Fourth Plate; Second Side. 39 rmmaņê Chantu[ru*]- [A*]stavyâya Bharadvaja-gôtråya A(a)pastamba-sútriya
Badadisarmmaņê Krajam40 v[&*]stavyâya Kauņdinya-gôtrâya A(a)pastamba-sútrậya Vennasarmmaņ& R&yuru
V[A]stavyA41 ya Agnivaisya-gotrầya A(Q)pastamba-sůtrậya Rompayaśarmmanê vêda-vêdanga
ratêbhyah 42 shat-karmma-niratêbhya[h*] chatru-vimśâti-brâhmâņēbhyam chandru(ndra)-grahaņa
nimitte udaka-pû. 43 rvva[m*) Korraparru-nâma-grâmas-sarvvårvva)-kara-pariharam kļitvå dattal [11*]
Asy=å vadbi-vibhêdah18 [1*] pûrvvata[ho] A44 taguparru dakshiņataḥ Vana(Pma)parru paschimatah Vandrupedaya uttaratah
Gani( na)yyara45 bumbu) [1] êtëshâm=apy=ava(?)tta [11*]1o Asy=ôpari na kênachid=bådhå karaniya karôti yas=sa pa
Fifth Plate. 46 acha-mahâpâtaka-[san]yaktô bhavati [11*] Vyâsên=ậpy=uktan (1*] Babubhir20=yvasu
dh dattâ bahubhis-cheanu47 pålitá yasya yasya yada bhumis-tasya tasya tada phala [11] Sve-da(da)ttår
para-dattam vil [y] harêta 48 vasundharâm shashti-varusha 21-sahasrâņi vishthâyâm jûyatê krimiḥ [11*] Kalpa
[ko]:[i]-sahasråņi 49 svargge [tishtha]ti bhūmi-da[bo] (A)kshêpta ch=anumantâ cha tany=ēva narake
vaset [11] Râmên=&py=u. 50 ktam [18] Sarvvân22-évam bhậvinah pârtthivêndrån bhūyo-bhayo yâchat& Ráma
bhadrah sama nyô=yan dharmma-sê51 tar-nripiņain kale-kâle pålaniyo bhayadbhiḥ [11] Narendramrigarajasya bhrát[&*]
Haihaya-vamba-jah ûjāapti52 r=asya dharmmasya rafi(nri)pa-Rudrt6*] nțip-óttama[h*] [11*] Vijayavačavastavyâya Aksharelalit-acharyyêņa likhitam [11]
ABSTRACT OF CONTENTS. The son's son of the Maharaja Vijayaditya (I.) (line 6), who adorned the family of the Chaļukyas (1. 5), who are of the Manavya götra (1. 1), and who are Haritiputras :
The dear son of the Maharaja Vishnuvardhana (IV.) (1. 8), who by his achievements put to shame Nriga, Nala, Nahusha, Ambarisha, and Yayati :
Narendramrigaraja-(Vijayaditya II.) (1.11), (a very lion of a king) who has cleft open the temples of the elephants of his foes with the claw that is the scimitar in his arm which is as firm as the rod of Yama, - he, the most devout worshipper of the god Mabêsvara (1. 15), the asylum of the universe (1. 16), the illustrious Vijayaditya (II.), the Mahúrájádhiraja, the Paramésvara, the Bhattáraka, thus issues a command to all the cultivators, headed by the Ráshtraklas, dwelling in the ......vadi vishaya (1. 17);
"Be it known to you! On the occasion of an eclipse of the moon (1. 42), the village named Korraparru (1. 43) has been given by Us, with exemption from all taxes, to twenty-four Brahmaņs ; viz., Venamašarman (1. 19), a resident (by birth) of Penpanduru, belonging to the 11 Read chatur-vim sati-brdhmanabhyah.
15 Dr. Hultasch has given the reading vich[Arah). 19 Dr. Hultzsch has here read cha(turvitsatyai] datta[b 1]. * Metre, Blóka (Anushţubh); and in the next two verses.. 91 Read varsha. n Metro, 8Alint. 28 Metre, Slóka (Anushtubh).
# Read vdstavyena.