MAY, 1891.]
kimi tam gardiyâņuyôgê? 2 añêgavihê pannattê, tam jah&58 : kulagaragamdiyî850 titthayarag, ganadharag.60 chakkaharag. Dasårag. Baladêrag. Vâsudêvag. Harivamsag.62 Bhaddabáhug. [368] tavôkammag. chittatarag.83 Ôsappiņîg. 64 ussappiņig 65 amaranaratiriyaniraya66 gati67 gamaņa viviha pariyattaņaņuyôgê,69 êvam-adîya669 gatigamdiya070 aghavijjamti panna071 para071; sê 'ttam garodiyâņuyôgê.72
Sa kim tan chůliyâd P73 jan nam aillâņam chaünham puvvåņaṁ chủliyâ8,76 sôsâim puvvaim achûliyâim78; se 'ttam chůliyâô.
At the conclusion of this review of the 12 angas, I present the apostrophe to eternity, which is given in anga 4 and in Nandi, in entire agreement with each other, at the close of their statement of the contents of the anga. With all the unwavering firmness of this apostrophe it looks like a protest against all who might either doubt or attempt to undermine its validity (see p. 293) :
Ichch eiyam duvâlasamgam ganipidagam atîtô77 kalê anamtâ jiva AŅA878 virâhittâ châuramtasamsarakamtaram aqupariyattimsu ;79 ichch éiyam duo gao paduppannê [369] kalê (bis) aņu pariyattinti ;60 - ichch diyarn duo gao anagaê kalê (bis) aņupariyattissarti; - ichch éiyar doo gao atîtê kalê a. j. åņiê îrâhittà cháo vitivatimsa, 91 .. viivaimti, . . vsivažssaṁti; - ichch eiyaṁ duo gao na kayai na asi, 82 na kayâi na tthi, na kayâi na bhavissar, bhuvim83 cha bhavaṁti. .ya bhavissamti ya,85 dhuvê niaês6 sâsad akkha97 avvaêe avatthieso nichchê ; 90 sê jahâ namae pamca atthikâyâ na kayîi na asi na kayâi na tthi na kayai na bhavissamti,1 bhuvin cha bhavaṁti ya bhavissaṁti ya dhuvâ nitiya 2 java nichchê, êvám êva duogao na kaya na asi (bis) nichche; - etthao nam duo gê gao gê anamtâ bhâvâ a. abhâvâ, a. hêû a. abêů, a. kârank a. akâruņa, a. jivá a. ajîvâ, a. bhavasiddhiya a. abhavasiddhiya, a. siddhâ a. asiddhå âghavijjamti paruo pannao darisio nidamsio uvadamsi,° êyam duo gam gao gam.
Before I proceed further I should like to state that beside the Vidhiprapll of Jinaprabha (A.D. 1307) (see above p. 223) in the meantime two other samachari texts, unfortunately anonymous, have come to my knowledge. They are both written in Prálerit with an occasional intermingling of Sanskrit, and are in agreement throughout with the statements in the Vidhip. which they antedate. The first of these texts, Ayaravihi, in 21 dara, contains in its tenth daran, jógavihi, not merely the enumeration of the angabáhira texts, as Nandi (370), Pakshikas, and Vidhiprapa, especially in the form of the two latter, but also the same detailed exposition and examination of the single portions of the angas; upangas, &c., according to the period of time requisite for their study (measured according to dina and dyabila). The order of succession is the same as in the section of the Vidhiprapa which treats of this point. It is especially
65 jahi omitted in A; instead of 2 añdo jah& N has gaogè pari jahA.
69 Thus N, oyato BC, oyda A; 80 also fartber on; kulakaráŋam Vimalarkhanadinari purvabhavajanmanámadini saprapa rcham upavarnyatê, êvam tirthakaragamdikadishy abhidbAnavabatô bbávaniyam schol. on N. 6 In N after Vasudevag.
i BC, chakkaratti AN.
6a In N after Bhadda. 6 In N after Osapp. ; chitra anekArth amtare Rishabh&jitatirthakar&partar Alo RishabhavarnbasamudbhQtAnA bhApatinkin feebagatívyuddsboa fivagatiga maniputtarðpapatapratipAdika gaindike, tham cha prarapaņA Subuddhi. nampa Sagarachakravartinð mah AmAty na 'ahţApade Sagaraohakravartisutabhya Adityaynishprabhyitfoam Risbabba. vanbarkjanámi narapatinfri samkhyapradarsanens krita, al ch& "ibeh jaskinan Usablassê 'ty-Adind 'vaa@ya, schol, on N. N, usao BC, ussa A; ni BCN, nt A.
BN omit; usa A, pi C. & niraya omitted in A ; amaro 'ti vividbeshu parivarttisha bhavabhramansba jartanim iti gamyaté 'maratiryagaira. yagatigamanan, évatn Adhikå gårdikA vahav8 (!) Akhykyante, schol. on N. 67 gai N. # BC, ugé Attaņēsu N.
** yau A, atiyâtô BC, merely Al in N. 50 A omits. TIN omits.
72 AN, gô BC. 18 N yato BC, yau A. T4 BC, AN omit:
76 BC, yairn N, yau A. 76 N, has avasêsa puvvA achulig.
17 te N.
TS &jnaya, 19 anoparivšittavataḥ Jam Alivat. bhramanti. $1 yyati vrajitavantah.
32 nEst N (thus in every case). 83 bhílim N. (always).
* bhavai N always).
* bhavissaïa N (s.lways). 36 niyatam.
91 N omits; akshayam.
# ayyayam.
9 Avasthitam, * Instead of av, nicce N has here suparitthie. In the following repetition, however, it is the same as in the text. 1 ssai N. n niyayA N.
» The following is omitted in N.