N. P. Tiwari and K. Giri
11 वजहस्ता तथगैन्द्री गजराजोपरि स्थिता । प्राप्ता सहस्रनयना यथा शक्रस्तथैव सा ॥
Devi-Mahatm ya 8.21. इन्द्राणी विन्द्रसदृशी वज्रशूलगदाधरा । गजासनगता देवी लोचनैर्बहुभिवता ।।
Rupamandana 5.69. 12 The Vis nudhar mottara and the Devi Purana prescribe peacock (as
vahana) and the Kukkuta (in hand) as her chief distinguishing emblems.
Consult, Rao, T.A. Gopinatha, op. cit., pp. 387-88. 13 Sahai Bhagwant, op. cit., p. 231. 14 कृष्णवर्णा तु वाराही सूकरास्या महोदरी।
वरदा दण्डिनी खड्गं बिभ्रती दक्षिणे सदा ॥ खेटपाशामयान्वामे सैव चापि लसद्भुजा ।
Vişnudharmottara (As quoted by T. A. Gopinatha Rao, op. cit., p. 150). 15 वाराही तु प्रवक्ष्यामि महिषोपरिसंस्थिताम् ।
वाराह-विराह-] सहशी घण्टानादा चामरधारिणी ॥ गदाचक्रगदा[-धरा] तदवदानवेन्द्रविधातिनी ।
Rupamandana 5. 67-68. 16 According to the Vişnudharmottara Purana Camunda rides a preta (dead
body) and holds a musala, a kavaca, a bāna, an ankuta, akhadga, a khetaka, a pasa, a dhanusa, a danda and a parasu. Consult, Rao, T.A.
Gopinatha op. cit., p. 386. 17. There existed a Vāyu temple at Baroda which enshrined the figures of Vayu
and Vayavi both. See, Sahai, Bhagwant, op. cit.. p. 57. Prof. Dr.R.N. Mehta of the department of Archaeology and Ancient History, M.S. University. Baroda, in course of personal talk, informed that above Vayu temple and its sculptures are of much later date. Dr. Mehta further informed that he has another figure of Vayavi in the departmental collections of the department of Archaeology and Ancient History, M. S. University of Baroda.
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