FEBRUARY, 1891.1
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said that the RAJA Hira Singh stood in the position of father towards Gulab Singh, whereon the latter rejoined that in this affair there was no analogy with Shah Jahan, and compared Hina Siógh to Suchêt Singh, who, he said, possessed no experience of the world. Moreover, he said that if Hîra Singh should think proper to attack him, he would find him quite ready to defend his possessions with the sword. The envoys, disappointed and frightened by this reply, left Jammûn and returned to Lahôr. . Raja Hîra Singh, with the view of confiscating the districts of Gujrat, Jalalpêr, Pind Dadan Khan, &c., which had been rented to Galáb Singh, and were in charge of his officials, and also of depriving him of all bis possessions in the Pañjab territories, despatched his army thither, some palfans of which encamped at EminAbad, with the intention of attacking and plundering Jammûn. Accordingly. Gulab, Singh collected his army of brave Rajputs and issued proclamations that all persons desiring to enlist would be welcome. The result was that his forces increased considerably, and that even from LÂlôr many patriotic Rajpats preferring to defend their homesteads rather than to gain money, joined them. This army, under the command of Ranbir Singh, and Diwan Hari Chand, encamped near the city of Jammun. However, the Raja Jawahir Singh negotiated with Hira Singh, and induced him to accept the districts of Sâmbâ, Suchâtgarh,, &c., and, one-half of the property left by Suchât Singh, leaving the rest, and the rented districts to, Gulib Singh, who thereupeu sent Randhir Singh,' a youthful candidate for glory and dignity, to Lahôr, where the hond of peace between Gulib Singh and Hira Singh was cemented.
At last the seed of evil, sown by Pandit Jalla, ripened into fruit to his own destruction. He had kept under surveillance Sardar Jawåbir Singh, the brother of the Bibi Şahiba Chandai. who took the first opportunity she could to apprize the efficers of the Khâlşa army that Jalla had exceeded all bounds of propriety. Lal Singh, too, although indebted for his high position to Hîrâ Singh, seconded her proposals, and presented himself with her, Dalip Singh and Jawabir Singh before the Khålşa army, adjuring it to destroy Pandit JallA. Accordingly the Khalsa troopa desired that Pandit Jallî should be surrendered to them by Hira Singh, who, unwilling to comply, preferred to mount offeet charger and to depart from LAhôr, despite the warnings of several persons not to do so. Hir& Bingh and Randhir Singh were, with a smajl number of followers, overtaken at a distance of only a few farsangs from LÅ hôr, and were eu slain fighting, and the head of the much dreaded and execrated Pandit Jalla, who was also one of the fugitives, became a trophy with which the. Khålşa troops marched back to Lâhôr This event took place in St. 1901,6 on Sunday the 8th (duadast) of the month Pts. When Goláb Singh obtained information of what had taken place, he was greatly shocked, and when Bagbêj Singh arrived from LÁhör, bringing the head of that hopeful youth, his grief was augmented He refrained from eommunicating the sad tidings to the Mahârâni, the mother of Randhir who had not yet forgotten the death of Man Udham Singh.
Whilst still: mounning for the loss he had sustained, Gulab Singh received information that Hîra Singh had, some time before his death, sent Sham Singh and Lal Singh to conquer Jasrôt2 and otber districts. At the same time too LAA Ratan Chand Dugal and Babi Mian Singh arrived from La hôr, bringing a message from Bibi Chandan and Jawabir Singh, reminding Gulab Singh of what he and the late Raja Suchet Singh had endured from the iniquities of the Raja Hira Singh and Pandit Jall. They were also held guilty of Mfan Randhir's death because having, like a youthful cypress tree, not yet attained the age of maturity, he would not listen to the Bibi's advice, and separated himself from Hirå Siogh. She proposed that whatever Raja Hirâ Siagh had possessed with one half of the property left by Raja Sucbêt Singh, shouid be sarrendered to her, but that Gulab Singh slould retain the districts and jdgirs he held with
This is the first time the late, and father of the present, Maharaja appears to have entered public life Prominently.
This individual, as will be seen further on, was killed with Raja Hira Singh, but is at the end of Ch. 48 the lafarndma, where the episode is also narrated, called Sóhan, the young son of Galib Singh. 6. A. D. 1844.
• The literal meaning is "of that young cypres; "and Randhir ia moapt