AUGUST, 1891.]
35 nnu anubavikkinra púmi [1] ippû[mi*]yâl kâla-kur[ai]36 ya mûnra nanda-villa]kku seluttikka kadavar Karaiñña37 [nur sabha] [*]
Second Plate; Right Margin.
[1] Ti [2] rune [3] [4] i [5] A. [6] [7] vanu.
Hail! Prosperity! In the forty-sixth year after the year which was current (at the coronation) of His Majesty (tiruvadi) king (ko) Bhaskara-Ravivarman, in the month of Makara (of that year) during which Jupiter was standing in Simha, (and which was identical with) the above (forty-sixth) year, the worship (śrikárya) of Tirunelli-Peruma138 (was regulated) as follows: An agreement referring to Tirunelli was given with libations (of water) to Tirunelli-Perumal by His Highness (adiga!) the Puraigilar,30 called Samkara-Kodavarman;40 and, having joined together, (his) followers and servants13 gave (it) with libations (of water). If the ruler of the old branch of Puraigilanadu comes to worship the feet of the god, he shall give and pay as tribute one thousand nali of rice (measured) with a (measure containing) three times four (i. e. twelve) náli. If those who are bound to join (in) the worship of Tirunelli-Perumal, do not join, the whole property of each patron, who damages the worship of the god (dévakarya) by singly joining some (other) temple (svámin), shall be taken by the temple. And if a patron performs the worship of the god without (employing) a priest, he shall pay a fine of one thousand and eight kunams of gold. Those of his 7 relations and connexions, 48 who stand under this temple, 40 shall (also) make payments (to the temple). The worshipping priest (érikúrin) of this Perumal shall cause the payments to be made after having enquired into and ascertained them. Those (among) the patrons within this town (and among) those belonging to the servants of the palace (koyil), who destroy (and) obstruct (this agreement), — if a patron obstructs (it), he shall pay a fine of twenty-four kalanju of gold; if one belonging to the servants of the palace obstructs (it), the followers and so forth50 shall go to the palace (and complain). Those who do not give.... every year, shall pay a fine. His Highness
Perumal is the Tamil name of Vishnu.
39 The second part of this compound is the honorific plural of kilán, which generally means 'an owner, proprietor, headman,' and seems to signify a chief' in the present case. Among the princes who signed the Cochin Jews' deed appears Kodai-Ravi of Neḍum-Puraiyur-nadu, i. e. the division of Palakkadu (Palghat). Taking Purai as a shorter form of Nedum-Paraiyûr, this prince may be supposed to have belonged to the same family as Sankara-Kodavarman. Paraigilânâdu, which occurs in the next sentence, has to be dissolved into Purai-kilan-nadu, the country of the chief of Purai,' and seems to be another name of Neḍum-Paraiyur-nâḍu.
40 The first part of the compound Kôdavarman is identical with Kodai which is, according to the Tamil dictionaries, an epithet of the Chera kings. The same word forms part of the names of two of the princes, who #igned the Cochin Jews' deed, vis, Kodai-Srikantha (line 22) and Kodai-Ravi (line 25).
1 This translation of nilul, shade,' is conjectural. According to Dr. Gundert, the shade are the penates or Brühmaṇas.'
2 The literal meaning of pand is sorvice.' Dr. Gundert translates ministry.' With nilalum paniyum compare prakritiyum adigûrarum, the ministers and officers' in the deed No. III.
43 The Malayala Rajas have different branches (kugu) in their families. The first prince is called ruler of the eld branch.'-H. GUNDERT.
44 According to Dr. Gundert's Malayalam Dictionary, aralan means 'patrons or founders of temples, proprietors or managers of fanes, representatives of village temples.'
The Tirunelli temple seems to be meant.
According to Dr. Gundert's Malayalam Dictionary, a kânam is the weight of 3 kalañju, and the latter is, according to the Dictionnaire Tumoul-Français, equal to the weight of 2) pagodas or 3 ounce or 12 fanams. 47 This pronoun seems to refer to Samkara-Kodavarman,
48 This translation of yêgin is conjectural. Dr. Gundert translates 'councillors.'
49 i. e. who acknowledge Tirunelli-Perumal as their patron saint. Vagaira is the Arabic-Persian
51 Tisai is used in Tamil for the Sanskrit dié and sometimes for dad. Its meaning in the present instance is not apparent.