Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 20
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 99
________________ FEBRUARY, 1891.) MISCELLANEA. 87 Bahram V. (3) Saffavi: a copper coin of Azâdu'd. vadána. (4) Játakamald. (5) Tantrakhyana. (6) din Abo'lmuzaffar bin Harb; the coin is to be Vasundhardvrata. (7) Virakusávaddna. (8) Vetd. placed between 612 and 629 A. H. (6) Såmani: | lapañchavinkats. (9) and (10) Lankdvatdra. In Ileks of Turkistân, Khwarizm Shahs, Ghaznavie, the Asiatic Museum there is an interesting MS. Ghüris, Saljuqis of Persia, Sinjaris, Changêzis, of the Saddharmapundarika, written in the Hulaqdis, Kerts, Timûris, Shaibånis, Khans of Landga character. Khiva, Khans of Bukhârî, Shahs of Persia, Amirs (v) W. A. Shoukofsky: A Song of Nasiri of Afghanistan, and coins of Eastern Turkistân. Fifty of the specimens are inedited. Two plates Khusrav. A delightful tarjiband of the famous and many cuts illustrate the article. Persian poet in text and translation. (vi) A. M. Pozdnejef: Kalmuck Tales (II. and (vi) S. F. Oldenburg : Mention of a Represen. III.) We must wait till the end of this publica tation of a Buddhist Drama. A text from the tion to give a detailed account of these tales. It Avaddnatataka (avadana 75) where a bauddhasis will suffice now to explain the way in which they natakam is mentioned. were collected. In 1874 Prof. Pozdnejef was (vii) N. J. Marr : On the Question of Barlaam sent on a scientific mission to the steppes of the and Joasaph, from the Armenian Geography Kalmuks (Qalmaqs) of Astrakhan, where he attributed to Vardan. This geography mentions collected folktales, and in nine successive three capitals of the realm of Avenir and journeys completed a large collection. Of the 38 Joafas: firstly, Sinapatank (or Sinavatan), where tales he collected, 35 belong to the Ulus of of they lived they lived ; secondly, Mindan (or Omndan); Maloderbetj. one to the Ulus of Ikizokhur, and and thirdly, Bedar. The question of the date of two to Bagazokhur. He got a Kalmuck to recite the Armenian prose version of the Barlaam and the tales, while another wrote them down. To his Joasaf legend is far from being settled, and most 38 tales, Prof. Pozdnejef adds four tales brought probably it is earlier than the XV th Century. from the Kalmuck steppes by Prof. Golstunsky. (c) NOTES AND News. (viii) Baron V. Rosen: Additions to the ques tion of Ibn-Babavaih and Barlaam. - See above, (i) W. P. Vassilief : Contributions to a Chro. p. 86. nology of Changez Khan and his Successors. This gives some dates froin the history of Buddhism (ix) Baron V. Rosen: Did the author of the in Tibet by Sumba Kutukhta from 1162-1296 Fihrist live in Constantinople in 988 4. D.P A. D., the former date being the year of the birth This notice corrects a misinterpretation of the of Changêz. text of the Fihrist, which seemed to prove that (ii) W. P. Vassilief : Queries and Doubts. An-N&dim, the author of the Fihrist, was in Con. stantinople in 988 A. D. The confusion arose (1) The name Changez is a corruption of Tian. dzij, " given by Heaven." The name of the from taking Dår-ar-Rom to mean Constantinople. dynasty, Mongu, is Chinese, meaning "one who Baron Rosen proves Dar-ar-Ram to designate a has received the restitution of old rights." (2) certain locality in Baghdad. In the well known document from Darmabala (x) Baron D. Günsburg : "Les fils d'Aissou." written in the quadrangular Mongol character, we Note on a passage in the work of Amélineau must, most probably, understand by A-li-ke-un in the Mémoires des Membres de la Mission the Musulmans and not the Christians. (3) The Archéologique Française au Caire, Vol. IV. The Yasa of Changes is not a code of laws, but "fils d'Aissou" are the "sons of Esau." a collection of sayings of the emperor, such as were collected after the death of every Bogdokhan. (d) REVIEWS These collections are incumbent on the scientifio (i) The Court of the Emperor of Turkey : the comity. work of the priest Simeon Starovolsky. A not (iii) A. 0. Ivanofsky: On some Chinese very careful edition of the old Russian translation objects in the Archeological Museum of the Uni. of 1678. An earlier edition is left unnoticed. versity of Tomsk. This consists of some coins, (ii) Arandarenko, G. A.: Leisure hours in medals, two mirrors, and some Buddhist bells Turkistan, 1874-1889. A collection of articles from Kulja. written between 1874 and 1889 by a high official (iv) S. F. Oldenburg : Nepalese MSS. in the in Turkistan. They deal with various questions Petersburg Libraries. This is a List of ten of life and administration in Turkistan, and (Sanskrit and Nêwari) M88. (1) Aryandmasan- give most valuable information to everybody who gititiká. (2) Dharmalakshmisarnudda. (3) Divyd. I wishes to know Central Asia.


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