Devi Prasad Mishra
(d) Indepeod-nt Purānis on the trişaşti-salākā puruşas.
(A) On the theme of Rāmāyaṇa
The earliest Jaioa Putānı, based on the theme of the Rāmāyaṇa is Paumcariyam of Vimala:ūri in the Prakrit. Yocobi had placed it in the 3rd century AD. bit most of the scholars had dated it 530 V. S., i. e. 472-7; A.D. It deals with the Svetā mbaras, the Digambaras, and the Yāpaniyas, all the main sects of the Jainism. It relates the story of Padma (Rāma) which has a very striking similiarity with the story of Rāma found in the Rāmā aṇa of Vālmiki. Jainācārya Ravişeņa had composed bis Padma-Parāna in Sanskrit in 677 A D. on the basis of the Paumacariyam This story about Rāma is also found in Paumacariu of Svayambhū in Apabhramśa, Mahāpu'āņa of Jinasena-Guņabhadra in' Sanskrit, in Mabāpurāņa by Puşpadaota in Apabhramśa, and finally in Triş aştisalākāpuruşacarita of Hemacandra in Sanskrit.
The Padma-Purāņa of Ravişena (677 A. D.) in Sanskrit, closely follows the work of Vimala-Sūri. Poet Svayambbū rendered it into apa. bhraṁsa. On the basis of Padma-Purānas the following Puräņas have composed
(1) The Purāņas
Serial No.
The title of the work
Raidhu Jipadāsa
15-16th C.A.D. 16th C.A.D.
Padma-Putāna (Apabbraṁsa) Padma-Purāna (Rāmadeva Purana) Padma-Purāņa Padma-Purāņa (Rāma Purāņa) Padma-Purāņa
V.S. 1656 V.S. 1669
Somadeva Dharma-Kirti Bhattāraka Candrakirti Candrasāgara Sri Candra
17th C.A.D.
6. Padma-Purāna 7. Padma-Purāņa (ii) The Caritas or Caritras
Sitācarita Rāma-Lakşmana Carita Padma Mahākāvya Rāmacaritra Padma-Purāņa Pañjikā
Bhuvanatunga Sūri Bhuvanatunga Sūri Subha Vardhanagani Padma-Nāth Prabhācandra or Sri Candra
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