Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 20
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 470
________________ 438 INDEX. K ausika .............. ..................... .. 418 102 Gontaru, a village in the Kanderuvadi from power temporarily by Lal Singh, 213, vishaya ...... ............... 267 and n. 214; - terms of his Treaty with the Gösalladôvi ; see .Hathiya-dah'.................. 131 British Government, 214, 215; - reGôtama, the first Kavalin .....................347, 368 linquishes Hazara for Manawar and gotra, 'a family or clan;' the Mänavya gátra Ghari, 215; - offers to help the English included the Chalukyas, 96, 106, 417; - to put down Chhatar Singh Atariwala, names of gótras mentioned in records : 216, 217; -aids in the subjugation of the Agnivaisya .................... ................. 418 Paljáb, 217; - interviews Lord Dalhousie, Atröya .................... ............. ..... 398 218; - interview with Sir Charles Napier, Aupamanyava................................ 123 218; - takes Dårda and Childs, 219; - Bharad våja .............................. 398, 418 is attacked with diabetes, 219; - sends Gârgya .........**** .............. 393 help to Hazara, 220; helps the British Gautama............. ..........17, 123, 418 in the Mutiny, 220 ; - his death ..... 220, 221 Harita .............. ......893, 418 Gunaga, a variant of the first part of the Kåsyapa................. ****** ... ... 106, 393 name of Gunaka-Vijayaditya III. ............ 102 Kaundinya ...................................393, 418 Gunagånka, a variant of the first part of the name of Gunaka-Vijayaditya III. ............. Para sala. .................. ..... .... ....... .. 413 Gunaka-Vijayaditya III. (Eastern Chalukya) Sarikriti ........................*.*.******.... 418 12, 13, 102, 283 Sandilya .......................................... 123 Gunakenalla, a variant of the first part of the Srivatsa 393 name of Gunaka-Vijayaditya III. ............ 102 VÄsishtha............................ ........... 123 Gundugolanı, or Gunțugolanu, a village in Vatsa ....... .............. 418 the Verginipdu vishaya ......................... 271 Göraddhana, = Govardhana, the fourth Gunţugolanu; see Gundugolanu ................. 271 Sruta-Kévalin ........... ......... 347, 348, 358 Gupta Inscriptions, the; improvements in the Govinda III. (Rashtrakata)............. ........ 101 readings ........... ......... 188 to 190 Govinda V. (Rashtrakata) ..... ......... 270 Gupta- Valabhi era, the, 376 to 389; - I., the Govindachandradeva of Kanauj; see Rên ... 130 original Gupta era in Central India; 1, the Goyama, the first Kévalin ........................ 347 nature and initial day of the years, 377;grammar, note on Franke's treatise on Indian A., the Eran inscription of the year 165,.. genders, 395; the formation of the plural 377; - B. and C., the Khôh and Majhgawan of Indo-Germanic neuter, 395; the grants of the years 163 and 191,..377; -2, flexion and stem-formation of the present the arrangement of the lunar fortnights, in the original Indo-Germanic language ... 395 379; -- II., the era as used in Nêpål; D., grave, kneeling on the, as a mode of re-vivi the Khåtmåndu inscription of the year 386, fying the dead, in folktales .................. 82, 83 . . 379; - III., the Valabhi era of KâțhiaGrihyasútra of Hiraṇyakésin; irregularities wad and the neighbouring parts; E., the in its language ............ Kaira grant of the year 330, . . 380; -F., ground, not touching the, the rule of ......... 197 the Mörbi grant of the year 585 expired, 381; groves; sacred, origin of, 47; -as spirit -G., the Verawal inscription of Valabhihaunts, origin of ................................ Samvat 927,..383; -H., the Verawal ins. Guddavidi vishaya, an ancient territorial cription of Valabhi-Saravat 945,.. 384; division ......... ......97 n., 275, 284 - IV., current and expired years; the Gudrahara vishaya, an ancient territorial exact epoch of the era in each variety; and division, 97, 98; - it is apparently identical the classification of the dates, 385, -Guptawith Gudravåra and Gud råvåra, 97 n.; Samvat 1 current began with the Chaitra of and perhaps also with Guddavbài ............ 97 Saka-Sarvat 243 current, in A. D. 320, .. Gudravåra vishaya, an ancient territorial 888;- and Valabhi-Samvat I current began division, 97 n., 103, 270, 271; - also Gudra with the Karttika of Vikrama-Samvat 377 våra ........................................ 97 n., 271 current, in A. D. 319............................... 389 Guhidêvapatra of Orissa .....................390, 393! Guptigupta, also named Arhadbalin and Gulab Singh of Jamman adopts Kaņbir Singh, Visakhacharya, a disciple of Bhadrabahu 71; his troubles as to Bibi Chandan's ............. 342, 350, 351 claims, 74, 75; - attempt to poison him, 75; - conquers Kishwar, 76; - his conduct during the Sikh war, 77, 78; - the 'sale' of Kasmir to him, 213, 214; - ousted Haidar's Bahaduri pagoda coin ............. 307 ...... 296 II.


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