Critical Survey of the Jaina Puranas
Chronology of the Ja na Puräņis
All the Jaiņa Purāņas were not composed at a time. On the basis of th: iateraal teu imony of Purāṇas and the external evidence, the Purānas written in Prakrit language may be dated from 6th to 15th centuries A.D. The Purānas composed in Sar skrit may be placed between 7th to 8th Centuries. The Purānas which were composed in Arabbraṁsa can be assigned a period between 10th to 16th centurics In short, it may be said that the composition of ibe Jaina Purāņas began about 6th century A. D. and the tradition continued up to the 181 h century AD.
The Principal Jaina Purāņas composed in Sanskrit are Padma Purana, Harivamsa Purāṇa and Mahāpusāņa (i. e. Adipurāņa and Uttara-purāņa). These Sanskrit Purānas were composed between circit 7th century to circa 10th century A.D. Salient Features of the Jaina Parāņas :
The Jaina Purānas may be called the encyclopaedia of Jainism. They anlighten us on almost every topic regarding religion, philosophy, morals, rituals and the socio economic conditions, etc. The introduction of numerous subsidiary storier, to illustra!e one point, or the other, is one of the characteristic features of these purāṇas The authors of the Jaina Purānas have cultivated all the languages of their times and places. Prakrit, Sanskrit and Apabbramsa are the main languages patronised by them. Even the Dravidian languages of the ecuth Irdia were not neglected. The earliest literature in Kannada and other south Icdian languages have been developed and enriched ty ite Jaina contributions.
The Jaira Purāņ s usually have Eight characteristics: Loka (Universe), Desa (place), Nagar (City), Räjya (Kingdom) Tirtha (Places of pilgrimage), Dāna (Liberality), Tapa (penance), Gatis and Phala (Reward). Narra. tive and descriptive elemects are also not wanting in these works. The coctents are quite varied and cover a vide targe of human kacwledge conceived in those days. There is a good deal of valuable information ab. out contemporary thought and social history including biographical details of Icthamkaras and their contemporaries. It is clear that the Jaina purāņas are a vital portion of the scriptures of the Jaipas
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