[FEBRUARY, 1891.
(iii) David and Mher. Very interesting inscriptions in Siberia, the key to which is yet Armenian popular legends of the heroes of to be found. M. Yadrinzef in his last journey Sasun in the country of Mush.
to Karakorum found a good many of these in(iv) Memoirs of the West-Siberian Section of
scriptions, and amongst them some that are the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, Vol. X.
bilingual, which will perhaps yield as the looked. (1888). A most interesting publication, two
for explanation. articles of Mr. Pantussof being especially noticed, (xii) Jacout Artin. Pacha : L'Instruction viz., “A prayer meeting of the (durvêsh) con- Publique en Egypte. This is a very interesting gregation, Jahr-i-Qadiri in Tashkand," and publication. On the language of the Musalman hawkers
(xiii) Recueil de textes et de traductions in Turkistan."
publié par les professeurs de l'Ecole des langues (v) The Ethnographical Review, fasc. ii. (1889). Orientales vivantes. This forms one of the Contains a very interesting and carefully com- many interesting and useful publications of the piled bibliography. To be noticed here are an well-known Ecole des Langues Orientales Vivantes. article by W. F. Miller, Echoes of Iranian legends in the Caucasus, and an article by M.
(xiv) Comte Carlo Landberg: 'Imdd ed-din A. Khakhanof on “Persian epics in Georgian
el-Katib el-Isfahani, conquête de la Syrie et de la translations." This last is quite unscientific
Palestine. Containing an account of the con
quest of Syria and Palestine by Salahu'ddin and untrustworthy.
(Saladin). (vi) Arkhangelsky. Muhammadan Cosmogony. (Forty questions put to Muhammad by Jewish
(IV) Th. Houtsma: Recueil de testes relatifs a scholars). This is a translation from the Turkish,
l'histoire des Seldj oucides, Vol. II., Histoire des and is far from being trustworthy. The reviewer
Seldjorcides de l'Irda par al-Bonddri. Two gives some instances of very puzzling renderings
most important publications by two well-known of the original. The introduction is a useless
scholars. In noticing the second book the
reviewer draws the attention to the word iji compilation.
(page 133, 4-5) which with the signification of (vii) Kitab Kalilah wa Dimnah, translated elder brother" is to be found in the Calcutta from the Arabic text by M. 4ttaya and M. Riabi. Chughatai Dictionary. nin, with an introduction emplaining the history of the book. The translation is on the whole trust.
(vi) Kitab al-Masdlik va'l-Mamdlik, auctore worthy, but more accuracy, especially in the
&c. Ibn-Khordadhbeh, ed. M. I. de Goeje. An philosophical passages, is much to be desired.
excellent edition and translation of a very import. Correoted translations of many passages are given
ant work. The reviewer notioes two pieces of in the review
verse on Ibn-Khordadhbeh by Al-Buhturi which he
found in the MS. diván of this poet, on following (viii) Proceedings of the Imperial Russian the indioation of Al-Husuri in his Anthology, Geographical Society, Vol. XXV. fasc. v.
Zahru'laddb., cf. al-Ikd. ed. Boulaq., III. 52, (ix) Proceedings of the East-Siberian Section 3 a. f., on the margin. of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society,
(xvii) A. Mehren: Traités mystiques, de.al Vol. XIX. fasc. 3, Vol. XX. fasc. 1.7
Avicenne, fasc. i. An interesting publication, (x) Collection of materials for a description of The reviewer draws the attention of the editor to the countries and nations of the Caucasus, Vol. X., a MS. in the Asiatic Museum in St. Petersburg, Tiflis, 1890. This is one of the many useful No. 842 a (cf. Mél. As. IV. 37-39) where various works on the Caucasus, published in Russia. tracts of Ibn-Sing are to be found. In the first part of the book is a long article
(xviii) W. Pertsch: Verseichniss der Türkischen by M Hahn: "Notions of Greek and Roman
Handschriften der Kgl. Bibliothek wu Berlin. writers on the Caucasus, (pt. II.), Byzantine his
A valuable catalogue, edited with the well-known torians;" the second part of the volume oontains
accuracy of Dr. Pertech. Amongst other MSS. many legends, songs and tales from different
the reviewer mentions an interesting Turco. parts of the Caucasus.
Arabic and Mongol-Arabic glossary, of which he (xi) Inscriptions de l'Iénissei, Helsingfors, is preparing some extracts, collated with three 1889. An edition of many of the enigmatic | Oxford MSS.
OT As these geographical publications are well known to the readers of the Proceedings of the Royal Geogra phical Society, we give only their titles here.