MAY, 1891.)
exceeds as a rule that which the scholiasts-see above p. 288-state to be the number of the padas of the angus, each one of which was said to contain twice the number of padas of the preceding.
The names of the Parvas (354) are as follows:
1. uppáyapuvram,20 at pädapärram; 10 vastu and 4 chúliya vastu; eka padakoti, 10 millions.
2. aggêniyam (A B C), aggê-aniyam N (aggâniyni NED., according to Leumann); ngreniyam Abh.,21 and agriyayîyam Schol. on N ; 14 vastu (so also in § 14) and 12 chůliya vastu; shannavatih padalakshah (9,600,000). A direct citation from this is found in svašy. 10, 4293 and in Malayagiri on upanga 4 (nyriyaniyakhyê dvitiyapûrvê kurmaprakriti prabhçitë bardbavi. dhanê sthitibandhadhikarê chatvári annyôgad varani ... An anonymous avachûri ou Chandramahattara's saptatika (ms. or. fol. 690) calls this work an excerpt from the ditthivúa, especially from the fourth prabhritam (karmaprakritinamam) of the fifth vast w of the second pûrva ("agrâyaniya"). In the Vicharamțitasaingraha we find the following interesting statement taken from the “Nandivritti " :- Sivašarma-Sûryê dibhir ayrù 'uîyâdipůrvêbhyaḥ samuddhritiile śatakadi-karmagrainthih. There actually [355] exists a siddhupáhudam in 120 gâthâs, which is characterized as having taken its rise from the ayyéniyapuova; see p. 361. . 3. víriyam, viryapra vadam ; 8 vastu and 8 chůliya vastu; tasya 'pi (!) saptatih padasahasråại Abh., but in the schol. on N: 78 padalakshah 7,800,000.-Citation from this in Haribhadra on Arasy. 10, 49 (see p. 354, note 4).
4. atthinatthippavayam, astinîstipravâdam25; 18 vastu (also according to $18) and 10 chůliya v.; 60 padala kshåb, 6 millions.-Citation as above.
5. nållappaviyam, 24 jnanapravadam ; 12 vastus; eka padakoti ekapadóna (Abh., padênai 'kêna nyûvá schôl. on N), i.e., 9,999,999 (!); Malayagiri on N has, according to Leunann, 10,000,006.
6. sachchappavayam, satyapravîdam27; 2 vastus, êkii padakoti skadbhir adhika, 10,000,006 (1) 060 Malay., according to Leumann.
7. iyappavayam atmapravîdam": 16 vastus (also according to $ 16) ; 26 padakotayaḥ, 260 millions. Leumann says that a passage, which caused the second schism, is found in the schol. on anga 3, 7 (see above, p. 275). Uttarajjh. 3, 9. dcasy. 8, os.
20 sarvadravyiņai paryavanam (! paryayêñêm) cho 'tpadabhavam aingikțitya prajn&pand Abh., sarvadravy.. D&m utpAdam adhikritya prardpapa N.
21 tatra 'pi sarveshku dravyanar paryavinarin (!) jivaviseshinên cha 'gram parimaiņam varpynte ity agreniyam, Abh. ; Agram parimiņai tanya 'yanam parichhedas, tasmai hitam agriyaniyani sarvadravy Adiparimanakari Schol. on N.
22 The Schol. on Hêm. aud Kalpintarváchyani has the same.
23 agginiammi jahi Divayana jattha ega tattha sayam jattha sayam tatthe 'go haminaï va bhuijad vi vil Haribbadra says: jaha agripipie (1) virie atthinatthipavayapuvve ya padhü: jatthe 'gô Diviyano bhujai tattha Diviyanasayan bhurnjar, jattha DivAyanasayain bhumjai tuttha ego Divayaņó blumjai; évar hammai. According o this the similar passaga should be found also in puvvas 3 and 4. See the remarks on Ambada iu Aup. 6 89: Ambads is mentioned ibid. $ 76 together with Divêyana.
** padaikadebe padasamudi yopachärkt sakarmitaramjivânám ajivanlan cha Viryani pravadati'ti viryapravadam Echol. on N.
38 yat loke dharm AstikAyAdi vastu asti yach cha nA 'sti kharassimgadi tat pravadati'ty astino dam, Schol. on N. yal loke yathA và nA (del.P) 'sti athavasyadvadAbhiprayatas tad ēva na 'st 'ty Avain pravadati ti, Abh. The syadvida, which the Brahmins consider to be a distinguishing mark of the Jains, comes here for once into prominence.
26 matijnknidibh dabhinna saprapancharnvadati 'ti Schol. on N ; matijnAnadipahchakasya bhedasya prarupaņ& Abh.
37 satyath sathyamd vachanath cha, tat prakarahēma vadati, Sebol. on N; tad yatra sabhedam apratipak hain cha varpyatè Abh.
23 Atmanau jivam an kadha nayamatabhedena yat pravadati, Schol. on N.