Dhâtsidaivata ( = Bålava) .................. 312 Kolani-Katamanayaka, another name of Kata 285 Taitala ..........
133 Koldo-fiu, a Chinese secret society .........423 n. Kårañchedu, an ancient town or village ..... 418 Koleru, a village in the Guddav&ļi vishaya Karayilladata, a biruda of Chalukyabhima
284, 285 Vishnuvardhana VII. .........
Kollabhiganda, a variant of the first part of Karelin's journeys on the Caspian, notes on... 424 the name of Kollabiganda-Vijayaditya IV. 103 Karmarashtra vishaya, an ancient territorial Kollabiganda-Vijayaditya IV. (East. Chal.) division .......................................98, 99, 106
12, 13, 103, 283 Karnadeva (Chaulukya); see Sonak ............ 129 Komatti caste of Madras, folktales concerning Karusha, apparently the ancient name of the
the ......................................................79 fr. Shâhâbâd District ................. ............... 124 Kondakunda ; see Kundakunda ............342, 351 Kasmir, the sale of, to Gulab Singh ...213, 214 Kondavidu, in the Kistna District; it was the Kåta, Dandddhinatha, an officer of Kulot. capital of Gåpadeva ........................390, 393
tunga-Chôdadêva II. ... ...... ............. 285 Korraparru, an ancient town or village...101, 417 Kataka was the capital of Kapila .........390, 392 Korumelli, a village in the Guddavadi vishaya 275 Katakadhisa, the name or title of an officer Kötür, a village in the Belgaum District; an
of Amma-Vijayaditya VI. ............267 n., 272 insoription, edited .................................. 69 Katakaraja, the name or title of an official of Krájam, an ancient town or village .............. 419 Amma-Vishnuvardhana VI., 267 and n.;
Kralija, an ancient town or village ............ 106 and of Amma-Vijay&ditya VI.................. 271 Krishna II. (Rashtrakata) defeated by Katakéśa, the name or title of an official of
Gunaka-Vijayaditya 111. .................. 102, 103 Rajaraja I. ................ ........................... 275 Krishnaraja of Maisar, the pagoda coin of ... 307 Kausikasútra of the Atharva-Vêda, edited by Krishnaraya of Vijayanagara; his coins. 305, 306 Bloomfield, noticed ..............
Krovasiri, or Krovâsiri, an ancient town or kausiks-vara-prasuda, “the excellent favour village ..........
.............416 n., 419 of the goddess Kausiki (Durga)" ......99 and n. Kshatriya, the third Dala-Parvin .........349, 358 Kayyata composed his commentary on the Kubja-Vishnu, and Kubja-Vishnuvardhana, Devídataka in the time of king Bhimagupta,
= Vishnuvardhana I. ..................... 95,271 in Kaliyuga-Saihvat 4078 expired ............ 154 Kagda inscription of Prithvidêva II. of Kelhata, an official of Balavarmadeva ......... 123 Ratnapur, noticed .................................. 84 Kétalaputa, a king or prince mentioned in Kulachanda, governor of Gayà under Sultan
the Asôka inscriptions ..................... 240, 249 Firuz Shah ........................................... 313 Kevalins, names of the three, according to the Kulasekharadêva; see Tiruppůvanam ... 288, 28.
pattoivall of the Sarasvati-Gachchha ... 347, 358 Kulôttunga-Chodadêva I. (Eastern Chalukya) Khalati, or Khalatika, the ancient name of
12, 13, 95 n., 276.288 the Barkbar Hill................ 169, 170, 364 and n. | Kulottunga-Chồdadêva II.(East. Chal.), 12, 13, khandika, a grain-measure ................. 106 and n. 283, 285; - examination of the date of his Khattiya, Kshatriya............................... 348 Chellar grant ....................................... 11 Khilafat, the accounts of the ....................... 85 kumalindra, 'a leader of those of weak intel. KhushbAl Khan Khatak, the Afghan poet ... 339 lect; utterly wanting in intelligence' ...... 114 king = priest among savages, 46 ff: - origin Kumbhiraja, another name of Kapiln ......... 390
of the custom of sacrificing the son of Kundukunda, a pontiff in the Sarasvati.Gach. thie ...................................... 50
chha ..........
................. 312, 351 king-lealf kincob...............
**** .............. 120
Kundakundanvaya, another name of the king-priest inan-god among savages, 46 ff.;
Sarasvati-Gachchha .............................. 342 - endowed permanently with divinity, 46; Kündava mahadevi, wife of Vimaladitya ...... 273 - his power to compel nature to conform Kuntaditya, another name of Bhandanaditya to his will, 46 : - endowed temporarily with
104, 267 divinity, 46; - origin of the custom of Kurumarathi, a town of Vishnuvardhana I... 96 fixing the term of his reign, 50; - origin of temporary substitute for the, 50: 'kings'
of departments of nature, explained ...... 47! Kistna District, an inscription from the, edited 390 I and n, interchange of, in North-Indian Lari. Kodhatalli, a village in the Kanderuvati guages............
................. 270 Lâchalladêri, queen Kalachuri of Ratnapur) 84 kigyaung. the Burmese multiplication table.. 54 Lake, Lori, a folk song about ...................... 19 Kokkili ( East. Chal. )......... 12, 13. 96 n., 99, 283 Lakshinieri, wife of Vijayaditya .........258, 393