[MAY, 1891.
4 kiti chirathitikê siya14 iya hi athê vadhi vadhisiti vipula cha vadbisiti apaladhiyênâ
diyadhiya vadhisata ( . ) iya cha athê pavatisa lêkhâpêta va lata hadha16 cha atha 5 silíthabhê silátharabhasi lâkhâpêtavaya ta [.] etinale cha vayajanênå yå vataka tupaka
ahild savara vivasêtaviya ti vyathônå såvand kate [.] 256 sa6 tavivâsâ tal? [.]
Notes on Dr. Bühler's Readings. 1. 1. B. sâtirakêkâni adhitisâni; sumi påkå sa[va]ki nd; sumi haka samghapapite 1. 2. B. bidhi cha; yi imaya; dani masa kata; khadakênå hi, according to Dr. Bühler it is possible that there was a letter between hi and ka, but he is inclined to see only accidental scratches in the traces of the facsimile; 1. 3. B. pi paramaminênê; kródhavê; pakâre cha; 1. 4. B. diyadhiyam vadhisati; hadha cha athi; 1. 5. B. silâthubh8; vivasêtavaya ti vyuthênî.
BAIRAT.. 1 Dêvânampiyê kha [.] sati — 2 Vasanam ya paka apasakê b adha 3 ar mamaya samghê papaya atê . ahi cha 4 jambudipasi amisanam dēva hi - vi mâsi esa . le — 5 hihi ésê mapatanê vachakayê — ? maminênê ya pa 6 vipulệ pi svangikiyo Clôdhêtay – ký chê ngala cha palakamata tá 7 amta pi cha janamtu ti chilathiti - pulara pi vadhisati 8 diyadhiyam vadhisati [.] - 56
Notes on Dr. Bühler's Reading 1. 1. B. sti; 1. 2. B. ya haka apasakê n[0] cha bâdham cha ; 1. 3. B. sangh papayitê badham cha — ; 1. 4. B. — kamasi Osa . lê — ; 1. 5. B. [n]ô hi égê mahatanê; 1. 6. B. şvamgê [sa]kye aladhêtavê kâ cha udalA cha palakamatu ti; 1. 7. B. ante pi janamtu; 1. 8. 56. According to B., these figures do not appear in the rubbing, and he has doubts as to their existence.
Bühler, ante, Vol. VI. pp. 149 ff., Vol. VIII. pp. 141 ff.; Rhys Davids, Academy, 14th July 1877, p. 37; Marsden, Numismata Orientalia, New Ed., part 6, pp. 57 and ff.; Pischel, dcademy, 11th August 1877, p. 115; Oldenberg, Zeitschr. der Deutsch. Morg.. Ges. xxxv, pp. 470 and ff.
BAHASARAM 1. I cannot but agree with the decisive remarks of Dr. Oldenberg (Alahävagga, I. xxxviii., and Zeitschr. der Deutsch. Morg. Ges., loc. cit.), in favour of the reading (adha]tiyáni both here and at Râpnåth. It is true that at Rūpnath the apparent reading is adhitiyáni, but I have just now warned my readers as to the prudent mistrust with which our facsimiles are to be regarded. Even in this very passage we have savi[]chhalé, which, there can be no doubt, should certainly be Ravachhalé and at Rûpnath (1. 4) we have twice over vadhisiti, although the correct reading must be vadhisati. Again, in line 2 of that edict, with the same letter &, we read badhirn, where the original stone assuredly has, or had, bádhan. This reading must be translated two years and a half.' Judging from the facsimile, the lacuna represents only seven characters, and I would complete it by a[ha sádhikáni adha tiyari rather than by sátilekáni. It will be seen that, a little further on, our text gives us sapishchhalé sádhike, as against sátiléké chhavachhare at Rūpnåth. With regard to the other details there is nothing to add to the remarks of Dr. Bühler ; I may only observe that, if we translate literally 'I am an upásaka (Buddhist layman) for two years and a half, and have not made great efforts,' we shall give a wrong idea of the real mean