Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 20
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 138
________________ 124 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1891. perhaps draw attention to the facts that the name Brihadgriha is by Hêmachandral given as a synonym of Kårusha, and that in a quite modern inscription, put up during the rule of the English, the name Kârusha-desa apparently is applied to the district of Shâhâbâd of the Patna Division of Bengal. TEXT.3 . 1 Om svasti (1) Vri(bri)hadgrihad-bhagavató d&v-asura-sirô-mukuța-ratna-prabha vichebhurita-pâdapadma-yugalasya tribhuvan-aikapatêr-anêka2 sat[t"]va-vara-pradasya (ári]-Varêśvarasvâminah påda-mûlâdeavâpta-panchamahâśa vda(bda)-mahasamanta-sri-Panduvarmmadova-pidanu3 dhyâtaḥ parama-mâhểsvaraḥ parama-[bra]hmaṇyas-samapâttapachamahâsavda(bda) mahâsâmanta-sri-[Ba]lavarmmadêvah kusali 15 4 Véganand-Ôpakanthê BhujangikA-grâmê samu pagatani varttamâna-bhavishyad-raja kulany-êtad-grama-nivîsinasacha brahman-ttara5. nəyath-arham=mânayati v6(b)dhayati ch=&sta vô viditam-ayam-aparilikbita-gråmô= smabhih śrêshthi-Damm ka-pramukha-vani6 g-grâma-prarthanaya [tad]iya-mata-pittrôs-tasya cha puny-abhivriddhayê | @bhyal Gau tama-sagotra-Vaji Madhyandina7 Bhögasvâmi- 17 Aupamanyava-sagôtra-KauthamaChhafchchhá)ndôga-Narasvâmi- 18 Sandilya-sagôtra-KauthamaChhâ(chchhậndôga-Vila8 sasvâmi- V[]sishtha-sagôtra-KauthamaChha(chchhAndôga [Bhjîmasvâmi- 18 Gautama-sagôtra-KauthumaChhâ(chchha)ndôga-Rudrasvâmibhyo savra (bra)hma9 chåribhyo mu[kta-s] 10ånga-kara-vishtir-s-châta-bhața-prave[sa]h" a-kiñchit-pragrâhyah A-chandr-arka-kshiti-sama-kala-sthityå agrahara10 tvena pratipaditah (1) Matv-aivam-bhavadbhirwyathakal-adhyâsibhita râjakulais-samant mantavyamêtad-gråma-nivåsibhirapyAjna11 śravaņa-vidhêyair-bhůtvå samuchita-dâya-bhagabhôga-kara-hirany-adayah pratyøyâs= sarv vê yath-acharam-amisham samupa12 nētas vyA iti Samvatta 2016 Chaitra-sudi 21 Datako-tra sri-Kelhaftalb Likhitar sândhivigrahik-Adityadattêna !! 13 Sva18.dattâm-para-dattâm1=và yê harêta vasundharam sva-vishthaya krimir-bhdtvå pitsibhis-saha pacbyatê li Va(ba)hubhiruvasudha bhukta 14 râjabhis-Sagar-adibhiḥ yasya yasya yada bhůmisetasya tasya tada phalań Shashțim17=varsha-sahasraşi svarge 15 môdati bhūmi-daḥ 1 achchhêtta ch=anamantà cha tiny=êva narakê vaset 11 . EXAMINATION OF QUESTIONS CONNECTED WITH THE VIKRAMA ERA. BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, C.I.E., GÖTTINGEN. (Continued from Vol. XIX. p. 374.) To facilitate the use of the preceding lists, I have compiled the following general list of Vikrama dates which gives all the calculated dates in their natural sequence, without 1 Hémachandra's Abhidhdna.chintamani, verse 959. 2 See Archæol. Swvey of India, Vol. III. p. 70, and Plate xxiv. 4, line 5:- Angaraja-rajya varttamdnd Karushadéia. • From the ink impression. Expressed by a symbol. This sign of punctuation is unnecessary. 6 Rond riddhaya ebhyo. Read avamy 4wpao. Those signs of punctuation are unnecesary. . Read admibhyah. 10 The letters in these brackets are doubtful. 11 Here and at the end of the following words of this line, the rules of sardhi have not been observed. 13 This expression coours, e.g., in Gupta Inscriptions, p. 216, lind 14. 13 Read sarvat. 16 This sign of punctuation is unnecessary. 16 Metre of this and the following verses, Sióka (Anushtubh). 16 Read -dattar vå. 17 Read shashti mrsha..


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