangiki, an ancient village ............... Bibi Chandan, her share in the destruction of Pandit Jalla, 73; - her claims to Hire Siúgh's estates, 73, 7+; - stirs úp Lahôr against the English, 76; - interferes in Gulab Siågh's arrangements with the British Government, 215; agrees to the annexation of the Cis-Satluj States ......... 213 Bihar, an inscription from, edited ............... 312 Bijholt inscription of Sômeávara, of Vikrams Sarvat 1226; English equivalent of the date....... ............138 and n. Bijja, a king slain by Châlukyabhima.Vishnu vardhana VII........................................ 270 Bilachendma, a notice of the ..................... 294 Bittarasa, Prakrit name of Vishnuvardhana I. 9 blister, girl born from a, in folktales .......... 1421 blood, origin of the tabu of, 49:- of tabued persons very dangerous, 49; - consequent customs, 49; - contains the 'soul, 19; - red juice in plants, especially in the vinc, 19: - consequent cnsioms, 19; - the savage dread of menstrueus, 197; - an origin for the objection to shedding or spilling, 49,drinking, a forn of initiation, 423; - a form of cath, 423; - as a pledge of friendship, 423; - is still a custom among Karens, Kachins, Chins and Burmese wild tribes, 423; - survives amongst the Burmese only in their language ............4 blood-drunk brother'............ Bobyó, a Burmese book on astrological move. m ents .................... 51 Boddiya, another name of BallAlodeva-Vela bhata ....................... ...................... 271 Bidhicharyevatúra of Santideva, the, noticed. 85, Sr Bodh Gaya inscription of Vikrama-Sunnvat 1005 (P); English equivalent of the date ... 127 Bolana, an officer of Narendramrigaraja Vijayaditya II. ..................................... 101 Bilingi, Burineze rules of astrology ............ • Bombay East Indian,' defined ............... 183n Bombay Portuguese,' defined.................. 18än. Bombay Presidency, an inscription from the edited........... ............ 6 bones, of dead ancestors, object of preserving among North American Indians, 120; -ot slain animals, object of preserving, among savages....................... *1 ....... Book of Adam and Eve, note on the Armenian Apocrypha called the ...........................427 bride's feet, the, bringing ill-luck to her hus. band's house .................................... Brihadgriha, the residence of Bala varmadêva, 123; Hêmachandra gives it as a syng. nym of Karusha............ Brihaj-Jataka, mention of the, in folktales ... 31 Brihaspati, the law-book of; notice of Dr. Jolly's translation ............. British Museum ; a grant of Narindrampi. garája-Vijayaditya II., edited, 414; -- the inscription of Sarangadêva; English equi. valent of the date ........................ 137 and n. Buddhilinga, the ninth Dase Parvin ......318, 3:16 Buddhist caves recently discovered, at Nadear and Nenavali ............ ............ 121 Buddhist inseriptions ............154, 165, 163, 361 Buhilinga, = Buddhilinga ........ ...... 268 . .. ....... 188 ....... ...... 185 123 **** .. 424


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