MAY, 1891.]
CALCULATIONS OF HINDU DATES. Asvina sukla 8; but the nakshatra at sunrise was No. 48.
Uttara-Ashadh, No. 21, for the moon, and Chitra,
No. 14, for the sun. In the Chellar grant of the Eastern Chalu
Saka-Samvat 1058 current; - (A) the vernal kya king Kulottunga-Chodadêva II., published
equinox occurred on Sunday, 24th March, A.D. by me, with a lithograph, ante, Vol. XIV. p. 55 ff., it is recorded that the Dandadhindtha Kåta,
1135, at about 40 gh. 30 p. ; on this day there
ended the tithi Chaitra sukla 8; but the naksha. otherwise called Kolani-Katamanayaka, granted
tra at sunrise was Punarvasu, No. 7, for the the Mandadorru agrahdra, with the village of Ponduvagråma, in the Sávattili d&ea, to Brâhmans,
moon, and again Revati, No. 27, for the sun; -
and (B.) the autumnal equinox occurred on Friday, - (1. 49 ff.) SAK-Abdânår pramånê rasa-viśikha
27th September, at about 36 gh. 35 p. ; on this viyach-chandra-samkhyam prayate . . . .
day there ended the tithi Asvina krishna 3; and . . . . . . . . . -Ardr-arkshê pārvva
the nakshatra at sunrise was Kșittika, No. 3, for ma (pa )kahe vishuvati su tithf(thau), - "when the measure of the Saka years has advanced beyond
the moon, and again Chitra, No. 14, for the
sun. the number of the flavours (six), the arrows (five), the sky (nought), and the moon (one), .... In these three years, the only approximation ........ at the equinox, together with is in the case of the vernal equinox of the 24th the Ardri nakshatra, in the first fortnight, on an March, A.D. 1135; but it entails the supposition excellent tithi."
of a mistake in the year, as given in the record;
and also of a mistake in the computation of either Here, bearing in mind that for the period of this
the equinox or the nakshatra; for the Ardra nakgrånt the "first fortnight" is the bright fortnight,
shatra ended, at the latest, about 23 ghats before according to the amdnta scheme, we require a
the sunrise at the end of the day preceding that tithi of a bright fortnight, on which there
on which the equinox took place. oocurred either the vernal or the autumnal equinox, and when the moon wal in the For Saka-Samvat 1057 current, the vernal equiArdra nakshatra. And, apparently, the daynox can be accepted, if we alter 8- Ardr-arkshé into should be found in Saka-Samvat 1057 current.
Bhadr-arlshé, and if we also interpret purva-patThe results, however, are not satisfactory
shd us standing for apúrpa-pakshe," in the second
(i.e. dark) fortnight," which is permissible by the Saka-Samvat 1056 current :-(A) the vernal
rules of sandhi, though the use, in that cane, of equinox, as represented by the Maha-Sankranti,
80 ambiguous an expression, would speak very occurred on Friday, 24th March, A.D. 1133, at
badly for the skill of the composer. In these about 9 ghatis, 25 palas (for Bombay); on this
two respects, however, quite as much violence day there ended the tithi Chaitra krishna 2; and
has to be done to the original text, as in the the nakshatra for the moon at sunrise was, not
case of the vernal equinox of Saka-Samvat 1059 Ardra, No. 6, but either Svåti, No. 15, or Visakha,
current. No. 16; or, if the nakshatra should be intended for the sun, it was Rêvati, No. 27; and (B)
Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit has brought to my notice the autumnal equinox, as represented by the
that the only neighbouring year which furnishes a Tulch-Samkranti, occurred on Wednesday, 27th
correct result for the equinox, the fortnight, and September, at about 5 gh. 30 p. ; on this day there the nakshatra, is, Baka-Samvat 1055 current. ended the tithi Asvina kşishna 12; and the
In that year, the vernal equinox occurred on nakshatra at sunrise was Porv&-Phalguni, No. 11,
Wednesday, 23rd March, A.D. 1132, at about for the moon, or Chitra, No. 14, for the sun.
58 gh. 55 p., and, on account of the lateness of the
hour, would be celebrated on the Thursday, on. Saka-Samvat 1057 current; - (A) the vernal
which day there ended the tithi Chaitra sukla 6, equinox occurred on Saturday, 24th March, A.D.
and the moon entered the Ardra nakshatra at 1134, at about 25 ghatis; on this day there ended
about 12 gh. 40 p. the tithi Chaitra krishna 12; and the nakshatra at sunrise was either Satatêraka, No. 24, or Parva
Accordingly, this date, Thursday 24th March, Bhadrapada, No. 25, for the moon, and Revati,
A.D. 1192, seems very likely to be the real No. 27 for the sun; and (B) the autumnal equi
intended date. It entails a mistake in the nox occurred on Thursday, 27th September, at original, in respect of the given year. about 21 ghatis; on this day there ended the tithi