V. M. Kulkarni
“What affords aesthetic repose is alone really beautiful. For, the As ka trees are pleased-thrilled with rapture-and put forth flowers)-by leiclas (from beautiful young women)."
यद् यस्य नाभिरुचितं न तत्र तस्य स्पृहा मनोशेऽपि । रमणीयेऽपि सुधांशी न नाम कामः सरोजिन्याः ॥
-Rāmacandra : Mallikāmakaranda V. 4
“What is not agreeable to one, one has no longing for it although it be beautiful. Sarojini (a lotus flower) does not indeed covet the (nectarrayed) moon-although beautiful."
These poets want to drive home the truth, as they see, that beauty is not a natural quality of things - not a physical character of things like their size or weight or movement, not a property of things independently of ns. It is a property leat them by the human mind. In other words, they, it would seem, support the view that beauty is subjective.
But the charming subhāșita-like a rthantaranyāsas such as Bhāsa's
(Beauty gladdeos every eye). -Svapnavāsavadattam II (p. 16),
G. K. Bhat's edn.
किमिव हि मधुराणां मण्डनं नाकृतीनाम् ।
- šakuntata I. 20 d
न रम्यमाहार्यमपेक्षते गुणम् ।
-Kirāta. IV. 23
What is beautiful needs no external beauty-aid. Māgha's रम्याणां विकृतिरपि श्रियं तनोति ।
- Sisupālavadha VII. 5 Or Kālidāsa's statement in Mālavikāgnipitra : अहो सर्वास्ववस्थासु चारुता शोभा पुष्यति ।
— (IT 5
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