Book Title: Samraiccha Kaha
Author(s): Madhusudan Modi
Publisher: Gurjar Granth Ratna Karyalay
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMARAICCA-KAHA [ FIRST TWO CHAPTERS ] of HARIBHADRA-SURI siriharibhaddasUrikayA samarAiccakahA ( bhavabiyaM ) // Edited With Introduction, Notes and Sanskrit Tippani by M. C. Modi M. A. LL. B. Sometime Fellow, Sir Parashurama Bhau College, Poona. 1935 Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Published by Sambhulal Jagshi Shah Gurjar Granth Ratna Karyalaya, Gandhi Rd., Ahmedabad Second Edition 1935 Printed by Balvantrai Karunashanker Oza Gayatri Mudranalaya, Kalupur Khajurini Pole, Ahmedabad Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 11 316#POTTI 1. Introduction. Introductory-the name of the work-the date of Haribhadra-His life-the contents of the first two chapters-why the work is called ETFHEET-its structure-its importance from the view-point of social history-its language-stylemetre-conclusion. Pp. v-liv 2. The text of the First Two Chapters, with Sanskrit Tippani Pp. 1-123 3. Notes. Pp. 125- Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Introduction. The present edition of the first two chapters of Samaraicca-kaha aims at giving the correct text of the said chapters with the necessary adjuncts which may serve as helps towards the proper understanding of the text even to an ordinary student of the Mahrastri Prakrta. Prof. Jacobi has edited Samaraicca-kaha of Haribhadra Suri, complete in Nine Chapters or Bhavas (=Births) in the Bibliothica Indica Series, Calcutta. It is a very carefully edited, critical and excellent edition but it is not accompanied with elucidatory helps like notes or a detailed glossary, though of course Fasc. 9 of the said work published in 1926 gives the complete summary of the work in English, together with the introduction dealing in full, so far as the up-to-date modern research can go, with the problems of the life and work of Haribhadra. I have based my text primarily on Prof. Jacobi's text with corrections and emendations which according to the Ms. from Patana supplied by Maharaja S'ri Punyavijayaji are found to be significant and better. In paragraphing etc., I have followed Prof. Jacobi with a view that this work can as well serve Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ as a supplement to his monumental work. I have taken notice of the readings of Prof. Jacobi's text and my Ms. in the notes, only in such cases where the understanding of the text is vitally concerned. The glossary is selective and its unnecessary enlargement is strictly avoided. I have also sub-joined brief Sanskrit comments, specially taking note of Des'i words and intricate evolutes. The introduction will deal with the problems such as the name of the work, the life of Haribhadra with discussion on his date, the summary of the two chapters, its language, style etc. 2. The Name of the Work. The preset work is popularly known as Samaraicca-kaha or the life-history of Samaraicca. But it seems that Haribhadra intended to style it as Samaraicca-cariya while he says, navaputvabhavanibaddhaM saMvegakaraM ca bhavvasattANaM / cariyaM samarAiJcassa'vantiramo suNaha vocchaM // In another reference, he writes, vocchaM tappaDibaddhaM bhaviyajaNANaMdathAriNaM paramaM / saMkhevabho mahatthaM cariyakahaM taM nisAmeha // Again at the end of the work he also refers the work as cariya. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ vii avirahiyanANadaMsaNacAriyaguNavarassa viraiyaM eyaM / jiNa dattAyariyassa u sIsAvayaveNa cariyaM ti // jaM viraijaNa puNNaM mahANubhAvacariyaM mae pattaM / teNa ihaM bhavaviraho hou sayA bhaviyaloyassa // It will be seen that in the latter one of the two stanzas quoted above there is a play upon the word afta. Another curious fact about the name of the work is found in kuvalayamAlA of udyotana which has helped us to a good degree to solve the problem of haribhadra's date. udyotana calls the work samaramiyaMkA, ___ jo icchai bhavavirahaM bhavavirahaM ko na baMdhae suynno| samayasayasatthaguruNo samaramiyaMkA kahA jassa // In his work saMtinAhacariya, devacaMdra the teacher of famous thig refers to this work. vaMde siriharibhadaM sUri viusayaNaNiggayapayAvaM / jeNa ya kahApabaMdho samarAicco viNimmavio // Thus though of course awe must have named it as samarAiccacariya, the name samarAiccakahA began to be popular quite early. It is however quite difficult to explain why grantcat called it samaramiyaMkA. 3. The date of Haribhadra. As regards the date of Haribhadra, the controversy is set at rest by the paper of Muni S'ri Jinavijayaji in which he has put Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ viii forth cogent references to fix the time-limit of rar, viz. the references of nier, 54, phife and others and of udyotana's kuvalayamAlA. Prof.Jacobi in his introduction satisfies himself by following; as regards ERHE's date, the arguments given by Jinavijaya. Regarding his date three conflicting references exist. (1) enji's fa erano (V. S. 14th century, later part) quotes under 30 of the following verse about the date of haribhadra paMcasae paNasIe vikkamakAlAu jhatti athmio| . haribhaddasUri-sUro bhaviyANaM disau kallANaM // "May the sun in the form of HaribhadraSuri who set as early as V. S. 585 show happiness to those who intend to have absolution." This tradition is supported by pradyumnasUri's vicArasAraprakaraNa ( the date unsettled but may be earlier than merutuMga) which also quotes this gAthA; samayasuMdara' gAthAsahastrI ( quotes gAthA; V. S. 1686 ); gaisa's aanraadine (V. S. 15 th cent.); parte's tapAgacchagurvAvalI, both these last authorities state that aftug flourished after Vira-Nirvana 1055 i. e. V. S. 585. Moreover gratars's gaiaat (V. S. 1466) states that haribhadra was the friend of mAnadeva, who flourished in the 6th century V. S. Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ abhUd guruH zrIharibhadramitraM zrImAnadevaH punareva sUriH / yo mAnyato vismRtasUrimantraM lebhe'mbikA''syAttapasojjayante // Thus the above authorities support the tradition that the flourished in the 6th cent. V. S. and died in V. S. 585. (II) Another tradition comes from siddharSi, the author of upamitibhavaprapaMcakathA which according to the prazasti-verse, saMvatsarazatanavake dviSaSThisahite'tilaMdhite cAsyAH / jyeSThe sitapaJcamyA punarvasau gurudine samAptirabhUt // was finished in V.S. 962, on the 5th of the bright half of the month of my, Thursday when the moon was in the constellation of punarvasu. Though the name of saMvat is not mentioned, according to Jinavijaya and Jacobi, astronomical calculations support the saMvat to be vikrama saMvat i. e. Ist May 906. . siddharSi gives following verses in the prazasti which have a vital bearing on the question of the date of haribhadraH AcAryaharibhadro me dharmabodhakaro guruH / prastAve bhAvato hanta sa evAdye niveditaH // 15 // viSaM vinirdhUya kuvAsanAmayaM vyacIcarad yaH kRpayA mahAzaye aciMtyavIryeNa suvAsanAsudhAM namo'stu tasmai haribhadrasUraye // 16 // anAgataM parijJAya caityavaMdanasaMzrayA / madathaiva kRtA yena vRttirlalitavistarA // 17 // Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ X Sri Jinavijayji in his essay ' haribhadrasUrikA samaafa' tries to show inconsistencies in the legends given especially by f and caturviMzatiprabaMdha. He shows that lalitavistarA which according to the legends in both the works is accredited to have wiped 's mind of Buddistic leanings, does not contain for its subject-matter the refutation of Buddhism at all, though it is admitted that the fsaidrau of haribhadra made a strong influence on siddharSi as seen from his work upamitibhavaprapaJcakathA. Jinavijayaji quoting from upamitibhavaprapaJcakathA ( P. 80 ) (Ed. Jacobi, Bibliothica Indica) two passages where the expressions dharmabodhakara and anAgata are found, puts a different interpretion on . He likes to read the sense as anAgataM mAM parijJAya or anAgataM mama vRttAMtaM parijJAya. He argues that lalitavistarA had so strong an influence on siddharSi that siddharSi would consider the work as if it was written for him by Haribhadra anticipating the future. To quote Jinavijayji's own words; "fe for vicArase haribhadrakA lalitavistarArUpa banAnevAlA kArya bhaviSyatkAlIna upakAraka dRSTise hai. "" (III) The most significant quotation for the lower limit of the date of is from udyotana's kuvalayamAlA. dAkSiNyAcahna uddyotana says that he finished his work, Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xi '.........aha codasIe cittasya kinnhpkkhaaNm| nimmaviyA bohakarI bhavvANa hou savvANaM // sagakAle voloNe varisANa saehiM sattahiM gaehiM / egadiNe gUNehiM esa samattA varaNhammi // i. e. in zaka era 700=V. S. 835=A. D. 778. In the 12th stanza, in the beginning of the work, he says. so siddhata[mmi] gurU, pamANanAeNaM jassa haribhaddo bahugaMthasatthavittharapayaDa [samattasuasaccatyo // jo icchai bhavavirahaM bhavavirahaM ko na baMdhae suyaNo / samayasayatthaguruNo samarAmayaMkA kahA jassa || * Thus it goes beyond doubt that haribhadra was the preceptor of ucatan in the study of canonical literature and logic. Now udyotana finished his kuvalayamAlA in the later half of the 8th cent. and the must likely have flourished before the later part of the 8th century A. D. This is the later limit about he's date. * The earlier limit of his date can be known from the citations of other authors or their writings in his innumerable works. Jinavijayaji draws up a list of 32 authors and two works vAsavadattA and priyadarzanA the names of whose authors are pretty certain. ( His Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xii essay P. 44 ) haribhadra shows his acquaintence with kumArila's tantravArtika as shown by certain verses of zAstravArtAsamuccaya. King harSa whose priyadarzanA is mentioned, is well-known to have flourished in the 7th century A. D. Moreover quotes in his vivaraNa of the nandIsUtra extensively from the nandIcUrNi offjinadAsa gaNimahattara who finished it in 677 A. D. dharmakIrti is quoted by haribhadra so often and even mentioned by name. ff's date is the middle of the 7th cent. A. D. To quote Jacobi, "From among them, (i. e. those mentioned by Jinavijaya) the following may be mentioned as interesting from a chronological point of view. Dignaga, Dharmakirti, Bhartrhari (the author of a, about 650 A. D.) and Kumarila. x X X X We thus see that Haribhadra quoted many of the celebrities who flourished in the century preceding his own." The earlier limit is the later part of the 7th century A. D. To quote Jinavijaya ' isa liye hama I. sa. 700 se 770 (vi. saM. 757 se 827 ) taka haribhadra sUrikA sattAsamaya sthira karate hai." References: (1) Muni S'ri Jinavijaya:-- - (a) A paper on the date of Hari Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xiii bhadra-Siiri, read at the First Oriental Conference November 1919 Poona. (b) Enchant Fruit? HATRECUTIST24 HT. 9 31. 9. 978. 46. (2) Muni S'ri Kalyanavijaya: (a) graMthakAra paricaya given as the Preface to haribhadra's dharmasaMgrahaNI: Vol. II Sheth Devachand Lalabhai Jaina-pustakoddharak-Granthamala No. 42. The introduction is quite exhaustive in quotatios. Leaves 381. (3) Prof. H. Jacobi: (a) The Introduction to Samaraiccakahu Fasc. 9. i-iv. (Bibliothica Indica, 1926 ); mainly follows Jinavijiaya. (b) The introduction to fegrat's gofifa1994*Bibliothica Indica ). The conclusions of course have been superceded by the above, (4) Prof. K. V, Abhyankar: (a) The Sanrkrit Introduction to the viMzatirvizikA of haribhadra. Pp. 1-7, Specially on the question of zaMkarAcArya and haribhadra he differs from Jacobi and Jinavijaya and tries to show that haribhadra knew zaMkarAcArya; for Jinavijaya's view see his . A. . essay. P. 57-58; Jacobi's Intro. Samaraicca-kaha. P. iii-iv. Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xiv The Life of Haribhadra About Haribhadra's life, we possess very few facts from the g as or subscriptions of his own works. The most detailed subscription is that of his commentary on AvazyakasUtra which is as follows: samApteyaM ziSyahitA nAmAvazyakaTIkA / kRtiH sitAmbarAcAryajinabhaTanigadAnusAriNo vidyAdharakulatilakAcAryajinadattaziSyasya dharmato yAkinImahattarAsUnoralpamatarAcAryaharibhadrasya // The subscriptions of tha's other works do not add to our knowledge any more details of his life than these. Other things that we know directly are (1) the mark fare in the ending stanzas of his numerous works; (2) his extensive knowledge of other non-Jain systems of philosophy and especially Buddhism as evinced by his commentry on diGnAga's nyAyapraveza ( Ed. by A. B. Dhruva G. 0. S. ) (1) prabhAcaMdra' prabhAvakacaritra / zRMga. 9. | V. S. 1334 ( Nirnaya Sagar Press, Bombay ). (2) rAjazekhara's prabaMdhakoSa or caturviMzatiprabaMdha V. S. 1505. ( Forbes Sabha, Bombay. ) (3) municandra's upadezapadaTIkAprazasti V. S. 1174. (4) bhadrezvara's kathAvalI unpublished; Jinavijaya Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ XV thinks that it seems to belong to the V. S.. 12th century. (5) Thanfora -forcaritanasiat V. S. 1295. (6) Eight gathas (52-59) of faca's TOERENTEzataka. These sources are thoroughly discussed by Jinavijaya, Kalyanavijaya and Jacobi, in their works referred to while discussing the question of Haribhadra's date. Without go- . ing into details, I give below the main outlines of his life. He was a Brahmana by caste and belonged to faqet or Chitor. He seems to have stayed there upto his initiation. He was wellversed in the Brahmanic lores; to quote sumatigaNin's gaNadharasArdhavRttiH " evaM so paMDittagavvamuvvahamANo haribhaddo nAma mAhaNo / ' He was brought to the faith of Jainism by the preachings of a Jaina nun named yAkinI. haribhadra often styles himself fres as a homage to her. She directed him to faiz whom the styles as his preceptor. The legend runs that once upon a time gaz heard yAkinI reciting a gAthA cakidurga haripaNagaM paNagaM cakkINa kesavo cakkI / kesava cakkI kesava ducakI kesI acakkI ya || haribhadra could not understand this gAthA and Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xvi asked her to explain it to him, promising that on that verse being explained to her, he would be her disciple. She explained it to him and consequently he accepted her as his spiritual mother. He thereafter made himself thoroughly proficient in Jain literature. "Thus he had a complete advantage to discomfit the theologians of other creeds. He wrote both in Sanskrit and in Prakrit. After for the farme, He was the next great theologian who wrote independent reprors for the explanation of the Jain doctrines and gave impetus to Sanskrit as a language for Jain Theology. The Bauddhas also wrote their works on theology and logic in Sanskrit. Era brought the Jain doctrines in the foreground and established their truth against the doctrines of the other schools of philosophy. His literary activity was tremendous. Jinvijaya draws up a list of 23 of his works of which 20 are edited. (P. 22.) Kalyanavijaya make 88 entries (P. 13a-P. 19a) The tradition which dates as early as 1068 A. D. ascribes to him the composition of 1400 Horas: 3THREE (1068. A. D.) writes at the end of Tan14-tail:-"THIET tai ziSyahitA nAmnA sitapaTapaTalapradhAnaprAvacanikapuruSapravaracaturdazazatasaMkhyAprakaraNaprabandhapraNAyisugRhItanAmadheyazrIharibhadrasUriviracitapaJcAzakA Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xvii 2014urtala. It is very difficult to believe that. the Jainas should have allowed the works: of their gothara to be lost. The activities of Haribhadra, after his initiation, were confined to Gujarat and Rajputana. It is likely that he might have centred himself at Bhinnamla or Shrimala, the then capital of Gujarat and Rajputana where as Kalyanavijaya points out he converted the Porvada clan to Jainism. He became the teacher of scutata the author of 96 TATT, in this part of the country. Haribhadra, however, seems to have wandered far and wide in Upper India with which he shows much acquaintence in his Samaraiccakaha though he does not seem to have crossed the Vindhya mountains. There is ample ground to believe that he must have also travelled in Eastern India where Buddhism still was flourishing, and it is there that he acquired sound knowledge of Buddhist philosophy and logic. He seems to have appreciated Buddhist logic as is shown by his commentary on Dignaga's Nyaya-Praves'a and extensive quotations from and respectful mentions of Dharmakirti. He also saved retraitement from being destroyed. To quote prabhAvakacaritra, Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xviii ciravilikhitavarNazIrNabhagnapravivarapatrasamUhapustakastham / kuzalamatirihoddadhAra jainopaniSadikaM sa mahAnizIthasUtram // He uses the mudrA of viraha at the end of the works written by hi.n. All these places are enumerated by Kalyanavijaya. (P. 19-b 21-b), adding that haribhadra's dazavaikAlikaTIkA, AvazyakavRtti, prajJApanApradezavyAkhyA, samarAdityakathA, SaDdarzanasamuccaya, lokatavanirNaya etc. do not contain the mark of viraha at the end. I do not know why Kalyanavijaya has included samarAiccakahA, as having no such mark at the end for I find, of course at the end of the complete work, the expression fa The question why Haribhadra uses viraha as the mark, has formed almost a legendary subject (See a IX. 48-206). The legend says that and Hg, his sister's sons and his disciples lost their lives on account of their being exposed as Jainas while they were secretly studying Buddhism at a Buddhist school. Haribhadra felt this very much and vanquished Bauddhas in the argument and according to the contract in the presence of the king of the Buddhist Town where the contest was held, they had to enter the cauldron filled with boiling oil. Jinabhata, his preceptor, who had heard of Haribhadra's cruel revenge, sent him, through two friars, Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xix the three verses which contained the argument of Samaraiccakaha (guNaseNaaggisammA etc.). Haribhadra repented this very much; but his grief for the loss of his nephews and disciples was very great and in the memory of his two nephews, he used this mark fare at the end of all his works. To quote prabhAvakacaritra atizayahRdayAbhirAmaziSyadvayavirahormibhareNa taptadehaH / nijakRtimiha saMvyadhAtsamastAM virahapadena yutAM satAM sa mukhya : // The following is the colophon at the end of samarAiccakahA, vakkhAyaM jaM bhaNiyaM samarAiccagiriseNapANe u / ekassa tao mokkho'ganto bIyasya saMsAro // guruvayaNapaMkayAo soUNa kahANayANurAeNa / aniuNamaiNA vi daDhaM bAlAiaNuggahaTTAe / avirahiyanANadaMsaNacariyaguNavarassa viraiyaM eyaM / jiNadattAyariyasla u sIsAvayaveNa cariyaM ti // jaM viraiUNa puNNaM mahANubhAvacariyaM mae pattaM / teNa ihaM bhavaviraho hou sayA bhaviyaloyassa // ganthaggamimIe imaM chandaNANuguheNa gaNiUNa / pAeNa dasasahassA handi siloyANa saMThaviyaM // 5 The contents of the Text. The introduction=ut by the author contains (1) maMgala verses 1-5. (2) adhikAra for what Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xx should be heard, verse 10 (3). Four kinds of katha arthakathA, kAmakathA, dharmakathA, saMkIrNakathA, and kathAvastu of 3 kinds divvaM, divvamANusaM, mANusaM (2 13-3. 10) (4) 3 kinds of hearers: uttama, madhyama, adhama. (5) The author lay down divvamANusavatthugayaM dhammakahaM ceva kittaissAmi; then praises dharma and introduces that he would relate the life-story of king samarAditya relating also the history of 9 previous births. (6) Then he quotes the Gathas of former teachers on which he avers he bases his stories I bhava. guNasena and agnizarmA. II bhava. siMha and AnaMda, the father and the son. III bhava. zikhin and Gifsaft, the mother and the daughter IV Ha. dhana and dhanazrI, the husband and wife. V bhava. jaya and vijaya born of the same mother VI bhava. dharaNa and lakSmI the husband and the wife. VII bhava. sena and visena two agnates VIII bhava. guNacandra and vAnamaMtara IX bhava. samarAditya and girisena. Thereafter the cities where the actions took place and the heavens and hells they attained are respectively enumerated (6. 10). The Story of the First Birth. (guNasena and aggisammA, ) The seed of the first story is in the saMgrahaNIgAthA 23. 5. 18. The scene of the story is laid in khiyapaiTTa ( saM. gA. 26. 5. 25 ). One i. e.G. attains in the first birth in heaven while A. gets Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxi to be a fazer ar god ( . TI. PU 266, 1. 3. ) # has detailed a story on these points on the antagonism that arises between the two. In the city of reasure, there was a king named gooi who had a son named G; and a brahmin named 4897 who had a son named A. A, was ugly and hence was made the butt of public insults by G. Due to insults of discomfiting nature, A. wished to quit the world and take to ascetic-life. With this object, he came to a penance-forest named Supariosa and took intiation from the Superior, named S S -t. A. took the observance of taking food once a month. ( 10. 16.) Now, king Punnachanda died and G. became the king. He went to Vasantapura and came to the penance-forst to do reverence to the Superior amd requested him to accept the invitation for meals for himself and all the monks. He directed G. to A., accepting it for all except A. who was under aa. G. approached A.-of course G. had forgotten A. G. with great respect implored him to accept the invitation. which G. did. After five days, on the fastbreaking day, A. went to G. (15. 5.) Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxii On the first turn to the royal place, A. found G. suffering from headache and returned consequently without alms. A. still called G. Paretofa when the king visited the hermitage again with a view to get pardon for himself and to invite A. over again to his palace. A. accepted the invitaion for the second time. (19. 8.) This next time, the king was attacked by another king named Arritt and the king could not again keep up the invitation given to A. and A. returned consequently to the hermitage. G. again came there and implored him to accept the invitation for the third time, which A. accepted. (22. 12.) In the meantime, the queen give birth to a son and in honour of this occasion, the festival was announced. On this particular day, it so happened that A. came to the king's palace for alms. Due to great fuss, A's arrival was not taken notice of and therefore A. returned to the hermitage, with his mind disturbed with malice against the king. He, inflamed with anger, took a final death-vow (facra) to be born again to kill G. hereafter at every birth. He was advised by the Superior not to pursue like this but he took no Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxiii notice of this, being blinded by anger and malice. (27. 4.) On this side, the king became very sad. He was so overcome with grief and disappointment that he felt himself quite unworthy to see the face of A. again. He sent therefore his chaplain mata to inquire about the matter to the hermitage and ask pardon of A. on his behalf. S. approached A. and knew about the development of the matter. S. went to the king and reported this sad news to the king who hurried to the penanceforest with his harem and retinue. He saw the Superior who, in vague terms explained off the situation and dissuaded him not to see A. G. collected the information from a young anchorite who confirmed the report of S. Though the Superior had asked him to come to the hermitage again, he thought fit to leave Vasantapura and return to fagusa in deep remorse. On an auspicious day he went to the city of page and ook his abode in the palace TSATHE (31. 19.) On that day came there the teacher called bijayasena.kallANaya informed G. of the arrival of V. who had taken his abode in the As'oka garden laid out by Merchant As'oka-datta. Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxiv Next morning, G. approached V. whom he requested to tell the story of the reason why he took to asetic-life. He narrated his lifehistory as follows:-(35. 17.) Vijayasena's Tale "I lived in Gandharapura, in the country of Gandhara. I had a friend named Vibhayasu who died suddenly. In the meanwhile four Jaina saints arrived and stayed there in a cave where I saw them. They instructed me and I got thereby apta. Last night before their departure, I saw miraculous signs-which usually occur when a monk attains anget, -while I approached them. Gods and men put them questions. I too put them a question about my dead friend vibhAvasu. The kevalI said that my friend was reborn as a dog at the house of a washerman named Ch. He was famished, chained close to the washing-basin, and was always afraid of the washerman's donkey. I sent men to fetch the dog. The present condition of my friend, said the kevalin, was due to his caste-pride in the last birth. It so happened that once on Madana's festival when the music-parties of the citizens were Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ XXV making merry, my friend disgusted with the party of Faca due to their low birth, caused Face to be put in prison though the townpeople got him released afterwards. Whenmy friend died, he was born a washerman's dog. The best, on my question what my friend's condition thereafter would be, said that he would be twice born a eunach, a chandala in Faza's service, as a daughter of ha and at last as his son who would be drowned in the tank by an enemy of his father. Then his facena, the evil effect of his sins would come to an end and since he is a Hon, he would afterwards attain absolution I thus being convinced of the worthlessness of the world and the shackles of actions took to monkhood. (42. 16.) Then G. put to him the question="ute fs A A grot; at ar an AC 39137 ?" V. then enters into a lengthy discussion on the topics of Jaina theology. He describes the Highest Abode the instruments for the attainment of which are samyaktva, jJAna and caraNa. The samyaktva is the mUlavastu=the central aim of 12-fold gRhidharma and 10-fold yatidharma. samyaktva becomes a difficult goal to attain due to the shackles of eight Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxvi fold #, the root of which is in fheara etc. The Phafast requires therefore to be destroyed and for that three ways are mentioned SIETTE FETT, srgazkur, 371977 . Then he discusses 10 liMgas of samyaktva, aticAras or transgressions of vratas, upazamazreNi and kSapakazreNi and ends the discourse. G. then went home and continued to visit V. for a full month at the end of which V. went away from the place. (49. 13.) Once upon a time, G. from the top of his palace saw a dead body carried on a funeral bier. He at once felt the futility of the worldly life and determined to take the vows of an ascetic under Vijayasenacarya. He called his minister pare and conveyed to him this determination to which he readily assented. After necessary forinalities, he nominated aga his successor and before going to anadaiari, in a lone place he observed an all-night observance (52, 2.) A. who had abstained from food with a sinful resolve, died and became a fargear. He saw G, on a lore spot, threw a shower of fiery sand on him. But G, did not mind pain and died under contemplation,evntually attaining godhood in Candranana, in the garden Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxvii heaven. In the end is described how the gods come into being and what pleasures and delights they come to acquire in heaven. (55. 20). The Story of the Second Birth. (ate and store; Anaofteren. St. 23. 5. 18.) In the conntry of race, there was a city named arge. King Purus'adatta ruled there. His wife was S'rikanta. Now the soul of Gunasena, after the completion of his age for godhood, was born as a son to this royal couple. He was named as his mother had dreamt that a lion was entering her womb. Simha grew up to be the paragon of prince. (58. 10.) Once in the spring-time, he saw in the park Krida-sundara Kusumavali, the beautiful daughter of his maternal uncle, Priyankara. Her attendent urged her to welcome the prince but as she was too bashful. The maid asked the prince to sit beside them. The maid offered him a garland and a betel. Kusumavali at once on seeing him, conceived passion for him. This was seen by heraut, the chamberlain of the harem who happened to come there on the bidding of the queen Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxviii to call the princess. The love-sick princess went to the palace, bade farewell to all her female friends and in the upper chamber of the palace lay suffering with love-pangs in a couch. She hated all sports and delights and lay there love-lorn. In the meantime, her old nurse sent her daughter # to comfort her, (61. 19.) telling that the princess was tired after a walk in the park 3suMdara. madanalekhA approached the princess and saw her in bed thoroughly pulled down. The princess, on being asked by her the reason of this depression, simply evaded the right thing by saying that she was slightly feverish due to the exhaustion caused by the gardenwalk and ordered her to prepare a couch in the plantain-bower. The princess lay in the couch. The naid offered her a betel and began to fan her. (63. 2.) closely watched the symptoms and concluded to herself that the princess was tormented by acute passion. The maid asked her whether she saw some strange thing in the garden. The princess could not contain herself and said that she saw Prince Simha and elaborately described him. (64. 80.) The maid approved of this selection and also informed her that Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxix she overheard the conversation between Subuddhi and Kusumavali's father that the king was anxious for a match between the Prince and Kusumavali and had ordered him to bring it about. She added that her father had consented. (65. 10). In the meantime, a maid-servant came, to announce that the park was to be arranged as Prince Simha was expected to come there presently. The princess went to her chamber. (65. 17.) The Prince presently came to the park and sat in the bower of Madhavi-creeper. The park is described in details. (66. 3.) In the meantime, water asked the princess to offer him welcome with formal offerings etc. On the advice of #Toer, the princess sent through her to the prince a garland, flowers, fruit and the picture of a female-swan mourning for the separation from her mate with a fayet-verse written below. The prince received these presents and carving the figure of a TISEE out of a leaf, pasted it on the picture-board wrote a tender love-verse below and sent it back to Kusumavali. This went on till the king betrothed them. (69. 7.) The day for marriage was fixed with the Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ XXX aid of astrologers. On the fixed day, the bride was annointed and decked. At the right moment, settled by astrologers, the prince went with great pomp to the marriagepandal and was there welcomed by the matrons with customary rites. The bridegroom was then led by the bride's companions before the bride and the bantering companions opened the face of the bride. Then according to the usual customs, the bride and the bridegroom were made to turn round sacred fire and the dowry was offered by the bride's father. (76. 10.) - The prince lived and enjoyed with his wife for many purva years. Once when the prince was riding in the park Nagadeva, he met young Acarya Dharmaghosa and his disciples. The prince questioned him why he took to ascetic-life. He began to narrate the account: While he lived in Rijapura, a city in Aparavideha, there came Acarya Amargupta who had the supernatural knowledge Avadhi. The king also visited him and heard his instruction. Once he asked him the history of his previous births, to which Amargupta readily complied. It is as follows: (78. 17.) Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxxi Amargupta's Tale. In Campivasa, I was born formerly as a girl named Soma and was married to Rudradeva. Once I made an acquaintence of the chief nun Balacandra and by her religious instruction. I became averse to worldly pleasures. My husband did not like this and ordered me to renounce my creed. He did not succeed in this attempt. So he began to hate. me and courted Nagas'ri. Her father did not consent to their match. (80. 6 ) My husband thought that I was in the way. So he madea trick to take my life. One night, he asked. me to fetch a garland from a sealed earthen pot in which he had hidden a deadly snake. I was bitten by a snake and immediately died. Rudradeva then married Nagas'li and after his death, descended to hell Ratnaprabha. I became a god in the Litavatamsaka Vimana in the Saudharma heaven. (81. 6.) After a Palyopama, I was reborn as an elephant and my adversary, a parrot. Once a Vidyadhara, kidnapping the daughter of another Vidyadhara, hid himself in the grove in the forest and requested the parrot not to betray him to his pursuers. In the meantime, I was passing by with my females. The Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxxii parrot, with a view to bring about my death by cheating, took advantage of the situation and began to make perfidious conversation with his wife. He said that he had learnt from sage Vasistha that on the next hill there was a precipice called for thT50 from which if one, with a fixed thought of a certain desire, threw oneself down, one would attain the desire. So he added to his wife that they should fall from it with a desire to become a Vidyadhara and they flew. Now soon afterwards I saw the Vidyadhara couple that has hidden there. Completely duped, I with my consorts decided to fall from the precipice, with an idea of becoming a god. All my limbs were broken and I died miserably eventually becoming a sciare-g d. My enemy, died as a parrot and was consigned to the hell called ratnaprabhA. (83. 7.) After the completion of one Palyopama, I was reborn in the city of Cakravalapura of Aparavideha, as Cakkadeva, the son of the merchant Apratihatacakra while my enemy as Jannadeva, the son of the king's chaplain Somas'arman. As the implacable hatred of the previous birth was still persistent in him in this birth, he made a deceitful Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxxiii friendship with me though I was to him quite sincere. Jannadeva sought an opportunity to ruin me. Once he secretly robbed the merchant by name Candana and came to me next morning to persuade me to keep the stolen goods as a deposit. He feigned that that was his own goods and that he wanted to keep the things away from his father's ken. My suspicion thus was pacified. In the meantime, Candana informed the king about the theft and the king sent forth a proclamation seeking information of the scheduled stolen goods from any one who might have come by it, in course of transaction, on the pain of death. (84. 22.) After five days, Jannadeva informed the king that Cakkadeva possessed the stolen goods and urged him that in any case, Cakkadeva's house should be searched. The king with reluctance ordered search. The police-men, with the store-keeper of merchant Candana and the jury of older citizens of the town examined me. I denied. all knowledge about the stolen property to shield my friend. They then carried out the search, brought out gold articles etc. with, the name of Candana marked on them. The; store-keeper identified the articles according Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Xxxiv to the list and I was taken away before the king. I wept there copiously; and returned no answer to his questions. The king was greatly confused. He did not believe in the guilt, attributed to me. However, on the evidence before him, he banished me and the king's officers carried me out of the town and left me near the grove dedicated to the goddessi of the town (87. 23.) Unable to hear this insult, I determined to hang myself. But the goddess, out of compassion, revealed by bringing the king's mother under her psychic influence that I should be saved as I was innocent and that Jannadeva should be arrested. The king post-haste came to the spot and himself unfastened the knot and brought me to the town. As the king knew all the details about Jannadeva, he ordered that Jannadeva's eyes must be taken out and the tongue cut and that he should ask my forgiveness for the wrong done to me. I implored the king to save Jannadeva, out of the past friendship. The king acceded to my request. But seeing the perfidy of my friend, my mind turned away from this world. (90 10.) In the meantime, there arrived Ganadhara Agnibhuti and obtaining real knowledge through his teach Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ XXXV ings, I entered the order of a monk. After my death I was born as the Vaimanika god in Brahmloka while my adversary in the S'arkaraprabha hell as a hell-dweller(91. 7). After our respective periods being over, we were reborn, I as Candrasara, the son of a merchant named Rayanasira in the city of Rayanapura of Gandhalavati in the country of Videha, while the other as Anahaka, the son of Narmada, a slave-girl in my father's house. I married Candrakanta. The relations of Anahaka and myself were on the basis of inveterate hatred though I was sincere. Once upon a time when Anahaka and I had gone to some other place and while the king was absent from the town, S'abara chief Vindhyketu raided the town and abducted many people among whom was also my wife. While we returned, an old Brahmana advised us that the S'abaras by keeping the abducted people with them and wanted to extort money. So Anahaka and I went towards the camp of S'abaras, taking with us the ransom -money for my wife and the victuals.(92. 15.) Now, the S'abaras had cainped after the raid on the city near a lone village by the well. My wife, under the fear of being ravi Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxxvi shed, fell into the well; she then crept out of the water and sat in a nook. In the meanwhile, Anahaka and I came by the well. Anahaka carried the ransom-money while 1, the victuals. The desire for deceit sprang in him. He asked me to look into the well to find whether there was water in it. As I leaned on the well, he pushed me in and went off with the ransom money. To my amazement, my wife and I recognised each other by the sounds of our voice. We sustained ourselves for few days with the victuals which I had with me. After some time, there arrived a caravan on its way to Ratnapura which took us out and saved us. We travelled with the caravan and on the way, we found the skeleton of a man killed by a lion. As the jewels which I took as the the ransom-money for my wife were beside it, I recognised it to be that of my friend Anahaka. Being dejected with this experience I took the vows of an ascetic. After my death, I was born as a Vaimanika god in Maha-S'ukra. Heaven and Anahaka as a helldweller in Valukaprabha hell. (95. 23.) After the completion of our period, we were reborn in Rathavirapura of Bharatava Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxxvii rsa, I as the merchant named Anangadeva and the other as the merchant named Dhanadeva. The other nursed a secret hatred against me though he kept up all the appearences of a friend, with a view to deceive me of my gain, prepared sweet cakes and put a strong poison in them to offer them to me. But by mistake he ate the poisoned cakes and died. All the gain came to me. But I became averse to worldly life and took to asceticism. After death, I became a god in Prinata heaven and the other a helldweller in Pankaprabha hell. (97. 21.) Then we were reborn in Hastinapura, as the sons of Jaina merchants. My name was Viradeva; and his was Dronaka. Our mutual relation was as in the previous birth. We being educated under one teacher and initiated in the Jaina doctrine before one preceptor, became bound by friendship, he out of deceit, I with sincerity. Conducting business with my capital, he gained a big profit. He wanted to kill me with a view to remove me as the partner of the gain. He built a big villa, made an unstable jutty and designed to invite me with an idea to induce me to go first on the jutty. But it so happened that by some Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxxviii confusion, he first went to the jutty. Soon it fell down and with it Dronaka fell and died. Being put out by this accident, I took . to order. After death, I became a god in one of the Graiveyaka heavens; and the other a hell-dweller in Dhumaprabha hell. (99. 21.) Then I was reborn in Campavasa. My name was Purnabhadra. I was also called Amargupta. The other was born a daughter to a merchant. Her name was Nandayanti and she was married to me. She had the same deceitful affection towards me as in previous birth. She pretended once to have lost her ear-rings. To console her, I gave her another pair. Once while I wanted to take bath, I gave her my ring. She put the ring in the box. When I opened her box, I saw there the ear-rings, which she had pretended to have lost. In the meantime, my wife came and saw the ring in my hand and scented the whole affair. To save herself from disgrace, she prepared a poisonous charm to kill me. But before she could administer it to me, she was stung by a snake and diod. Being overpowered by romorse, I entered the order. (102. 20.) The Amaragupta related his account, on Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xxxix hearing which being averse to the world, I entered the order. [ The continuation of the Main Story ] Prince Simha then asked him to explain the nature of the world and its happiness and miseries and the nature of true Dharma. Dharmaghosa preached as follows: The fare consists in fourfold ambulations viz. hell-life, lower animal-life, human life and celestial life. As to happiness and miseries, happiness is meagre. He then related, for the explanation of happiness and miseries, the following parable. (103. 10.) * [The Parable of a Man in the Well. ] A poor man lost his way in a dreadful forest, and was soon chased by a furious elephant while in front, he was opposed by a dreadful demoness. To save himself, he fled towards a banyan tree but he could not climb it. Near by there was a well. He jumped in it and caught hold of the clump of reeds that grew on the side of the well. He perceived on the four sides of the well four serpents and at the bottom a huge python. At the root of the clump, two black and white mice were gnawing. The elephant not finding his Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ prey, shook the banyan tree so heavily that the bee-hive on it was disturbed. The bees flew and stung the man. But at the same time, the drops of honey fell on the face of the man. He licked them and was so much pleased that he forgot all about the dangers. (106. 8.) The man is likened to a soul; the forst to Samsara; the she-demon to an old age; the elephant to death; the banyan tree to Moksa; the well to human life; the four snakes to four principal passions; the clump, of reeds to the length of human life; the white and black mice to the bright and dark halves of the month; the bees to diseases, the huge python to hell, the drops of honey to the happiness in the world. (107. 4.) He advised therefore Prince Simha to mind not this flicker of happiness but Dharma. Then the teacher spoke about the ten vows of a monk. Those who can not follow them should adopt the Law of laymen and asked Kusumavali also to do the same. In the meantime, King Purus'adatta died and Simha became the king. (109. 4.) Now the soul of Agnis'arman settled in the womb of Kusumavali. She dreamt a snake entering her body, which afrerwards Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ came out and stung the king who thereupon fell down from his throne. The queen did not inform the king about this because of the dislike she began to feel for him. Once during her pregnancy, she had a desire to eat the bowels of the king. This horrible desire made her disgusted of the unborn child and she tried to have abortion in vain. She grew worse and worse day by day. The king was alarmed and asked her the cause but she did not speak out. At last the queen's maid Madanalekha told him truly about the matter. He then sat in counsel about this with his minister Matisagara. He suggested the trick to the king. The artificial bowels were to be kept hidden about the king who had to remain hungry so as not be detected and they were to be taken out and offered to the queen. The plan became successful and the queen grew better. It was arranged that the child as soon as born, was to be delivered to the minister and not to the king, so that Matisagara might arrange to bring up the child without the knowledge of the father. The queen consented to this and delivered the child to the minister who asked the maid to carry it away. The king saw the Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xlii maid by chance and discovered the whole thing. The child was entrusted to other nurses. The boy-child was named Ananda. The prince bore as an inheritance of the previous birth, inveterate hatred towards Simha, his father. Neverthless, the king appointed him an heir-apparent. (113. 2.) Once upon a time it was made known to the king that one of his vassals had revolted. He sent an army to defeat him but it failed. The king himself marched against the rebellious enemy. He reached the Indus after three marches, on the bank of which he saw a strange sight. As nakew as swallowing a frog; a frog in its turn was being swallowed by the kurala bird which in its turn was in the process being swallowed by an old serpent. This sot the king thinking; and his mind realising the cruel nature of the world became averse to worldly life. He thought of giving up the kingdom which was so full of cares in favour of his son. The night passed away and after the completion of the usual morning -duties of the king, the ministers came to see him (115. 12.) In the meantime, it was announced that rebel Durmati was subdued and as a prisoner Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xliii stood under guards at the door. He ordered to bring him before him. Durmati swore submission to the King and he was pardoned by the King with grace. (116. 2.) The King then returned to Jayapura and informed the ministers of his resolve to renounce the world and enter the order. The ministers gave their assent and the astrologers fixed the fifth day thence for coronation. All preparations were made for coronation. (116 23 ) As a result of the hatred of previous birth, the prince conspired with Durmati to kill the King. The prince thought this coronation as a ruse to kill him. He settled with himself that if that were a ruse, he ought to kill the King or if the kingdom was to come to him without effort, it did not befit his manhood and that in any case, he must kill the King (117. 10.) The King, in the meantime sent message to Ananda to come for the occasion. When he did not do this, the King with only an attendant, went to call upon him. Ananda, getting the oppprtunity to put his plan in action, drew the sword and severely. wounded the King. A great cry arose and the soldiers surrounded and attacked Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xliv Ananda. The King checked them and exhorted them to spare Ananda as he, the King, was to die soon. Ananda was then annointed king and soon afterwards he caught the King and ordered Durmati to throw the old King into a horrible dungeon. The queens there saw him in the most pitiful condition, wept and beat their breasts. The king persuaded them not to do so and preached to them the vanity of all these things. He advised them to renounce the world and become nuns. The queens followed his advice. (120. 21.) The King did not become enraged even in the least at the daily ill-treatment meted out to him. He at last resolved to starve himself to death. When Ananda heard of this resolve, he sent one of his noble men napied Devas'arman to dissuade the King. But he could not move the King from his resolve. (121. 6.) Seeing that Devas'arman was late, Ananda rushed and threatened the King to lop off his head if he did not take his food. The old King was undaunted and declared in a long and moving sermon that it was foolish to be afraid of the inevitable death. Ananda, thereupon, killed him with his Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xlv sword. The old King, Simha 'was for five Sagaropamas the denizen in the heaven called Lilarama Vimana; while Ananda, after his death in due course attained Ratnaprapha hell. (123. 24.) 6. The form of Samaraiccakaha. Samaraiccakaha of Haribhadra is the ETAPET (See. Intro. P. XIX.) Hemacandra describes this work as 4*ent meaning thereby Affalfafaqorat ( See. Jacobi. Fasc. ix. P.XVIII. foot-note. 4.) dAkSiNyacihna uddyotanasUri called his work THS also Tr. [ 15TET FAUT .ydikkhiynnriNdaa| iha loe hoi thirA esA usahassa kitti va // 56. Al.] saataa has described as ITHTANENT marahaTyadasivaNNayaNibaddhAsuddhA sayalakahaJciya tAvasajiNa+satyavAhillA Though the religious information and preachings of Jainism are studded in the story, it does not become dull. The sermons occurring in 42.19-48. 19. (First Birth ) or 103. 6.108. 15 (Second Birth) are so full of theological information that the story aptly deserves the name of Ther. Moreover the motivation of the story is supplied by the intense hatred which Agnis'arman conceived for Gunasena. This serves as the faterasa bad Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xlvi Karma (a term taken from medicine) which motivates many births of each (5. 11-12) of which nine being prominent have been undertaken for story-purposes. Even in the sub-story in the First Birth viz. the story of vijayasena's friend vibhAvasu, the series of birth has been caused by the fault of (vanity). In the Second Birth, the inveterate hatred between the two agnizarman and guNasena=AnaMda the son and siMha the father, motivates the action of the story. The sub-story of the history of, the teacher of dharmaMghoSa who related the story to siMha, is motivated by the fault of (=deceit). Thus in the garb of stories, Haribhadra tries to give what dire results follow the faults of krodha, mAna, mAyA etc. without being in the least insipid, and justifies most aptly the designation of the work in the class of dhammakahA. The manner of putting stories within stories is very common with Indian romancewriters. bANa's kAdambarI is a classic illustration. This sort of story-within-story compositions are particularly in favour with Jaina storywriters as the theory of Karman which causes the cycle of births is so much developed and indulged in oft and on in the thelogical disquistions and stories by Jainas. Every Jaina Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xlvii story is sure to have something to deal with: the pre-birth stories of its hero. Even substories in the First Birth and the Second Birth of Samaraiccakahi indulge so much in speaking about previous births that sometimes, one forgets the main story as well as this number of births. Prof. Jacobi has bitterly remarked about this in the introduction to his edition of haar " The story-literature of the Jainas is over-rich in such forehistories. Mostly they are the productions of a barren priestcraft-phantasie." Another point ab sut PATIESEFET is the introduction of parables for religious instruction-e. g. the parable of a man in the well (103. ;2-107. 8 ), an underdeveloped parable of a serpent, a frog, a kural bird and an old serpent (113, 10-114 1.) This is not only the case with FATETET, agfails of serata is also full of many fables of this sort. e. g. (1) rate foortig Thya Eropei P. 4 (2) AgnetaAIS HETaEra P. 8, which is the same as the parable of a man in the well in Samaraiccakaha. (3) TEHTAP oyupi P. 9. Moreover at many places in agentese, the actual mention of vifaransa (=a popular story) is noticed (P. 33) (P. 132) etc. [ See aggaris ed. by. Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xlviii Catura vijaya and Punyavijaya Vol. i] The cUrNis of jinadAsamahattara also contains many fables. All these fables have one sort of structure, viz. the concrete fable and the conclusion or JIHER where the concrete elements are shown as applicable to the true spirit. Haribhadra's work also is important from another standpoint as it gives the faithful picture of the social life in Upper Gujarat, in the 8th century, in the First Birth e. g. the dance of women in the celebration of the birth-day festival ( 23. 5-14); the musicparties like Bhajana-mandalis of our times and the manifestation of caste-pride ( 39. 13 ff.) etc. The second Birth is replete with the description of social customs in those days with regard to marriage (69. 8-76. 10) and peculiarly enough it resembles to a certain extent even now the marriage-ceremony and the customary things attached thereto, among the various subcastes of Banias in Gujarat. The description of conducting a search in the house of the suspect for the stolen property; ( 83. 10-60. 10 ); also the description of the queen coming under the phychic influence of the goddess (83. 388. 9) The description of journeys and the Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xlix difficulties thereof, the raids of robbers on the towns. etc. (91 16-95 15) etc. All these descriptions are interesting as well as informative. Haribhadra himself has said that the nucleus of the story is traditional, ( See Notes of this work on 5. 17. ) though of course it must have received so much of Haribhadra's own genius. He has in the colophon of the work said falutigergut ( See. Intro. P. xviii, the whole colophon is quoted) which shows he must have so much added that might be his own. Haribhadra's literary fame rests upon this work. The Style of the work. Haribhadra's style in general is simple, chaste and fluent and differs considerably from the highly ornamental style of Bana. But ojaH samarasabhUyastvaM / was the guiding principle in the composition of prose-romances in those days; and the in spite of his simplicity is * not free from this fastidious notion. I would draw attention of the reader to some passages. (2. 19-3. 10); (7. 9-22.) the description of the ugliness of Baaria in the most traditional Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xlx style (See. Notes on this passage P. 129 ); (8. 11-16) the description of the penanceforest; (11. 6-13); (33. 9-16) the description on of fatudarah is full of similes based upon puns; (32. 9-17) the description of the trees in the garden with similes based upon puns; (56. 9-11) the description of the king with a' compound extending over two lines; ( 58. 19-24) the description of the garden; (63. 11-64. 8) the description of Prince Simha; (72. 11-19.) the description of the marriagepandal; (103. 16-24) the description of the forest containing the longest compounds, quaint and peculiar. This sort of prose is purely of Sanskrit influence and is symptomatic of the notions of prose prevalent among rhetoricians and writers of note in those days. The two chapters of Samaraiccakaha with which we are concerned contain in all 234 stanzas. Though in general the verses are easy there are abundent passages in the work containing the devices both of word and meaning, e. g. st. 143; st. 144. etc. Long compounds st. 52-565 st 160-164. Moreover the device which can be named better as net or chain in found is st 160-164. This device consists in the fact that the line in the stanza Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xlxi opens with the expression which is at the end of the preceding stanza. The vogue of this device is not new as the same can be found in 4473 1. 15. P. 59 (Prof. P. L. Vaidya's Edition). paznottaras, gUDhacaturArthas, etc. are used later on in the story. But with them we are hardly concerned here. The language of the work is Maharastri Prakrta. I do not understand why Prof. Jacobi says thas the language of prose leans towards that idiom, I contend that the Prakrta sometimes appears merely the transcription of Sanskrit forins and one is therefore misled to ascribe to such transcriptions S'aurseni influence. In prose, it is noticeable at times that the vocalization and aspiration of the consonants have not reached the extremest degree. In agarcis, this phase is even less perceptible than that in Samaraiccakaha. But, in main, the language of Samaraiccakha is Maharastri Prakrta. Metras in Samaraicca kaha. There are hardly many varieties of metre in Samaraiccakha. We have two metres: Tattic and 233 arals. Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xlxii Before dealing with araf, we shall take up the dipadvIkhaMDa ( 66. 21 ) for treatment. Metrically it is the same but the difference is only in the fact that is constituted of two unit-lines whereas this as it stands contains 4 lines. dvipadI is defined by Pingla (Prak rta-- Pingla-Sutrani Ed. Ghosh, Calcutta P. 257 ) Ai iMda jattho paDhamahi, dijjahi bevi dhaNuharaM / taha pAikajualu parisaMThavahu, viviha cittasuMdaraM // 152 // sarasai lai pasAu tahi puhavihi, karahi kaita kaiaNA / mahuara caraNa aMta lai dinahu doai bhaNahu buhaaNA // 153 // The metrical arrangement according to Pingala therefore is = 6 mAtrAs ( iMdu . i. e. middle two short ) + 4 mAtrAs + 4 mAtras ( 2 dhanardharas ) + 4 mAtrAs + 4 mAtrAs ( 2 pAikas ) + 6 mAtrAs ( madhukara 1. e. last two mAtras - ) = 28 mAtrAs in one caraNa. Accordingly if our fat is scanned it will be as follows;-- ~ 6 4 4 4 4 6 ahiNavane | hanibha | rukka / NThiya ai / pavtrA / yavayaNiyA ww sarasamuNA / latralaya / gAsa / mmi visai | mandA | hilAsiyA dAhiNapava / Navihu / kamalA | yarae / vi adi / nnadiTTiyA piyasaMgama | kae na / utta / mmai kaha / vararA | yahaMsiyA || v V Only in the last line the first unit of 6 mAtrAs has not its two middle mAtrAs as in other three lines above. Otherwise the metre Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xlxiii can be put in as above. The caraNa = 28 mAtrAs. with yati between 16 and 12 mAtrAs. chadonusAzana IV. 12 defines dvipadI = 6 mAtrAs + 4 mAtrAs (~-- or ~~ + 4 mAtrAs+4 mAtrAs+4 mAtrAs + 4 mAtrAs (~-~ or www. + 2mAtrAs (-). It should be noted that hemacaMdra does not put a rigour on the first six mAtrAs as piMgala does while he splits up piMgala's last 6 mAtrAs = 4 mAtrAs + 2mAtrAs ( always to be represented by a long syllable) The rigour put on the 2nd to and 6th To by . is observed by our illustration. The splitting-off of piMgala's last gaNa of 6 mAtrAs into two of 4 and 2, does not make any material difference. The difference between dvipadI and catuSpadI is that the stanza of the former is constituted of 2 caraNas and that of the latter of 4 caraNas. Another metre is srai. It is defined as;yasyAH pAde prathame dvAdaza mAtrAstathA tRtIye'pi / aSTAdaza dvitIye caturthake paMcadaza sAryA // 1 aha se / viuM 5 / yttaa| II senaM / annvr| ymukk| mIsA / sA / III mayaNasa / rasalli / ymnnaa| IV niyk| jjaniya / ttavAvArA || ___ (St. 112.) Thus in the above I 12 Afars III 12 Arats II 18 mAtrAs, IV 15 mAtrAs. It Should be noted that the last letter of a gre may be pronounced long. See. e. g, St. 122. In general the are is Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xlxiv a complete unit in itself but sometimes the regular caesura is omitted after the 3rd gana the straf will be called faget e. g. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Haet i metar i farala i spatet i PSOT I gavid Il (St. 66.) Other illustrations St. 31, line 1; St. 32, line 2. It may be that in the whole strir, one are may belong to fagat while the other may belong to an ordinary trat. This much discussion is sufficient for the occasion though much can be given as the stai metre has received much development at the hands of Prakrta poets. 9 In conclusion, I thank Prof. Jacobi whose edition of Samaraiccakahi has immensely helped me in the preparation of my edition as well as Maharaja Sri Punyavijayaji who got for me the Ms. of this work from Patana which has all along helped me in settling the text of my edition. M. C. Modi. Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ samarAiccakahA / bhUmiyA / - paNamaha vijiyasudujjayanijiyasuramaNuyavisamasarapasaraM / tihuyaNamaGgalanilayaM vasahagaigayaM jiNaM usahaM / / 1 / / paramasirivaddhamANaM paNaTTamANaM visuddhavaranANaM / sayaMbhuvaM vaddhamANaM ca // 2 // gayajoyaM joIsa sese ciya bAvIse jAijarAmaraNabaMdhaNavimukte / telokkamatthayatthe titthayare bhAvao namaha // 3 // uvaNeu maGgalaM vo jiNANaM muhalAlijAlasaMvaliyA / titthapavattaNasamae tiyasavimukkA kusumavuTThI // 4 // deu suhaM vo surasiddha maNuyavandehi sAyaraM namiyA / titthayaravayaNapaGkayaviNiggayA maNaharA vANI // 5 // alaM pavitthareNa / suNaha soyavvAI, pasaMsaha pasaMsaNi- 10 parihariyavvAI, Ayaraha AyariyavvAIM / jjAI, pariharaha tattha, namiUNa vIyarAyaM muNirAyaM haribhaddamairAyaM / samarAiccAe vivarissaM bhavabiyaM kiMci // 1 // virahaMkavAyasAyarataraNammi suhaM hou bAlANaM / iya ciMtiya ADhattA bAlaDaM lahuTippaNI esA / / 2 / / moikuluppaNNeNa ya saMyaliyA mahusUyaNeNesA | nihisijjhakeMdumie vikkamavarise rAyaNavarammi // 3 // 1. bijita - sudurjaya - nirjita- sura- manuja - viSamazara - prasaraM / 2. vRSabhagatigataM / 3. gatayogaM yogIzaM / 4. triloka mastakasthAn / Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAicakahASa soyabvAI narAmarasivasuhajaNayAiM atthasArAI / samvannubhAsiyAiM bhuvarNami paiTThiyajasAI // 6 // tAI ciya vibuhANaM pasaMsaNijjAI taha ya jAiM ca / tehiM ciya bhaNiyAiM sammatanANacaraNAI // 7 // 5 parihariyambAI tahA kugaIvAsassa heubhUyAI / micchattamAiyAI logaviruddhAiM ya taheva // 8 // AyariyabvAiM aNissieNa smmttnaanncrnnaaii| dogaJcaviuDaNAI cintAmaNirayaNabhUyAI // 9 // . etthaM puNa ahigAro tA soyavve hi patthuyapabandhe / 1. savannubhAsiyAI soyavAI tti bhaNiyamiNaM // 10 // . vocchaM tappaDibaddhaM bhaviyajaNANandayAriNiM paramaM / saMkhevao mahatthaM cariyakahaM taM nisAmeha // 1 // tattha ya 'tivihaM kahAvatdhuM ' ti puvAyariyapavAo / taM jahA / divaM divvamANusaM mANusaM ca / tastha divvaM nAma, jatya kevalameva 15 divvacariyaM vaNijai, divvamANusaM puNa, jattha doNhaM pi digva mANusANaM; mANusaM tu, jattha kevalaM mANusacariyaM ti // eltha sAmanao cattAri kahAo havanti / taM jahA / atthakahA kAmakahA dhammakahA saMkiNNakahA ya / tattha asthakahA nAma; jA asthovAyANapaDibaddhA asimasikasivANijjasippasaMgayA vicitta20 dhAUvAyAipamuhamahovAyasaMpauttA sAmabheyauvappayANadaNDAipayatya viraiyA,8 sA atthakaha tti bhaNai / jA uNa kAmovAyANavi5. durgativinAzayani / 6. vakSyAmi / 7. sAmAnyataH / 8. ayopAdAnaprativaddhA asimaSIkRSivANijyazilpasaMgatA vicitradhAtUpAyAdivamukhamahopAyasaMpravattA sAmabhedopapradAnadaMDAdipadAryaviracitA / Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bhuumiyaa|] sayA vittavapuSvayakalAdakkhiNNaparigayA aNurAvapulaiyapaDivatijoyasArA dUIvAvAraramiyabhAvANuvattaNAipayatyasaMgayA, sA kAmakaha tti bhaNai / jA uNa dhammovAyANagoyarA khamAmahavajavamuttitavasaMjamasasaccasoyAkiMcaNNabaMbhacerapahANA aNubbayadisidesANatyadaNDaviraIsAmAiyaposahovayAsovabhogaparibhogAtihisaM- 5 vibhAgakaliyA aNukampAkAmanijarAipayatthasaMpauttA,deg sA dhammakaha tti| jA uNa tivaggovAyANasaMbaddhA kancakahAganthasthatistharaviraiyA loiyaveyasamayapasiddhA uyAharaNaheukAraNovaveyA," sA saMkiNNakaha tti vuccai / / eyANaM ca kahANaM tivihA soyAro havanti / taM jahA, .. ahamA majjhimA uttama tti / tattha je kohamANamAyAlohasamucchAiyamaI paraloyadasaNaparaMmuhA ihalogaparamatthadaMsiNo niraNukampA jIvesu, te tahAvihA tAmasA ahamapurisA duggaigamaNakandujayAe sugaipaDivakkhabhUyAe paramasthao aNatthabahulAe atthakahAe aNusajanti / je uNa saddAivisayavisamohiyamaNA 15 bhAvariuindiyANukulavattiNo abhAviyaparamatthamaggA 'imaM sundaraM, imaM sundarayaraM' ti sundarAsundaresu aviNicchiyamaI te rAyasA majjhimapurisA buhajaNovahasaNijAe viDambaNamettapaDibaddhAe iha 9. vittavapurvaya:kalAdAkSiNyaparigatA dUtovyApAraramitabhAvAnuvartanAdipadArthasaMgatA / 10. kSamAmArdavAvamuktitapaHsaMyamasatyazaucAkiMcanatvabrahmacaryapradhAnA anuvratadiA dezAnarthadaMDaviratisAmAyikapoSadhopavAsopabhogaparibhogAtithisaMvibhAgakalitA annukNpaakaamnirjraadipdaarthsNpryuktaa| 11. laukikavedasamayaprasiddhA udAharaNahetukAraNopetA / 12. durgtigmndRddhodytaayaaN| Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ samarAicakahAe parabhave ya dukkhasaMvaDDayAe kAmakahAe aNusajjanti / 3 14 maNagaM" sundarayarA sAvekkhA ubhayaloesu kusalA vavahAranayamaNaM paramatthao sAravivANarahiyA khuddabhoesu abahumANiNo aviyahA" udArabhogANaM, te kiMcisattiyA majjhimapurisA 5 caiva Asayavisesao sugaiduggaivattiNIe jIvalogasabhAvavibbhamAe sayalarasanIsandasaMgayAe vivihabhAvapasUinibandhaNAe saMkiNNakahAe aNusajjanti / je uNa jAijarAmaraNajaNiya veraggA jammantaraMmivi kusa bhAviyamaI nigviNNA kAmabhogANa mukapAyA pAvaleveNa vinAyaparamapayasarUvA AsannA siddhisaMpattIe, 10 te sattiyA uttimapurisA sagganivvANasamAruhaNavattiNIe buhajaNasaMsaNijAe sayalakahAsundarAe mahApurisaseviyA dhammakahAe caiva aNusajjanti // tao ahaM pi iyANi divyamANusavasthugayaM dhammakahaM ceva. kittaislAmi / bhaNiyaM ca akaya parovayAraniraehi uvaladdhaparama15 payamaggehiM samatiNamaNimuttale hukaJcaNehiM sAsayasivamokkhabaddharA ehiM dhammasatyayArehiM " // 20 dhammeNa kulapasUI dhammeNa ya divvarUvasaMpattI | dhammaNa dhaNasamiddhI dhammeNa suvitthaDA kittI // 12 // dhammo maGgalamaDalaM" osahamaulaM ca savvadukkhANaM / dhammo balamavi viulaM dhammo tANaM ca saraNaM ca // 13 // kiM jaMpieNa bahuNA jaM jaM dIsai samatthajiyaloe / indiyamaNAbhirAmaM taM taM dhammapphalaM savvaM // 14 // 13. manAk / 14. avitRSNA / 15. dharmazAstrakAraiH / 16. maMgalamukuTaM / Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bhuumiyaa|] bhImaMmi maraNakAle mottUNaM dukkhasaMviDhattaM pi / atthaM dehaM sayaNaM dhammo cciya hoi susahAo // 15 // pAvei ya suraloyaM tatto vi sumANusattaNaM dhammo / tatto dukkhavimokkhaM sAsayasokkhaM lahuM mokkhaM // 16 // taM kuNai jANamANo jANai ya suNei jo u mjjhtyo| 1 kusalo ya dhammiyAo kahAu samvannubhaNiyAo // 7 // tA paDhamaM dhammaguNaM paDucca8 cariyaM ahaM pavakkhAmi / ArAhageyarANaM "guNadosavibhAvaNaM paramaM // 18 // navapudhabhavanibaddhaM saMvegakaraM ca bhavyasattANaM / cariyaM samarAiccassa 'vantiranno suNaha vocchaM // 19 // . etyaM bahuyA u bhavA doNha vi uvaogiNo na te savve / navasu paropparajogo jatto saMkhA imA bhaNiyA // 20 // jaha teNeva bhagavayA giriseNuvasaggasahaNapajjante / saMjAyakevaleNaM sirlDa velaMdharasurassa / / 21 // muNicandassa ya ranno devINa ya nammayApahANANaM / saMkheveNa phuDatthaM ahamavi taM saMpavakkhAmi / / 22 // bhaNiyaM ca puvAyariehiM, guNaseNa-aggisammA sIhANandA ya taha piyaa-uttaa| sihi-jAliNi mAi-suyA dhaNa-dhaNasirimo ya pai-bhajjA // jaya-vijayA ya sahoyara dharaNo lacchI ya taha pii-bhjjaa| 2. seNa-viseNA pittiya-uttA jammami sattamae // 24 // guNacanda-vANamaMtara samarAicca giriseNapANo u / ekkassa tao mokkho bIyassa'NantasaMsAro // 25 // nagarAI khiipaiTuM jayaura-kosaMbi-susammanayaraM ca / kAyandI mAyandI campA ojjhA20 ya ujjeNI // 26 // 25 17. duHkhasamupArjitaM / 18. pratItya / 19. ArAdhaketarANAM / 2.. ayodhyaa| Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAicakahAra guNasaNassukvAo sohamma-saNaMkumAra-bambhesu / sukANayAraNesuM gevejjANuttaresuM ca // 27 // iyarassa u uvavAo vijjukumAresu hoi nAyabyo / seso aNantaro uNa rayaNAIsuM ahakkamaso // 28 // sAgaramegaM paJca ya nava-paNaraseva taha ya aTThArA / vIsaM tIsaM tettIsameva paDhamassa devesu // 29 // devesu saGkapaliyaM sAgara tiyaM satta dasa ya sattarasa / bAvIsaM tettIsaM bIyassa ThiI u naraesu // 30 // evameyAo cariyasaMgahaNigAhAo / saMpayaM eyArsi' ceva * gurUvaesANusAreNaM vitthareNaM bhAvatyo kahijjai // paDhamo bhvo| asthi ihavaM jaMbuddIve dIve avaravidehe vAse uttuGgadhavalapAgAramaNDiyaM naliNivaNasaMchanaparihAsaNAhaM suvibhattatiya-23 caukkacaccaraM bhavahiM jiyasurindabhavaNasohaM khiipaiTiyaM nAma 15 nayaraM // jatya vilayAu kamalAi koilaM kuvalayAi klhNse| vayaNehi jaMpieNa ya nayaNehi gaIhi ya jiNanti // 31 // natya ya narANa vasaNaM vijAsu jasaMmi nimmale loho / pAbesu sayA bhIruttaNaM ca dhammami dhaNabuddhI // 32 // 21. sAMprata eteSAM / 22. suvibhaktatrikacatuSkacatvaraM / Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDamo bhvo|] tattha ya rAyA saMpuSNamaNDalo mayakalaGkaparihINo / jaNamaNanayaNANando nAmeNaM puNNacando tti // 33 / / anteurappahANA devI nAmeNa kumuiNI tassa / sai var3iyavisayamuhA iTTA ya rai bva mayaNassa // 34 // tANa ya suo kumAro guNaseNo nAma guNagaNAiNNo / bAlattaNao vaMtarasuro vva kelippio NavaraM // 35 // taMmi ya nayare atIva sayalajaNabahumao dhammasatthasaMghAyapADhao logavavahAranIikusalo appArambhapariggaho janmadatto nAma purohio tti / tassa ya somadevAgambhasaMbhUo mahallatikoNuttimaGgo ApiGgalavaTTaloyaNo ThANamettovalakkhiyacibiDanAso 10 cilamettakaNNasano vijiyadantacchayamahalladasaNo kasudIharasiroharo visamaparihassabAhujuyalo aimaDahavacchatthalo vaMkavisamalamboyaro ekapAsunayamahallaviyaDakaDiyaDo visamapaiTijarajuyalo patthUilakaDhiNahassajako disamavitthiNNacalaNo huyavahasihAjAlapiGgakeso bhamgisammo nAma putto tti / taM ca kouhalleNa kumAraguNaseNo 15 pahayapaDupaDahamuiGgadasakaMsAlayappahANeNa mahayA tUreNa nayaraMjaNamajhe sahatyatAlaM hasanto naccAvei, rAsahami AroviyaM pahaTTabahuDimbhavindaparivAriyaM chittaramayadhariyapoNDarIyaM25 maNaharuttAlavajjantaDiNDimaM AroviyamahArAyasaI bahuso rAyamagge suturiyaturiyaM 23. mahAtrikoNottamAMga: ApiMgalavRttalocanaH sthAnamAtropalakSitabhaanAsaH / 14. ekapAzvonnatamhAvikaTakaTItaTaH / 25. dhRtazUrparUpapuNDarIkaM / Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAicakarAe hiNDAvei / evaM ca paidiNaM kayanteNeva teNa kayasthijjantassa tassa veraggabhAvaNA jAyA / cintiyaM ca Na / bahujaNadhikkArahayA ohasaNijA ya sabaloyassa / puci akayasupuNNA sahanti paraparibhavaM purisA // 36 // '5 jai tA na kao dhammo sappurisanisevio ahannaNaM" / jammantaraMmi dhaNiyaM suhAvaho mUDhahiyaeNaM // 37 // eNhiM pi phalavivAgaM uggaM daTTaNamakayapuNNANaM / paraloyabandhubhUyaM karemi muNiseviyaM dhammaM // 38 // jammantare vi jeNaM pAvebhi na erisaM mahAbhImaM / 1. sayalajaNohasaNijjaM viDamvaNaM dujaNajaNAo // 39 // evaM ca cintiya pavana varaggamaggo niggao nayarAo, patto ya mAsametteNa kAleNa tavisayasandhisaMThiyaM baulacampagAso. gapugnAganAgAulaM pasantamayamayAhivapamuhaviruddhasAvayagaNaM27 sura hihavigandhagambhiNuddAmadhUmapaDalaM vimalasalilagirinaIpasAhiyavi15 yaDaparantaM28 tAvasajaNajaNiyahiyayapariosaM supariosaM nAma tavovaNaM ti| saMpAviUNa ya tao diihddhaannprikheiysriiro| vIsamiUNa muhuttaM tavovaNaM aha paviTTho so // 40 / / diTho ya teNa vakkalaviyaDajaDAjiNatidaNDadhArI y| bhUirayakayatipuNDo AsannakamaNDala somo // 4 // bhisiyAe29 suhanisaNyo kayalIharayantaraMmi jhaanngo| parivattento dAhiNakareNa ruddakkhamAlaM ti // 42 // mantakkharajavaNeNa ya Isi viyalantakaNThauhauDo / 26. 0dhanyena / 27. prazAntamRgamRgAdhipapramukhaviruddha zvApadagaNaM / 28. vimalasalilagirinadIprasAdhitavikaTaparyantaM / 29. bRMsikAryA kuzAsanavizeSe / 30. mantrAkSarajapanena ca ISadvicalatkaNThauThapuTaH / Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhyo| nAsAe nimiyadiTThI viNivAriyasesavAvAro // 13 // ayasimayajogapaTTayapamANasaMgayakayAsaNaviseso' / tAvasakulappahANo ajavakoDiNNanAmo32 tti // 44 // pecchiUNa ya harisavasullasiyaromaJceNaM dharaNinimiyajANukarayaleNaM uttimaGgeNa puNo puNo pahayakhiitaleNaM ' aho dhanno aho 5 dhanno' tti bhaNamANaNaM paNamio teNaM / teNa vi ya taM tahA pecchiUNa atihibrahamANakaraNalAlaseNa jhANajogaM pamottaNaM sAgayavayaNapurassaraM 'aho AsaNaM AsaNaM' ti bhaNamANeNaM bahu mnio| tao uDayaGgaganisevitAvasakumArovaNIo33 isiNA .. ya uvavisala estha' tti bhaNio saviNayaM uvaviThTho vidvare tti / pucchio isiNA 'kuo bhavaM Agao' tti / tao teNa savittharo niveio se attaNo vuttanto / bhaNio ya isiNA / vaccha, puvakayakammapariNaivaseNaM evaM parikilesabhAiNo jIvA havanti / tA narindAvamANapIDiyANaM dAriddadukkhaparibhU- 15 yANaM dohaggakalaGkadUmiyANaM ijagaviogadahagatattANa ya evaM paraM ihaparaloyasuhAvahaM paramanicuiTThANaM ti / ettha pecchanti na saGgakayaM dukkhaM avamANaNaM ca logaao| doggaipaDaNaM ca tahA vaNavAsI savvahA dhannA // 45 // evamaNusAsieNa bhaNiyaM aggisammeNaM / bhagavaM eyameyaM, 2. na saMdeho tti / tA jai bhayavao mamovari aNukampA ucio 31. atasImayayogapaTTakapramANasaMgatakRtAsanavizeSaH / 32. Arja. vakauNDinyaH / 33. uTajAMgananiSevitApasakumAropanItaH / 34. durbhAgyakalaMkapIDitAnAM / Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ samarAiccakadAra: vA ahaM eyassa vayavisesarasa, tA karehi me eavayappayANeNAmhaM ti / isiNA bhaNiyaM / vaccha, beraggamaggANugao tumaM ti karemi aNuggahaM, ko amno eyassa ucio ti / tao aikantesu kaivayadiNesu saMsiUNa ya savittharaM niyayamAyAraM pasatthe tihikaraNamuhuttajogalagge diNNA se tAvasadikkhA / mahAparibhavajaNiyaveraggAisayabhAvipuNa yANeNa 5 taMmi ceva dikkhAdivase sayalatAvasaloyapariyariyagurusamakkhaM kayA mahApannA / jahA / jAvajjIvaM mae mAsAo mAsAo caiva bhoktavvaM, pAraNagadivase ya paDhamapavidveNaM paDhamagehAo veva lAbhe 10 vA alAbhe vA niyattiyavvaM na gehantaramabhigantavvaM ti / evaM ca kayapainnassa tassa jahAkayaM painnamaNupAlintassa aikkantA bahave pubvalakkhA / tavovaNAsannavasantauranivAsiNo ya loyassa guNarAiNo jAo taM pai aIva bhaktibahumANo / aho a mahAtavassI ihaloyanippivAso sarIre vi daDhamappaDibaddho, 15 ebassa saphalaM jIviyaM ti / bhaNiyaM ca 6 37 jaNapakkhavAyabahumANiNA vi jatto guNesu kAyavvo / Avajanti guNA khalu abuhaM pi jaNaM amacchariyaM // 46 // io ya puNNacando rAyA kumAraguNaseNaM kayadArapariggaha raje abhisiJciUNa saha kumuiNIe devIe tavovaNavAsI 20 jAo / so ya kumAraguNaseNo aNeyasAmantapaNivaiyacalaNajuyalo nijiyaniyamaNDalAhiyANegamaNDalo dasadisi visaTTanimmalavidhammatthakAmalakkhaNativaggasaMpAyaNarao mahArAyA suyajaso 35. ca anena / 36. ihalokaniSpipAsaH / 37. yatnaH / 38. Avarjanti - Apadyante, Avrajanti / 39 prasRta nirmala vizrutayazaH / Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDamo bhvo|] saMvutto tti / annayA ya kAlakameNeva jahAsuhaM sayalajaNasalAhaNijaMdeg saha vasantaseNAe mahAdevIe rajasokkhaM aNuhavanto Agao vasantauraM, paviTTo ya mahAmaGgalovayAreNaM; pUjio ya paurohi; gao samaM tehiM pAusalIlAvalambisohiyaM vimANacchandayaM nAma pAsAyaM / jatya mehaduddiNacchAyANuyAriNIo bahala- 5. kAlAgarudhUmasaMtaIo, soyAmaNIo" viva vihAyanti rayaNAklIo, jaladhArAo viva dIsanti muttAvalIo, balAyApantiyAo viva vihAyanti camarapantiyAo, indAuhacchAyAvahAriNIo palambiyAo paTuMsuyamAlAo, gandhoyagAvaseyasurabhigandhA bhUmibhAgA ruMDhatamahuyarakulAulAvaiNA pupphovayArA / kiM 10 bahuNA jaMpieNaM / purisANa mohaniddAsuttANa vi simiNayaM piva kahei / puci kayANa viyarDa phalaM ca jo bhAgadheyANaM // 47 // tattha ya jahANurUvaM paurajaNaM sammANeUNa visajiesu tesu vivihaNADayacchandanaTTiyAiNA maNaharaNa viNoeNa vigamiUNa taM 15 ahorattaM biiyadivasaMmi ya saMpAiyasayalagosakicco 2 uciyavelAe ceva niggao vAhiyAli / parivAhiyA ya teNaM bahave balhIyaturukkavajarAiyA AsA | tajaNiyakheyAvaNayaNanimittaM ca uvaviThTho vAhiyAlItaDaniviTe sahassambavaNujjANe / etyantaraMmi gahiyanAraGgakaDhiNayA AgayA duve tAvasakumArayA / di@o 20 ya Nehi rAyA, abhinandio ya sasamayapasiddhAe AsIsAe / 40. zvAdhanIyaM / 41. saudAminyaH / 42. saMpAditasakalaprama takRtyaH / 43. vAhyAlI azvakrIhanasthAnaM / Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAizcakahAe 1 abhudvANAsaNapayANA iNA utrayAreNa bahumaniyA ya rAhaNA / bhaNiyaM ca hiM / mahArAya, sugihIyanAmadheeNa amhe kulavaiNA bhavao caurAsamagurussa sukayadhammAdhammavavatthassa sarIrapauttipariyANaNanimittaM pesiyA / evaM soUNa saMpayaM tumaM pamANaM ti / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / kahiM so bhayavaM kulavaiti / hiM bhaNiyaM io nAidUre supariosanAme tavovaNeti / tao ya so rAyA bhattikougehiM gao taM tavovaNaM / diTThA ya teNaM tattha bahave tAvasA kulavaI ya / tao saMjAyasaMvegeNaM jahAriha- * bhivandiyA / uvaviTTho kulavaisamIve, Thio ya teNa saha "10 dhamma kahAvA vAreNa kaMci kAlaM / tao bhaNio ya NeNa savi A vig 12 vaccha, yaM paNamiNa bhayavaM kulavaI / jahA karehi me pasAyaM sayalaparivAraparigao mama gehe AhAragahaNeNaM / kulavaiNA bhaNiyaM / evaM / kiM tu ego aggisammo nAma mahAtAvaso, so ya na paidiyahaM bhui kiM tu mAsAo mAsAo / tattha vi 15 ya pAraNagadivase padamapaviTTho paDhamagehAo ceva lAbhe vA alAbhe vA niyattai na gehantaramutragacchai / tA taM mahAtavassi mottUNa pavinA te patthaNA / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / bhagavaM, aNugihIo hi / aha kahiM puNa so mahAtAvaso / pecchAmi NaM tAva, karemi tassa darisaNeNa appANaM vigayapAvaM / kulavaiNA bhaNiyaM / 20 vaccha, eyAe sahayAravIhiyAe heTThA jhANavaragao ciTTha / tao so rAyA saMbhanto gao sahayAravIhiyaM" / diTTho ya teNa paumAsaNovaviho thiradhariyanayaNajuyalo pasantavicittacittavAvAro 44. yathArhe. / 45. sahakAravIthikAM / Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhvo|] kiMpi tahAMvihaM jhANaM jhAyanto amgisammatAvaso tti / tao rAiNA harisavasapayaTTantapulaeNa pnnmio| teNa viya AsIsAe sabahumANamevAhiNandio, 'sAgayaM te' bhaNiUNa ' uvavisAhi' tti saMlatto / uvavisiUNa suhAsaNatyeNaM bhANayaM rAiNA / bhayavaM, kiM te imassa mahAdukkarassa tavacaraNavavasAyassa 5 kAraNaM / aggisammatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM / bho mahAsatta, dAridadukkhaM paraparihavo virUvayA tahA mahArAyaputto ya guNaseNo nAma kallANamitto tti / tao saMjAyaniyanAmAsaGkeNa bhaNiyaM rAiNA / bhayavaM, ciDhau tAva dAriddadukkhAiyaM vavasAyakAraNaM; aha kaha puNa mahArAyaputto guNaseNo nAma kallANamitto tti / aggisa- 1. mmatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM / mahAsatta, evaM kallANamitto / suNa, je honti uttamanarA dhamma sayameva te pavajanti / majjhimapayaI saMcoiyA u, na kayAi vi jahannA // 48 // coei jo dhamme jIvaM viviheNa keNai naeNa / saMsAracArayagayaM so naNu kalANamitto ti // 49 // 15 ___ tao rAiNA kumAravuttantaM sumariUNa bhaNiyaM lajjAvaNayavayaNa / bhayavaM, kahaM puNa tumaM teNa telokabandhubhUe dhamme coio| aggisammatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM / bho mahAsatta, nAnAvihAo coyaNAo / tA kahaMci nimittametteNaM ceva coio mhi / tao rAiNA cintiyaM / aho se mahANubhAvayA / pari- 20. bhavo vi yANeNovayAracoyaNa tti gahio / paraparivAyaM ca pariharanto suddhasahAvattaNao na taM pi manneha / aho dAruNaM akajaM mae pAvakammeNANuciTThiyaM / tA kahemi se akajAya46. harSavazapravartamAnapulakena / 47. saMlapitaH / 48. jaghanyAH / Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAJcakahA raNakalaGkadUsiyaM appANaM / evaM cintiUNa jaMpiyamaNeNa / bhayavaM, ahaM so mahApAvakammayArI tuha hiyayasaMtAvayArI aguNaseNo, ti / aggisammatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM / bho mahArAya, sAgapaM te| kahaM tuma aguNaseNo, jeNa tae parapiNDajIviyamettavihavo ahaM Iisi tavavibhUiM pAvio tti / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / aho te mahANubhAvayA / kiM vA tavassijaNo piyaM vajiya anaM bhaNiDaM jANai / na ya miyaGkabimbAo aGgArakhuTTIo paDanti / tA bhalaM eiNA / bhayavaM, kayA te pAraNagaM bhavissai / aggisammeNa bhaNiyaM / mahArAya, paJcahiM diNehiM / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, jai te nAIva uvaroho, tA kAyambo mama gehe pAraNaeNaM pasAo / vinAo ya mae kulavahaNo sayAsAo tujjha painAviseso, ao aNAgayaM patthemi tti / aggisammeNa bhaNiyaM / mahArAya, Agacchau tAva so diyaho, ko jANai antare kiMpi bhavissai / avi ya 15 eyaM karemi eNhi ayaM kAUNa puNa imaM kalaM / kAhAmi ko Nu mannai suviNayatullaMmi jiyaloe // 50 // annaM ca / mahArAya, dhI' jiyaloyasahAvo, jahiyaM nehANurAyakaliyA vi| je puvaNhe divA te avaraNhe na dIsanti // 51 / / tA mahArAya Agacchau tAva so diyaho tti / rAiNA maNiyaM / bhayavaM, vigdhaM mottaNa saMgacchaha / aggisammatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM / jai evaM te nibbandho, tA evaM paDivatA te patthaNA / 49. svapnatulye / 50. dhik / Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhayo / ] tao rAyA pagamiUNaM harisavasapulaiyaGgo kaMci belaM gamejya paviThTho nayara / kayA kulavaiNo saparivArassa bhattivibhavANurUvA pUyA // aikvantesu ya paJcasu diNesu pAraNagadivase paDhamaM ceva paviThTho aggisammatAvaso pAraNaganimittaM rAyagehaM ti / tami 5 ye diyahe kahaMci rAiNo guNaseNassa atIva sIsaveyaNA samuppannA / tao AulIhUyaM savvaM ceva rAyaulaM / paviThThA ya tattha vejasasthavisArayA vejA, uggAhenti nANAvihAo cigicchAsaMhiyAo,55 pIsinjanti bahubihAiM osahAI, dijanti sirokheyAvahAriNo vicittarayagalevA / kiMkAyabamUDhA . uvahasiyasukkavihassaibuddhivihavA vi mantiNo / patthuyaM purohiehiM mantagambhiNAhuippayANasAraM santikamaM / tahA milA. "surahimaludAmasohaM suvaNNagAviyaliyaGgarAyaM bAhajaladho yakavolapattalehaM karayalapagAmiyapavvAyavayaNapaGkayaM5 ubiggamanteuraM / tahA virattakanduyakIlaM paricattacittayammavAvAraM 15 virayagIyanaccagArambhaM, avahasthiyabhUsaNakalAvaM dummaNavimaNaM kamayanteuraM / vettajaTinimiyavicchAyamuhasohA"6 ya paDihArA, ranno veyaNAisayasUyagA dummaNA maDahaka iyA," paricattaniyayayAvArA vicittA sUyagArappamuhA5 niyogakAriNo tti / 51. vaidyazAstravizAradAH vaidyAH / 52. cikitsAhitAH / 53. upahasitazukrabRhaspativibhavAH / 54. suvarNakArdhavigalitAMmarAgaM / 55. karatalapraNAmitamlAnavadanakamalaM / 56. vetrayahinyastavicchAyamukhazobhAH / 57. bedanAtizayasUcakAH / 58. laghukaMcukinaH / 59. sUpakArapramukhAH / Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAhazcakahAe to so AggasammatAvaso evaMvihe rAyakule kaMci velaM gameUNa vayaNametteNAvi keNavi akayapaDivattI0 niggao rAyagehAo tti / niggantUNa gao tavovaNaM, diTho ya tAva sehi, bhaNio ya tehiM / bhayavaM, akayapAraNago viva parimi. lANadeho lakkhijjasi / tA kiM na kayaM pAraNayaM, na paviTTho iyANiM tattha rano guNaseNassa gehaM ti / aggisammatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM / paviThTho ahaM narindagehaM / kiM tu so nUNaM apaDusarIro rAyA / jao uvviggapariyaNaM savvaM ceva taM mae gehamavaloiyaM, tao ahaM taM tahAvihaM daDumasahato lahuM ceva 1. nimAo tti / tAvasahi bhANayaM / ko saMdeho, daDhamapaDusarIro rAyA / annahA kahaM tArisIe tavassijaNabhattIe bhayavao pAraNagaM muNeUNa sayaM ceva dattAvahANo na hoi / annaM ca / aIva bhagavao uvAra bhattibahumANaM tassa naravaissa, jeNa kulavaisamakkhaM bahuyaM sabbhUyaguNakittaNaM teNa kayaM Asi / 15 amgisammatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM / AroggaM se havau guruyaNapUyagassa, kiM mama AhAreNaM ti / paDivanno mAsovavAsavayaM // ___ io ya rAiNA guNasaNeNaM uvasantasIsevayeNaNaM pucchioM pariyaNo / ajja tassa mahAtavarisarasa pAraNagadiyaho; to so bhAgao pUio vA keNai na va tti / tehiM saMlattaM / mahArAya, 20 Agao Asi; kiM tu tuha sIsaveyaNAjANayahiyayasaMtAvaparica caniyayakajavAvAre pariyaNe na keNai saMpUio pucchio vA / amuNiyavuttanto ya vicittaM te pariyaNamavaloiUNa kaMciM kAlaM gameUNa unviggo viya niggao rAyagehAo ti / 10. bhkuntprtipttiH| Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhyo|] rAiNA bhaNiyaM / aho me ahalayA; cukko' mhi mahAlAbhassa, saMpatto ya tavassijaNadehapIDAkaraNeNa mahantaM aNatthaM ti / evaM vilaviUNaM biiyadiyahe pahAyasamae ceva gao tavovaNaM / diTThA ya teNa kulavaippamuhA bahave tAvasA, lajAviNaoNauttimaGgeNa paNamiyA ya NeNaM vihiNA / ahiNandio ya AsIsAe kula- 5 daippamuhahiM savvatAvasahiM / ' uvavisasu mahArAya, sAgayaM te' bhaNio ya kulavaiNA / tao rAyA avaNauttimaGgo savisesalajjAmantharo vimukkadIhanIsAsaM uvaviThTho kulavaissa puro| taM ca tahA vicittaM rAyANaM daTTaNaM bhaNiyamaNeNaM / vaccha, uvviggo viya lakkhIyasi / tA kahahi me uvveyakAraNaM, jai akahaNIyaM 10 na hoi / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / asthi bhagavao vi nAma akahaNIyaM / ahaM ca / akahaNIyavatthuvisaubviggassa na juttaM tavovaNAgamaNaM / kulabaiNA bhaNiyaM / sAhu vaccha sAhu, ucio te vivego; tA kiM umveyakAraNaM ti / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / bhagavao ANa tti kariya kahIyai; annahA kahaM IisaM nisaMsacariyaM 2 kahiuM 15 pArIyai / kulavaiNA bhaNiyaM / vaccha, savvassa jaNaNIbhUo khu hoi tavassijaNo / tao kA taM pai laja tti / tA kaheu bhavaM, jeNa muNiyavuttanto bhaviya keNai uvAeNa 'vaNemi taM ujveyaM ti / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, jai evaM, tA suNasu / esa amgisammatAvaso paDhamaM ceva mama mandapuNNassa asami- 20 kkhiyakAriNo asarisajaNasarisAyaraNanirayassa saMbandhiNA nindaeNa tAvaso saMvutto / eyassa pavannuttamavayassa vi taM mae 61. cyutaH / 62. nRzaMsacaritaM / 63. asadRzajanasazAcaraNaniratasya / Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAica kahANa 5 64 asarisajaNAyaraNaM na paricattaM ti daDhamuntriggo mhi / kulavaiNA bhaNiyaM / vaccha, jai evaM, tA alaM saMtappieNaM / kiM kAraNaM jai tuha saMbandhiNA kAraNeNa tAvaso saMvutto, tA tumaM caiva imassa dhammapavattago kallANamitto ttiH kimuvviggo si / na yAvi ehiM tuha paraloyabhIruNo ahigayadhammasatyassa kiMpi asajjaNAyaraNaM saMbhAvemi / kiM vA se kayamiyANi niveehi me / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM iyANi tAva evaM uvaNimantiUNa mAsapAraNayapaviTussa sIsaveyaNAbhibhUeNa pamAyao aNiuttapariyaNeNaM AhArantarAyakaraNaNaM kayaM se dhammantarAyaM ti / 10 kulavaiNA bhaNiyaM / vaccha, jaM kiMci eyaM, na tumaM ettha avarajjhasi / na tibvaveyaNAbhibhUyA purisA kajjamakajjaM vA viyANanti / na ya tassa AhArantarAyakaraNeNaM dhammantarAyaM havai, avi ya tavasaMpayA / tA alamubvegeNaM ti / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, jAva teNa mahANubhAveNa mama gehe AhAra15 gahaNaM na kathaM, tAva kahamunvevo avei " / kulavaddaNA bhaNiyaM / vaccha, iyANiM se aviggheNa jaM pAraNagaM bhavissai, tarhi te gehe AhAragahaNaM karissai tti / tao kulavahaNA saddAvio aggisammatAvaso, sabahumANaM hatthe givhiUNa bhaNio ya NeNa / vaccha, jaM tumaM akayapAraNago niggao narindagehAo, eeNa 20 darda saMtappai rAyA / kalaM ca eyassa aIva sIsaveyaNA Asi, ao, veyaNAparavvaseNa na tumaM paDiyaggio tti; na esa avarajjhai / bhaNiyaM ca NeNa ' jAva mama gehe aggisammatAvaseNa AhAragahaNaM na kayaM, na tAva me ubvevo avei ' / ao 64. aparAdhyasi / 65. a 28 1 Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhvo|] iNhi saMpattapAraNagakAleNa bhavayA aviggheNa mama vayaNAo narindabahumANao ya eyassa gehe pAraNagaM kariyavvaM ti / aggisammatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, jaM tubbhe ANaveha / akAraNe saMtappai rAyA, jao na kiMci me paraloyaviruddhamaNuciTThiyamaNeNaM / tao rAyA 'aho se mahANubhAvaya' tti kaliUNa paNa- 5 miUNa tavassijaNaM ca kaMci velaM pajjuvAsiya paviTTho nayaraM // __ puNo ya kAlakkameNa rAiNo visayasuhamaNuhavantassa aggisammassa ya dukkaraM tavacaraNavihiM karentassa samaikvanto mAso tti / etyantaraMmi ya saMpatte pAraNagadivase nivediyaM se ranno 1. vikkhevAgaehi niyayapurisehiM / jahA; mahArAya aivisamaparakamagabviyaM visamadoNImuhappaviTuM akayaparirakkhaNovAyaM appamatteNa mANahaGganaravaiNA iharahA visayaviNAsamavaloiUNa vIracariyamavalambiya vIsatthasuttesu narindapAikkesu. jAe aDarattasamae asthamie rayaNivahUpiyayame telokkamaGgalapaIve miyaGke 15 sayalabalasahieNamavakkhandaM dAUNa aipamattaM te viNijjiyaM sennaM / saMpai devo pamANaM ti // tao rAiNA eyaM sudUsahaM vayaNamAyaNNiUNa5 kovANalajaliyarattaloyaNeNaM visamapuriyAharaNaM niddayakarAbhihayadharaNivatuNaM70 amarisavasaparikkhalantavayaNeNaM" samANatto pariyaNo / jahA; deha turiyaM payANayapaDahaM, sajeha 2. . 66. AjJApayatha / 67. viSamadroNImukha (viSamaparivArarakSitanagara) praviSTaM / 68. vizvastamupteSu narendrapadAtiSu / 69. AkarNya / 70. dharaNIpRSThena / 71. amarSavazapariskhaladvacanena / Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 [samarAicakahAe dujayaM karivalaM, pallANeha dappudhdhuraM AsasAhaNaM,72 saMjattaha dhayamAloksohiyaM sandaNanivahaM, payaTTAveha nANApaharaNasAliNaM pAiksenaM ti / sao naravaisamAesANantaramevAyaNNiyapayANayapa DahasaI karivaravirAyantamehajAlaM asiyadhayacamarachattasaMghAyabalAya5 pariyayaM nisiyakaravAlakontasoyAmaNisaNAhaM79 saGakAhalatUrani gbosagajiyaravapUriyadisaM ayAladuhiNaM piva samantao viyambhiyaM narindasAhaNaM ti| etthantaraMmi ya rahavarAkhDhe narindaguNaseNe, ThAvie purao salilapuNNe kaNayakalase, pahae jayasirisamupphA lae maGgalatUre, paDhantasu vivihamaGgalAI bandivandrasu, aggisa1. mmatAvaso pAraNaganimittaM paviTTho narindagehaM ti / tao tami mahAjaNasamuddae AulIhUe narindaniggamaNanimittaM pahANapariyaNe na keNai samuvalakkhio tti / tao kaMci velaM gameUNa dariyakariturayasaMghAyacamaDhaNabhIo5 niggao naravaigehAo / etthantaraMmi ya gahiyasaGkucchAehiM muNiyajoisasatthaparamatyahi 15 bhaNiyaM joisiehiM / deva, pasatyaM muhuttaM, niggacchasu tti / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / aja tassa aggisammatAvasassa pAraNagadivaso, paDivanaM ca teNa kulavaivayaNAo mama gehe AhAragahaNaM kAyavvaM ti / tA Agacchau tAvaso mahANubhAvo / tao taM kayabho yaNavihANaM paNamiUNa gamissAmo / tao AsannavattiNA 20 bhaNiyaM kulaputtaeNa / deva, so khu mahANubhAvo saMpayaM ceva padhisiUNa dariyakariturayasaMghAyacamaDhaNabhIo niggao rAyagehAo / aja vi ya na nayarAo niggacchai ti takkami / 72. darpo'dhuraM azvasAdhanaM / 73. ucchritadhvajacAmarachatrasaMghAtabalAkaparigata nizitakaravAlakuMtalasaudAminIsanAthaM / 74. akAladudinaM / 75. drUtakarituragasaMghAtAkramaNabhItaH / Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ "paDhamo bhyo| tao eyamAyaNNiUNa sasaMbhanto rAyA payaTTo tassa magge, diTTho ya NeNaM nayarAo niggacchanto aggisammatAvaso / tao oyariUNa rahavarAo bhattinibbharaM nivaDiUNa calaNesu vitto sabahumANaM / bhayavaM, kareha pasAyaM, viNiyattasu tti / ahama. bhippae vi gamaNe tuha cevAgamaNamaNuvAlento ettiyaM velaM Thio 5 mhi, jAva tumaM pavisiUNa mama gehaM alakkhio ceva me pahANapariyaNeNa niggao si / tA niyattasu tti / aggisammatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM / mahArAya, viiyavuttanto ceva me tumaM painnAvisesassa; tA alaM te imiNA vavasAeNaM / saccapainnA khu tavassiNo havanti, nivisesA ya lAbhAlAbhesu / rAiNA . bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, lajjio mhi imiNA pamAyacarieNaM tuha tivvatavajaNiyasarIrapIDAo vi me ahiA sarIrapIDA / daDhaM dahai maM saMtAvANalo, paNassai viya me hiyayaM, akkhippai viya me vANI, mahApAvakammakAriNaM ca mannemi appANaM, tA sayaladuhiyasattabandhubhUo akAraNavacchalo ya bhayavaM tuma ceva 15 me imassa dukkhassa uvasamovAyaM cintehi / aggisammatAvaseNa cintiyaM / aho se mahArAyassa mahANubhAvayA / akayapAraNageNa mae ettiyaM khijjai ti / aho se guruyaNasussUsANurAo / tA na jAva mae eyassa gehe pAraNayaM kayaM na tAva esa satyo hoi tti / cintiUNa bhaNiyaM ca teNa / mahArAya, animittaM 20 te dukkhaM / tahAvi eyassa imo uvasamovAo / aviggheNa saMpatte pAraNagadivase puNo vi tuha ceva gehe AhAragahaNaM karissAmi tti paDivalaM mae / tA mA saMtappasu tti / tao dhara:NinihiyajANukarayaleNaM bhaNiyaM rAiNA / bhayavaM, suTTha muNio Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAhacakahAe imassa dukkhassa uvasamovAo / ahavA vimalanANanayaNo ceva tavassijaNo hoi; kiM vA na jANai ti / tA aNugihIo mhi / sarisaM imaM tuha akAraNavacchalayAe / tA gaccha tuma tavovaNaM / ahaM puNa na sakkuNomi paccaggapamAyakalaGkadUsio , bhagavantaM kulavaimavaloiDaM ti / evaM bhaNiya paNamiUNa ya amgisammatAvasaM niyatto rAyA / na mae iyANi gantabvaM' ti kaliUNa visajjio ya teNaM mANabhaGgassa uvari vikkhevo / aggisammo vi ya gantUNa tavovaNaM niveijaNa kulavaiNo jahA. vittaM vuttantaM 'vaccha, sAhu kayaM ' ti AhiNandio ya kula1. vahaNA pavanno vayavisesaM ti // aNudiyahaM ca pavaDamANasaMvegeNa rAiNA sevijjantassa tassa samaicchio mAso, patto ya ramo maNorahasaehiM pAraNayadiyaho / taMmi ya pAraNayadiyahe rAiNo guNasaNassa devI vasantaseNA dArayaM pasUya tti / niveiyaM ca rAiNo harisavaseNa paphullavayaNapaGkayAe saparitosaM paDihArIe / 15 mahArAya, devI vasantaseNA tumhANamabbhudayanimittaM payANaM bhAga dheehiM suhaMsuheNaM dArayaM pasUya tti / tao rAiNA puttajammabbhudayasaMjAyaromaceNaM dAUNa paDihArIe kaDayakeurakaNNAlaGkArAiyaM aGgAbharaNaM dinnA samANattI / vasuMdhare, samAisasuNaM mama vayaNAo jahAsannihie paDihAre / jahA; moyAveha kAla20 ghaNTApaoeNa mama raje savvabandhaNANi, davAveha ghosaNApubvayaM aNavekkhiyANurUvaM mahAdANaM, visajjAveha jiyasattuppamuhArNa naravaINaM mama puttajammapautti, niveeha devIputtajammabbhudarya 76. samatikAntaH / 47. samAdiza / Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ padamo bhavo / ] 23 parANaM, kArAveha ayAlacchaNabhUyaM STa nayaramahUsavaM ti / samAiTThA ya tIe jahAiDaM paDihArA / aNuciTThiyaM ca rAyasAsaNaM paDihArehiM / avi va / 0 kArAviyaM ca tarhi tUrakhuppuNNadasadisA bhoyaM / umnAmiekkakarayalanaccantavilAsiNisamUhaM // 52 // anteuriyAhI rantapuNNava ttattarIyavarapottaM 135 savisesapasAhiyasaMmilantarAmAyaNA iNNaM // 53 // piTThAgayamuhipahAra bhI mAvimukkasikkAraM / mayavasavilAsiNIjaNanaccAvijjantakaiyaM // 54 // succantakara phAliyatAlAyaramurayamahuranigghosaM / dANa parituTu bahubandivandraugghuTThajayasahaM // 55 // naccantamaDahavA maNaceDIhAsijamANanaranAhaM / baddhAvANayanivahaM" baddhAvaNayaM maNabhirAmaM // 56 // 10 padatto ya vasantaure nayare mahAmahUsavo / evaMvihe ya devIputta jammabbhudayANandie mahApamatte saha rANA rAyapariyaNe 15 agisammatAvaso pAraNaganimittaM rAyaulaM pavisiUNa vayaNameteNAvi keNai akayapaDivattI asuhakammodaeNaM aTTajjhANadUsiyamaNo lahuM caiva nigao / cintiyaM ca NeNaM / aho se rAino A bAlabhAvAo caiva asariso mamovari verANubandhoti / 1 78. akAlakSaNabhUtaM / 79. aMtaHpurastrINAM AhRtaM, sAnandaM vyapanItaM vastraM, uttarIyavaravastraM ca yasmin / puNNava te tidezyazabdaH / yathA dezInAmamAlAyAM ( 6 - 58 ) hemacandraH puNNavataM pamoahiavatthe' iti / tathA capAialacchInAmamAlAyAmapi dhanapAlaH 'hIrai jaM ANaMde vatthaM taM puNNavattaM' ti // 80. vizeSaprasAdhitasaMmIladUrAmAjanA kIrNe / 81. baddhApAnakanivahaM / Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAicakahA pecchaha se aiNigUDhAyAramAcariyaM, jeNa taM tahA mama samakkhaM maNANukUlaM jaMpiya karaNeNa vivarIyamAyarai tti / cintayanto so niggao nayarAo / etthantaraMmi ya anANadoseNaM abhAvivaparamatthamaggattaNeNa ya gahio kasAehiM, avagayA se paraloya. vAsaNA, paNaTA dhammasaddhA, samAgayA sayaladukkhatarubIyabhUyA amettI, jAyA ya dehapIDAkarI atIva bubhukkhA / Akarisio bubhukkhAe / tao paDhamaparIsahavaieNa 2 teNa amANakohavasaeNaM / ghoraM niyANameyaM paDivanaM mUDhahiyaeNaM // 58 // jai hoja imassa phalaM mae suciNNassa vayavisesassa / tA eyassa vahAe paijammaM hoja me jammo // 59 // na kuNai paNaINa piyaM jo puriso vippiyaM ca sattUNaM / kiM tassa jagaNijovvaNaviuDaNametteNa-3 jammeNaM // 6 // sattU ya esa rAyA mama sisubhAvAu ceva pAvo tti / avarAhamantareNa vi karemi to vippiyamimassa // 6 // iya kAUNa niyANaM appaDikanteNa tassa ThANassa / aha bhAviyaM subahuso kohANalajaliyacitteNa / / 62 / / etyantaraMmi patto eso tavovaNaM, aNeyaviyappajagiyakutrintAsaMdhukkiyapavaDmANakohANalo ya kulavaI sesatAvase ya pari20 hariUNa alakkhio ceva gao sahayAravIhiyaM, uvaviThTho ya vimalasilAviNimmie cAurantapIDhe ti / aNusayavasaNa puNo vi cintiumaarddho| aho se rAiNo mamovari pddinniiybhaavo"| 82. prathamaparisahapatitena / 83. ananIyauvanavinAzamAtreNa / 84. pratikUlabhAvaH / Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhyo|] kahaM sabbatAvasamajjhe ahaM se ohasaNijjo tti, jeNa me painnAvisesaM nAUNa niyaDibahulo 5 tahA tahovaNimantiya asaMpADaNeNa pAraNayassa kila meM khalIkarei tti / taM mUDho khu so rAyA kiM me eyAvasthagayassa khalIkarIyai / tahA aNAhANaM dubbalANaM paraparihUyANaM ca sattANaM kayanteNeva viNivAiyANaM jA khaliyAraNA, na sA mANiNo mANamApUrei ti visesao samasantumittANaM paraloyavAvAranirayANaM tabassINaM ti / ahavA aparicattAhAramettasaGgassa me ettahamettA kayasthaNa tti / tA alaM me jAvajjIvaM caiva parihavametteNaM AhAreNaM ti / gahiyaM jAvajjIviyaM mahovavAsavayaM // etyantaraMmi ya paricattaniyayavAvAro asuha- .. jjhANadUsiyamaNo tavaparikkhINadeho diTTho tattha tAvasehiM / bhaNiyaM ca tehiM / bhayavaM, aiparikkhINadeho asaMpAviyakusumavilavaNovayAro lakkhijjasi / tA ki iyANiM pi te na saMjAyaM pAraNayaM ti / aggisammatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM ' na saMjAyaM' ti / tAba. sehiM bhaNiyaM / kahaM na saMjAyaM, kiM na paviTTho tassa rAiNo 15 guNaseNassa gehaM / aggisammatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM pvittttho'| tAvasahiM bhaNiyaM 'tA kahaM te na saMjAyaM' ti / teNa bhaNiyaM / bAlabhAvAo ceva me so rAyA aNavaraddhaverio, khalayArio ahaM teNa / puci mae puNa na jANio, avagao se iyANi verANubandho / viNIo viva lakkhijjai jAva micchAviNIyassa 20 na se verANubandho avei; jeNovahAsabuddhIe meM uvaNimantiUNaM 85. nikRtibahula: / tathA ca dezInAmamAlAyAM (4, 56) hemacaMdraH 'NiaDI ddmbhe'| 86. upanimaMtrya / Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAdhakahAe bhaNajjavilasieNaM ceva toha tehiM mAyApayArehiM ceva kila maM parihavai tti / ajaM ca teNa viyANijaNa mama pAraNagadivasaM sahasA ceva kArAvio pamoo / tao ahaM pavisiUNaM rAyagehaM abahumANio ceva muNiyanarindaparivArAbhippAo lahuM ceva niggao ti / tao tAvasehiM bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, na evaM tavassijaNavacchale narindaguNaseNe saMbhAviyai / ahavA vicittasandhiNo hi purisA havanti / kiM vA na saMbhAviyai / nasthi avisao kasAyANaM ti / bhaNiUNa niveiyaM tehiM accumvi gahi kulavaiNo / jahA; na tassa aggisammatAvasassa imiNA * vuttanteNa saMpayaM pi pAraNayaM saMvuttaM ti / tao sasaMbhanto turi yamAgao aggisammasamIvaM kulavaI, saMpUio ya teNa aggisammeNa jahANurUveNovayAreNaM / tao teNa bhaNiyaM / vaccha, kahamiyANi pi te na saMjAyaM pAraNayaM ti / aho se asari sasamAyaraNaM rAiNo guNaseNassa / aggisammatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM / 15 bhayavaM, pamAiNo ceva rAyANo havanti / ko vA tassa doso| mama cevAparicattAhAramettasaGgassa esa doso, jeNa tassa vi gehaM paviThThamAsi tti / paricatto ya mae saMpayaM jAvajjIvAe ceva sayalaparihavabIyabhUo eihametto vi saGgo / ao vinavemi bha yadantaM eyami atthe, nAhamanmahA ANaveyamvo tti / 20. kulavaiNA bhaNiyaM / vaccha, jai paricatto AhAro, gao iyANi kAlo ANAe / saccapaimA khu tavassiNo havanti / kiM tu tumae narindassa uvariM kovo na kAyavyo / jao 5. atyudvignaiH / 88. iyanmAtraH / Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhvo|] 20 samvo puvakayANaM kammANaM pAvae phalavivAgaM / avarAhesu guNesu ya nimittamettaM paro hoi // 62 // eyamaNusAsiUNaM paDiyArage tAvase nirUviya gao kulavaI // ___io ya rAiNA guNaseNeNaM tahA ayAlacchaNasokkhamaNuha- 5 vante pariyaNe aikvantAe pAraNagavelAe sumariyaM, jahA pAraNayadivaso khu aja tassa mahAtavassissa / aho me ahannayA, na saMpannaM ceva mahAtavassissa pAraNayaM ti takkemi / pucchio ya Na jahAsannihio pariyaNo / kiM so mahANubhAvo tAvaso bhaja ihAgao na va tti / tao teNa niuNaM gavesiUNaM nive- 1. diyaM / deva, Agao Asi, kiM tu devIputtajammabbhuyayAhipAndie aipamatte pariyaNe na keNai uvacario tti; tao lahuM ceva niggao / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / aho me pAvapariNaI tassa mahAtavassissa dhammantarAyakaraNeNaM devIputtajammanbhuyayaM pi AvayaM ceva samatthemi samvahA na mandapuNNANaM gehesu vasuhArA paDanti / 15. na ya pamAyadosadUsio ahaM udantanimittaM pi se pAremi muhamavaloiGa / tA gaccha, bho somadevapurohiya mamAvinAyapariya bhAvo ceva, gavesiUNa tassa mahAtavassissa vuttantaM "kiM teNa vavasiyaM" ti lahuM niveehi; AsaGkai viya me hiyayaM / evaM ca samANatto somadevapurohio gao tavovaNaM / diTTho teNa 20 bahutavassijaNaparivArio girinaItaDAsannaniviTThamaNDavagao dIharakusaraiyasattharovaviThTho amarisavasADhattarAyakahAvAvaDo aggi89. dIrghakuzaracitasaMstaropaviSTaH amarSavazAradharAgakathAvyApRtaH / Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 [samarAhakApa sammatAvaso tti / paNamio viNaoNayauttimaGgeNaM somadeveNaM / teNaM ciya AsIsapuSaya 'sAgayaM' ti bhaNiUNa 'uvavisasu tti AiTTho / uvaviTo somadevapurohio / bhaNiyaM ca NeNaM / bhayavaM, aiparikkhINadeho lakkhijjasi, tA kimeyaM ti / aggisammatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM / nirIhANaM anao samAsAiyavitINaM aGgaM ceva kisattaM tavassINaM ti / somadeveNa bhaNiyaM / evaM eyaM, nirIhA ceva tavassiNo hRvanti; kiM tu dhaNadhabAhiraNNasuvaNNamaNimottiyappavAladuppayacauppaesu na uNa dhammakAovayArage AhAramette vi / na ya IisA estha loyA, je tumae vi 1. sarisANaM muttimaggapavanANaM avisesasattumittANaM samataNamaNimu ttakaJcaNANaM50 saMsArajalahipoyANaM AhAramettaM pi na denti tti / aggisammatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM / saccameyaM, na eyArisA etya loyA mottUNa narindaguNaseNaM ti / somadeveNa bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, kiM kayaM narindaguNaseNeNa / dhammaparo khu so rAyA suNIyai tti / 15 aggisammatAvaseNa bhaNiyaM ko anno dhammaparo, jo viNijiya niyamaNDalo vi tavassijaNaM pasajhaM' vAvAei92 tti / somadeveNa cintiyaM / parikuvio khu eso tAvaso / jahA ya dIharakusaraiyasattharovaviThTho lakkhijai, tahA narindanibbeeNaM cevANeNa paDivanamaNasaNaM bhave / pucchijanto ya eso aso2. yavaM sAmiparivAyaM geNhai / tA amao ceva uvalahiya vuttantaM sAmiNo niveemi tti / paNamiUNa taM niggao somdevo| pucchio ya jeNaM kusakusumavAvaDaggahastho abhiseyakAmo girinaI samoyaranto tAvaso / bhayavaM, kiM paDivanaM aggi 90. samatRNamaNimuktAkAMcanAnAM / 91. prasahya haThAdityarthAntaram / 91. vyApAdayati / 93. kushkusumvyaapRtaaprhstH| 94. samavacaran / Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhyo|] sammatAvaseNa / teNa vi ya bAhajalabhariyamantharanayaNeNaM savittharamAikkhiyaM tayaNuTThANaM / gao somadevo, niveiyaM ca NeNaM jahovaladdhaM rAiNo / tao rAyA ahiyayarajAyanivveo cintAbhAranissahaM aGgaM dharamANo sayalanteurappahANapariyaNaparivArio pAiko ceva aggisammapaccAyaNanimittaM5 payaho tavovaNaM / 5 saMpatto rAyahaMso vva kalakalahaMsiyaparivAribho tavovaNAsannaM visthiNNaM girinaipuliNaM // ___ etyantaraMmi ya muNiyanarindAgamaNeNaM paphullavayaNapaGkaeNaM rAiNo AgamaNamaggisammatAvasassa niveiyaM muNikumAraeNaM / tao aggisammatAvaseNa kohajalaNapajaliyasarIreNaM saddAvio .. kulavaI, laDiUNa jahociyamuvayAraM nihu~raM bhaNio / bho bho na pAremi eyassa akAraNavariNo narindAhamassa muhamavaloiuM / tA jaM kiMci bhaNiya bAhirao ceva visajjehi eyaM / kulavaiNA cintiyaM / avahario khu eso kasAehiM / tao juttaM ceva tAva paccaggakasAyadUsiyacittassa narindadaMsaNaM parihariuM ti gao 15 narAhivasammuhaM thevaM bhUmi kulavaI / diTTho ya geNa parimilANadeho saparivAro rAyA / paNamio ya saviNayaM saparivAreNaM rAiNA ahiNandio ya AsIsAe kulavaiNA, bhaNio ya NeNa / mahArAya, ehi; eyAe campagavIhiyAe uvavisamha / 6 rAiNA bhaNiyaM jaM bhayavaM ANavei' / gayA campagavIhiyaM / 20 95. agnizarmapratyAyananimittaM pratyAyanaM pratItiH jJAnamityarthaH / 16. upavizrAmya / Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAhacakahAe uvaviThTho vimalasilAniviDhe kusAsaNe kulavaI, purao se dharaNIe ceva saparivAro rAyA / tao kulavaiNA bhaNiyaM / mahArAya, kIsa iyANi sakalattaparivAraNamaNuciyameddahamettaM bhUmi caraNAgamaNamaNuciTThiyaM / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, aNuciyakAriNo ceva amhe / ahavA maejArisANaM purisAhamANaM imaM cevociyaM, jaM mahAtavassijaNassa pamAyao vAvAyaNeNa: dhammantarAyakaraNaM ti / tA kiM eiNA aNiccaDiyahiyayasabbhAvaNa niyaDImantieNa00 / bhayavaM, kahiM puNa so mahANubhAvo aggi sammatAvaso / paNamAmi taM, sohemi01 tassa dasaNeNa pAvaka15 mmakAriNaM appANaM ti / kulavaiNA bhaNiyaM / mahArAya, mA ehametaM saMtappasu tti / na eeNa tuha nivveeNamaNasaNaM kayaM ti; kiM tu kappo02 cevAyaM tavassijaNassa, jaM carimakAlaMmi aNasaNavihiNA dehapariccayaNaM ti / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, kiM bahuNA mantieNa, pecchAmi tAva taM mahANubhAvaM / kulavaiNA 20 bhaNiyaM / mahArAya alamiyANi tAva tassa daMsaNeNa / jhANavA vaDo03 khu so, tA kiM se ahippeyakajantarAeNaM / gaccha tuma nayariM, puNo kahici pekkhejasu tti / tao 'jaM bhayavaM ANavei, puNo AgacchissAmi' tti bhaNiUNa accantadummaNo uDio rAyA / paNamiUNa kulavaiM payaTTo nayariM // 97. anuSThitaM / 98. mAdRzAnAM / 99. vyApAdanena vinAzanenetyarthaH / 100. akSaritahRdayasadbhAvena nikRtimaMtritena / kSareH 'NiccalaI'iti hemacanda (8-4-133 ) Adizati / 101. zodhayAmi / 102. kalpaH vratamityarthaH / 103. dhyAnadhyApRtaH / Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhyo| tao ekkeNaM sANukoseNaM ca bAlatAvasakumAraNaM aNuga- . cchiUNa thevabhUmibhAyaM niveio se aggisammAbhippAo ti / tao rAiNA cintiyaM / kimiha puNAgamageNaM; jai paraM kulavaI AyAse pADijjai0 / tA na juttaM mameha nayare vi ciTThiuM, mA se mahANubhAvassa tassa asoyavvaM pi avaraM suNisaM 5 ti / evaM cintayanto patto vasantauraM / pucchiyA geNaM saMvacchariyA 'kayA amhANa khiipaiTiyagamaNadiyaho parisunjhai' tti / tehiM ca niccaM takkammavAvaDattaNeNovaladdhasohaNadiNehiM vinattaM / mahArAya, kalaM ceva parisujjhai ' ti / tao rAigA samANatto pariyaNo 'payaha lahuM kalaM' ti / tao biiyadiyahe . mahayA caDayareNa niggao raayaa| aNavarayapayANaehiM ca patto mAsametteNa kAleNa khiipaiDiyaM / tao Usiyavicittakeunivaha vivihakayaTTasohaM sohiyasapupphovayArarAyamaggaM dhavaliyapAsAyamAlobasohiyaM mahAvibhUIe paviTTho nayara,107 tattha vi ya toraNanimmiyavandaNamAlaM savisesasaMpAiyamahovayAraM savaobhaI 15 nAma pAsAyaM // 100 tattha ya tami ceva diyahe Agao mAsakappavihAreNa ahAsaMjamaM viharanto sIsagaNasaMparivuDo saMpuNNaduvAlasagI ohi 104. yadi paraM kulapatiH AyAse pAtyate / 105. tatkarmavyApRtatvenopalabdhazodhanadinaiH / 106. 'caDayara' samUhaH / dezyo'yaM zabdaH / 107. vividhakRtApaNazobhaM zobhitasapuSpopacArarAjamArga dhavalitaprAsAdamAlocazobhitaM mahAvibhUtyA praviSTo nagaram / 108. tatrApi ca toraNanirmitavandanamAlaM savizeSasaMpAditamahopacAraM sarvatobhadraM nAma prAsAdam / Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAicakahAe maNamANAisayajutto sanvaGgasundarAhirAmo paDhamajovaNasirIsamaddhAsiyasarIro maNDaNAmiva vasumaIe Ae ndo vva sayalajaNaloyaNANaM paccAeso vva dhammanirayANaM milao bva paramadhayAe ThANamiva AdeyabhAvassa kulaharaM piva khantIe Agaro iva guNarayaNANaM vivAgasavvassamiva kusalakammassa mahAmahantanivavaMsasaMbhUo vijayaseNo nAmaM aayrio09tti| so ya asoyadattasehipaDibaddhajiNAyayaNamaNDie aNunaviya oggaha10 Thio asoyavaNujANe / jattha nIibaliyA viva naravaI dullahavivarA sahayArA, parakalattadaMsaNabhIyA viva sappurisA ahomuhaTiyA vAvItaDapAyavA, viNivaDiyasappu1. risacintAo viva aDAlaviDAlAo aimuttayalayAo, dariddakA mihiyayAiM piva samantao AulAI layAharAI, visayapasattA viva pAsaNDiNo na sohanti limbapAyavA, navavaragA viva kusumbharattanivasaNA virAyanti rattAsoyA, kiM bahuNA, jatya maNorahA viva jIvaloyassa bahuvuttantA ujANapAyavA11 / tahA 109. tatra ca tasmiMzcaiva divase AgataH mAsakalpavihAreNa yathAsaMyama viharan ziSyagaNasaMparighRtaH saMpUrNadvAdazAMgI avadhimanojJAnatizayayuktaH sarvAGgasundarAbhirAmaH prathamayauvanazrIsamRddhAzritazarIraH maMDanamiva vasumatyAH, AnandaH iva sakalajanalocanAnAM, pratyAdezaH iva dharmaniratAnAM nilayaH iva paramadhanyatAyAH, sthAnamivAdeyabhAvasya, kulagRhamiva kSAntyAH , AkaraH iva guNaratnAnAM, vipAkasarvasvamiva kuzalakarmaNaH mahattamanRpavaMzasaMbhUtaH vijayasenaH nAma AcAryaH iti / 110. avagrahaH Azraya ityarthaH, anujJApyAvagrahaM / 111. yatra nItibalinaH iva narapatayaH durlabhavivarAH sahakArAH, paraphalatradarzanabhItAH iva satpuruSAH adhomukhasthitAH Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhyo|] himagirisiharAiM piva uttuGgadhavalAiM jiNAyayamAI / tattha ya bahuphAsue bhUmibhAe ahAsaMjamaM so bhayavaM caraNakaraNanirao parivasai // io ya rAiNA guNasepeNaM asthAiyAgaeNaM12 pucchiyaM / keNa me aja iha accherayabhUyaM kiMci vatthu diDaM ti / tao 5 uvaladdhavijayaseNAyarieNa paNamiUNa rAyANaM bhaNiyaM kallANaeNaM / mahArAya, diTuM mae accherayaM / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / kahehi / kiM tayaM ti / kallANaeNa bhaNiyaM / iha asogadattaseTripaDibaddha asoyavaNujANe sayalaTThabadasaNamahUsavo lAyaNNajoNhApavAhapamhaliyacauhisAbhoo13 sayalakalAsaMgao viya mayalaJchaNo paDhamajovaNatyo vi viyArarahio viNijjiyakusumabANo vi tavasirinirao paricattasavvasaGgo vi sayalajaNovayArI muttimanto viva bhayavaM dhammo divo mae gandhArajaNavayAhivassa samaraseNassa nattuo lacchiseNassa putto paDivanasamaNaliGgo vijayaseNo nAma Ayario tti / tao rAiNA bhaNiyaM / aho tumaM kayapuNNo, 15 bApItaTapAdapAH vinipatitasatpuruSacintA iva azAkhAvizAkhAH timuktalatAH, daridrakAmihadayAni iva samaMtataH AkulAni latAgRhANi, viSayaprasaktAH (niMbapAdapapakSe tu dezavizeSarUDhAH ityarthena nirvAhaH kAryaH ) iva pASaMDina: na zobhante nIMbapAdapAH, navavarakAH iva kusumbharakanivasanAH virAjanti raktAzokAH kiMbahunA, yatra manorathA iva jIvalokasya bahuvRttAntAH udyAnapAdapAH / 112. goSThImaMDapaH ityayaM dezyaH zabdaH; goSTImaMDapAgatena / 113. lAvaNyajyotsnApravAhadhavalitacaturdizAbhogaH / 'pamhaliya' iti dezyaH zandaH pakSmalitaH dhavalita: ityarthe / Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 [ samarAicakahA / pAviyaM tae phalaM loyaNANaM / ahaM piNaM bhayavantaM mottUNamantarAyaM sue vandissAmiti // aikantAe rayaNIe kayasayalagosakicco rAyA gao tamujjANaM / diTTho ya NeNa aNeyasamaNapariyario saMpuNNasArayasasi vva tArayagaNaparivuDo 5 vijayaseNAyario / tao harisubhinna pulaeNa ANandabAhajalabhariyaloyaNeNaM dharaNinihittajAnukarayaleNaM saviSayaM paNamio aNeNa, dino ya se guruNA vi sArIramANasANe gadukkhavi uDaNo sAsayasivasokkhatarubIyabhUo dhammalAbho tti / tao aTThArasasIlaGgasahassabharavahe siddhi bahUni bharANurAyasamAgamacintAdubbale 1 sAhuNo vandiUNa ucaviTTho gurusamove / vihio ya tassa aaree bhaNiyaM ca NeNa / bhayavaM kiM te sayalasaMpuNNamoharassAvi IisaM nivveyakAraNaM, jeNa io tao sasambhamanivaDantanarindama ulimaNippabhAvisaravicchuriyapAyavIDhaM rAyalacki ujhiya imaM Iisa ihaloyaniSpivAsaM vayavisesaM paDivo 15 tti | vijayaseNeNa bhaNiyaM / mahArAya, saMsAraMmi vi nivveyakAraNaM pucchasi / nagu sulahamettha nivveyakAraNaM / suNa // nArayatiriyanarAmarabhavesu hiNDantayANa jIvANaM / jammajarAmaraNabhae mottUNa kimatthi kiMci suhaM // 62 // kiM asthi nArago vA tirio maNuo suro va saMsAre / so koi jassa jammaNamaraNAi na honti pAvAIM // 63 // tehi gahiyANa ya kahaM hoi raI hariNataNayANaM va / kUDayapaDiyANa daDhaM vAhehi viluppamANANaM // 64 // 114 114. hariNatanayAnAmiva kUTakapatitAnAM dRDhaM vyAdhaiH vilupyamAnAnAM / Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhvo|] samvesiM sattANaM khaNithaM pi hu dukkhamettapaDiyAraM / . . jA na karei naNu suhaM lacchI ko tIe paDibandho // 65 // keNa mametyupattI15 kahiM io taha puNo vi gantavvaM / jo ettiyaM pi cintei ettha so ko na nidhiNNo // 66 // annaM ca / ettha mahArAya, mahAsamuhamajjhagayaM rayaNamiva 5 cintAmaNisaMnibhaM dullabhaM mANusattaNaM / tahA kharapavaNacAliyakusa. gajalabinducaJcalaM jIviyaM, kuviyabhuyaGgabhIsaNaphaNAjAlasAnahA ya kAmabhogA, sarayajalaharakAmiNIkaDakkhagayakaNNavijjucaJcalA ya riddhI, akayasuhatavaccaraNANaM ca dAruNo tiriyanAraesu vivAgo tti / avi ya bhayarogasogapiyavippaogabahudukkhajalaNapajjalie / naDapecchaNayasamANe saMsAre ko dhiiM kuNai // 67 // sai sAsayaMmi ThANe tassovAe ya paramamuNibhaNie / egantasAhage supurisANa jatto tahiM jutto // 68 // evaM ca, mahArAya, saMsAro ceva me nivveykaarnnN| tahavi 15 puNa nimittamettameyaM saMjAyaM ti / suNa / __asthi iheva vijae gandhAro nAma jaNavao, tattha gandhArapuraM nAma nayaraM / tannivAsI ahaM tattheva ciTThAmi / mitto ya me bIyahiyayabhUo soma pasupurohiyaputto vihAbasU nAma / so ya kahaMci AyaGkapoDiyadeho17 viNijjiyasurAsureNa maccuNA 20 mama samakkhameva paJcattamuvaNIo / tao ahaM tavioyANala115. mmaatrotpttiH| 116. naTaprekSaNakasamAne / 117. AtaMkapIDitadehaH / AtaMko jvaraH / Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [smraaickhaa| jaliyamANaso ciTThAmi; jAva AgayA ahAsaMjamavihAreNaM viharamANo vAsAvAsanimittaM18 cattAri sAhuNo, ThiyA ya nayarAo nAidUre mahAmahantAe giriguhAe / siTThA ya me aipiya tti kariya niyayapurisehiM / gao ahaM sigdhameva te vAndauM / diTThA ya tatya bhayavanto sajjhAyavAvaDA, vandiyA pahaDhavayaNapaGkaeNa / ahiNandio bhayavantahiM dhammalAheNa / pucchiyA mae ahAvihAraM / aNusAsio bhayavantahiM / tao te muNI kaMci velaM pajjuvAsiya paviTTho nayaraM / te ya bhayavanto savvakAlameva vAsAvAse mAsovavAseNaM jayanti tti / ubaladdhaM mae 1. sammattaM // pavaDamANasassa ya paidiNaM sevamANassa te aikkantA cattAri mAsA / carimarayaNIe jAyA mahaM cintA / kallaM khu te mahAtabassI gacchissanti / tao ahaM addhajAmAvasesAe rayaNIe niggao bhayavantadaMsaNanimittaM nayarAo / gao ya 15 thevaM bhUmibhAgaM; jAva payAlayA vasumaI, gajiyaM gandhAragiriNA, pavAio surahimAruo, ujjoviyaM nahaGgaNaM, vitthario jayajayAravo / tao ahaM abbhahiyajAyahariso15 turiyaM turiyaM pathio jAva pecchAmi gandhAragiriguhAsamIve avahariyaM taNA iyaM, samIkayaM dharaNivaDhe, pavuDaM gandhodayaM, uvaiNNA puppho20 kyArA, nivADiyA devasaMghAyA thuNanti 20 bhayavante sAhuNo / aMho me suladdhaM mANusattaNaM, khaviyA rAgAdao, parAjiyaM 118. varSAvAsanimittaM / 119. abhyadhikajAtaharSaH / 120. stunvanti / Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhyo|] kammasannaM, tiNNo bhavasamuddo, pAviyA sAsayasivasuhasiddhi tti| tao mae cintiyaM / AvinbhUyaM nUNameesiM kevalaM, mukkA jAijarAmaraNadukkhavAsassa // etthantaraMmi diTThA mae kevalapahAvao cciya rayaNamayasIhAsaNovaviTThA viNiyaTTabhavapavaJcA pasantacittavAvArA kevalasirIsamaddhAsiyasarIrA muttimantA viva guNamaNA 5 bhayavanto sAhuNo tti / tao mae cintiyaM / na etya saMdeho, saMpuNNameva eesiM kevalanANaM ti / tao ANaMdabAhajalabhariyaloyaNeNaM romaJcapulaiyaGgeNaM vimhayavasupphullaloyaNeNaM dharaNinimiyajANukarayaleNaM tahAvihaM accantasohaNaM aNAcikkhaNIyaM21 avasthantaramaNuhavanteNa vandiyA mae, vandiUNa ya uvaviThTho te- .. siM purao / patthuyA kevaliNA kahA / payattA pucchiuM hiyaicchiyaM devanaragaNA / tao mae cintiyaM / kiM puNo ahamee bhayavanto pucchAmi / jAva AvaDio hiyayasallabhUo cittaMmi me vihAvasU22 / tao mae cintiyaM * aha kahiM puNa me mitto vihAvasU uppanno; hou, eyaM pucchAmi' ti cintiUNa 15 pucchio mae bhagavaM kevalI / bhayavaM, asthi io koi kAlo paJcattamudagayassa me mittassa / tA kahiM so uvavanno, kiM vA saMpayamavatthantaramanuhavai kiM vA mama muNiyaparamatthamaggassa vi tavioyANalajaNiyasaMtAvo cittaMmi novasamaM jAi tti kevaliNA bhaNiyaM / suNa / Astha iheva gandhArapure nayare Usaino nAma vatthaso. 121. anAcakSaNIyamanAkhyApanIyamityarthaH / 122. Apatito hRdayazalyabhUtaH cite me vibhAvasuH / Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAicakahAe hago'23 / tassa mahupiGgA nAma gehasuNiyA'24 / tIse gabbhaMmi suNao uvavano tti / so ya aikaDhiNarajjusaMdAmio bubhukkhAparimilANadeho sohaNiyAkuNDaniyaDavattI rAsahakhurappahArabhIo iheva saMpayaM dAruNamavatyaMtaramaNuhavai / jammantaraMmi ya . pukkharaddhabharahakusumapuranivAsiNo te kusumasArasanniyassa seThiputtassa sirikantAbhihANA accantavallahA pattI125 Asi tti / tayabbhAsao ya te tArvaoyANalajaNiyasaMtAvo cittammi govasamaM jAi / tao mae eyaM soUNaM saMjAyanivveeNaM taha mohiyamaNeNa ya tassa paDimokkhaNanimittaM pesiyA usadinnava1. tyasohagagihaM niyayapurisA, bhANayA ya taM lahuM moyAviya viiNNapANabhoyaNaM gihiya ihevAgacchaha ' tti / tao gayA te purisA, sigdhaM ca saMpADiyaM majjha sAsaNamaNehiM, AgayA ya taM geNhiuM / diTTho ya so mae pisuyAsayagahiyataNuruho kIDAniyarasaMpAiyakhayAGkio aikhINasarIro sasantacalIrajIhA15 karAlo dhavalavihAvijamANadasaNAvalI mandamandaM parisakamANo127 nAidUrao ceva suNao tti / jAo ya me taM tahAvihaM daTThaNa mahanto saMvego / cintiyaM ca me| aho dAruNo saMsAravAso / evaMvihAvasANANi ettha jIvANaM pemmavilasiyAI / etthantaraMmi ca pattA mama samIvaM saha teNa te purisA / niveio hiM 2. ' devaM esa so suNao' tti / tao so maM daTThaNa payalaMtadI 123. vastrazodhakaH rajakaH / 124 gRhazunI / gRhe pAlitA saarmeyii| 125. prnii| 126 tadabhyAsataH pUrvajanmakRtakarmavipAkasaMyogAt / 127. paricalan / Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 39 paDhamo bhayo / ] iGgUlo bAhajalabhariyaloyaNo 121 5 " kiMpi tahAvihaM aNAcikkhaNIyaM 129 avatthantaraM pAviUNamArasiumAdatto 130 / tao mae pucchio kevalI | bhayavaM, kimeyaM ti / teNa bhaNiyaM / durantapuvvabhavanbhAsao paNaoti / mae bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM kimesa maM paccahiyANai " / bhayavayA bhaNiyaM / na visesao, kiMtu sAmannAo ti / Iiso ceva esa saMsArasahAvo tti, jammaNantarabhavanbhatthA bhAvaNA agAbhogao vi kaMci kAlaM aNuvattaiti / tao mae bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, aha kassa kammarasa esa vivAgo / bhayavayA bhaNiyaM / jAimayamA - 133 mANo 10 jaNiyassa' 132 | mae bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, ko di yANeNa kao tti / bhayavayA bhaNiyaM / suNa / 8128 uggIvamavayAliyANaNo " ettha caivANantarajamme pavatte mayaNamahUsave niggayAsu vicittavesAsu nayaracaccarIsu14 taruNajaNavandra parigaeNa bahujaNapasaMsaNijjaM vasantakIlamaNuhavanteNa diTThA samAsannacAriNI vatthasohagacaccariti / daTThaNa ya annAnadoseNaM jAikulAigavvieNaM 15 kahaM nIyacaccarI amhANa caccarIe samAsanaM parivvayai 1135 ti kayatthiyA vatthasohagA / pahANo ti kariya daDhayaraM kayasthiUNa saMjamiya savvagatto neyAvio cArayaM Usadina / ettha - " 128. ugra vamapacAlitAnanaH / 129. anAcakSaNIyaM / 130. ArasitumArabdhaH / 131. pratyabhijAnAti / 132. jAtimadamAnajanitasya / 133. api ca anena / 134. nagaracarcarISu saMgItamaNDaleSu / 135. kathaM nIcacarcarI asmAkaM carcaryAH samAsannaM parivrajati / Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAicakahAe ntaraMmi garuyamANapariNAmavattiNA baddhaM parabhavAuyaM / vatte ya mayaNamahUsave nagaraloeNa moyAvio usadino / eso ya takammapariNAmavasao mariUNa estha uvavanno tti / tao mae cintiyaM / aho appasuhaM niyANaM bahudukkhaphalaM, dhiratyu saMsAravAsassa / tA pucchAmi bhayavantaM 'kiMpajjavasANameyaM niyANaM, kiM vA esa bhavio abhavio vA siddhigAmI asiddhigAbhI saMpattabIo vA na va ti cintiUNa pucchiyaM mae / tao bhayavayA bhaNimaM / suNa jaMpajavasANameyaM nibhANaM io sugayabhavAo esa ahAuyaM pAliUNa unvaTTo 1. samANo imasa Usadinnalsa gehapasUyAe ghoDaghaDigAbhihANAe rAsahIe ganbhaMmi rAsahattAe uvavajihi tti / tao ya niggao samANo Usadinnassa amaNoramo kilesasaMpAviyasarIravittI garuyabhArubvahaNaparikheiyasarIro jIviyasamayaM ciThiUNa mao samANo usadinnasaMgayassa ceva mAidinnasanmiyassa caNDA15 lassa aNahigAbhihANAe bhAriyAe kuJchisi napuMsagattAe uvavajihi tti / tao ya nikkhanto samANo kuruvadohaggakalaGkaGkasio apariNNAyavisayasaGgo kaMci kAlaM napuMsagattAe jIvijaNa sIhaviNivAiyasarIro dehaM pamotUga tIse ceva caNDA lamahiliyAe kucchisi isthiyattAe uvavajihi ti / to 2. viNiggayametto ceva paDhamabAlabhAvavattI bhuyaGgaDako 8 mariUNa 136 . paramavAyurdvitIyajanmAyuH / 137. zruNu yatparyavasAna metantridAnam / nidAnaM kAraNam / 138. bhujaMgadAH sarpadaH / Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ padamo bhayo / ] ra sadinnassa caiva hidAsoe dattitrAbhihANAe kucchisi napuMsagattA uvavAha tti / tao viNiggao samANo jaccandhamaDajo satroparibhUo kaMci kAlaM napuMsagattaM parivAliUNa payate naraDAhe kisANuNA chArIkayasarIro' paJcattamuvagacchiUNa tIse cetra gidAsIe kucchisi itthiyattAe uvavajjihi tti / samunnaya pIDhI 140 bhavissaiti / tao ettheva namare rAyamagge gacchantI viyarieNa mattahasthiNA bAbAiyA samANI imassa ceva Usadinnassa kAlaJjaNiyAbhihANAe bhAriyAe kucchisi itthiyattAe uvavajjihi tti / jAyA samANI kameNa saMpattovvaNA / dinnA ya UsadineNa UsarakkhiyAbhihANassa 10 aJcantadAriddAbhibhUyasya / itthiyA kayapANigahaNA AvannasattA hoUna pasUisamae caiva mahAvedaNAhibhUyA kAlaM kAUNa sajagaNIe caiva puttattAe uvavajjihi tti / ukvanno yaso bAlabhAve 'caiva gandhAraninnagAtIraM mi41 khellamANo UsadinnasattaNA cilAyanAmeNa 'riuputto ' tti gihiUNa sirohAnibaddhagaruyasi- 15 lAyalo dahaMmi parikkhippihii // eyapajjasANameyaM niyANaM / bhavio ya eso siddhigAmI ya, kevalamasaMpattIotti // tao mae bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, kahi~ pugo so jalamaragANa - ntaraM uvavajjihi tti kayA vA bIyasaMpattI muttisaMpattI ya bhavissai / bhagavayA bhaNiyaM / suNa / 139. bhasmIkRtazarIraH / 'chAra' iti kSArasya vikAraH / 140. pIDhasarpI paMguvizeSaH / 141. gandhArAyAH nAma nimnagAyAH nayAH tIre krIDamAnaH / Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 42 [samarAiJcakahAe jalamaraNANantaraM vANamantarasu uvavajjihi142 tti / tao tammi ceva jamme ANandatitthayarasamIve sAsayasuhakappapAyavekabIyaM sammattaM pAvihii / tao caugaisamAvanno saMkhejjesu samaicchiesu bhavaggahaNesu ihava gandhArajaNavae pAviUNa naravaittaNaM amarattaNaM amaratayavijjAharasamaNagaNisamIve pavajjiUNa pavvajja saMpattakevalo muttiM pAvissai ti / ____tao mameyaM soUNa jAo saMveo, niyattA bhavacAragAo maI / tao aNunaviya jaNANajaNae143 kAUNa jahociyaM karaNijja nikkhanto sugahIyanAmadheyassa bhagavao indadattaga1. Naharassa samIve / tA eyaM me nivveyakAraNaM ti // guNaseNeNa bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, kayattho si, sohaNaM nivveyakAraNaM / jaM puNa imaM bhaNiyamAsi / jahA / sai sAsayaMmi ThANe tassovAe ya paramamuNibhaNie / egantasAhae supurisANa jatto tahiM jutto // 69 / / tti 15 aha kiM puNa taM sAsayaM ThANaM; ko vA tassa sAhao uvAo tti // vijayaseNeNa bhaNiyaM / mahArAya, sAsayaM thAmaM nAma, jattha pANiNo aTTavihakammamalakalaGkavippamukkA jammajarAmaraNaroyaso yAirahiyA niruvamanANadaMsaNasuhabhAiNo AyAmidIhamuddhaM kAlaM 2. ciTThanti / taM puNa sayalAisayarayaNAyarohiM telokkabandhavehiM 141. vAnavyaMtareSviti devavizeSeSu upapatiSyati janmagrahaNaM karidhyatItyarthaH / 143. jananIjanakayoranujJAmupalamya / 144. AyAminaM dIrgha ceti paryAyau prAkRtazailIvazAdekasthAnIbhUto; dIrgha Urdhva kAlaM tiSThAnta / Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhavo / ] surAsurapUehiM savvannUhiM bhaNiyaM imassa ceva coisarajjUsiyassa svettalogassa cUDAmaNibhUyaM paramapayaM thAmaM 145 ti / sAhao uNa uvAo imassa sammattanANacaraNalakkhaNo paDivAio ti / eso ya gihidhammasAdhammehiM vavasthio | tattha gihidhammo duvAlasahi / taM jahA / paJca aNubvayAiM tiNNi guNavvayAI 5. cattAri sikkhAvayAI ti / sAhudhammo uNa dasaviho / taM jahA / 43 khantIya maddavajjavamuttI tavasaMjame ya bodhavve / saccaM soyaM AkiJcaNaM ca bambhaM ca jaidhammo // 70 // eyarasa uNa duhissa vi dhammassa mUlavatthu sammattaM / 10 taM puNo aNAikammasaMtANaveDhiyassa 146 jantuNo dulahaM havaiti / taM ca kammaM aTThahA / taM jahA / nANAvaraNijaM darisaNAvaraNijaM veyaNijjaM mohaNijjaM AuyaM nAmaM gotaM antarAyaM ca / eyassa uNa nimittaM micchattaM annANaM aviraI pamAo kasAyA jogA yatti / egapariNAmasaMciyassa eyassa duvihA ThiI samakkhAyA / 15 taM jahA / ukkosiyA ya jahaziyA ya / tattha NaM jA sA ukkosiyA, sAtivAsuhapariNAmajaNiyANaM nANAvaraNadarisaNAvaraNaveyaNIyaantarAyANaM tIsaM sAgarovamakoDA koDio, mohaNijassa sattariM, nAmagoyANaM vIsaM, tettIsaM ca sAgarovamAIM Auyassati / jahannA uNa tahAvihapariNAmasaMciyassa bArasa 20 .147 145. caturdazarajjuzritamya kSetralokasya cuDAmaNIbhUtaM paramapadaM sthAnam / rajjuH iti dezamAnavizeSaH / 146. anAdikarma saMtAnAnRtasya / ' veDhiya ' veSTitaH / 147. utkRSTA jaghanyAzca / Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAicakahAra muhuttA, nAmagoyANaM aha, sesANaM bhinnamuhuttaM ti / evaMThiyassa ya imassa kammassa ahapavattakaraNeNa jayA dhNsnngholnnaae| kahavi egaM sAgarovamakoDAkoDiM mottUNa sesAo khaviyAo havanti tIse vi ya NaM thevamette khavie, tayA dhaNarAyadosapariNAmalakkhaNo nANAvaraNadarisaNAvaraNantarAyapaDivannasahAyabhAvo mohaNIyakammanivvattio accantadubbheo kammagaNThI havai / bhaNiyaM ca / gaNThi tti subbheo kakkhaDaghaNarUDhagUDhagaNThi vva 149 / jIvassa kammajaNio ghaNarAyadosapariNAmo // 71 // taM ca patte samANe asthi ege jIve je taM bhindai, asthi ege jIve je no bhindai / tattha NaM je se bhindai, se ayuvakaraNeNaM bhindai / tao taMmi bhinne samANe aNiyaTTIkaraNeNaM kammavaNassa dAvANalegadesaM sivasuhAyavassa niruva hayabIyaM saMsAracArayassa moyAvaNasamatthaM cintAmaNirayaNassa ya 15 lahuyabhAvajaNayaM aNAImi saMsArasAyare apattapuvvaM pasatthasammatta mohaNIyakammANuveyaNovasamakkhayasamutthaM pasamasaMveyanivveyANukampAiliGgaM suhAyapariNAmarUvaM sammattaM pAuNai,150 tallAhasamakAlaM ca duve nANANi / taM jahA / mainANaM ca suyanANaM ca / tao taMmi patte samANe se jIve bahuyakammamalamukke Asana. 2. niyasarUbabhAve pasanne saMvigme niviNNe aNukampApare jiNakya NaruI Avihavai / bhaNiyaM ca / 148. gharSaNaghUrNanam / 'ghola' iti dezyo dhAtuvizeSaH / 149. karkazaghanasTagUDhapranthiH iva / 150. prApnoti / Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ padamo bhvo|] sammattaM uvasamamAiehi lakkhijae uvAehiM / AyapariNAmarUvaM bajhehi pasatvajogehi // 72 // estha ya pariNAmo khalu jIvassa suho u hoi vinneo / kiM malakalaGkamukkaM kaNa yaM bhuvi sAmalaM hoi // 73 // payaII ya kammANaM viyANiuM vA vivAgamasuhaM ti / avaraddhe vi Na kuppai uvasamao savvakAlaM pi // 74 // naravibuhesarasokkhaM dukkhaM ciya bhAvao u mnnnto| saMvegao na mokkhaM mottUNaM kiMci patthei // 75 // nArayatiriyanarAmarabhavesu nivveyao vasai dukkhaM / akayaparaloyamaggo mamattavisavegarahio vi // 76 // daLUNa pANinivahaM bhIme bhavasAgaraMmi dukkhattaM / avisesao 'NukampaM duhA vi sAmatthao kuNai // 77 // mannai tameva saccaM nIsakaM jaM jiNehi pannattaM / suhapariNAmo sambaM kalAivisottiyArahio51 // 78 // evaMvihapariNAmo sammaTTiI jiNehi pnntto| eso ya bhavasamuI lai theveNa kAleNaM // 79 // tao ya tIse vi ya NaM ThiIe paliovamapuhuttamette152 khINe paramatthao suhayarapariNAmagabbhaM desaviraiM paDivajai / taM jahA / thUlagapANAivAyaviramaNaM vA thUlagamusAvAyaviramaNaM vA thUlayAdattAdANaviramaNaM vA paradAragamaNaviramaNaM vA sadArasaMtosaM vA aparimiyapariggahaviramaNaM vA / se ya evaM desaviraipariNAmajutte paDivannANuvvae bhAvao aparivaDiyapariNAme no khalu samAyarai ime aiyAre / taM jahA / bandhaM vA vahaM vA chavi151. kAMkSAdivisrotasikArahitaH / visrotasikA cetasaH vimAna-- gamanam / 152. palyopamapRthutvamAtre / Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAhacakahAe ccheyaM53 vA aibhArArovaNaM vA bhattapANavoccheyaM54 vA, tahA sahasambhakkhANaM vA rahassabbhakkhANaM vA sadAramantabheyaM vA mosovaesaM vA kUDalehakaraNaM vA, tahA teNAhaDaM vA takkarapaogaM vA viruddharajAIkkama vA kUDatulakUDamANe55 vA tappaDirUvagavavahAraM vA, tahA ittiriyapariggahiyAgamaNaM 6 vA apariggahiyAgamaNaM vA aNaGgakIDaM vA paravivAhakaraNaM vA kAmabhogativvAhilAsaM vA, tahA khettavatthupamANAikkammaM vA hiraNNasuvaNNapamANAikkarma vA dhaNadhannapamANAikkama vA dupayacauppayapamANAikkama vA kuvi yapamANAikkama vA; tahA anne ya evaMjAie saMsArasAgarahiNDa1. ganimittabhUe suhapariNAmabhAvao ceva no Ayarai tti / tahA ime eyArUve uttaraguNe ya paDivajjai / taM jahA / uDDhadisiguNadhvayaM vA ahodisiguNabvayaM vA tiriyadisiguNavvayaM vA, tahA bhogovabhogaparimANalakkhaNaguNabvayaM vA uvabhogaparibhoga heukharakammAiparivajjaNaM vA; tahA avajjhANAyariyapamAyAyariya15 hiMsappayANapAvakammovaesalakkhaNANatyadaNDaviraiguNavvayaM vA, tahA sAvajjajogaparivajaNaniravajjajogapaDisevaNAlakkhaNasikkhAvarya vA tahA disivayagahiyassa disAparimANassa paidiNapamANakaraNadesAvagAliyasikkhAvayaM vA, tahA AhArasarIrasakkArasabambhaceraavvA vAralakkhaNaposahasikkhAvaM vA, tahA nAyAgayANaM kappaNijANaM 20 annapANAINaM davvANaM desakAlasaddhAsakArakamajuyaM parAe bhattIe 153. chavicchedanaM zarIrAvayavachedanam / 154. bhakapAnavyucchedaH annapAnavyucchedanam / 155. kUTatulAkUTamAne / 156. itvarikapariprahotAgamanaM / itvarikaM alpakAlikaM / Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhvo|] AyANugAhaTThAe saMjayANaM dANaM ti, iilakkhaNAtihisaMvibhAgasikkhAMvayaM vA / se ya evaM kusalapariNAmajutte paDivanaguNanvayasikkhAvae bhAvao aparivaDiyapariNAme no khalu samAyarai ime aiyAre / taM jahA / ubRdisipamANAikkama vA ahodisipamANAikamaM vA, tiriyadisipamANAikkama vA khettI vA saia- 5 ntaraddhaM vA, tahA sacittAhAraM vA sacittapaDibaddhAhAraM vA appauliosahibhakkhaNaM'57 vA duppauliosahibhakkhaNaM vA tucchosahibhakkhaNaM vA, tahA iGgAlakammaM vA vaNakamma vA sAgaDikammaM vA bhADiyakammaM vA phoDiyakammaM vA dantavANijjaM vA kesavANijjaM vA rasavANijja vA visavANijjaM vA jantapIlaNakamma 1. vA nillanchaNakammaM vA davaggidAvaNayaM vA asaiposaNaM vA saradahatalAyasosaNayaM58 vA, tahA kaMdappaM vA kakkuiyaM vA mohariyaM vA saMjuttAhigaraNaM vA uvabhogaparibhogAiregaM vA, tahA maNaduppaNihANaM vA vAyaduppaNihANaM vA kAyaduppaNihANaM vA sAmAiyassa saiakaraNaM vA sAmAiyassa aNavaTiyassa 15 karaNaM vA, tahA ANavaNapayogaM vA pesavaNapayoga vA sahAguvAittaM vA rUvANuvAittaM vA bahiyApoggalapakkhevaNaM59 vA, tahA appaDilehiyadu-DilahiyasejjAsaMthAradurUhagaM0 vA anamajiyadunamajjiyasejjAsaMdhAradurUhaga vA appaDilehiyaduppa- 20 157. apakvauSadhigrahaNam / 158. sarohataDAgazoSaNakAryam hRdo 'dahe ' tyAdezaH / vyatyayaprakriyayAya vikaarH| 159 bahiH pudgalaprakSepaNaM / mUrtadravyasya bahiH prakSepaNam / 160. apratilekhitaduHpratilekhitazayyAsaMstarodrohaNaM / pratilekhanaM nirIkSaNa zodhana kriyAthai / Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAicakahAe DilahiyauccArapAsavaNavigicaNayaM' vA appamajjiyaduppamajibauccArapAsavaNavigivaNayaM vA posahovavAsassa samma aNaNupAlaNayaM vA, tahA sacittanikkhivaNayaM vA sacittapihaNayaM kA kAlAikkama vA paravavaesaM vA macchariyaM vA anne ya evaMjAie guNavvayasikkhAvayAiyAre nAyarai / tao NaM se imeNANurUveNaM kappeNaM vihariUNa tIse kammaTTiIe pariNAmaviseseNaM taMmi vA jamme aNegesu vA jammesu saMkhejjesu sAgarovamesu khaviesu savvavirailakkhaNaM khamAmadadajjavamuttItavasaMjamasaccasoyAkiJcaNa. bambha ceravaM jaidhamma pAuNai / tao evaM ceva uvasamaseDhI 12 1. evaM ceva khavagaseDhi tti / bhaNiyaM ca / sammattaMmi u laddhe paliyapuhutteNa sAvao hojA / ' caraNovasamakhayANaM sAgarasaMkhantarA' honti / / 80 // evaM appaDivaDie sammatte devamaNuyajammesu / amayaraseDhivajjaM egabhaveNaM ca savvAiM // 81 // 15 tao khavagaseDhiparisamattIe sAsayaM aNantakevalavaranANa dasaNaM pAuNai / tao kameNaM khaviyasesabhavovaggAhikammaMse savvakammavippamukke pAuNai sAsayaM thAma ti // etyantaraMmi ya guruvayaNAyaNNaNajaNiyasuhapariNAmANaladabahukammendhaNeNaM bhAvao pavanasammattANuvvayaguNavvayasikkhAva2. yaguNahANeNa bhANiyaM guNaseNeNaM / bhayavaM dhanno 'haM jeNa mae pAvamalapakkhAlaNaM rAgAivisaghAyaNaM pasamAiguNakAraNaM bhavacAra161. pratilekhitaduHpratilekhitauccArapravaNaparityAgaH / uccAraprasavaNaM malamUtramityarthaH / 162 upshmshrennii| 163. sAgarasaMkhyAntaraM / sAgarastu kAlamAnavizeSaH / Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhayo / ] 49 saMpayaM, jaM mae yanissAraNaM suyaM te vayaNaM ti / tA Aisaha kAvaM ti / atrA AiTuM ceva bhayavayA / tA dehi me tAva mihidhammasArabhUe aNuvvayAie guNaTTANe / guruNA bhaNiyaM 'kicameyaM tayArisANaM' 64 bhavvasattANaM ' ti; vihipuvvayaM dinnANi se aNuvvayANi, aNusAsio ya bahuvihaM / tao vandiUNa paramabhattIe saparivAraM guruM paviTTho nayaraM // kayabhoyaNovayAro pariNayAdi puNo vi niggao ti / vandiyA ya NeNa devaguravo / kAloiyamaNusAsio ya guruNA / tao ya kaMci velaM pajjuvAsiUNa vihiNA puNo nayaraM paviTThoti / evaM ubhayakAlaM gurudaMsaNatavvayaNa suNaNa sokkhamaNuhadantassa aIo 10 mAso, pariNao se dhammo / kappasamattIe' ya gao annattha bhayavaM vijayaseNAyario tti / / . 165 5 tao aikkantesu kaivayadiNesu rAiNo guNaseNassa pAsA - yatalasaMThiyassa kahavi soUNa hAhAravagabbhiNaM maraNanaravaiNo viva payANaDhakkaM, saMsArarakkhasassa viva aTTaTTahAsaM, jIvaloyassa 15 viva pamAyacariyaM, mayagaDiNDimasaddaM, ' 6. 166 pecchiUNa taM kayantacasavattiNaM caThapurisadhariyakAryaM kandantabandhujaNa parivAriyaM savaM paramasaMvega bhAviyama issa indayAlasarisajIvaloyamavagacchiUNa dha mmajjhANajalapakkhAliyapAvalevassa samuppannA cintA " amhe 1 vi evaM caiva maraNadhammANo tti / aho Nu khalu evaM virasA- 20 164. tvAdRzAnAM / 165. kalpasamAptau vrataparyavasAne / 166. DhakkaM paTahaH / zrutvA hAhAravagarbhiNaM maraNanarapateH iva prayANapaTahaM, saMsArarAkSasatyevATTahAsaM, jIvalokasyeva pramAdacaritaM, mRtakaDiMDimazabda / Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAicakahAe vasANe jIvaloe te dhannA, je telokabandhubhUe acintacintAmaNisannihe paramarisisavvannudesie dhamme kayANurAyA agAravA. sAo aNagAriyaM panvayanti / " tao ya pANavahamusAvAyaadattAdANamehuNapariggahavirayA bAyAlIsesaNAdosaparisuddhapiNDaggahiNo'67 saMjoyaNAipaJcadosarahiyamiyakAlabhoiNo paJcasamiyA tiguttA niraiyAravayaparipAlaNatyameva iriyAsamiyAipaNuvIsabhAvaNovaveyA aNasaNamUNoyariyAipAyacchittaviNayAisabAhirabbhintaratavoguNappahANA'68 mAsAiyANegapaDimAdhAriNo 69 vi. cittadavvAbhiggaharayA aNhANaloyaladdhAvaladdhavittiNo nippaDika.. mmasarIrA samataNamaNimuttaleTukaJcaNA, kiM bahuNA, aTThArasasIla GgasahassadhAriNo uvamAIyavibuhajaNapasaMsiyapasamasuhasamayA'70 aNegagAmAyaranagarapaTTaNamaDambadoNamuhasaMnivesasayasaMkulaM'71 vihariUNa meiNiM, micchattapaGkamaggapaDibaddha ya saddhammakahaNa divAya. rodaeNa bohiUNa bhavdhakamalAyare, mahAtavaccaraNaparikammiyasa15 rIrA72 jiNovaiTeNa maggeNa kAlamAse kAlaM kAUNa pAovagamaNeNa dehaM pariccayanti 73 / tao ahaM pi iyANi imeNa ceva 167. dvAcatvAriMzadeSaNAdoSaparizudrapiMDagrahiNaH / 168. anazana-UnodaritAdiprAyazcittavinayAdisabAhyAbhyaMtaratapoguNapradhAnAH / 169. pratimA vrataM / 170. upamAdikavibudhajanaprazastaprazamasukhasametA / : upamAdikaistu dRSTAMtAlaMkArAdibhiH prazastA / 171. maDamba-doNetyeto prAmavizeSavAcako zabdau / 172. tapazcaraNasaMskRtazarIrA / parikarma tu saMskAravizeSaH / uktaM ca vizeSAvazyake (gA. 1923) 'parikamma kiriyAe vatthUNaM guNavisesapariNAmo / ' 173. pAdapopagamanaM tu anazanavizeSaH / tena dehaM parityajanti / Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paTamo bhyo|] vihiNA dehaM pariccaissaM ti / patto ya mae bhavasayasahassadulaho sayalaloyAloyadivAyaro sAsayasuhappayANekakappapAyavo sayalatelokkaniruvamacintAmaNI viyaDasaMsArajalahipoyabhUo dhammasArahI174 bhayavaM vijayaseNAyario tti / ao pavajAmo dhIrapurilaseviyaM kammavaNadAvANalaM eyassa samIve mahApavvajaM 5 ti / cintiUNa sadAviyA NeNa subuddhipamuhA mantiNo / kahio ya tesiM niyayAhippAo / tao tappasaGgao cevovaladdhajiNavayaNasArehiM bhaNiyaM ca tehiM / aho mahApurisasahAvANuruvaM deveNa mantiyaM / kharapavaNacAliyanaliNajalamajjhagayacandabimbacaJcalaMmi jIvaloe kiccameyaM bhaviyANaM, ahAsuhaM mA kareha 1. paDibandhaM ti / annaM ca / deva, ko nAma kassai suhittaNaM pavajiUNaM taM palittajAlAvalIparigayAo gehAo nIsarantaM vAreI 75 / palittaM ca savvadukkhajalaNeNa saMsAragehaM ti / tA bahumayaM nAma amhANameyaM devassa vavasiyaM / asamatthA ya amhe buddhivihaveNa bhavao maraNaM nivAreu ti / tao rAiNA eya- 15 mAyaNNiUNa 'evameyaM' ti, * ko tubbhe mottUNa mama anno hio' ahiNandiUNa sabahumANaM pahahamuhakamaleNaM davAviyaM AghosaNApuvvayaM mahAdAnaM; kArAviyA bhattivihavANurUvA jiNAyayaNAIsu aTTAhiyA 6 mahimA; sammANio ya paNaivaggo, bahumANiyA paurajaNavayA, dinnaM candaseNAbhihANassa jeTaputtassa 20 rajaM, paDivannA bhAvao pavvajA / 'sue ya io gamissAmi 174. dharmasArathiH / 175. deva ko nAma kasyApi suhRttvaM prapadya taM pradIptajvAlAvalIparigatAt gehAt niHsarantaM vArayati / 176. aSTAhniko mahotsavaH / Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 52 [ samarAizcakAe jattha bhayavaM vijayaseNAyario' ti cintiUNa Thio vivittadami savvarAiyaM paDimaM // 177 io ya so agisammatAvaso appaDikkanto ceva taniyANAo kAlaM kAUNa vijjukumAresu divaDupalioyamaTTiI 179 devo jAo tti | dino ya teNa uvaogo 'kiM mae huyaM vA jaTTaM vA dANaM vA dinnaM, jeNa 'tti mae esA divvA devaDDI Abhoio 179 Na puNvajammavuttanto, kuvio ya patta ucariM guNaseNassa / vihaGgeNAhoiUNa Agao tassa samIvaM / diTTho ya NeNa paDimaM Thio guNaseNo / tao ya paDimaM Thiyassa teNaM viugviyA 10 kohamUDha hiyaeNa / nirayANalajaliyasihA aghorA paMsubuddhi tti // 82 // tIe ya DajjhamANo aNAulaM garuyasattasaMpanno / cinte bhAviyamaNo dhammaMmi jiNappaNIyami // 83 // sArIramANasehiM dukkhehi abhidduyaMmi saMsAre' / 182 20 15 sulahamiNaM jaM dukkhaM dulahA saddhammapaDivasI // 84 // dhanno 'haM jeNa mae aNorapAraMmi bhavasamuddami / bhavasayasahassadulahaM laddhaM saddhammarayaNamiNaM // 85 // eyassa pabhAveNa pAlijjantassa sai payatteNaM / jammantaraMmi jIvA pAvanti na dukkhadogaccaM // 86 // tA eso cciya saphalo majjhamaNAyaraNadosaparihINo / 183 saddhammalAbhagaruo jammo nAImi saMsAre // 87 // 177. viviktadeze sarvarAtrikAM pratimAM / 178. dvayardhapalbopamasthitiH / dvayardhapalyopamaparimitA svarge sthitiH yasya saH / 179. AbhogitaH jJAtaH ityarthaH / 180. vikurvitA divyazaktivazAdadbhutacaritaM pradarzitaM / 181 abhizrute pIDAkare saMsAre / 182. ativistIrNe bhavasamudre / 183. madhyamAnA caraNadoSaparihInaH hRdaye'pyamAcaraNadoSe 5 30 Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhvo|] vilihai ya majjha hiyayaMmi jo kao tassa aggisammassa / paribhavakovuppAo tavai akajaM kayaM pacchA // 88 // 184 eNhi puNa paDivanno mettiM samvesu ceva jIvesu / jiNavayaNAo ahayaM visesao aggisammami // 89 // iya so suhapariNAmo teNa viNivAio u pAveNaM / 5 mariUNaM uvavanno devo sohammakappaMmi // 90 // aha sAgarovamAU jAo candANaNe vimANaMmi / devANuppattivihiM samAsao ettha vucchAmi // 91 // oheNa45 dhiya jaha te hayanti jaM ca 'ccharAdao tesiM / nivyattanti'yare jaha paramaM devassa karaNijaM // 92 // 1. jaha mehAsaNitiyasindacAvavijjUNa saMbhavo 87 hoi / gayaNami khaNeNa tahA devANa vi hoi uppattI / / 93 // so puNa mottUNa imaM dehaM vimalaMmi devasayaNijje / nivvattei sarIraM divvaM antomuhutteNaM // 94 // saMli samayaMmi tattha ya gAyanti maNoharAi geyAiM / 15 kusumapayaraM48 muyanti ya sabhamarayaM tiyasavilayAo // 95 // navanti divvavighbhamasaMpAiyatiyasakouhallAo / vajantavivihamaNaharatisarIvINAsaNAhAo89 // 96 // deza ya harisiyamaNA karenti ukkiTusIhaNAyaM ca / muNiUNa tassa jammaM sudulahaM sayalabhuvaNaMmi / / 97 // 2. Na parihInaH / 184. tapati akArya kRte pazcAt / kRtasyAkAryasya pazcAttApaM karoti / 185. oghena mahatA samUhena / 186. nivartante ajarAH devaaH| 187. yathA meghAzanitridazendracApavidyutAM saMbhavaH / 188. kusumaprakaraH kusumasamUhaH / 189. 'tisara' ti vINAprakAraH / Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54 [samarAicakahAe iyaro vi ya kAmaguNe saddapphAsarasarUvagandhe'90 ya / divve samaNuhavanto hiho uThei sayarAha'11 // 98 // surayaNanayaNANando divvaM devaMsuyaM ahikhivanto / bhAsuravarabondidharo'92 saMpuNNo sArayasasi vva // 99 // tiyasavilayAu tattha ya tahiyaM laDahAu mahuravayaNahiM / jayajayajaya tti nandA thuNanti hihAu eehi // 10 // tiyasA vi paramahihA gaNDayalAvaDiyakuNDalujoyA / suratarukusamAharaNA namanti jayasadahalabolaM193 // 101 // aha taM divvapariyaNaM daTTaNaM loyaNeNaM saMbhanto / 1. dinnaM huyaM va kiM me imaM phalaM jassa divvaM ti // 102 / / kAUNa ya uvaogaM divvANaM ohiNA visuddhaNaM / / muNiUNa sucariyaM to karei aha devakarANajaM // 103 / / sAsayajiNapaDimANaM pUrya pUyAruho mahArambhaM / / potthayarayaNaM ca tahA vAei muhuttamettaM tu / / 104 // aha tiyasasundarIo nijjiyamuhayandacandabimbAo / pINunnayasupasAhiyavarathaNaharabandhuraGgIo // 105 // tivalItaraGgabhaGguramajjhavirAyantahArarammAo / muhalarasaNAhiNandiyavitthiNNaniyambabimbAo // 106 / / tattatavaNijasannihamaNaharathororujuyalakaliyAo154 / 2. nahayandasamujoviyakummunnayacalaNasohAo95 // 107 // - 190 zabdasparzarUparasagandhAn / 191. zIghraM / dezInAmamAlAyAM, (8. 11.) hemacandraH ' saMpatthiasayarAhayA sigdhe' / 192. bhAsuravaramukhadharaH / de. nA. mA. (8. 64.) hemacandraH 'rUvamuhataNusu boMdI' / 193. jayazabdakalakalaH / de. nA. mA. ( 8. 64.) hemacandraH ' kalayalAmma halabolo / ' 194. taptatapanIyasaMnibhamanoharasthUloruyugalakalitAH / 195 nabhazcandrasamudyotitakUrmo batacaraNazobhAH / Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ paDhamo bhvo|] gADhapariosapasariyavilAsasiGgArabhAvarammAo / pecchai samUsiyAo vammahasarasalliyamaNAo9 // 10 // kiMkaragaNe ya dhaNiyaM aNuratte divvavihavasaMpanne / tiyasabhavaNAi pecchaha sAmiya iya jaMpire laDahe // 109 // tiyasavilayAhi samayaM jayasaddapaNAmiyappabhAvAhiM / mohaNaviyakkhaNAhiM pecchai to tiyasabhavaNAI // 11 // vitthiNNamaragayasilAsaMcayasaMjaNiyaviyaDapIDhAiM / maNirayaNakhaiyamaNaharaphalihAmaNibhittijuttAI // 11 // veruliyakhambhaviraiyavicittavarasAlibhaJjiyasayAI / taha divvakhaggacAmarapajjuttakuDantarAlAI197 // 12 // 1. vrvivihdevchndyviriypllngksnaahaaii| parilambiyapaTuMsuyamuttAvalijaNiyasohAiM // 13 // tiyasatarukusumamaNDiyakuTTimasaMkantabhamaravandrAI / dhUvaghaTiyAulAI198 parilambiyarayaNadAmAI // 114 // aha tesu tiyasasundarinivaheNa samaM purAsukayapuNNo / ciTTai parituTThamaNo bhuJjanto divvavarabhoe // 115 // bhuJjisu so vi dive bhoe candANaNe vimANami / surasundarIhi saddhiM jahicchie sAgaramaNaM // 16 // guNaseNaaggisammA jaM bhaNiyamihAsi taM gayamiyANi / sIhANandA ya tahA jaM bhaNiyaM taM nisAmeha // 117 / / 2. 196 manmathazarazalyAyitamanasaH / 'vammaha' manmathaH / 197. divyakhaDgacAmaraparyuptakuDakAntarAlAni / 198. dhUpaghaTikAkulAni / dhUpaghaTikA dhUpapAtraM / Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ // bIo bhvo|| asthi iheva jambuddIve dIve avaravidehe khette aparimiyaguNanihANaM tiyasapuravarANugAri ujANArAmabhUsiyaM samatthameigitilayabhUyaM jayauraM nAma nayaraM ti / jastha surUvo ujalanevattho 95 kalAviyakSaNo lajAluo mahilAyaNo, jattha ya paradAraparibhoyaMmi kilIvo,00 paracchiddAvaloyaNami andho, parAvavAyabhAsaNaMmi mUo, paradabAvaharaNaMmi saMkuciyahattho, parovayArakaraNekkatalliccho01 purisavaggo / tattha ya nisiyanikaDDiyAsiniddaliyadariyariuhatthimatthaucchaliyabahalaruhirArattamuttAhalakusumapayaracciyasamarabhUmibhAo202 rAyA nAmeNa purisadatto tti / devI ya se sayalanteurappahANA sirikantA nAma / so imAe saha niruvame bhoe bhujjisu / io ya so candANaNavimANAhivaI devo ahAuyaM pAliUNa tao cuo sirikantAe gabbhe uvavanno tti / diTTho ya NAe suviNayaMmi tIe ceva rayaNIe niddhamasihisihAjAlasArasakesarasaDAbhArasAsuro vimalaphalihamaNisilAnihasahaMsahAradhavalo ApiGgalasupasantaloyaNo mi 199. ujjvalavastraH / 200 klIbaH / 201. paropakArakaraNaparaH / talliccho' tallakSyaH tatparaH / de. nA. mA. (5-3) ' tattillo talliccho a tappare' / 202. nizitaniSkaSTAsinirdalitadrutaripuhastimastakotsRtabahalarudhirAraktamukAphalakusumaprakarArcitasamarabhUmibhAgaH / Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhvo|] yaGkalehAsarisaniggayadADho203 pihulamaNaharavacchatthalo aitaNuyamausabhAo suvaTTiyakaDhiNakaDiyaDo AvaliyadIhalaGgalo supaiDiorusaMThANo, kiM bahuNA, savvaGgasundarAhirAmo sIhakisorago vayaNeNamuyaraM pavisamANo tti / pAsiUNa ya taM suhaviuddhAe jahAvihiNA siTo daiyassa / teNa bhaNiyaM / aNeyasAmantapaNivaiyacalaNajuyalo mahArAyasahassa nivAsahANaM putto te bhavissai / to sA taM paDisuNeUNa jahAsuhaM ciTThai / patte ya uciyakAle mahApurisagabbhANubhAveNa jAo se dohalo204 / jahA demi savvasattANamabhayadANaM, dINANAhakivaNANaM ca issariyasaMpatraM, jaijaNANaM ca uvaTumbhadANaM, savvAyayaNANaM ca karomi pUrya 1. ti / niveio ya imo tIe bhattArassa abbhahiyajAyahariseNaM saMpADio teNaM / tassa saMpAyaroNa jAo mahApamoo jaNavayANaM / avi ya savva cciya dhannANaM hoi avasthA parovayArAe / bAlasasissa va udao jagassa bhuvaNaM payAsei // 118 // 15 tao jahAsuheNa dhammanirayAe parovayArasaMpAyaNeNaM suladdhajammAe aikkantA nava mAsA addhahamarAindiyA205 / tao pasatthe tihikaraNa huttajoe sukumAlapANipAyaM sayalajaNamaNorahehiM devI sirikantA dArayaM pasUya tti / niveio ranno suhaMkariyAbhihANAe dAsiyAe puttajammo / parituSTo rAyA, divaM ca 2. tIe pAriosiyaM / kArAviyaM ca bandhaNamoyaNAiyaM karaNijaM pavatto ya nayare mahANando, sohAviyA nayarimaggA, pasamAvio 203. mRgAMkalekhAsadRzanirgatadaMSTraH / 204 dohadaH garmiNyA: manorathaH / 205 ardhASTarAtridivasAH / Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAiJcakahAe rao kuGkumajalaNaM, vippaiNNAiM ruNTantamahuyarasaNAhAiM vicittakusumAiM, kayAo haddabhavaNasohAo, pahabhavaNesu samAhayAI maGgalatUrAI, saharisaM ca nazciyaM rAyajaNanAgarohiM ti / evaM ca paidiNaM mahAmahantamANandasokkhamaNuhavantANaM aikvanto paDhamamAso / paiTAviyaM ca se nAmaM bAlassa suviNayadaMsaNanimitteNaM sIho tti / so ya visiTuM puNNaphalamaNuhavanto abhaggamANapasaraM paNaINaM maNorahahiM payANapuNNeNa206 jovaNamaNuvamasohaM kalAkalAvaparivaDiyacchAyaM / jaNamaNanayaNANandaM cando vva kameNa saMpatto // 119 // annayA ya saMpattajovvaNassa kusumacAvassa vihiyayANukUlo taruNajaNahiyayANandayArI Agao vasantasamao / jattha savisesaM kusumamayakodaNDamaNDalIsaMdhiyasilImuho07 raI daMsiUNa jaNahiyayAI vidhiuM payatto mayaNo / aNantaraM ca tassa ceva jayajayasaddo vva koilAhiM ko kolAhalo, virahaggiDa15 jjhantapahiyasaMghAyadhUmapaDalaM va viyambhiyaM sahayAresu bhamarajAlaM, gayavaiyAmasANajalaNehi 20. viva palittaM disAmaNDalaM kiMsuyakusumehiM ti / tao evaMvihe vasantasamae so sIhakumAro aNeyataruNajaNaveDhio mahAvibhUIe kelinimittaM gao pamuiya parahuyAsahajaNiyataruNIjaNacittavinbhamullolaM surAhimalayapavaNapaNa2. ccAviyakusumabharabhajjamANalayAviDavijAlaM mayamuiyamuhalamahuyara kulovagIyamANaggasohaM vAsaharaM piva vasantalacchIe kIlAsundaraM 206 pradAnapuNyena / 207 kusumamayakodaMDamaNDalIsaMhitazilImukhaH zilImukhaH amaraH / 208 gatapatikAzmazAnajvalanaiH iva pradIptaM / Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhvo|] nAma ujANaM, pavatto ya kIliuM vicittakIlAhiM ti / diTThA ya teNa tattha ujANe nAidUradesasaMThiyA kusumaparimalasuyandhaveNimahuyarAvalI vidumalayAyambahatthapallavA uvvellantakomalataNubAhulayA rambhAkhambhamaNaharorujuyalA thalakamalArattakomalacalaNajuyalA ujjANadevaya va uulacchipariyariyA209 niyamAulagassa ceva mahA- 5 sAmantassa lacchikantAbhihANassa dhUyA sahiyaNasahiyA vasantakIlamaNuhavantI kusumAvalI nAma kannagA / tao taM dahaNamaNantabhavabbhattharAgadoseNa sAhilAsaM puloiyA10 / diTTho ya eso vi tIe tao vibhAgAo tassa bhameNa ceva turiyaturiyamosarantIe kusumAvalIe / cintiyamimIe / kahaM kIlAsundarujjA- .. Nassa rammayAe bhayavaM mayaraddhao vi ettheva kIlAsuhamaNuhavai tti / etthantaraMmi bhaNiyA piyaMkarAbhihANAe ceDIe / sAmiNi, alaM alamosakkaNeNa;211 eso khu rAiNo purisadattassa putto tuha ceva piucchAgabbhasaMbhavo sIho12 nAma kumAro tti paDhamAgamaNakayapariggahaM ca sAmiNiM evamosakamANiM pecchiya mA 15 adakkhiNNaM ti saMbhAvissai / tA ciTThiyau ihaM, kIrau imassa mahANubhAvassa rAyakannocio uvayAro / tao harisavasapulaiyaGgIe savibbhamaM sAhilAsaM ca avaloiUNa kumAraM bhaNiyaM imIe / halA piyaMkarie, tumaM ceva'tthakusalA; tA niveehi, kiM mae eyassa kAyavvaM ti / tIe bhaNiyaM / sAmiNi, 2. 209 RtulakSmIparicaritA / paricaritA parivatetyarthaH / 210 pralokitA dRSTA / 211. avaSvaSkaNena apasaraNena / de. nA. mA. ( 1-149 ) hemacandraH 'osArokA govADosariA ' / 212. pitRsvasA / Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAiJcakahAe paDhamAgayAo amhe; tA alaMkarAvIyau AsaNapariggaheNaM imaM paesa eso, kIrau se sajjaNajaNANa saMbandhapAyavabIyabhUyaM sAgayaM, dijau se sahattheNa kAlociyaM vasantakusumAbharaNasaNAhaM tambolaM ti / kusumAvalIe bhaNiyaM / halA, na sakkuNomi aisajjhasaNa 19 imaM eyassa kAuM; tA tumaM ceva ettha kAlociyaM karehi tti / etthantaraMmi ya patto tamuddesa kumAro / tao sajjiUNAsaNaM, bhaNio piyaMkarIe / sAgayaM raivirahiyassa kusumacAvassa, iha uvavisau mahANubhAvo / tao so sapariosaM Isi.14 vihasiUNa 'Asi ya ahaM ettiyaM kAlaM raibirahio, na 10 uNa saMpayaM' ti bhaNiUNamuvakTio / unaNIyaM ca piyaMkariyAe mAhavIkusumamAlAsaNAhaM kaladhoyamayataliyAe215 tambolaM gahiyaM ca teNa / etthantaraMmi ya Agao kusumAvalIjaNa NIe AhavaNanimittaM pesio saMbharAyaNo nAma kannanteuramahallago216 / diTThA ya teNa sANurAyaM apecchantamaddhacchipecchiehiM kumAramavaloentI 15 kusumAvalI / cintiyaM ca Na / samAgao mayaNo raIe, jai vihI aNuvattissai / tao paccAsannamAgantUNa kumAramahiNandiya bhaNiyaM saMbharAyaNeNaM / vacche, kusumAvali, devI muttAvalI ANavei 'aiciraM kIliyaM, mA sarIrakhedo te bhavissai; tA lahuM AgantavvaM' ti / tao sA 'jaM ammA ANavei' tti 2. bhaNiUNa sasaMbhamaM kumAramavaloentI niggayA ujjANAo, 213. atisAdhvasena / 214. ISat / 215 kaladhautamayatalikayA priyaMkA / 'taliyA' talikA sthAlItyarthaH / 216 kanyAntaHpuramahalakaH / mahallakaH kaJcukI / Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhvo|] pattA ya kumAraM ceva cintayantI niyayageheM / tao deviM paNamiUNamArUDhA dantavalahiyaM217 / tao kumAraM ceva aNusarantI vimukkadIhanIsAsA samuvaviTThA pallaGkasayaNijje, visajjio ya tIe saMmANiuM sahIsattho / aha seviDaM payattA sejjaM aNavarayasucanIsAsA / mayaNa sarasalliyamaNA niyakajjaniyattayAvArA // 120 // nAlihai cittayammaM na ya'GgarAyaM karei karaNijja / nAhilasai AhAraM ahiNandai neya niyabhavaNaM // 12 // cirapariciyaM pi pADhei neya suyasAriyANa saMghAyaM / kIlAvei maNahare caDule na ya bhavaNakalahaMse // 122 // 10. viharai na hammiyatale majai na ya gehadIhiyAe u| sArei neya vINaM pattacchejaM pi na karei // 123 // na ya kandueNa kIlai bahumannai neya bhUsaNakalAvaM / hariNi vva jUhabhahA aNusaramANI tayaM ceva // 12 // khaNaruddhanayaNapasarA avasA khaNadhariyadIhanIsAsA / 15 khaNaruddhadehaceTThA khaNajaMpiravAyamuhakamalA // 125 // etthantaraMmi tIse dhAvIe niyasuyA smaannttaa| nAmeNa mayaNalehA bIyaM hiyayaM va jA tIe // 126 // jahA / kIlAsundarujjANagamaNakIlAe daDhaM parissantA kusumAvalI lahuM ca tIe ajja visajjiyAo sahIo; tA 20. gihijaNa paviralajalasittaM tAliyaNTaM bandheUNa kaivayakApUravIDagANi uvasappAhi evaM ti / samAesANantaraM ca saMpAiyajaNa215. daMtavalabhikA zayanagRhavizeSaH / - Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAicakahAe NivayaNA rasantamaNineurA pattA kusumAvalIsamIvaM saharisA mayaNalehA / diTThA ya tIe varasayaNIyamajjhagayA gurucintAbharanIsaha aGgaM vahantI kusumAvali tti / tao aNAlavaNamuNiyasunnabhAvAe218 vinnattA mayaNalehAe / sAmiNi, kimevamuviggA viya lakkhIyasi, kinna saMpannA te gurudevayANaM pUyA, kinna sammANiyAo sahIo, kinna kayA atthijaNapaDivattI, kinna gahio kalAkalAvo, kinna parituTo te guruyaNo, kina viNIo te parivAro, kinANuratto sahIsatyo, kinna saMjAyai te samIhiyaM ti / ANaveu sAmiNI, jai akahaNIyaM na hoi / 1. tao kusumAvalIe sasaMbhamaM sahatyeNa alae saMjameUNa bhaNiyaM / asthi piyasahIe vi nAma akahaNIyaM / tA suNa / kusumAvacayaparissameNa me jarakalA219 viya saMvuttA / tajjaNio ya paripIDei maM pariyAvANalo / tannimittA ya viyambhai aGgesu araI / na uNa kiMci annaM uvveyakAraNaM lakkhemi tti / maya15 NalehAe bhaNiyaM / jai evaM, tA geNha tAva kappUravIDagANi, parivIemi te kIlAkheyanIsahaM aGgaM / kusumAvalie bhaNiyaM / kiM me eyAvatthagayAe kappUravIDaehiM, alaM ca parivIieNa / ehi gacchAmo bAlakayalIharayaM / tattha sajjIkarehi me atthuraNaM,220 jeNa tahiM gayAe avei eso pariyAvANalo tti / 20 tao mayaNalehAe bhaNiyaM / jaM sAmiNI ANavei / gayAo va sabhavaNujjANatilayabhUyaM bAlakayalIharayaM / sajIkayaM ca se mayaNalehAe sundaramasthuraNaM / nivannA ya tattha * kusumAvalI / 218. anApalapanAjJAtazUnyabhAvayA / ' muNiya' bAtaH / 219. jvarakalA jvarAMzaH / 22. AstaraNaM zayanaM / Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhyo|] samappiyANi se kApUravIDayANi / vIsambhakahAlAvajaNiyapariosaM ca tAlIyaNTeNa vIiumAraddhA mayagalehA / kusumAvalI puNa ayaNDadinnasunna huMkArA nihuyamukanIsAsaM221 taM ceva hiyayasallabhUyaM pugo pugo agusarantI citti| tao mayaNalehAe cintiyaM / kiM puNa imIe imassa annahAviyArabhAvassa kAraNaM ti / pucchiyA : ya tIe / sAmiNi, patte imaMmi tarugajaNavinbhamulolasAgare vasannasamae kiM tumae ajja kIlAsundaraM gacchantIe gayAe vA tattha acchariyaM dihra ti / tao mayaNAvatthAsahAvao ceva vAmataNeNaM mayagassa aNabhippaya pi bhaNiyaM kusumAvalIe / sahi, divo mae kolAsundarunjAgaMmi raivirahio viva kutumAuho 1. rohiNIvioio viva mayalaJchaNo paricattamairo viva kAmapAlo sacIviutto viva purandaro taviyatavaNijasarisavaNNo nahamaUhamaJjariyacalaNagulivibhAo sunigUDhasirAsaMdhANo aNubaddhapiNDiyAbhAo maNaharama karajaGko, antonigUDhajANusaMdhANo mayaravayaNAgArajANumatthao22 aisundarasusaMgaorujuyalo viulakaDiyaDA- 15 bhoo maNaharataNumajjhabhAo pINavisthiNNavacchatthalo unnayasiharaparivaThThalabAhujuyalo aNubbaNakopparavibhAo pIgapakoDhadeso AjANulambiyapasatthalehAvibhUsiyakarayalo Ayambataligakararuho123 susamAuttAharapuDo mama susaMgayadhavaladaMsago ArattatibhAgadIha 221 akANDadattazUnyahuMkArA nibhRtamu kaniHzvAsam / 222. makaravadanAkArajAnupratyagrabhAgaH / ' jANumatyao' jAnumastaka jAnupratyagrabhAga ityarthaH / 223. AtAnatalinakararuhaH / talinaH sUkSmaH / karAhAH nakhAni / Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ samarAicakahApa visAlaloyaNo utuGganAsiyAvaMso viulaniDAlavaTTo 224 susamAuttakaNNapAso kasiNa susiNiddhakuntalasAro candaNakayaGgarAo vimaladugurUniyaMsaNo 225 mahalamuttA halamAlAvihUliya siroharo vimalacUDArayaNapasAhiyauttimaGgo, kiM bahunA jaMpieNa, rUvaM 5 piya rUvassa lAvaNaM piva lAyaNNassa sundaraM piva sunderassa jovvaNaM piva jovvaNassa maNoraho viya maNorahANaM mahArAyassa to sIhakumAro ti / tao muNiyaannahAviyAra bhAvanibandhaNAe cintiyaM mayaNalehAe / ThANe khu sAmiNIe aNurAo | ahavA na kamalAyaraM vajjiya lacchI annattha ahiramai / tassa viya 10 bhagavao aNaGgassa viya raI na eyaM vajjiya annA uciyatti / cintiUNa jaMpiyamimIe / sAmiNi, sundaro khu so kumAro niyaguNo / jahA uNa ajjasubuddhI mae devIpesaNagayAe rAinA saha mantayanto suo, jai taM tahA bhavissai, tao raisaNAho viya paJcabANo sayalasundaro bhavissaiti / kusumAvalIe 15 bhaNiyaM ' kiM suo' ti / tIe bhANayaM / evaM suo / ajja - subuddhiNA bhaNiyaM / deva, mahArAyapurisadattassa sIhakumArassa kae kusumAvali maggamANassa garuo aNubandho / daDhaM ca teNa ettha vuttante ahaM bhaNio mhi ' tahA tumae kAyavvaM, jahA esA kusumAvalI sarisaguNeNaM kumArasIheNaM saMjujjai ' tti / ' niyaMtraNa 224. vipulalalATapaTTakaH / 225 vimaladukUlavanaH / iti ' nivAsanArthI zabda: de. nA. mA. ( 4. 38. ) hemacandreNI - likhita: / ' NiaMdhaNaNiaMsaNA batthe ' / Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bAo bhvo|] annaM ca, deva, na taM vajjiya kusumAvalIe anno ucio tti // etthantaraMmi lajjAharisanibbharAe kiMpi abhaNaNIyaM avasthantaraM pAviUNa aliyakovakalaGkasaMpAyaNeNa candasarisavayaNAe bhaNiyaM kusumAvalIe / halA asaMbaddhapalAviNi, kimeyamevaM palavAsa / mayaNalehAe bhaNiyaM / sAmiNi, kiM vA ettha asaMbaddhaM 5 ti / kiM aNuciyA mANasasaranivAsiNo rAyahaMsI varahaMsassa / tao deveNa bhaNiyaM / bho subuddhi, pahavai mahArAo mama pANANaM pi / tao subuddhiNA bhaNiyaM / deva, juttameyaM ti // evaM ca jAva vIsatthamantieNaM ciTThanti, tAva AgayA ujjANavAlI pallaSiyA nAma ceDI / vinnattA ya tIe kusu. 10 mAvalI / sAmiNi, devI ANavei / gaccha tumaM dantavalahiyaM, jao ANattaM deveNa * ajja savisesasohAsaMpAyaNAbhirAmaM sajeyavyaM bhavaNujjANaM, ettha kila mahArAyaputteNa sIhakumAreNa AgantavvaM ' ti / tao eyamAyaNNiya 'jaM devI ANavei' tti . saharisaM gayA dantavalahiyaM // io ya sajjiyaM bhavaNujjANaM / 15 tao ya sAyaraM uvaNimantiUNa kusumAvalIdaMsaNUsuyayAe abhippeyAgamaNo ceva ANIo sIhakumAro / kao se bhoyaNasaMpAyaNAio uvayAro / pacchA paviThTho bhavaNujANaM / diTho ya teNa gihasAriyArAvamuhalo dakkhAlayAmaNDabo navavaro viva ArattapallavanivasaNovasohio asoyanivaho, caDulakalahaMsacAliyaka- 20 malo ya bhavaNadIhiyAnaliNivaNasaNDo, mahuyaraparahuyArAvamuhalo ya sahayAranikurumbo, kusumamahupANamuiyabhamirabhamarAlipariyario ya mAhavIlayAmaNDavo, nAgavallInivahasamAliGgio ya pUgaphalI Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [smraaickhaae| payaro, suyandhaparimalAvAsiyadisAmaNDalo ya lamagocchaniyaro,226 mahuramAruyandoliro227 ya loyaNasuhao kayalIharao tti / Thio ya mAhavIlayAmaNDavaMmi // esthantaraMmi ya mayaNalehAe bhaNiyA kusumAvalI / sAmiNi, 5 mahANubhAvANaM suyaNabhAvAo pujvanivvattio ceva saMbandho hoi| so ceva uciyasaMbhAsaNaphullatambolappayANAiNA payAsijjai228 tti / tA pesehi se sarIrapauttipucchaNApuvvayaM eyaMmi kAle asaMbhAvaNijabhAvaM sahatyAroviyapiyaGgamaJjarIkaNNAvayaMsaM komala nAgavallIdalasaNAhaM ca tambolaM ahiNavuppamANi ya kakkolaya1. phalAI229 niyakalAkomallapisuNagaM ca kiMci tahArUvaM accherayabhUyaM ti / tao kusumAvalIe bhaNiyaM / jaM piyasahi te paDihAyai, taM sayaM ceva aNuciTThau piyasahI / tao mayaNalehAe vaNNiyAsamuggayaM cittavaTTiyaM ca uvaNeUNa bhaNiyA kusumAvalI / sAmiNi, cittANurAI khu so jaNo; tA Alihau estha sAmiNI 15 samANavarahaMsayaviuttaM taiMsaNUsuyaM ca rAyahaMsiyaM230 ti / tao muNiyamayaNalehAbhippAyAe Isi vihasiUNa AlihiyA tIe jahovaiTThA rAyahasiyA / mayaNalehAe vi ya avasthAsUyagaM se lihiyaM imaM uvari duvaIkhaNDaM31 / jahA 226. sugaMdhaparimalAvAsitadizAmaMDala: ca kuMkumagucchanikaraH / 227. madhuramArutAMdolitaM ca locanasubhagaM kadalIgRham / 228. sa caiva ucitasaMbhASaNapuSpatAMbUlapradAnAdinA prakAzyate / 229. kaMkolaphalAni / 'cArolI' iti gurjarIbhASAyAM / 230. tAvat Alikhatu atra svAminI samAnavarahaMsakaviyukAM tadarzanotsukAM rAjahaMsikAm / 231. dvipadIkhaMDaH / Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhayo / ] 1 ahiNavanehanitrbharukkaNThiya aipavvAyavayaNiyA sarasamuNAlavalayagAsammi vi sai mandAhilAsiyA / .232 dAhiNapavaNavihuyakamalAyarae vi adidiTThiyA / piyasaMgamakae na uttammada kaha vararAyahaMsiyA // 127 // 67 33 " tao ghettRNa evaM cittavaTTiyaM puNvavaNNiyaM ca pAhuDaM gayA mAhavIlayAmaNDavaM mayaNalehA 1 kusumAvalIpiyasahi ' tti pariyaNAo muNiUNa sAyaramabhiNandiyA kumAreNaM / tao sasaMbhamaM tassa calaNajuyalaM paNamiUNa bhaNiyaM mayaNalehAe / mahArAyaputta, 'cittANurAI tumaM ' ti tao cittANurAiNIe ahaM tuha pauttinimittaM pesiyA rAyadhUyAe * 24 kusumAvalIe, tahA 10 sahatthAroviyANurAeNa ya esA ahiNavuppannA piyaGgamaJjarI niyanAgavallIsamuppannadalamahagghaM ca tambolaM ahiNavuppannANi ya kakkolayaphalAI ' eyAIM ca kila iTThavisidvANaM dijjanti, tA tumaM cevaM joggo' tti kaliUNa pesiyAI sAmiNIe, esA vi cittagayA rAyahaMsiyA pAvau te daMsaNasuhelliM ti / bhaNiumuva- 15 NIyAI ca tIe / tao kumAreNa saharisayaM givhiUNa kayA kaNNe piyaGgumaJjarI AvIlaM mottUNa, samANiyaM ca tambolaM, abbhahiyajAyahariseNa paloiyA rAyahaMsiyA, vAiyaM ca se avatthAsUyagaM uvarilihiyaM duvaI khaNDaM / tao tambolasamANaNapajjAulavayaNayAe mayaNaviyArao ya parikkhalantavisaya mahurakkharaM 23 bhaNiyaM ca 20 232. atimlAnavadanikA / 233. tato gRhItvA etAM citrapaTTikAM pUrvavarNitaM ca prAmRtaM gatA mAdhavIlatAmaMDapaM madanalekhA / prAbhRtaM puraskAraH / 234. rAjaduhitrA / 235 parizkhaladvizadamadhurAkSaraM ! Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [smraaishckhaae| geNa / aho se cittakosallaM / aha kiM puNa daMsaNAo caiva muNijjamANA vi avasthA imeNa puNaruttovanAsametteNa duvaIkhaNDeNa sUiyA / mayaNalehAe bhaNiyaM / mahArAyautta, na esA sAmiNIe sUiyA, kiM tu eyamAlihiyaM pecchiUNa mae kayaM 5 imaM duvaIkhaNDaM ti / kumAreNa bhaNiyaM / jujjai paDhamalihiyaM dahaNa sahiyANaM avasthANuvAyakaraNaM ti / mAggiyA geNa pattachejjakattarI / kappio ya nAgavallIdale rAyahasiyAvatthANurUvo vararAyahaMsao, phuDakkharA ya esA hiyayasaMvAyaNanimittaM gAha tti236 / jahA 10 mariUNa na saMpattI piyAe kaliUNa esa varahaMso / dhArei kahavi pANe aNukUlanimittajoeNa // 128 // . tao niyasiroharAo osAriUNa dinnA imIe tisamuddasArabhUyA pAriosiyaM muttAvalI, samappiyaM ca nAgavallIdalaM / Isi vihasiUNa bhaNiyA ya esA / vattavvA tumae kusumAvalI / jahA | Athi amhANaM daDhaM cittANurAo, muNiyaM tumae ima, vinAyaM ca amhehiM pi te cittakosallaM; tA puNo puNo evaM ceva cittANurAiNo jaNassa niyacittakosallAisaeNaM ANandaM karijjAsi ti / tao * jaM mahArAyautto ANavei' tti bhaNiUNa paNAmapuvvayaM niggayA mayaNalehA, pattA ya kusumAvalIsamIbaM / Aikkhio tIe jahAvatto vuttanto, samappiyaM nAgavallIdalaM / diTTho ya kusumAvalIe varahaMsao, vAiyA ya gAhA, parituTThA hiyaeNaM // 236. prArthitA'nena patrachedayogyA krtnii| kalpitazca nAgavallIdale rAjahaMsikAvasthAnurUpaH vararAjahaMsakaH, sphuTAkSarA ca hRdayasaMpAdananimittA gAthA / Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhvo|] evaM ca paidiNaM mayaNasaragoyarAvaDiyajaNamaNANandayAroha vijAharIcakkavAyamahuyarapamuhacittapaoyapesaNehiM pavaDamANANurAyANaM jAva volenti thevadiyahA,237 tAva rAiNo purisadattassa patthaNAmahagdhaM dinnA lacchikantanaravaiNA kumArasIhassa kusumAvali tti / niveiyaM ca eyaM piyaMkariyAe kusumAvalIe / jahA - 5 'dinnA sIhakumArassa suyaNu' siDhe ya bahalapulayAe / / aGgesu parioso mayaNo vva viyambhio tissA // 129 // etthantaraMmi ya athinivahasamIhiyabbhahiyadinadaviNajAyaM 38 vajantamaGgalatUraravApUriyadisAmaNDalaM naccantavesavilayAyaNuppaMkabaddhasohaM239 sayalajaNamaNANandayArayaM dohiM ca narindahiM 10 kayaM vaddhAvaNayaM ti / kAUNa ya tehi tao vArejjasaho gaNAvio diyaho / . ghosAviyaM puNo vi ya jahicchiyAdANamaccatyaM // 130 // pattaMmi ya taMmi diNe tatto kusumAvalI pasatyami / bandhujubaIhi sahiyA pamakkhaNakae muhuttaMmi // 13 // 15 AsandiyAe maNaharadhavaladugullotthayAe rammAe / ThaviyA puvyAbhimuhI raGgAvalicAurantaMmi240 // 32 // maNipaTTayaMmi nimiyA calaNA saMkantarAyasohille / tapphaMsasuhAsAyaNarasapallavie vva vimalaMmi // 133 // 237. gacchanti stokadivasAH / 238. arthinivahasamIhitAbhyadhikadaktadraviNajAtaM / 269. nRtyadvazavanitAjanasamUhabaddhazobhaM / 'uppaMka' samUhArthe hemacaMdrastu de. nA. mA (1. 130) 'paGkoccheyasamUhesu bahalae taha ya uppaGko' / 240. kusumAvalI manoharadukUlAstRtAyAM ramyAyAM AsaMdikAyAM (maMcikAryA) raMgAvalIvibhUSitacatvarikAyAM pUrvAbhimukhI sthApitA / Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 70 [ samarAicakahAe vacchIutteNa ya nahamaUhapaDivannasalilasaGkeNa / pakkhAli umaNavajjaM nimmaviyaM tIeM nahayammaM * 41 // 134 // rasaMsuyaparihANA ahiyaM viyasantavayaNasayavattA / AsannaravisamAgamapuNvadisivahu vva ArattA // 135 || dubvavaradahiakkhayavAvaDahatyAhiM rattavasaNAhiM / juvaIhi avivAhiM vihiNA ya pamakkhiyA tAhiM // 136 // pupphaphalodaya bhariehi kaNayakalasehi NhAviyA navaraM / jAmaNiyA 242 supasatthaM savvaGgaM puNNavanteNaM // 137 // dinA ya akkhayA se gurUhi pariosa bahalapulaehiM / 10 savvosahigandhaDe ghaNakese uttimami // 138 // tatto vi ya sasivayaNA navara pasAhijjiuM samADhattA / jAvayaraseNa 243 paDhamaM maNaharacalaNA kayA tIse // 139 // niyakantisacchaheNa ya kuGkumarAeNa jaDiyAo se / pINe thaNakalasajue abhilihiyA pattalehAo // 140 // 15 kAleyamIsacandaNaraseNa nimmajjiyaM ca muhakamalaM / daio vva sANurAo kao ya se samayaNo aharo // 141 // navasarayakAlaviyasiyakuvalayadalakantirAyasohillaM / kayamujjalaM pi kajjalayaraJjiyaM loyaNANa juyaM // 142 // mahumAsalAcchayA iva ummillo se muhaMmi varatilao / 20 uvariraiyAlayAvalialiulavalaehi pariyario 244 // 143 // 241. nApitena ca nakhamayUkhapratipannasalilazaMkena prakSAlayitumanavayaM nirmApitaM tasyA nakhakarma / ' vacchIutteNa' nApitena / de. nA. mA ( 4. 47. ) ' caMDilae vacchIuttavAriA ' / 242. ' UmiNiyA ' proJchitA / jalaklinnaM zarIraM vastreNa gharSitaM / 243. yAvakarasena alaktakarasena / 244. madhumAsalakSmyA iva unmIlitaH tasyAH mukhe varatilakaH ( madhumAsrapakSe tu vRkSavizeSaH ) upariracitAlakA Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhvo|] aha kalasahAyaDiyasabhavaNavAvirayarAyahaMsAI / calaNesu piNaddhAiM maNaharamaNineurAI se / / 145 / / nahasasimaUhasaMvaliyarayaNasaMjaNiyaviuNasohAhiM / 245 paDivanAo mANiviDhiyAhi taha aGgulIo tti // 146 / / baddhaM ca daiyAhiyayaM va tIe viyaDe niyambabimbaMmi / 5 suraUsavavaratUraM nimmalamaNimehalAdAmaM // 147 // bAhulayAmUlasuM rahayAo jaNamaNekkaNAo546 u / bAhusariyAu237 tIse mayaraddhayavAgurAo vva // 148 // baddho ya thaNaharovari mnnhrvrpumraaydlghddio| pavaro pavaMgabandho niyambasaMsattao taha ya40 // 149 // 1. muttAhAro thaNabaddhasaGgasaMjAyakAmarAo vva / kaNThamavalambiUNaM nIviM se phusiumADhatto // 150 // kaNThami vimalamaNaharamottiyadusurullayaM249 piNaddhaM se| kuGkamakayarAesu ya savaNesuM rayaNacakkalayAo250 // 15 // ( latA ) valIalikulavalayaiH parivRtaH / 235. nakhazazimayUkhasaMvalitaratnasaMjanitadviguNazobhAbhiH pratipannAH maNimudrikAbhistathAMgulya iti / 'viDhiyA' | 'viMTiyA' ityapi pAThaH sAdhuH / tathApi * viDhiyA' pakSe tu, ' veDha-mudrikA' iti gurjarIbhASAyAM dRzyate eSaH zabdaH / sa 'viDhiyA' ityasmAdukrAnto bhAti na tu * viMTikA' ityasmAt / tasmAtsamutkrAntastu 'viMTI' iti zabdo'pi gurjarIbhA SAyAM samupalabhyate / 246. janamanazcorAH / 'ikaNa' coraH / de. . nA. mA. 1. 80. / 247. bAhumAlAH / 'sariA' mAleti dezyaH zabdaH / 248. baddhazca stanabharopari manoharavarapadmarAga (padmarAja-rAmaH) dala (rAmapakSe sainyam ) ghaTitaH pravaraH plavaMgabaMdhaH nitaMba- . saMsakaH tathA ca plavaMgabaMdhaH / rAmapakSe tu vAnarabadvasetubaMdhaH / prastutasaMbaMdhe tu aabhrnnvishessH| nitaMbastu zilAsamuccayo'vayavayavavizeSazca / 249 'dusurullaya' kaMThasya AbharaNavizeSaH / 250. ratnakuMDale / Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ " [samarAiJcakahAe ujjoiyaM ca dhaNiyaM tissA vayaNaM miyaGkalehAe / dhavalakuDilAe pavaraM posalacchIe va suhAe // 152 // ghaNakasiNakuDilamaNaharasiroruhugyAyakaliyasohille251 / vimalaM cUDArayaNaM nimiyaM se uttimaGgaMmi // 153 / / paDhamaM dIsihii imA mottuga mamaM ti rayaNachAyAe / paDivannamaccharAe na otthayaM252 tIe savvaGgaM / / 154 // evaM ca jAva kusumAvalI pasAhijjai, tAva pasAhaNaniuNavAravilayAhiM pasAhiyami sIhakumAre niveiyaM rAiNo purisadattassa gahiyasaGakucchAehiM muNiyajoisasatthasArohiM joi10 siehiM ' AsannaM pasatyaM hatthaggahaNamuhuttaM ' ti / tao ya' sIhakumAro naravaisamANattapariyaNapadattio vajantamaGgalatUraravAvUriyasayaladisAmaNDalo paraNapaNaccantadhayabaDugghAyasundararahavarArUDharAyaloyapariyario maNaharanahovayArakusalAvarohasundarIvandreNa' ccannaruddharAyamaggo253 dhavalapasAhiyakarivarArUDho miyaGkaseNAma15 raseNakumArapariyario mahusarayasaMgao vva kusumAuho sAhi lAsamavaloijamANo pAsAyamAlAtalagayAhiM purasundarIhiM patto salIlaM vivAhamaNDavaM ti / dhario ya tassa dAre visesujalanevacche gaM gahiyagghasakkAreNaM ammayAjaNeNaM maggio 251. kRSNakuTilamanoharaziroruhasamUhakalitazobhAyukte / 'ugghAma' samUhaH de. nA. mA. ( 1. 526.) 'ugdhAo...saMghAtha ' / 252 avastRtaM / de. nA. mA. ( 1. 151.) 'otthao a avasaNe'; taTTIkAyAM tu hemacandraH ' osthao avsnnH| otthayaM pihitamityevArthaH zreyAn / 253. manoharanRtyopacArakuzalAvarodhasundarIvRndeNa atyantaruddharAjamArgaH / avarodhastvantaHpuram / Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhvo|] 73 'AyArimayaM 1254 ti / tao harisavasupphullaloyaNo jAiyabbhahiyaM55 dAUNa oiNNo karivarAo / bhaggA ya se rayaNakajIsaNAhaNaM sovaNNamusaleNaM bhiuDi256 tti / tao maNDavatalaMmi jaNanivahaM nirumbhiya nIo samAgamasundarIhiM varo / ciTThai ya jattha siyavaradugullapacchAiyANaNA vahuyA / sarayabbhacandamaNDalasaMchAiyakomuinisi vva // 155 // kArAvio salIlaM avirujjhantAi kouyAiM ca257 / tA jAio muhacchavipheDAvaNiyaM ca sahiyAhi258 // 156 // tao Isi vihasijaNa 'mamaM va eyaM sakajaM '259 ti bhaNiya dinnamAyArimayaM / pheDiyA muhacchavI / diTThA ya teNa .. asoyapalavasyAdayasA IsiviyasantabayaNakamalA sajjhasaharisaninbharA maNoharassa vi maNahAriNaM kiMpi tahAvihaM divvaM vilAsavibbhamamaguhavantI kusumAvali tti / pANiggahaNaM ca tao pAraddhaM gIyamaGgalugvAyaM / / bandhavahiyayANandaM annonnabaddharAyANaM / / 157 // 15 254. AyArimaya AcArimakam / vivAhasamaye dIyamAno AcAropahAraH / 'dApu' gujarIbhASAyAM / 255. yAcitAbhyadhikam / 256. bhagnA ca tasya ratnakAMcIsanAthena suvarNamusalena bhRkuTiH / kanyAgRhasthalagnamaMDapaM pravizati vare, dRzyate'yamupacAraH / 257. aviruddhAni kautukAni / 258. tAvat yAcitaH mukhAvirbhAvakaraNopahAraH sakhIbhiH / -- muhacchavipheDAvaNiyaM' kanyAmukhAvirbhAvakaraNopahAraH / sakhyazca vividhasaparihAsacATubhiH kAmapradIpakaiH vacanaiH vihasansyaH kanyAsamIpaM varaM nayanti / tadavasaramuddizyaitAbhiryAcyata upahAraH / 259 mama caiva etadAcArimakaM sakAryam / mamaiva paramaM sukhaM yuSmabhyaM mayA dattametadAcArimakamAneSyati na ca yuSmAkamityabhiprAyaH / Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 74 [samarAicakahAe hatthA paDhamaM ciya kAlavityaraM visahiuM acAentA / tIe varassa ya ghaDiyA nimmalanahayandakiraNehi 260 // 158 // ghettUNa teNa paDhamaM maue hiyayaMmi sANurAyaMmi / gahiyA tao karaMmi ya paviyambhiyaseyasalilaMmi61 // 159 // 5 ghettUNa ya teNa kare maNaharakacchantarAu ANIyA / pavaramahacAurante tiyasabahU suravimANaM va // 160 / / 262kaNayamaujjalavarapaumarAyapajjuttadaNDiyAraiyaM / rahyadugullaviyANayaparilambiyamottioUlaM // 161 / / 260. prathamamapi kAlavistaraM soDhumazaknuvataH kanyAyA varasya ca hastAH nirmalanakhacandrakiraNaiH ghaTitAH sNyojitaaH| 'cAyai / zaknoti / 261. pavijeMbhitasvedasalile / 262. asyA gAthAyAH pramRti paJcasu gAthAsu (159-163) pratyekapaMkterantagatazabdaH anantarapaMkterAraMbhe dRzyate / evaM ca zabdazRMkhalAbaddhA iva paMktayo vibhAnti / kanakamayojjvalavarapadmarAgaparyuptadaNDikAracitaM / racitadukUlavitAnakaparilaMbitamauktikaprAlaMba // ' oUlaM pAlaMbaM ' iti pAialacchinAmamAlAyAM dhanapAla: // prAlaMbalagnamarakatamayUkhaharitAyamAnasitacamaraM / sitacamaradaMDacAmIkaraprabhApiMjaradarpaNaM // de. nA. mA. (1. 14.) adAo mukureN| ___darpaNagatavigajadramyavarapakSasundarIvadanaM / varapakSasundarIvadanajanitavadhUpakSaparitoSaM // paritoSaprakaTaromAMcabandisaMghAtakalitaparyantaM / paryataviracitAmalavicitramaNitArakanivaham // tArakanivahaprasAdhitatoraNamukhanihitazuddhazazilekha / zaziLe. khAvidyotitavistarasitamaMDapanabhaH tu // maMDapaM nabhaH iva vikalpyaitadvarNanaM kavinA racitam / Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhvo| oUlalaggamaragayamaUhahariyAyamANasiyacamaraM / siyacamaradaNDacAmIyarappahApiJjaradAyaM // 162 // adAyagayavirAyantarammavarapakkhasundarIvayaNaM / varapakkhasundarIvayaNajaNiyavahupakkhapariosaM // 163 // pariosapayaDaromaJcavandisaMghAyakaliyaperantaM / perantaviraiyAmalavicittamaNitArayAnivahaM // 164 // tArayanivahapasAhiyatoraNamuhanimiyasuddhasasilehaM / sasilehAvijoiyavittharasiyamaNDavanahaM tu // 165 // avalaggo ya saharisaM maNibhUsaNakiraNabhAsurasarIro / udayagiriM piva so cAurantayaM diyasanAho bva // 166 // 10 kusumAvalIe rAyantavimalasiyavaradugullavasaNAe / paviyasiyavayaNakamalAe divasalacchIe va sameo // 16 // 26 vahuyAe tattha dhUmeNa varamuhaM pecchasu tti va bhaNantA / bAhatthevA oNayamuhIe pAesu se paDiyA // 168 / / esthantaraMmi ya pAraddho jnnaannmuvyaaro| dijanti mahamahe. 15 ntagandhAI vilevaNAI, ruNTantamahuyarasaNAhAI kusumadAmAI, aisurahigandhagandhiNo paDavAsA,264 kappUravIDayapahANAI tambo. lAI, dugulladevaGgapaTTacINaddhacINAI.5 pavaravatthAI, kejarahArakuNDalakaDayappamuhA AharaNavisesA, turukkabalhIyakamboyavajjarA 263. tatra dhUmaprAdhAnyAt ' varamukhaM prekSasva' iti vadaMtaH bApabiMdavaH avanatamukhyAH vadhvAH pAdayoH patitAH / 'theva' binduH / de. nA. mA. ( 5. 29.) 'bindue thevo' / 264. 'paDavAsA' vastreSu nikSipyamAnAni gaMdhadravyANi / 265. vividhAH vastraprakArAH / 266. keyUrahArakuMDalakaTakapramukhAH / Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAhacakahAe iAsakaliyAI ghoDayavandrAiM bhaddamandavaMsappamuhA ya gayavisesA // etthantaraMmi jalaNe ghayamahulAyAhi aha huNijante / pAraddhaM ca vahuvaraM bhamiuM to maNDalAiM tu // 169 // paDhamaMmi vahUpiuNA dinnaM hiTeNa maNDalavaraMmi / bhArANa sayasahassaM aghaDiyarUvaM suvaNNassa // 170 // bIyaMmi hArakuNDalakaDisuttayatuDiyasAramAharaNaM267 / taiyaMbhi thAlakaJcolamAiyaM.68 ruppabhaNDaM tu / 171 // dinnaM ca cautthaMmi vahUe pariosapayaDapulaeNaM / piuNA suTTha mahagdhaM celaM nANApayAraM ti // 172 // ___ purisadatteNa vi ya rannA savihavANurUvo accantapasAyamahagyo kao jaNANamuvayAro, dinnaM ca vimalamaNirayaNamutAhalasaNAhaM vahuyAe aNagdheyamAharaNaM // evaM vitte vivAhamahUsave kAlakkameNa pavaDDamANANurAyaM 15 sayalajaNasalAhaNija265 visayasuhamaNuhavantANaM aikvantA aNege varisalakkhA / annayA ya AsaparivAhaNanimittaM gaeNa kumArasIheNa divo nAgadevujANe bahuphAsue paese aNeyasamaNaparivArio khamAmaddavajavamuttitavasaMjamasaccasoyAkiJcaNNavambhaceraguNa nihI paDhamajovvaNatyo rUvAiguNajutto saMpuNNaduvAlasaGgI sasi20 ssANaM suttassa atthaM kahemANo dhammaghoso nAma Ayario tti / tao taM daTTaNa taM pai aIva bahumANo jAo / cintiyaM ca NeNa / dhanno khu eso, jo saMsAravirattabhAvo sayalasaGgacAI paramaparovayAranirao evaM vaTTai tti / tA gantUNa eyassa samIvaM 267. 'tuDiya' hstaabhrnnvishessH| 268 kaccolaya' pAtravizeSaH / 269. sakalajanAlAdhanIya / Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhvo| 77 pucchAmi eyaM kiM puNa imassa maNohavalaliyasamayavattiNo270 nivvayakAraNaM jahaTiyaM ca dukkhasaMkulaM ca saMsAraM ti / tao dUrAo ceva oyariUNa jaccavollAhakisorAo271 gao tassa samIvaM / paNamio ya dhammaghoso / ahiNandio ya bhagavayA dhammalAheNa / tao vandiUNa sesasAhuNo bhattinibbharamuvakTio 5 sahAvasundare guruNo pAyamUle / nivvaDiyasaMvegasAraM pucchio ya NeNa bhayavaM dhammaghA~so / bhayavaM, kiM te sayalaguNasaMpayAkulaharassa vi Iiso nivveo, jeNa imaM ayAle ceva samaNattaNaM paDivanno si / tao bhayavayA bhaNiyaM / bho mahAsAvaya, natthi idANimagAlo sAmaNNassa / kiM na pahavai ayAle nijiya- 10 surAsuro sayalamaNorahaselavajjAsaNI272 piyajaNavioekkaparamaheU vibuhajaNasaMvegavaDaNo maccu ti / annaM ca / mahAsAvaya, sohaNabhAvAo caramakAle vi jai sevijjai dhammo, so ciya paDhamaM kimajutto / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, no ajutto, kiM tu nAnimitto nivveo tti nivveyakAraNaM pucchAmi / bhayavayA bhaNiyaM / saMsAro ceva nivveyakAraNaM, tahavi puNo visesao ohinANiniyacariyakahaNaM273 ti / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, kerisaM ohinANiniyacariyakahaNaM / bhayavayA bhaNiyaM / suNa asthi iheva vijae rAyauraM nAma nayaraM / tannivAsI ahaM bhavasarUvao ceva tandhirattamaNo ciTThAmi jAva, Agao aNeya 270. manobhavalalitasamayavartinaH / 271. jAtyavollAhakizorataH / : vollAha ' iti dezavizeSa utpannAdazvAt / 272. sakalamanorathazailavajrAzaniH / 273. avadhijJAninijacaritrakathanam / Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ % [samarAicakahAe samaNasAmI thevadiyahuppannohinANovaladdhapuNNapAvo amaragutto nAma Ayario tti / jAo ya loe loyavAo ' aho ayaM mahAtavassI khINAsavadAro74 samuppannaohinANanayaNo jahaThiyadhammadesaNAladdhisaMpanno' tti / to tanayarasAmI arimaiNo nAma rAyA anno ya nayarajaNavao niggao tassa dasagavaDhiyAe,275 saMpatto se pAyamUlaM / vandiyo bhayavaM naravaiNA nayarajaNavaeNa ya / ahiNandio ya dhammalAheNa bhagavayA naravaI nayarajaNavao ya / uvaviThTho ya guruvayaNabahumANamahagyo ahAphAsue dharaNivaDhe rAyA nayarajaNavao ya / pucchio ya 1. bhayavaM ahAvihAraM rAiNA / aNusAsio ya teNaM / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, saMpannaM te bhUyabhavissavattamANatthagAhagaM ohinANaM / tA karehi me anuggahaM / Aikkha niyayacariyaM, kayA kahaM vA bhayavayA saMpattaM sAsayAsavasokkhapAyavekkabIyaM sammattaM desaviraI vA iha annabhavesu vA sAmaNNaM ti / bhayavayA 15 bhaNiyaM / suNa atthi iheva vijae campAvAsaM nAma nayaraM / tatthAIyasamayaMmi sudhaNU nAma gAhAvaI hotthA, tassa ghariNI dhaNasirI nAma, tANa ya somAbhihANA ahaM suyA Asi / saMpattajo mvaNA ya dinnA tannayaranivAsiNo nandasatthavAhaputtassa ruddadeva2. ssa / kao ya NeNa vivAho / jahANurUvaM visayasuhamaNuhavAmo tti / jAva tattha ahAkappavihAreNa viharamANo vivihatavakhavi 274. kSINAsravadvAraH / 275. darzanavRttyA / 276. tatra atItasamaye / prAcInasamaya ityarthaH / Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhvo|] yadehA suyarayaNapasAhiyA277 rUvi vva sAsaNadevayA samAgayA bAlacandA nAma gaNiNi tti / diTThA ya sA mae sasurakulAo nAikulamahigacchantIe278 vihAraMniggamapaese / taM ca me daTThaNa samuppanno pamoo, viyasiyaM loyaNehiM, paNaThaM pAveNaM, usasiyamaGgehiM, viyambhiyaM dhammacitteNaM / tao mae nAidUrao ceva 5 viNayaraiyakarayalaJjalIe sabahumANamabhivandiyA bhayavaI / tIe vi ya dinno sayalasuhasassabIyabhUo279 dhammalAbho tti / jAyAo ya me taM pai aIva bhattipIIo / pucchio ya mae bhayavaIe paDissao,280 sAhio sAhuNIhiM / tao ahaM jahocieNa vihiNA pajjuvAsiuM pavattA / sAhio me bhayavaIe 10 kammavaNadAvANalo dukkhaselavajjAsaNI sivasuhaphalakappapAyavo vIyarAgadesio dhammo / tao kammakkhaovasamabhAvao pattaM sammattaM bhAvio jiNadesio dhammo, virattaM ca me bhavacArayAo cittaM / tao ya so ruddadevo kammadoseNa paosaM kAumAraddho / bhaNiyaM ca teNa / pariccaya evaM visayasuhavigdhakA- 15 riNaM dhammaM / tao mae bhaNiyaM / alaM visayasuhehiM / aicaJcalA jIvaloyaThiI, dAruNo ya vivAo visayapamAyassa / teNa bhaNiyaM / viyAriyA tumaM, mA diThaM pariccaiya adiTe raI karehi / 281 mae bhaNiyaM / kimettha diTuM nAma, pasugaNasAhAraNA ime visayA, 207. zrutaratnaprasAdhitA zAstraratnAlaMkRtA / 278. zvazurakulAda jJAtikulaM pitRkulamabhigacchantyAH / 279, sakalasukhasasyabIjabhUtaH / 28. paDissao pratizrayaH munijananivAsasthAnaM upAzrayaH / 281. tena bhaNitaM / vikRtA tvaM, mA dRSTaM parityajyAdRSTe ratiM kuru / Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAizcakahAe 1 paccakkhovalabbhamANasuhaphalo ya kahaM adiTTho dhammo ti / tao so evamahilappamANo ahiyayaraM paosamAvanno / pariccatto ya teNa mae saha saMbhogo / variyA ya nAgadevAbhihANassa satthavAhassa dhUyA nAgasirI nAma kannagA / na saMpAiyA tAya5 bahumANeNaM nAgadevasatthavAheNa / ruddadeveNa cintiyaM / na eyAe jIvANI ahaM dAriyaM lahAmi / tA vAvAemi eyaM / tao mAyAcaraNaM kAci ghaDagayamAsIvisaM kAUNa saMThavio egadese ghaDao | aikkante paosasamae saMpatte ya kAmiNijaNasamAgamakAle bhaNiyA'haM teNa / uvaNehi me imAo navaghAo 10 kusumamAlaM ti / tao ahaM tassa mAyAcariyamaNavabujjhamANA gayA ghaTasamIvaM / avaNIyaM tassa duvAraghaTTaNaM dharaNimAuliGga 1 tao hatthaM choDhUNa 23 gahio bhuyaGgo / DakkA ahaM teNa / o taM sasaMbhramaM ujjhiUNa sajjhasabhayaveviraGgI samallINA tassa samIvaM / DakkA bhuyaGgameNaM' ti siddhaM ruddadevassa / niyaniratyao 15 DIpahANao ya AulIhUo ruddadevo / pAraddho teNa va kolAhalo | etthantaraMmi ya sIiyaM me aGgerhi, viyaliyaM sandhIhiM, uvvattiyaM piva hiyaeNa, bhamiyaM piva pAsAyantareNa, parivattiyaM piva puhavIe / avasA ahaM nivaDiyA dharaNa he | ao paramaNAcikkhaNIyamavatthantaraM pAviUNa puvvasammattANubhA20 vao caiUNa dehaM sohammakappe lIlAvayaMsae varavimANe pala 8deg 284 " 80 282. apanItaM tasya ghaTasya dvAraghaTTanaM mRttikAbIjapUrakara sa vinirmita / ' mAuligaM ' bIjapUrakam / 283. hastaM kSiptvA / 284. samAlInA suSThu lInetyarthaH / 1 Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bImo bhyo| -ovamaThiI devattAe ukyo mhi / tatya ya pavaraccharAparigao dilave bhoe uvabhuJjAmi jAva ruddadevo vi taM nAgadattasasthavAhadhUyaM pariNIya tIe saddhiM jahANuruve bhoe uvabhujiUNa kAla. mAse kAlaM kAUNa rayaNappabhAe puDhavIe khaTTakkhaDAbhihANe narae85 paliovamAU ceva nArago, uvavo tti / to ahaM 5 ahAuyaM aNupAliUNa cuo samANo iheva vijae suMsumAre raNe susumAragiriMmi hatyittAe uvavakSo saMpatto ya kalabhagAvatyaM / etyantaraMmi ya iyaro vi narayAo uvvaTTiUNa taMmi ceva girivare sugapakkhittAedeg uvavano tti / aikvanto ya sisu. bhAvaM diTTho ahaM teNa taMmi ceva girivare sahAvaramaNIesu nala- .. vaNesu kareNusaMghAyaparigao salIlaM paribhamanto ti / tao meM dahaNa puvvabhavabbhAsAo ukkaDakammodayAo87 ya samuppano mamovari verapariNAmo / cintiyaM ca teNaM / kahaM puNa esa kuJjaro imAo bhogasuhAo vaJciyabvo ti / uvAe gvesiumaardo| annayA lIlAraI nAma vijAharo, so miyaGkaseNassa vijAha- 15 rassa bhaiNiM candalehAbhihANiM avahariUNa tabbhaeNevAgao tamudesaM / bhaNio ya teNa so sugo / ahaM etya girini je ciTThAmi; Agamissai ya ettha ego vijAharo; to na tumae tassa ahaM sAhiyavvo285; gao ya so mamaM sAhiyagyo / tao te kiMci paDirUvamuvayAraM / evaM kae 20 285, khaTvAkSaTake narake ratnaprabhApRthivIgate / 296 zukapakSiveva / 287. utkaTakodayAt / 288. kathayitavyaH- 'sAhai" kathayati / Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ samarAizcakaDApa suTTu me uvakathaM ti / jaMpiUNamoiNNo viyaDataMDAbhogasaMThiyaM giriniguJjaM / iyaro vi taMmi cevudde se nAraGgapAyavasAhAgae nIDe ciTThA, jAva AgantUNa gao miya I .289 1290 seNo | etthantaraMmi ya kareNuparigao ahaM Agao tamuddesaM / 5 tao maM daTThaNaM cintiyaM sugeNa / asthi iyANi avasaro me samIhiyassa / tao niyaDibahuleNa sajAyAe sahAbhimantiUNa mama savaNagoyare bhaNiyaM / sundari, suyaM mae bhayavao vasi - maharisissa samIve, nahA ihaM suMsumArapavvae savvakAmiyaM nAma paDaNamatthi; jo jaM abhilasiUNa paDai, so takkhaNeNa caiva taM 10 pAvaiti / tao mae pucchiyaM / bhayavaM, kahiM puNa tamuddesaM / teNa sAhiyaM / jahA imassa sAlataruvarassa vAmapAseNaM ti / tA alaM imiNA tiriyabhAveNa ' / ehi, vijjAhara paNihANaM kANaM tarhi nivaDAmo / paDissuyaM ca se imaM jAyAe / gayAI tamudde, kao paNihI, nivaDiyAI giriniguje / sAhiyaM 15 lIlAraiNo / samuppaio ya saha candalehAe gayaNayalamalaMkarento lIlAraI / diTTho ya amhehiM / samuppannA me cintA | aho sAmipaDaNANubhAtro, jameyaM sugamihuNayaM kayavijjAharapaNihANamiha viDiUNa takkhaNA caiva vijAharamihuNayaM jAyaM / tA alaM amhANaM pi imiNA tiriyabhAveNa / tao devapaNihiM 20 kAUNa nivaDAmo ettha amhe vitti / evaM ca saMpahAriUNa paNihi kAUNa nivaDiyA tattha amhe / etthantaraMmi ya uppaiyaM 289. tiryagbhAvena / 290. vidyAdharapraNidhAnaM vidyAdharo bhaveyamiti dhyAnam / 82 Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ boo bhvo| suyamihuNayaM na lakkhiyamamhahiM / tao saMcuNNiyaGgovaGgo ahaM kilesamaNuhaviUNa akAmanijarAe kamma khaviUNa uvavano kusumaseharAbhihANe vaMtarabhommanayare desUNapaliovamAU vaMtaro tti291 / tattha ya udAre bhoe bhunAmi jAva, iyaro vi suyattAe mari.. uNa rayaNNappabhAe ceva puDhavIe lohiyAmuhAbhihANe narae samu- 5 ppanno desUNapaliovamaTTiI nArago tti / tao ahaM ahAuyamaNupAliUNa cuo samANo eltha ceva videhe annaMmi vijae cakkavAlaure nayare appaDihayacakkassa satthavAhassa sumaGgalAe bhAriyAe kucchisi puttattAe ubavano tti / jAo ya uciyasamaeNa, paiTAviyaM ca me nAmaM cakkadevo; patto ya baalbhaavN| .. etyantaraMmi ya so suyanArago naragAo uvahiUNa tattha ceva nayare somasammassa nivapurohiyassa nandivaddhaNAbhihANAe bhAriyAe kucchisi puttattAe uvavanno tti, jAo ya kAlakkameNaM / paiTTAviyaM ca se nAma jannadevo patto ya kumArabhAvaM / etyantaraMmi ya jAyA mama teNa saha pII sabbhAvao, tassa uNa kai. 15 yaveNaM292 / tao puvabhavabbhatthakammadoseNaM ujjuyassa vi aNujjuo mama saMpayAmaccharI253 vaJcaNAchaleNa chiddAI gavesiumAraddho / alahamANeNa ya paricintiyamaNeNa / na eso evaM chaliuM pAriyai / tA esa ettha uvAo / candaNasatyavAhagehaM musiUNa 291. tataH saMcUrNitAMgopAMgo'haM klezamanubhUyAkAmanirjarayA karma kSapitvA upapannaH kusumazekharAbhidhAne vyaMtarabhUminagare dezonapalyopamAyuH vyaMtaraH iti // akAnirjarayA karmanAzasya akAmena anicchayA bubhukSAdipIDAsahanena / dezonaM aMzonaM aMzAt UnaM / 292. kaitavena daMbhena / 293. mama saMpattimatsarikaH saMpattidveSI / Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ eyassa he niyaM295 mugAmi, pacchA ya keSai uvApaNaM niyeijaNa saiNo saMpayAo bhaMsaissaM ti / aNuciTThiyaM ca peNa jahAcintiyaM / ukNejaNa ya. me gehe rityaM bhnniymnnenn| kyaMsa, evaM payatteNa saMgovAvesu ti / mae vi ya akAlANayaNajAyasaGkeNa aNigchamANeNAvi eyassa dakkhiNNabahulayAe saMgoviyaM ti / pavatto ya nayare jaNaravo, jahA muTuM candaNasatyavAhagehaM / tao AsaGkiyaM me hiyaeNaM / nUNameyaM evaM bhavissai ti / gao jannadevasamIvaM, pucchio ya so mae / kahameyaM bavasthiya ti / teNa bhaSiyaM / mA ajahA samatyehi / tAyabhayeNa mae * eyaM bhavao samappiyaM, na puNa amaha ti / tao avagayA me saGkA / esthantaraMmi ya jANAviyaM295 candaNasatyavAheNa rAiNo, jahA * deva gehaM me muhUM' ti / 'kimavahariyaM' ti pugchiyaM rAiNA / niveiyaM candaNeNaM, lehAviyaM ca rAiNA / bhaNiyaM ca NeNa / are Aghoseha DiNDimeNaM / jahA muTuM candaNasatyavAha15 gehaM, avahariyameyaM ritthajAyaM / tA jassa gehe keNai vavahAra joyeNa taM rityaM risthadeso vA samAgao, so niveeu rAiyo caNDasAsaNassa / aNiveiovalambhe ya rAyA sambadhaNAvahAreNa sarIradaNDeNa ya no khamissai ti / tao payaTTamAghosaNaM / aikante ya taMmi gaesu paJcasu diNesu jANAviyaM jamadeveNa 20 rAiNo / jahA / deva, na juttaM caiva mittadosapayAsaNaM, kiMtu paraloyaihaloyaviruddhaseviNA ahiyAyaraNeNa attaNo vi ya ami - 294. ripharya dravyaM / 295. zApitaH / Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bInI bhyo| teNa alaM me mitteNaM / na upekkhiyabvaM jANanteNaM rAyajaNAhiyaM / ao Iisa pi devassa niveIyai / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / bhaNau ajo / jabadeveNa bhaNiyaM / deva, suNa / surya mae cakadevAsanapariyaNAo; jahA imaM candaNasatyavAhagehaM cakkadeveNa muI, saMgoviyaM ritthaM niyayagehe / evaM soUNa devo pamANe ti / 5 rAiNA bhaNiyaM / ajja, asaMbhAvaNijameyaM, kulappasuo khu so, tA kahaM imaM accantaviruddhaM karissaha / janmadeveNa bhaNiyaM / deva, matthi abANalobhavasagANamasaMbhAvaNijaM / ko ya doso kulassa, kiM na havanti surabhikusumesu kimio96 / tA nirUvAvehi tAva keNai payAreNa tassa gehaM ti / tao 'juttameyaM' . ti cintiUNa samANattaM caNDasAsaNeNa karaNaM297 / bhaNiyA ya kAraNiyA 98 / nayaramahantagehiM saha, ghettUNa candaNasatyavAhabhaNDAriyaM, paloeha cakkadevassa gehe taM paNaTuM rityaM ti / tao 'kimeiNA asaMbhAvaNijeNaM, ahavA AesagAriNo amhe' ti mantiUNa, melaviya navaramahantage, ghettUNa candaNasatyavAhabhaNDA. 15 riyaM, jAmamette vAsare samAgayA me gehaM pahANanayarajaNAhiTiyA kAraNiya299 tti / pucchio ya tehiM ahaM / satyavAhaputta, na te kiMci keNai evaMjAiyaM rityaM saMvavahAravaDiyAe uvaNIyaM ti / tao mae asaMjAyasaGkeNa bhaNiyaM ' nahi nahi' tti / tehiM bhaNiyaM / na tae kuppiyanvaM; rAyasAsaNamiNaM, jaM te gehamavalo- 1. 296. kRmayaH / 197. karaNaM rAjaprayuktaM gRhagaveSaNaM / 298. kAraNikAH / purarakSakAH rANyAdhikAriNaH / 199. pradhAnanagarabanAdhiSThitAH kAraNikAH / Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [smraaickhaa| iyavvaM ti / mae bhaNiyaM / na ettha avasaro kovassa, payA. parirakkhaNanimittaM samArambho devassa | tao paviTThA me gehaM saha nayaravuDehiM rAyapurisA / avaloiyaM ca tehiM nANApayAraM daviNajAyaM, dilu ca payattaTTAviyaM300 candaNanAmAGkayaM hiraNNavAsagaM,01 nINiyaM bAhi,302 daMsiyaM candaNabhaNDAriyarasa / avaloiUNa sadukkhamiva bhaNiyaM ca teNa / aNuharai tAva eyaM, na uNa nissaMsayaM viyANAmi tti / kAraNihiM bhaNiyaM / vAehi tAva avahariyaniveyaNApattagaM,03 kiM tattha imaM IisaM abhili hiyaM na va ti / vAiyaM pattagaM, diTThamabhilihiyaM / sajjhasI1. bhUyA nAyarakAraNiyA / bhaNiyaM ca tehiM / satyavAhaputta, kuo tuha imaM / tao mae vi cintiyaM / kahaM sambhAvaThA. viyaM mittanAsaM payAsemi / mA nAma teNAvi kahivi eso evaM caiva samAsAio bhave / tA kahaM niyapANabahumANao mitta pANe pariccayAmi05 tti / cintiUNa bhaNiyaM mae 'niyagaM 15 ceva evaM ' ti / tehiM bhaNiyaM / kahaM candaNanAmaGkiyaM / mae bhaNiyaM / na yANAmo. kahiMci vAsaNaparAvatto bhavissai / tehiM bhANiyaM / kiMsaMkhiyaM kiM vA hiraNNajAyametthaM ti| mae bhaNiyaM / na suTu sumarAmi, saI ceva joeha / kAraNaehi bhaNiyaM / 300. prayatnasthApita / mahatA yatnena rakSitaM / 301. hiraNyapAtraM / 'vAsaNaM' pAtraM / gurjarabhASAyAmapi pAtraM 'vAsaNaM' iti ucyate / 302. nItaM bahiH / "NiNai' nayateH prAkRtadhAsvAdezaH / 303. vAcaya tAvat apahRtanivedanApatrakaM / 304. sAdhvasIbhUtA / 3.5. tAvat karya nijaprANabahumAnato miprANAn parityajAmi / 306. pazyata / Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhavo / ] " vAha pattagaM, kiMdaviNajutaM kiMsaMkhiyaM vA taM candaNasatthavAhavAsaNaM ti / vAiyaM pattagaM jAva dINAradaviNajuttaM dasasahassa saMkhiyaM ca tao choDAviyamaNehi 07 vAsaNaM, milio pattagattho / vimhiyA nAgarakAraNiyA / paricintiyaM ca tehiM / kahaM appaDihayacakkasatthavAhaputte cakkadeve evaM bhAssii tti / puNo vi 5 pucchi / satthavAhaputta, narindasAsaNamiNaM; tA kahehi phuDatthaM, 'kuo tuha imaM ' ti / tao mae taM caivANucintiUNa taM caiva siddhaM ti / tehiM ciya ' dhiratthu devvassa ' tti bhaNiUNa mantiyaM / anaM pite na kiMci parasantiyaM gehe ciTThara / mae bhaNiyaM / na kiMci / ta tehiM pattagaM vAiUNa savisesamavaloiyaM 10 me gehUM, diTThe ca jahAvAiyaM niravasesameva ritthaM / etthantaraMbhi ya kuviyA mamovari ArakkhagA | nIo tehi naravaisamI | sAhio vuttanto caNDasAsaNassa / bhaNio mhi rAiNA / satthavAhaputta, vinAobhayaloyamaggo tumaM, tA na tuha eyamerisamasAhucariyamasaMbhAvaNijjaM saMbhAvemi 15 si / tao mae taM caiva cintiUNa bAhajalabhariyaloyaNaNaM na kiMpi jaMpiyaM naravaipurao ti / tao rAiNA samuppannAsaNAvi tAyabahumANao asarisaM vayaNamabhAsiUNa kayatthaNaM cAkAUNa nivvisao samANatto mhi, nINio ya rAyapurisehiM nayarAo, mukko ya nayaradevayAvaNasamIve / paDiniyattA 20 rAyapurisA / samupanA ya me cintA / kimeddaha mettaparibhavabhAyaNeNaM ajja vi jIvieNaM / tA eyaMmi nayaradevayAvaNasamA 87 307 mocitaM etaiH kAraNikaiH pAtraM / 308. kadarthanAM ca akRtvA / Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 88 [samarAmakahANa so nammohapAyave ukalambemi09 appANaM ti / cintiUNa payo nammohasamIvaM10 / etyantaraMmi ya kahiMci AbhoijaNa imaM vahayaramohiNA samuppaNA mamovari nayaradevayAe aNukampA 10 / AvesiUNa rAyajaNaNi sAhiyaM jahaTThiyameva evaM tIe rAhaNo / bhaNio ya rAyA imAe mailaNAe11 amu. gami nayarujANAsanne naggohapAyave ubbandhaNeNa attANayaM pariccaiDaM vavasio cakkadevo / tA lahuM nivArehi taM saMmANiUNa ya pavesehi nayaraM ti / tao kohanehAulayAe saMkiNaM rasa maNuhavanto rAyA ' are geNhaha durAyAraM janmadevaM ' ti AisiUNa 1. pahANavArUyArUDho12 samaM ahAsamihiyapariyaNeNa turiyaturiyaM niggao nayarAo, patto ya nayarujjANaM / diTTho ya ahaM rAiNA . naggohapAyavasAhAgao uttarIyanibaddhapAsaMmi DhoiyAe313 siro. harAe attANayaM pavAhiukAmo tti / tao so dUrao ceva saMbhamAisayanivvaDiyasAraM 'bho cakkadeva, mA sAhasaM mA sAhasaM' 15 ti bhaNamANo sigghayaratajjiyAe vArUyAe samallINo pAyava samIvaM / sayameva avaNIo pAsao, geNhiUNa ya karaMmi ThAvio ahaM teNa vArUyApiDiyAe, bhaNio ya sabahumANaM / 3.9. ullaMpayAmi / vastrakaprAntena dRDhaM galanibaMdhanaM kRtvA aJcalAntaraM tu vRkSe nibadhya antarAlasthitau bhUtvA zvAsanirodhena prANatyAga karomi / 310. atrAntare ca kathaMcit dRSTavA ( Abhogya ) imaM vyatikaraM avadhijJAnena samutpanA mamopari nagaradevatAyA anukampA / 311. devyA / ' melaDI' iti gurjarabhASAyAM etAdRzyAH grAmadevatAyAH abhidhAnaM vartate / 312. 'vAsyA' hastinyarthe dezyaH prayogaH / pradhAnahastinyArUDhaH / 313. DhokitayA upasthApitayA zirodharayA / Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIgo bhyo| bho satyavAhaputta, jutaM nAma bhavano bhae vi pucchiyassa sambhA. pAsAhaNaM / to mae cintiyaM / hanta kimayaM ti, payAsithaM bhavistAi keNai mittagujyaM / etyantarami ya bhaNiya rAiNA / bho sasthavAhaputta, sAhio mama esa vaiyaro ambaM pavisiUNa bhayavaIe nayaradevayAe, jahA nihoso tuma dosayArI ya ettha 5 durAyAro janmadevo / tA khamiyabvaM tumae, jaM mae amuNiyaparamatyeNaM kayasthio si ti / tao mae 'hanta saMpatto vasaNaM janadevo' ti cintiUNa bhaNio rAyA / deva, rAyadhammo'yaM, payAparirakkhaNasamujayassa nasthi doso devassa / janadevamUlasuviM" pi gaveseu devo, na tami mahANubhAve aNAyaraNaM .. saMbhAvIyai / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / gaviTThA mUlasuddhI, sAhiyaM bhayavaIe * samvamiNaM teNa pAveNa vavasiyaM' ti / sAhiyaM devayAkahiyaM rAiNA / ThiyaM ca me citte tuha dosapayAsaNeNaM ti bhANiUNa sAhio jnndevkaahiyvRttnto| tao mae cintiyaM / hanta kimayaM asaMbhAvaNija / etthantaraMmi ya mANio rAyapuri- 15 sehiM bandhiUNa janmadevo, nivehao rAiNo / bhaNiyaM ca teNa / are eyassa jibbhaM chindiUNa uppADeha loyaNAI / visaNNo jabadevo / tao mae calaNesu nivaDiUNa vijJatto rAyA / deva, mama esa avarAho khamIyau, muccau jamadevo / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / sasthavAhaputta, na juttameyaM; durAyAro khu eso, tA anaM vinavehi 20 tti / mae bhaNiyaM / deva, bhalamaneNaM ti; baha mamovari bahu 314. yajJadevamUlakAraNavizadagaveSaNA / Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAicakahAe mANo devassa, tA imaM ceva saMpADeu devo / rAiNA bhaNiya / alaGkaNIyavayaNo tuma si; tumaM ceva jANAsi / tao mae ' devapasAo' tti bhaNiUNa nivaDio calaNesu / moyAvio janmadevo, pesio ya ahaM rAiNA niyayabhavaNaM / tao sammANiUNa mahayA vibhUIe gao sabhavaNaM ti / jAo ya loyavAo, aho jannadevassa jahannatta5 / samuppano ya me nivveo| peccha, IisANaM pi mittANaM Iiso pariNAmo tti / aho asArayA saMsArassa, vicittayA kammapariNaIe, dullakkhANi pANicittANi / tA na yANAmo kimettha juttaM ti // etyantarAMma ya samAgao tattha sugihiyanAmo aggibhUI nAma gaNaharo / Thio ya nayarujjANe / diTTho mae bAhiriyAgaeNaM / jAo ya me taM pai bahumANo, paNamio ya so mae, dhambhalAbhio ya teNaM, uvaviThTho ' tassa pAyamUle / pucchio bhayave savvadukkhaviuDaNasamatthaM dhammaM / sAhio bhagavayA khamA15 igo sAhudhammo / taM ca suNamANassa samuppannA desaviraipa riNaI, pavaDDamANasaMvegassa jAo bhavavirAgo / cintiyaM ca mae / alaM saMsArapaDaNAmettaphaleNaM imiNA parikileseNaM, pavajjAmo pavajaM ti / etthantaraMmi ya galio kammasaMghAo payaliyA bandhaNaTTiI, vihAviyaM attavirieNaM, samuppanA savvaviraipariNai tti / 2. kahAvasANe ya vijJatto mae bhayavaM gurU / aNuggihIo ahaM bhayavayA, virattaM ca me cittaM bhavapavacAo, tA Aisau bhayavaM 315. jaghanyatvaM nIcatAM / Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bImo bhvo|] kiM mae kAyabvaM ti / tao teNa suyasayanANiNA mama bhAvaM viyANiUNa bhaNiyaM / jujjai bhavao mahApurisaseviyaM samaNattaNaM kAuM ti / tao mae tassa samIvaMmi ceva pavanaM samaNattaNaM parivAliyaM ca vihiNA / tao ahAuyaM pAliUNa kAlamAse kAlaM kiccA dehaM caiUNa navasAgarovamAu vemANiyattAe uvavano 5 mhi bambhaloe, iyaro vi ya janmadevo tisAgarovamaThiI sakarappabhAe nArago ti / tao ahamahAuyaM pAliUNa devalogAo cuo samANo iheva videhe gandhalAvaI vijae rayaNapure nayare rayaNasAgarassa sasthavAhassa sirimaIe bhAriyAe kucchisi puttattAe uvavano tti / iyaro vi ya tao naragAo uvvaTTiUNa 10. AheDagasuNao bhaviya mariUNa tisAgarovamAU tattheva uvavajiUNa tao ya uvvaTTo nANAtiriesu AhiNDiUNa tattheva rayaNapure tAyagharadAsIe nammayAbhihANAe suyattAe uvavo tti / uciyasamayaMmi jAyA ya amhe, pattA ya bAlabhAvaM / paiTThAviyAI17 nAmAI majjhaM candasAro iyarassa aNahago tti / 15 pattA ya jovaNaM / kao mae dArasaMgaho evaM ca visayAsattA ciTThAmo / puSvabhavanbhAsao ya na imassa mamovari vacaNApariNAmo avei / anayA ya Ago tastha mAsakappavihArI bhayavaM vijayavaddhaNAyario / pavano ya mae imassa pAyamUle sAvagadhammo / annayA ya taM puraM dIhadaNDajattAgae naravaiMmi8 gAma 20. 316. AkheTakazunakaH / 317. pratiSThApitAni / 318. dIrghadaH NDayAtrAgate narapatau / durdAntasAmantavavAdivijayAthai tebhyazca karagrahaNAthai yA yAtrA''rabhyate sA daNDayAtrA / Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ samarAika 3230 ntaragaesu amhesu vighjhakeunAmeNa savaraseNAvaddaNA hayavihayaM 319 araNa avaNIo koi loo / suyaM ca amhehiM / samAgayA taM puraM / diThThe ca masANAgAramaNugarintaM 3 20 / gaveMsAviyaM "mANusa jAva savvameva dharai navaraM candakantA me bhAriyA avahaDa si / tao samuppacA me araI, jAyA ya cintA / hA kahaM sA tavasiNI mamAdiTThaviogA pANe dhArissaiti / etthantaraMmi ya bhaNio devasammAbhihANeNaM vuDamAhaNemaM / satthavAhaputta, mA saMtappa / puNo vi eyaMmi ceva visae siristhalAbhihANAo sannivesAo evaM caiva savarehiM avaNIo jaNo 10 Asi / so niravaseso akhaNDiyacarittasavvasso mahayA daviNajAeNa mukko ti / tao ahaM egramAyaNNiUNa aikkantesu kaivayadiNesu sabhUmimuvagaesu savaresu aNahagaduio 21 vettUNa savvasAraM daviNajAyaM susaNiddha saMbhiyaM 3 22 ca pAheyaM payaTTo candakantAvimokkhaNanimittaM ti. // 5 92 '15 io ya tIe mama viogavihurAe cArittakhaNDaNAsaGkipIeM ya karhici suNNagAmAsana kUvayaDAvAsiyAe savaravAhiNIe nisAcaramasamayami pavante ya payANagakolAhale perantarakkhaNAvAvaDesu savarasaMghAsu jIviyaniravekkhAe taMmi caiva jiSNakUrvami pavAhio appA / paDiyA ya jalamajjhe na mayA 324 ya jalappabhA20 veNaM / tao taggayaM ceva paDikUvagamahidvijaNa ciTThiumAraddhA 325 / 323 314 I 319. itanihataM vinaSTaM / 320 dRSTaM ca zmazAnAkA ramanukurvat / tathA cedaM vinaSTaM puraM yayA zmazAnamivAdRzyat / 321. 'aNahaga' ityetanmitra dvitIyaH yasva saH / 322. susnigdhasaMmRtaM / 323. tasmiMzreSa jIrNakUpe pravAhitaH AtmA / 324. mRtA / 325. pratikUpamadhiSThAya sthAtumArabdhA / Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhayo / ] kicchapaNA 326 ya jIviyaseseNaM caiva jAva pANe dhArei, tAva pattA amhe tamuddesaM / amahagassa vi ya pugvabhavanimittao tayasthasaMdariMsaNao ya samuppaco mamovara vajraNApariNAmo / cintiyaM ca peNaM kahameso vacimaNyo ' tiH / tabho so aNeyaviyampasamAuliyahiyao ahaM ca suddhasahAvoti evaM vaccAmo 34 | pAhebadaviNajAyANi ya patteyaM hatthagoyarANi havanti / akSayA ya mama hRtthe pAheyaM tasma daviNajAyaM ti / evamaNugacchamANA pacA lamuddesaM, jattha sA candakantA cihna | diTTho ya so kUvo / etthantaraMmi ya atthamio sahassasssI, luliyA sajhA / tao cintiyamaNahameNaM / hatthamayaM me daci - 10. NajAyaM, vijaNaM ca kantAraM samAsano ya pAyAlagambhIro kuvo, pavatto ya avarAhavivarasamacchAyago 28 andhayAro / tA eyaMmi eyaM pakkhiviUNa niyattAmo imassa thANassa tti, cintiUNaM bhaNiyaM ca teNa / satthavAhaputta, dhaNiyaM pivAsAbhibhUo mhi / tA nihALehi eyaM jiNNakUvaM kimettha udagaM asthi nathi ti / 15 tao mae gahiyapAheyapoTTaleNaM 329 caiva nihAlio kuvo / etyantaraMmi ya suvisatthaMDiyayassa loyassa viya maccU Agao mama samIvamaNahago / sahasA pakkhipto taMmi ahamaNahageNa, paDio ya udagamajjhe / niyatto ya. so tao vibhAgAo / 326. kucchraprANA / 327. vrajAmaH / 328. aparAdhavivarasamAcchAdakaH / aparAdhastu dhUrta mitrasya vivaraM kUpasyeti dvayoranayo: samAnaH AcchAdakaH / athavA tu aparAdhaH eva vivaraH, tasya: samAcchArakaH / 3.14, gRhItamAtheyavalatranthi / 'poTalI' ikti gurjarIbhASAyAm / Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAhacakahAe ahamavi ya sasaMbhanto laggo paDikUvagekkadese / parAmuTThA ya bhayavihalalA30 candakantA, thIsahAvao331 bhayakAyarA / bhaNiyaM ca tIe 'namo arihantANaM' ti / tao paJcabhinnAo saddo332 / UsasiyaM me hiyaeNaM / bhaNiyA ya sA * abhayamabhayaM jiNasAsaNarayANaM' ti / tIe vi ya paccabhiNNAo me saddo / roviuM pauttA, samAsAsiA sA mae, pucchiA ya vuttantaM / sAhio ya tIe, mae vi ya niyago tti / bhaNiyaM ca tIe / hA duTTha kayaM, aNahageNa22 / mae bhaNiyaM / sundari, na duTTha kayaM paramovayArI khu so mahANubhAvo, jaM tuma saMjoiya21 tti / appanidANa35 ya aikkantA rayaNI, uggao aMsumAlI / tao mae dinnaM candakantAe pAheyaM / bhaNiyaM ca tIe 'kahamahaM tumae agahiyaMmi geNhAmi, tti| tao mae nehakAyaraM se hiyayaM kaliUNamakAle ceva gahiyaM pAheyaM, bhuttaM ca amhahiM / tao cintiyaM mae / keNa puNa uvAeNa amhe imAo bhavasamuddAo viva kUvagAo uttarissAmo tti / evaM ca cintayantANaM kaivayadiNesu khINaM pAheyaM, paNaTThA jIviyAsA / jAyA ya me cintA / kahaM pAviUNa jiNamayaM akAUNa pavvaja akayastho marissAmi tti / etthantarami phuriyaM se vAmaloyaNeNaM mamAvi dAhiNeNaM jaMpiyaM ca tIe * ajautta, vAmaM me loyaNaM phuriyaM' ti / tao sAhio se mae hiyayasaMkappo 330. bhayavihalA / 331. strIsvabhAvataH / 332. tataH pratyabhijJAtaH zabdaH / 333. hA duSTaM kRtaM aNahagena / 334. paramopakArI khalu saH mahAnubhAvaH yattvaM dRSTA / 335. alpanidrANAM / 336. atrAntare sphurita tasyA vAmale canena mamApi dakSiNena / Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bAo bhvo|] iyaracakkhuphuraNaM ca samAsAsiyA ya esA / sundari, imehiM nimittavisesehiM avassa amhANaM na cirakAlANusArI esa kileso, tA na tumae saMtappiyavvaM ti / paDissuyamimIe / evaM ca jAva ahorattaM nivasAmo, tAva samAgao savararAyahANIo rayaNapuranivAsiNo nandibaddhaNAbhihANassa sasthavAhassa 5 santio327 rayaNapuragAmI ceva satyo ti / uyaganimittaM ca samAgayA purisA / gahiUNa lambaNA338 dihAI amhe imehiM / niveiyaM satyavAhassa / kayamaciyApaoeNaM339 samuttArAviyAI teNaM, paccabhinnAyANi ya / pucchiyAI vuttantaM, sAhio vitthareNaM / tao patthiyAI rayaNauraM jAva aikkantesu paJcasu payANa. 1. esu parivahante satthe rAyavattaNIo40 nAidUradesabhAe dihro kaGkAlamettaseso vAmapAsAvaDiyadaviNajAo kesariNA dIhaniddAvasamuvaNIo aNahago tti / daviNovalambheNa paccabhinnAo amhehiM / tao taM tahAvihavivAgaM pecchiUNa samuppanno me vivego / khaovasamamuvagayaM cArittamohaNIyaM5 / saMjAo saya- 15 lajIvaloyadullaho caraNapariNAmo12 / tao ahaM tahAvihapavaDamANapariNAmo ceva Agao sanayaraM / pavanno ya jahAvihIe vijayavaddhaNAyariyasamIve pavvajaM / ahAuyamaNuvAliUNa vihiNA ya mottUNa dehaM uvavanno solasasAgarovamAu vemANiyattAe mahAsukkakappaMmi, iaro vi ya aNahago sIhavAvAiyasarIro satta- 20 337. 'satio' iti saMbaMdhyarthe dezyaH prayoga / 338. rajjuH / 339. kRtamazcikAprayogeNa / 340. rAjamArgataH / 341. kSayopazamamupagataM caritramohanIyaM / 342. saMjAtaH sakalajIvalokadurlabhaH crnnprinnaamH| Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAkSyakAra mAgarovamaThiI vAlugappahAe nArago ti / tao ahamahAuyaM pAliUNa devalogAo cuo samANo iheva jambuddIve dIve bhArahe vAse rahavIraure nayo nandivaraNassa gAhAvaissa sura sundarIe bhAriyAe kucchisi putattAe uvavano mhi / iyaro 5 vi tao maragAo udhvaTiUNa vijhagiripabvae aNegasatsavA vAyaNaparo sIhattAe uvavano / tao sIhatAe uvavajiUNa puNo vi marijaNa sattasAgarovamAu tastheva uvavajjiya sao ya ubvaTTo mANAtiriesu AhiNDiya satyeva nayare somasatyavAhassa nandimaIe bhAriyAe puttattAe uvavano ti / uciyasamayaMmi 1. jAyA amhe, pattA bAlabhAvaM / paiTAviyAI nAmAI majjJa aNaGgadevo, iyarassa dhaNadevo tti / A bAlabhAvao13 jAyA piI mama sambhAvao, iyarassa kaivaeNaM / kumArabhAvaMmi ya patto mae devaseNagurusamIve samvannubhAsio dhammo / pattA ya jovvaNaM / sante vi puSvapurisajjie daviNajAe abhimANao 15 kimaNeNa pujvapurisajieNaM' ti dagvasaMgahanimittaM gayA raya NadIvaM / vidvattAI45 rynnaaii| kayA saMjuttI / payaTTA niyadesamAgantuM / etthantaraMmi ya puNvakayakammadoseNa cintiyaM dhaNadeveNa / kahaM puNo vaJciyamvo esa aNaGgadevo / viyappiyA ya teNaM aNege micchAMviyappA 47 / Thavio siddhanto / esa na tIrae348 vaziDaM ti, tA vAvAemi evaM / paricintio uvAo 'bhoyaNe se visaM demi' tti / ajhayA 343. A bAlabhAvataH / 344. kaitavana / 345. bharjitAni / 346. sAMyAtrikatvaM gamalodyatatvam / 347. mithyAvikalpAH / 348. tIrayati zakanoti / Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhavo / ] 349 , ya satthimaIsannivesamaNupattANaM 9 bhoyaNanimittaM gao dhaNadevo haTTagaM / kArAviyaM ca teNa bhoyaNaM, pakkhittaM ca egaMmi lahuge 350 visaM / cintiyaM ca teNaM ' eyaM se dAhAmi 351 ti / Agacchantassa aNegaviyappAvahariyacittassa saMjAo vivajjao 352 bhoyaNavelAe gahio teNa visalaTTugo, dino mamaM ca iyaro 5 ti / pabhuttA amhe jAva thevavelAe ceva thArio dhaNadevo / tao ' kimeyaM ti' AulIhUo ahaM jAva kiMkAyanvamUDho thevakAlaM ciTThAmi tAva accuggayAe visassa vicittayAe kammapariNAmassa uvarao dhaNadevo / jAyA me cintA ' hA keNa uNa eyaM vavasiyaM ' ti / tao amuNiyavuttanto mahAsoyAbhi- 10 bhUyamANaso Agao sanayaraM / siTTho vuttanto tassa mANusaNaM / viiNNaM ca tesiM abbhahiyayaraM rayaNajAyaM / sesarayaNajAyaM pi ya jahANurUvaM kusalapakkhe niuJjiUNa 354 tannibveNa caiva tayapabhiimannAyavisayasaGgo pavanno devaseNAyariyasamIve pavvajaM ti / parivAliUNa ahAuyaM vihiNA ya mottUNa dehaM pANayaMmi kappe 15 uvavanno egUNavIsasAgarovamAU devo tti, iyaro vi visamaraNAnantaraM paGkampabhAe puDhavIe navasAgarovamAU nArago tti // tao ahamahAuyaM aNuvAliUNa cuo samANo iheva jambuddIve . dIve erAvae 55 khette hatthiNAure nayare harinandissa gAhAvaissa 9 97 9 349. ' svastimatI ti saMnivezavizeSAbhidhAnamanuprAptAnAm / 350. laTuke modake / 351. dAsyAmi / 352. viparyayaH / 353. stabdhIkRtaH / 354. niyujya / 355. airAvate kSetre / Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAiJcakahAe lacchimaIe bhAriyAe kucchisi puttattAe uvavazno / iyaro vi tao naragAo udhvaTTiya uragattarNa356 pAviUNamaNegasattavAvAyaNaparo dAvANaladaDDadeho mariUNa tIe ceva paGkappabhAe puDhavIe kiMcUNadasasAgarovamAU nArago hoUNa tao uvvaTTo tiriesu AhiNDiya taMmi ceva hathiNAure indanAmassa vuDseTissa nandimaIe bhAriyAe kucchisi puttattAe uvavano tti / uciyasamayaMmi jAyA amhe / paiTTAviyAI nAmAI majjhaM vIradevo, iyarassa doNago tti / pattA ya kumArabhAvaM, samappiyA ya lehAyariyassa / jAyA ya amhANaM puvvavaNNiyA ceva piI / 1. tao gahiyakalAkalAvaNaM mae paDivano mANabhaGgagurusamIve jiNa desio dhammo, mamovayAravaJcaNakusaleNa davvao doNaeNAvi / tao ya me dhammANurAeNa tappabhiI taM pai samuppanA thirayarA piI / samappiyaM se pabhUyaM daviNajAyaM / bhaNio ya eso, 'kvaharaha aNindieNa maggeNa' / tao so vavahariumAraddho / 15 viDhattaM57 ca teNaM pabhUyaM daviNajAyaM / esthantaraMmi puvakaya kammavAsaNAdoseNa jAo se mamovari ahigo vaJcaNApariNAmo cintiyaM ca teNaM / ajjiyaM pabhUyaM daviNajAyaM, bhAgio ya vIradevo eyassa / tA keNa uNa uvAeNa vaJciyabvo eso, na ya muNai jahaTiyaM Ne koi vavahAraM / tA kiM avalambAmi / 2. ahavA eyaMmi paripanthage:58 na me aliyavayaNaM nivvahaha / tA vAvAemi eyaM / tao 'jamahaM bhaNissAmi, taM ceva agdhi 356. uragatvaM / 357. arjitaM / 358. paripathake zatrau / sati etasmin paripanyake ityeSA satisaptamI / Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhayo / ] 99 saha 359 ti saMpahAriUNa pAraddho teNa samuvayAro / kArAvio mahanto pAsAo, uvaribhUmibhAe ye tassa aNiyamiyakhIlajAlo nijjUhago 60 / cintiyaM ca teNaM / vIradevaM pAsAyapavesanimittaM nimantiUNa daMsemi se nijjUhagaM / tao so rammadaMsaNIyayAe nijjUhagassa sahasA Arohihassai / tao ya tanivaDaNeNa nivaDio samANo na bhavissaiti / evaM ca kae samANe loyavAo vi parihario hoi / saMpAiyaM teNa jahAsamIhiyaM / bhuttattarakAlaMbhi ya ArUDhA duve vi amhe saparivArA pAsAya 369 / etthantaraMbhi paNaTThA se maI / mama daMsaNanimittaM kevala cevArUDho nijjUhagaM / jAva ya nArohAmi ahayaM, tAva nivaDio | hAhAravaM karemANo samoiNNo ahayaM jAva diTTho paJcattamuvagao doNago ti / samuppanno me nivveo / cintiyaM mae / dhiratyu jIvaloyassa, evamavasANaM saMsAracedviyaM / tao ahaM tassa mayakiccaM kAUNa 2 tanivveNa ceva paDivano mANabhaGgagurusamIve samaNaliGgaM / parivAliUNa ahAuyaM 15 uvavano hehimovarimagevejae 33 kiMcUNapaNuvIsasAgarovamAu devo; iyaro vi doNao tahAviharuddajjhANovagao dhUmappabhAe puDhavIe duvAlasasAgarovamAu nArago ti // tao ahaM surAuya 10 " 359. agghissai arhiSyati / 360. niryUha: nItram / de. nA. mA. (4-28 ) ' NijjUho a givvammi // 361. bhuktottarakAle cArUDhau dvau api AvAM saparivArau prAsAdaM / 362. mRtakArya kRtvA / 363. adhogatoparigatatraiveyakayoH / graiveyako vimA - navizeSaH || Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [smraaishvkhaae| maNubhuJjiUNa cuo samANo iheva jambuddIve dIve ettha ceva vijae campAvAse nayare mANibhaddassa seTThissa hAriNIe bhAriyAe kucchisi puttattAe uvavanno, jAo ya uciyasamaeNaM / paiTTAviyaM me nAmaM puNNabhaddo tti / paDhamaM ca kila mae ghosamuccArayanteNa * amara' tti saMlattaM / ao duiyaM pi me nAma amaragutto tti / sAvayagihupappattIe ya A bAlabhAvao ceva pavanno mae jiNadesio dhammo / etyantaraMmi ya iyaro vi tao naragAo uvvaTTiUNa64 sayaMbhuramaNe samudde mahAmaccho bhaviya accantapAvadiTTho mao samANo tIe ceva dhUmappabhAe 1. duvAlasasAgarovamAu ceva nArago hoUNa uvvaTTo samANo nANAtiriesu AhiNDiya taMmi ceva nayare nandAvattassa seTissa sirinandAe bhAriyAe kucchisi dhUyattAe uvavanno, jAyA ya uciyasamaeNaM / paiTThAviyaM ca se nAmaM nandayanti tti / pattA ya jovvaNaM viiNNA ya majjhaM / nivvattiyaM pANiggahaNaM / 15 samuppanno ya me taM pai siNeho, tIe vi ya taheva / evaM ca visayasuhamaNuhavantANaM gao koi kAlo / puvakayakammadoseNa ya se mamovari vaJcaNApariNAmo nAvei, jeNa samappiyasavvagharasArA vi mAyAe vavaharai / sAhiyaM ca me pariyaNeNaM, na uNa pattiyAmi tti / annayA ya sAhiyaM me tIe / jhaa| 20 paNaTuM savvasAraM kuNDalajuyalaM / taM puNa sayaM ceva avahariUNa samAulIbhUyA67 / bhANayA ya tao mae / sundari thevameyaM ti, 364. ud kRtya / 365. pratyemi pratyayaM vizvAsa karomItyarthaH / 366. kathitaM / 367. samAkulIbhUtA / Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhayo / ] 101 kimaddahametteNaM saMrambheNa 368 / annaM te kuNDalajubalaM kArAvemi / kArAviyaM kuNDalajuyalaM / bhaikantesu kaivayadiNesu abbhaGgaNavelAe 9 samappiyaM se nAmaGkiyamuddArayaNaM, saMgoviyaM ca tIe niyayAbharaNakaraNDae / vatte ya NhANabhoyaNasamae kAUNamaGgarAyaM parigehiUNa tambolaM asaMjAyAsaGkeNa ceva tao karaNDagAo saI ceva gahiyaM mae muddArayaNaM / diTThe ca punvanaGkaM savvasAraM kuNDalajuyalaM / jAyA me cintA ' kimeyaM puNo laddhaM ' ti / etthantaraMbhi sasajjhasA viya AgayA nandayantI / dihaM ca tIe majjha hatthaMmi muddArayaNaM / viliyA sA / lakkhio se bhAvo / tao ahaM sigghameva niggao gehAo / cintiyaM ca 10 tI / diTTha imeNa kuNDalajuyalaM / tA kimettha kAyavvaM / jAyaM me lahuttaM, paNaDo eso vi / tA jAva sayaNavagge vi me lAghavaM na. uppajjai, tAva vAvAemi eyaM ti / eso ya ettha uvAo, sajaghAya se kammaNajogaM pauJjAmi 71 / kao lIe kevalAe caiva aNeyamaraNAvahayadantrasaMjoeNaM 372 jogo / saMThavantI ya tame - 15 gadese DakkA bhuyaGgameNaM / sAhiyaM ca me purohieNaM ruddadeveNaM / gao ahaM sasambhanto gihaM / diTThA ya kasiNamaNDalAvAviyasarIrA 73 jIviyamettasesA nandayantI / taM ca tahAvihaM daTThUNa 302 270 368 sundari, stokametaditi kimetAvanbhAtreNa saraMbheNa / 369. abhyajanavelAyAM snAnakAle / 370. vrIDitA lajjitA / 371. prayunajmi / sadyoghAtanaM ( = zIghravighAtakaM ) tasmai karmaNayogaM ( vazIkaraNa prayogaM ) prayunajmi / 372. aneka maraNAva hakadravyasaMyogena / 373. kRSNamaMDalApAditazarIsa / Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 202 [samarAicakahAe samuppanA me cintA / dhiratthu mAindajAlasarisassa74 jIvaloyassa / bAhajalabhariyaloyaNeNa ca sagaggayakkharaM bhaNiyA mae / sundari, kiM te bAhai / jAva na jaMpai ti, tao visapaNo ahaM, paNaTThA jIviyAsA / tahAvi gAruDiyA ettha pamANaM, acintA mantasatti' tti saddAviyA gAruDiyA / diTThA ya tehiM / visaNNA ya te / bhaNio ya jehiM / satthavAhaputta, kAladaTThA khu esA na goyarA mantassa / tA na kuppiyavvaM tumae tti bhaNiUNa niggayA gAruDiyA / tao akkandaNavi lavaNavAkDassa75 me pariyaNassa vimukkA jIvieNaM, kayaM se 10 uddhadehiyaM / tao ahaM tannivveeNaM ceva pavaDamANasaMvego "dhiratthu jIvaloyassa' tti paricintiUNa ya asArayaM caiUNa kilesAyAsakAriNaM saGgaM pavanno pavvaja ti.| sA uNa tavassiNI tahA mariUNa samuppannA tamappahAbhihANAe narayapuDhavIe / AuM ca se igavIsaM sAgarAiM / eyaM me cariyaM ti // eyaM ca 15 soUNa saMjAo rAyanAyarANaM nivveo| pucchiyaM ca rAiNA / bhayavaM, ko uNa tIe bhavao ya pariNAmo bhavissai / bhayavA bhaNiyaM / tIse aNantasaMsArAvasANe muttI, mama uNa iheva jamme tti // ... tao ahameyamAyaNNiUNa tassa ceva bhayadao rU2. mI aNeyanAyarajaNapariMgao panno pavvajja / eyaM me visesakAraNaM ti // sIhakumAreNa bhaNiyaM / sohaNaM te nivveyakAraNaM / aha 374. mAyendrajAlasadRzasya / 375. AkrandanavilapanavyApRtasya / 376. audaihikam maraNAntarakriyAm / Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ vIo bhyo| 103 kaigaisamAvasarUvo uNa esa saMsAro, kiMvisihANi vA iha sArIramANasANi suhadukkhANi aNuhavanti pANiNo, ko vA ettha saMsAracAragavimoyaNasamatyo bhayavaM dhammo tti / dhammaghoseNa bhaNiyaM / vaccha suNa, jaM tae pucchiyaM / ettha tAva ca ugaisamAvannarUvo saMsAro / gaIo puNa 5 imAo / taM jahA / narayagaI tiriyagaI maNuyagaI devagaI / suhadukkhacintAe puNa, kuo saMsArasamAvannANaM jAijarAmaraNapIDiyANaM rAgAidosagahiyANaM visayavisAvahiyaceyaNANaM.77 ca sattANaM suhaM ti / na kiMci suhaM, bahuM ca dukkhaM / ettha me suNa nAyaM / jaha nAma koi puriso dhaNiyaM dAliddadukkhasaMtatto / mottUNaM niyaM desaM paradesaM gantumAraddho // 171 // laMgheUNa ya desaM gAmAyaranayarapaTTaNasaNAhaM / thevadiyahehi navaraM kahaMci panthAu panbhaTTho || 172 // . patto ya sAlasaralatamAlatAlAlibaulatilayaniculaaMko- 15 llakalambavajulapalAsasallaitiNisanimtrakuDayanaggohakhairasajjajjuNambajambuyaniyaraguvilaM dariyamayaNAhakharanaharasiharAvAyadaliyamattamAyaGgakumbhatthalagaliyabahalaruhirArattamuttAhalakusumapayarachiyavisthipaNabhUmibhAgaM vaNakolasarahavasahapasayavagyataracchacchamallajambuyagayagavayasIhagaNDayAisTu sAvayabhIsaNaM dariyavaNamahisajUhasamA- 20 loDiyAsesapallalajalucchalantuttatthajalayaramukkanAyabahiriyadisaM mhaaddvi| tIe ya taNhAchuhAbhibhUeNa dariyavaNaduhasAvayaravAyaNNaNu 377. viSayaviSApahatacetanAnAM / 378. atra ca prAsaMgikaM vanvarNanam / 'guvilaM' gupilaM gahanaM / 'mayaNAha' mRganAthaH siMhaH / Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 104 [samarAhacakahAe ttatthaloyaNeNaM dIhapahaparisamuppajhaseyajaladhoyagatteNaM mUDhadisAcakkaM visamapahakhalantapayasaMcAraM parinbhanteNa teNa diTTho ya palayaghaNavandrasaniho nihaviyANeyapahiyajaNavaDiucchAho gaddabbhagajiyaravA. UriyaviyaDaraNNuddeso maggao turiyaM dhAvamANo uddhIkauddaNDasuNDo vaNahasthi tti / taha ya nisiyakaravAlavAvaDaggahatthA vigarAlavayaNakAyA bhImaTTahAsasaMjuttA asiyavasaNA purao mahAduTTharaksasi tti / tao te daza maccubhayaveviraGgo avaloiyasayaladisAmaNDalo puvadisAe udayagirisiharasanihaM niruddhasiddha gandhavvamihuNagayaNapayAramaggaM mahantaM naggohapAyavaM avaloiUNa 10 paricintiuM payatto / kahaM jai nAma kahavi eyaM raviturayakhuraggachinnavaNapattaM / naggohamArahejA chuTTeja tao gaindassa // 173 // iya cintiUNa bhIo kusasUIbhinnapAyatalamaggo79 / vegeNa dhAviUNaM viyarDa vaDapAyavaM patto // 174 // 15 taM pecchiuM visaNNo naggohaM gayaNagoyarANaM pi / dullaGkaNijjamuttuGgakhandhamAruhiumasamattho // 175 // tAva vaNaduTThahatyi mantharagaNDAlijAlapAmukkaM / huliyaM samalliyantaM 80 daTuM vaDapAyavuddesaM // 176 // 'kola ' zUkaraH / 'saraha' zarabha iti pazuvizeSaH / ' pasaya' mRgavizeSaH / de. nA. mA. (6-4) 'migavisesammi pasao a' / 'sAvaya' zvApadaH / 'samAloDiya' saMmathita / 'uttattha ' utrasta / 379. kuzasUcibhinnapAdatalamArgaH / 380. 'huliya' zIghram / de. nA. mA. (4-59) 'huliaM sigghammi / ' 'samalliyantaM ' samAlInaM / Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhayo / ] abbhahiyabhayapavevirasavvaGgo cuNNavayaNataralacchaM / eto io niyanto pecchai kUvaM taNochannaM // 177 // aha maraNabhIrueNaM naggohAsannajiSNakUvaMmi / appA nirAvalambaM mukko khaNajIvaloheNa // 178 // uttuGgabhittijAo sarathambho 381 taMmi tattha ya vilaggo / paDaNAbhidhAyakuvie pecchai ya bhuyaGgame bhIme // 179 // causu vi taDIsura darie visalavasaMvaliyanayaNasihijAle / ubbhaDakaDAkarAle pavelliraGge DasiukAme // 180 // phuMkArapavaNapisuNiyamavayacchiya vayaNamayagara 382 -383 384 / diggaaadaari 285 kasiNaM ratacchibIbhacchaM // 181 // jAveso sarathambho tAva mahaM jIviyaM ti cintanto / 10 15 * 388 avayacchai uddhamuho pecchai ya sutikkhadADhile // 182 // dhavalakasi ya turiyaM duve tarhi mUsae mahAkAe / niccaM vAvaDavayaNe chindante tassa mUlAI // 183 // tAca vaNavAraNeNa ya vijjhAi 86 naraM apAvamANeNaM / kuviNa viiNNAI dhaNiyaM naggoharukkhaMbhi // 184 // saMcAliyaMmi taMmi ya avaDovari viyaDasAhasaMbhUyaM 1 khuDiUNa taMbhi paDiyaM mahujAlaM jiSNakUvaMmi // 185 // 381. zarastaMbha: / zaraM tRNavizeSaH / tasya khaMDa : sarakhaMDa: 1 382. catasRSu taTISu / ' darie' drutaM / 383. avagamya / 384. vadanaM ajagarasya bhujaMgastha adhaH ca / 385. diggajakara vizAlakAyam / 386. kumbhasthaladantaprahArAH banavAraNeNa nyabodhavRkSe vitIrNAH 387 ' dhaNiaM ' gADhaM atyantaM / de. nA. mA. ( 5-58 ) ' vaNiadharaggA daDhaappAsesu / ' 388. ' avaDa 9 kUpaH / de. nA. . mA. (1-53) 'avaDo kUvArAmesu / ' hastinA saMcAlite tasmin / 87 Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106 [samarAizcakahAe to kuviyaduTThamahuyariniyaraDasijantasavvagattassa / sIsaMmi nivaDiyA kahavi navaraM joeNa mahubindu // 186 // oyaliUNa ya vayaNaM kahavi paviTTho ya uttimaGgAo / khaNamAsAiumicchai puNo vi anne nivaDamANe // 187 // agaNeumayagaroragakarimUsayabilayamahuyaribhayAiM / mahubindurasAsAyaNagiddhivasA harisio jAo89 / 188 / / bhaviyajaNamohaviuDaNapaThavalamaccayamiyamudAharaNaM90 / / parigappiyameyassa91 ya uvasaMhAraM nisAmeha // 189 // jo puriso so jIvo caugaibhamaNaM ca raNNapariyaDaNaM / vaNavAraNo ya maccU nisAyariM jANa taha ya jaraM // 190 // vaDarukkho uNa mokkho maraNagaindabhayavajio navaraM / AruhiuM visayAuranarehi na ya sakkaNijo tti92 // 191 // maNuyattaM puNa kUbo bhuyaGgamA taha ya honti u kasAyA / khaio jehi maNusso kajAkajAi na muNei // 192 // 15 jo vi ya puNa sarathambho so jIyaM jeNa jIvai jiivo| taM kiNhadhavalapakkhA khaNanti dddhmundursmaannaa|| 193 // jAo ya mahuyarIo Dasanti taM te u vAhiNo vivihA / abhibhUo jehi naro khaNaM pi sokkhaM na pAvei // 19 // nyagrodhavRkSe, vikaTazAkhAsaMbhUtaM madhujAlaM jIrNakUpe patitaM / ' khuDiUNa'=kSuttvA bhaktvA / (si. he. 8. 4. 106.) 389. agaNitvA ajagaroragakarimUSakabilakamadhukarIbhayAn madhubiMdurasAsvAdanagRdhyatAvazAt hRSTaH jAtaH / 'gehia' iti pAThAntaraM gRddhikAryamityarthe / 390 'pavvala' prabalamityarthe / 391. parikalpitametasya / 392. AroDhuM viSayAturanaraH na ca zakyaH / 393. 'undura' mUSakaH / de. nA. mA. (1-102) TIkAyAM 'undurauccayazabdAvAkhunIvIvAcako saMskRtasamau / ' Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ vIo bhvo| 107 ghoro ya ayagaro jo so narao visayamohiyamaNo tti / paDio u jaMmi jIvo dukkhasahassAi pAvei // 195 // mahubindusame bhoe tucche pariNAmadAruNe dhaNiyaM / iya vasaNasaMkaDagao vibuho kaha mahai394 bhottuM je / to bhe bhaNAmi sAvaya visayasuhaM dAruNaM muNeUNaM / cavalataDivilasiyaM piva maNuyattaM bhaGguraM taha ya // 197 // suyaNasamAgamasokkhaM cavalaM jovvaNaM piya asAraM / sokkhanihANaMmi sayA dhammami maI daDhaM kuNasu // 198 // sIhakumAreNa bhaNiyaM / bhayavaM, keriso dhammo ti / bhagavayA bhaNiyaM / suNa, khamAigo / bhaNiyaM ca / 10 khantI ya maddavajjavamottItavasaMjame ya boddhavve / saccaM soyaM AkiMcaNaM ca bambhaM ca jaidhammo // 199 // tattha khantI nAma sammannANapuvvagaM vatthusahAvAloyaNeNa kohassa aNudao udayapattassa vA viphalIkaraNaM / evaM maddavayA vi mANassa aNudao udayapattassa vA viphalIkaraNaM / evama- 15 javayA vi mAyAe aNudao udayapattAe vA viphalIkaraNaM / evaM muttI vi lohassa aNudao udayapattassa vA viphalIkaraNaM ti // tavo puNa duviho bAhiro anbhintaro ya / bAhirao aNasaNAigo / bhaNiyaM ca / aNasaNamUNoyariyAdittIsaMkhevao rsccaao| kAyakileso saMlINayA ya bajjho tavo hoi395 // 20 // abbhintarao puNa pAyacchittAio / taM jahA / / 394. icchati / si. he. 8. 4. 192. / 395. anazanaM UnodaritA vRttisaMkSepata: rasatyAgaH / kAyaklezaH saMlInatA (zarIradInAM saMgopanaM ) ca bAhya tapaH bhavati // Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 108 [samarAicakahAra pAyacchittaM viNao veyAvaccaM396 taheva sajjhAo / jhANaM ussaggo vi ya anbhintarao tavo hoi // 201 / / ___ saMjamo ya sattarasaviho / bhaNiyaM ca / paJcAsavaveramaNaM paJcindiyaniggaho kasAyajao / daNDattigaviraI saMjamo u iya sattarasabheo // 202 / / saccaM puNa niravajabhAsaNaM // soyaM ca saMjamaM pai niruvalevayA / AkiMcaNaM ca dhammovagaraNAiregeNamapariggahayA / bambhaM ca aTThArasavihAbambhavajaNa tti / eso evaMbhUo jaidhammo tti // eyaM ca soUNa AvibhUyasammattapariNAmeNa bhAvao 1. pavanasAvayadhammeNa bhaNiyaM sIhakumAreNaM / bhagavaM sohaNoM jaidhammo / evaM kAumasamattheNa tAva kiM kAyavvaM ti / dhammaghoseNa bhaNiyaM ' sAvayattaNaM' ti / kerisa tayaM ti / kahiyaM sammattamAiyaM / pavano davvao vi // tao appANaM kayakiJcaM mannamANo kaMci velaM pajjuvAsi15 jaNa dhammaghosaM vandiUNa ya saviNayaM paviTTho nayaraM / sAhio teNa vuttanto kusumAvalIe / pavano ya eso vi kahaMci kammakkhaovasamao sAvayadhammaM / aNudiyahaM ca dhammavosagurupajju. vAsaNaparANaM aikvanto mAso / bhAviyANi jiNadhamme / / annayA ya purisadatto rAyA amiyateyagurusamIve soUNa 2. dhamma ahisiJciUNa rajje sIhakumAraM saMjAyasaMvego saha mahA. devIe sirikantAe pavano muttimaggaM / sIhakumAro vi dhammA 396. vaiyAvRtyaM zuzrUSA / Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bomo bhvaa|] dhammavavatthaparipAlaNarao sayalajaNamaNANandayArI aNurattasAmantamaNDalo dINANAhakiviNajaNovayArasaMpAyaNaraI jahoiyaguNajutto rAyarisI samuvajAo ti / evaM ca accantANurattaM ca piyapaNaiNi piva meiNiM bhujantassa aikvanto koi kAlo // etthantaraMmi so aggisammatAvasadevo tao vijjukumArakA- 5. yAo caviUNaM saMsAramAhiNDiya aNantarabhave ya kiMpi bAlatavavihANaM kAUNa mottaNa taM dehaM puvakammavAsaNAvivAgadoseNa samuppo kusumAvalIe kucchisi / diTTho tIe sumiNao / jahA / paviThTho me uyaraM bhuyaGgamo, teNaM ca niggacchiUNa Dakko rAyA nivaDio / taM ca dahNa sasajjhasA viya viuddhA397 10. kusumAvalI / amaGgalaM ti kaliUNa na sAhio tIe daiyassa / pavaDamANagabbhA ya taddosao ceva na bahamannae naravaI / rAyA ya ahiyaM siNehaparavaso / bhaNiyA ya pariyaNeNaM ' sAmiANa, na juttameyaM ' ti / tIe bhaNiyaM "kimahaM karemi' / sAhiyaM pariyaNeNaM, jahA devaM na bahumanasi tti | tIe bhaNiyaM / nUNaM esa gabbhadoso bhavi. 15: ssai / annahA kahamahaM ajauttaM na bahu mannemi / annayA samuppanno se dohalo, jahA imassa ceva rAiNo antANi khAijjatti / cintiyaM ca tIe / pAvayArI me esa gabbho, tA alaM imiNA / itthIsahAvao ya bhattAranahao ya samuppano se vavasAo, jahA pADemi eyaM ti / tao AlociUNa pahANapariyaNaM kajagaruyayAe aNunAyA 20 teNa gabbhaparisADaNaM58 kAumAraddhA / na ya so nikAiyakammadoseNa399 paDai tti / tao sA aNegosahapANeNaM Dohala 397. vibuddhA jAgRtA / 398. garbhaparizATanaM garbhapAtaM / 399. nikAcitakarmadoSeNa / nikAcitaM nibiDaM baddhaM karma, tasya doSeNa / Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [samarAicakahAe yAsaMpattIe ya paridubbalA jAyA / pucchiyA ya rAiNA / sundari, kiM te na saMpajjai, keNa vA te khaNDiyA ANA, kiM vA mae paDikulamAseviyaM, je nivveeNa tumaM appoyagA00 viva kumuiNI evaM jhijjAsa01 tti / tao paDiAhayayaladdhanehaM bhaNiyaM kusumAvalIe / ajjautta, Idiso me nivveo, jeNa cintemi * attANayaM vAvAemi' tti / rAiNA bhaNiyaM 'sundari, kiMnimitto' tti / kusumAvalIe bhaNiyaM / ajjautta, bhAgadheyANi me pucchasu tti / bhaNiUNa bAhajalabhariyaloyaNA sagaggayA 02 saMvuttA / tao rAiNA * mahanto se nivveo, 10 tA alaM tAva imiNA kahAe ceva, ahaM evaM akkhippAmi'403 tti cintiUNa akkhittA04 kahA, kao anno pasaGgo / puNo ya se samAhUo mayaNalehApamuho pariyaNo; sabahumANaM ca bhaNio rAiNA / kiM juttaM tumhANaM suNiyanibandhaNANaM pi evaM kasiNapakkhacandalehaM va parikhijjamANiM devi uvekkhiuM 35 ti / na ya asajhavatthuvisao05 esa nivveo, jao jIva. loyasArabhUyA me devii| kiM ca taM vatthu, jaM me pANesu dharantesu ceva devIe na saMpajai tti / mayaNalehAe bhaNiyaM / mahArAya, evameyaM; navaramitthIyaNasulaho avivego ceva kevalaM ettha ava rajjhaI / tA suNau mahArAo / mahArAya, na eyamiyANi 2. pi kahiuM pArIyai / tahA vi ' na anno uvAo' tti kAUNa 40. alpodakA / 401. kSIyase / 4.2. sagadradA / 403. AkSipAmi / 404. AkSiptA / 405. asAdhyavastuviSayaH / 406. aparAdhyati / Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ pIo bhvo|] 111 kahIyai / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / aNurUvameyaM saMbhamassa; jaM uvAyasajjhaM taM sayameva kIrai, iyaraM niveiyai ti / tA kaheu bhoI, ko ettha paramattho tti / tao mayaNalehAe sasajhasAe viya Acikkhio gabbhasaMbhavAo dohalayadoseNa gabbhasADaNAvasANo vavahAro tti / rAiNA cintiyaM / aho se devIe mamovari 5 asAhAraNo neho, jeNAvaccajamma07 pi na bahumannai tti / asaMpAyaNeNaM ca dohalayassa mA gambhavivattI se bhavissai tti uvAyaM cintemi / visajio ya teNa 'jamahaM kAlociyaM bhaNissAmi, taM tahA kAyanvaM' ti bhaNiUNa devIrariyaNo / saddAvio maisAgaro nAma mahAmantI / siTTho imassa esa vuttnto| .. cintiyaM ca teNa / juttaM devIe vavasiyaM / ahavA mA se imiNA uvAeNa tIse vi dehapIDA bhavissai / tA esa tAva ettha uvAo / bubhukkhiyassa rAiNo kArimA08 antA poTTabAhi09 dAUNa nettapAiNA susiliTThA ya kariya pecchamANIe ceva devIe kar3hiUNa dijanti / pacchA ya pasUyAe ceva gabbhamanta- 15 reNa cintiUNa niveio naravaissa niyayAhippAo / bahumanio rAiNA / bhaNiyA ya maisAyareNa devI / sAmiNi, tahA kaDemi devassa ante, jahA eso vi na vivajjai ti / gabbhasahAvakurattaNeNa paDisuyaM tIe / kao so uvAo, saMpano 405. yena apatyajanma / 408, kRtrimAH / de. nA. mA. 2-27. 'kArimamavi kittimae' / 409. antrAn udarAt bahiH dattvA / porTa udare / de. nA. mA. 6-60 'poTeM uare' / Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 [samarAicakahAe dohalo / pacchA visAyamuvagayAe darisio se rAyA / tao samAsatyA 10 esA, bhaNiyA ya mantiNA / sAmiNi, paDhamapasUyAe na tAva devassa niveyaNIo gabbhajammo, avi ya . mamaM ti; pacchA jahociyaM karissAmi ttiM / paDisuyaM tIe / akSayA uciyasamae pariNayappAe diyahe pasUyA devI / saddAvio tIe maisAyaro / bhaNiyA ya teNa / sAmiNi, akusalo viya devassa esa gabbho lakkhIyai / tA alaM imiNA, annattha saMvaDau, mao devassa niveiyai tti / tIe bhaNiyaM / juttameyaM ti / mamaM ciya hiyaeNa mantiyaM amacceNaM11 ti / tao 10 payaTTAvio mAhavIyAbhihANAe dAsaceDIe dArao / gayA thevaM bhUmibhAgaM / etthantaraMmi diTThA rAiNA / pucchiyA ya 'kimayaM' ti / tao sasajjhasAe vevamANIe bhaNiyaM mAhaviyAe 'deva na kiMci' ti / etthantaraMmi ruiyaM bAleNa / tao dArayaM dahaNa kuvieNa bhaNiyaM rAiNA / A pAve, kimeyaM vavasiyaM ti / 15 tao thIsahAvakAyarayAe12 sAhio sayalavuttanto maahviiyaae| tao rAiNA gahio dArao / cintiyaM ca NeNaM / na esa eyANa hattho puNo bhavissai tiM / samappio annadhAvINaM / sAviyAo tAo / jai kahavi dArayassa pamAo bhavissai, tA viNaTA mama hatthAo tubbhe / nibbhacchiyA devI maisA20 yaro ya / kArAviyaM ca devImanticittANurohiNA Isi paccha abhUyaM tahAvihaM vaddhAvaNayaM / evaM ca aikvanto koi kaalo| paiTAviyaM nAmaM dArayassa ANando tti / vaDhio eso, 410. samAzvastA / 411. amAtyena / 412. strIsvabhAvakAtaratayA / Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhyo| gAhio kalAkalAvaM / puvvakammadoseNa naravaI pai vismcitto| dinaM se juvarajaM // annayA paccantavAsI ADavio dummaI nAma sAmantarAyA duggabhUmibalagavio vitthakko sIharAyassa.19 / niveiyaM rAiNo / visajio teNa tassuvari vikkhevo / sabhUmibala geNaM 5 ca so parAjio teNa / niveie ya kuvio rAyA payaTTo sayameva amariseNaM14 / gao payANayatiyaM / etthantaraMmi sindhunaIpuliNe parivahante payANae karivarovariTTieNaM jalAo nAidUraMmi 'aho karTa' ti jaMpiraM diTuM maNuyavandraM / gao taM ceva bhUmibhAgaM rAyA jAva diTTho teNa mahAkAo aikasiNadehacchavI 1. viNintanayaNavisabhAsuro gahiyarasantamaNDukkagAso bhayANayaduppecchANaNo duyayarapavelliraGgo mahayA kurareNa gasijamANo juNNabhuyaGgamo, kuraro vi diggayakarorukAeNa rattacchabIbhacchaeNaM ayagareNa 15 / jahA jahA ya ayagaro kuraraM gasai, tahA tahA so vi juNNabhuyaGgamaM, juNNabhuyaGgamo vi rasantamaNDukkayaM ti / 15 taM caiva evaMvihaM jIvaloyasahAvavibhamaM mUDhahiyayANandakArayaM sappurisanivveyaheuM vaiyaramavaloiUNa visaNNo raayaa| cintiyaM 412. pratyantavAsI ATavikaH / 413. durgabhUmibalagarvitaH virodhIbhUtaH siMharAjasya / 414. amarSaNa krodheva / 415. gataH taM caiva bhUmibhAgaM rAjA yAvad dRSTaH tena mahAkAyaH atikRSNadehacchaviH vinirgatanayanaviSabhAsuraH gRhItarasanmaMDUkamAsaH bhayAnakaduSprekSAnanaH drutatarapravepamAnAMga: mahatA kuralapakSiNA grasyamAnaH jIrNabhujaMgaH, kuralapakSI api diggajakaravizAlakAyena rakkAkSabibhatsena ajagareNa / viNinti= vi+nira+i-vartamAnakRdantaH / Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 114 [samarAicakahApa caNaM / inta evaM vavasthie kA uNa iha uvAo / gasiyappAo kurareNa vi bhuyaGgamo, bhuyaGgameNa vi maNDuko ti / kaNThayapANA vi ete na annonnaM viramanti, avi ya ahiyayaraM pavattanti, na ya annayaraviNAsaNAe moyAviyA ee saMpayaM 5 jIvanti / tA kiM imiNA apaDiyAragoyareNa vatthUNA puloi 16 / sajjAvio mattavAraNo, gao AvAsaniyA bhUmi, AvAsio saha kaDaeNaM, kayaM uciyakaraNijjaM / tao addhakhINAe jAmiNIe suttaviddho rAyA / ayagarAivaiyaraM sariU cintiuM payatto | kahaM / 417 419 10 AvAyamettamahurA vivAgavirasA visovamA visayA / abujaNANa bahumayA vibuhajaNavivajjiyA pAvA // 204 // . eyANamesa loo kaeNa mottUNa sAsayaM dhammaM / sevei jIviyatthI visaM va pAvaM suhAbhirao / dukkhaM pAvassa phalaM nAso pAvassa dukkhio niccaM / 205 // 15 suhio bi kuNau dhammaM dhammassa phalaM viyANanto // 206 // aught iva loo tuccho iyareNa pannaeNaM va 20 ettha gasijjai so vi hu kurarasamANeNa aneNa // 207 || so vi huna etya savaso jamhA ayagarakayantavasagoti / rafat fate visayapasaGgo mahAmoho / 208 // tA alaM me ayadukkhata rubIyabhUyeNa ahopurisigAvikArapAeNaM rajjeNaM 0 ti / rajjaM hi nAma pAyAlaM piva duppUraM, 416. tAvat kiM anena apratikAragocareNa vastunA pralokitena / 417. bhavAsasthAnaM / 418. ajagaravyatikaraM smRtvA / 419 ApAtamAtramadhura vipAkavirasA viSopamA viSayAH / abudhajanAnAM bahumatA vibudhajanavivarjitAH pApAH / / 420. tAvat alaM me anekaduHkhatabIjabhUtenAdhopuruSatvAviSkAraprAyeNa rAjyena / Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bImo bhyo| 115 jiNabhavaNaM piva sulahavivaraM, khalasaMgayaM piva virasAvasANaM, vesasthiyAhiyayaM piva asthavallahaM,' vammIya piva bahubhuyaoN,425 jIvaloyaM piva agiTThiyakajjaM, sappakaraNDayaM piva attaparivAlaNijjaM, aNabhinaM visambhasuhANaM, vesAjogvaNaM piva bahujaNA. bhilasaNIyaM, akAraNaM ca suddhaparalopamamgassa tti / tA eyaM 5 pariccaiya pamvajjAmo dhIrapurisaseviyaM ubhayaloyasuhAvahaM samagattaNaM ti / aha kahaM puNa patthuyavasthuvisae lAghavaM bhavissai / ahavA thevameyaM egajammapaDibaddhaM ti / evaM cintayantassa ai. kantA rayaNI, kayaM gosakiccaM, pavilu mantimaNDalaM // etthantaraMmi niveiyaM se vijayavainAmAe paDihArie / .. mahArAya, eso khu. dummaI devaM sayameva patthiyaM viyANiya caNDa ca devasAsa mavagacchiya siroharAbaddhaparasU devasAsaNAikkamaNajA. yapacchAyAvo 23 kaivayapurisaparivAribho ihevAgao devadaMsaNasuhAmilAsI paDihArabhUmie ciDhai / evaM soUNa devo pamANaM ti / tao puloimo rAiNA maisAyaro / bhaNiyaM ca teNa 15 iniyAgArakusaleNa / pavisau, ko etya doso / saraNAgayavacchalA ceva rAiNo havanti / tao rAiNA aNunAo pabiTo dummaI * deva eso siroharAeso ya kuhADo 424 ti bhaNikaNa 421. vezastrIhadayaM iba arthavallabhaM / vezastrI vArabanitA vedayA / 422. valmIkaM iva bahubhujaMga / valmIkapakSe bhujaMgaH sarpaH / rAjyapakSe tu kAmijanaH / 423. devazAsanAdattamanojAtapazcAttApa: / 424. deva eSaH zirodharAdezaH ca kuThAraH / Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 [ samarAizcakahApa paDio calaNesu / tao abhayaM dAUNa bahumANio rAiNA, kao se ahiyarasakkAro // niyattiUNa ya rAyA gao jayauraM / niveio rAiNA niyayAbhipAo mantimaNDalassa / teNa viya ' kiccameve5 yamiha vaMsa saMbhavANaM rAyANaM sesayANaM pi kiM puNa tumhANaM jiNa vayaNabhAviyamaINaM, ubhayaloyasAhAraNaM ca saphalaM jIviyaM devassa, vaNadavasannihA ya kAmabhogA indhaNAo caiva jalanti kiMpAgalasamANA ya vivAge, ayaNDamaNorahabhaGgakArI ya pahavai viNijjiyasurAsuro maccu ti kaliUNa bahumanio / tao 10 saddAviyA saMvacchariyA, bhaNiyA ya teNa / nirUveha ANandakumArassa rajjAbhiseyadivasaM / tehiM bhaNiyaM / jaM devo ANavei | nirUviUNa sAhio NehiM paJcamo divaso | tao utraNIyAhUM ahiseyamaGgalAI / taM jahA macchajuyalaM puNNakalaso dhavalakusumAI mahApaumA siddhatthayA 25 puDhavipiNDo vasa ho 15 ntayaM dahiyapuNNaM ca bhaNDayaM mahArayaNAI goroyaNA sIhacammaM dhavalAyavattaM bhaddAsaNaM cAmarAo durubvA acchasurA 7 mahAdhao gayamao dhannAI dugullANi annANi annANi ya evamAiyAI paravA ti // etthantaraMmi paricintiyaM rAiNA / kAUNamANandakumArassa rajjAhiseyaM tao gamissAmi dhammaghosagurusamIvaM 20 ti / evaM cintayanto ahiseyadiNaM paDicchamANo ciTTha // -426 maha 427 415. siddhArthakAH sarSapAH / 426. pRthvIpiMDa: vRSabhaH mRttikApiMDa: vRSabhazca / 427. ' durubvA ' dUrvA tRNavizeSaH / nirmalA maMdirA / < acchasurA ' Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhvo|] 117 io ya puvakayakammadosao amuNiyanarindAhippAo ghaDio dummaiNA saha ANandakumAro / mantiyaM ca tehiM 'kahaMci paJcaNApaoeNa vAvAemo mahArAya ' tti / suo ahiseyavuttanto / micchAhiniveseNa sacittaduTTayAe ya viparIo pariNao ANandassa / cintiyaM ca NeNaM / nUNamahamaNeNa imiNA vavaeseNa 5 mAriu vavasio / tA kahamahamevaM chalijAmi / ahavA saccae vi eyaMmi vuttante alaM me rajjeNa, jaM me eeNa dinnaM sNpjji| taM puNa salAhANijjaM, jameyaM vAiUNa balA gheppaI 28 tti // elthantaraMmi sadAvio rAiNA ANando / jAva necchai AgantuM, to paDihAraduio25 gao kumArabhavaNaM rAyA / teNa vi 1. ya 'na io sundarataro patyAvo' tti kaliUNa punvANusayado. seNa sahasA 'haNa haNa' tti bhaNiUNa ukkhAyAsiNA akayaparirakkhaNovAo suvisatthacitto paDihAraM vAvAiUNa gADhappahArIkao rAyA / etthantaraMmi samuTThAio kalayalo, saMjAo nayarasenasaMkhoho, pariveDhio30 samantao rAyasAhageNa ANando; 15 pAraddho saMgAmo / tao rAhaNA niyasarIradohasavaheNa sAviyaM senaM 1 / bhaNiyaM ca geNa / kiM bhe iyANi jujhieNaM, ahaM tAva vAvAio ceva daTThavvo, mA evaM pi vAvAeha, tA kAreha sayAbhiseyaM eyassa, esa bhe rAya tti / etthantaraMmi samANatto dummaI 'bandhehi NaM nibiDabandhehi ' / tao 'jaMkumAro ANA- 20 vei ' ti bhaNiUNa AsanIbhUyo ya se dummaI / pADiyA kula 428. gRhyate / 429. pratihAradvitIyaH / 430. pariveSTitaH / 431. lataH rAjJA nijazarIradrohazapathena zrAvitaM sainyaM / Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 [samarAicakahAe putsayA, nibharichao nAyarajaNo / tao bandhAviUNa paccai. yapurisehiM 12 sukayaparirakkhaNovAo kao rAyA / ahiTiyaM rajjaM, ThAviyAo vavasthAo,33 vasIkayaM sAmantamaNDalaM / tao aNusayavaseNa neyAvio nayaracArayaM naravaI / taM ca accantanimmahamANapurIsakalamalagandhaM phuDiyabhittipasuttasirIsivaM bhiNibhiNAyamANamasayamakkhiyAjAla darivivaramuhaviNiggayamUsaukkeraM uvarivilambamANorayanimmoyaM lUyAtantuviraiyabiyANayaM, vAsaharaM piva dussamAe, lIlAbhUmi piva adhammassa, sahoyaraM piba sImantayassa,44 sahaM piva savvadukkhasamudayANaM, kulaharaM piba 1. savvajAyaNANaM, vissAsabhUmi piva maccuNo, siddhikhettaM piva kayantassa tti / tao ' mahAcArayaM nIo devo' ti soUNa sahasA vimukkakkandabherava 25 aNavarayanivaDamANehiM mahallamuttAhalasarisehiM sakajjalabAhabindUhi saMpAiyahArasohaM devasoeNaM caiva parimilANadehaM nirUjjhamANaM pi niuttapurisehiM maGgalamaNivalayaM 432. prAtyayikAH vizvastAH puruSAH taH / 433. vyavasthAH / 434. cAraka guptisthAnaM / de. nA. mA. 3-21 'cAro piyA. laguttIcchAsu' / tasyedaM jugupsApUrNa varNanaM / 'kalamalaM' udaramalaM / 'sirisivaM ' sarIsarSAH / 'mUsaukkaraM ' mUSakotkaraH AdhusamUhaH / 'lUyAtaMtu' lUtAtaMtuH UrNanAbhiH / 'sImaMtayassa' sImatakasya narakasthAnasya / atyantanirmathyamAnapurISodaramalagaMdhaM sphuTitabhittiprasRta [ prasupta ] sarIsarpa giNagiNAyamAnamazakamakSikAnAlaM darISivaramukhavinirgatamUSakotkaraM uparivilabamAmoraganirmokaM lUtAtaMtu. viracitavitAnaM vAsagRhamiva duHSamakAlasya lIlAbhUmiri sarvaduHkhasamUhAnAM sahodaramiva narakasthAnasva / 435. vimuktAkeMdabhairavaM / Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bIo bhyo| jhaNajhaNAravuddAma sabhuyAhiM balAo pelliUNa, urapoTTakuTTaNujjayaM,37 tao ya aNuiyadharaNiparisakaNeNaM sAsasamAjariyASaNaM, 'paricattakuDilabhAvattaNeNa:38 vi ya adaMsaNIyA devAvattha ' tti sUyagehiM piva lambAlaehiM niruddhanayaNapasaraM cArayameva pattaM kusumAvalIpamuhamanteuraM ti / diTTho ya teNa kAlalohamayaniya- 5 niyalasamAUrio39 naravaI / tao asoyapallavAgArehiM hatthehi ' aNuciyAsevayaMhulo saMsAro' tti daMsaNataM piva hAralayAvaha jaNiyacayaM piva vacchatthalaM tADayantaM ahiyayaramakandiuM pavattaM ti / tao rAhaNA ArakkhagehiM ca kahakahavi nivAriyaM / bhaNiyaM ca rAiNA / kimaNeNAyAsamettaphaleNa ahammANuvandhiNA ya soennN| .. ahabahuvicittarUvo khu esa saMsAro, khelaNayabhUyA imassa samve sarIriNo, dunnivAro ya pasaro puvvakayakammassa, jalaharantaraviNiggayasoyAmaNIvalayacaJcalA lacchI, suviNayasamo saMgamo440 / evamavasANANi ettha rAgavilasiyANi / tA kimeiNA aviveyajaNANusariseNaM plvienn| pattameva tubbhehi jIvaloyasArabhUyaM 15 jiNavayaNaM / tA taM ceva aNuciTheha / na taM mottUNa anno dukkhakkhaovAo tti / tao tameyamAyaNNiya 'evameyaM na annaha' tti kaliUNa ya aNujANAviUNa naravaI jIviyaniravekkhayAe 436. kSiptvA / si. he. 8-4-143 437. uraH vakSaHsthalaM / vakSaHsthalodaratADanodyate ( antaHpuraM) iti saMbaMdho'vaseyaH / 438. tatazcAnucitadharaNicalanena zvAsasamApUritAnanaM parityakakuTilabhAvatvaM / 439. kAlalohamayanigaDasamApUritaH / kAlalohaH lohavizeSaH / 440. jaladharAntarvinirgatasaudAminIvalayacaMcalA lakSmI: svapnasamaH saMgamaH / Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 [samarAkaJcahahAe balA cevANandassa gandhavvadattAe vijAharasamaNiyAe sayAse pavanaM padhvaja 41 ti // io ya paidiNakayatyaNAe vi kohavasamagacchamANeNa eddahamettaM me jIviyaM, kAloiyaM saMpayamaNasaNaM' ti paDivannaM rAiNA / niveiyaM ANandassa / kuvio eso / pesio teNaM devasammo nAma niyamahallao42 'gaccha bhujjAvehi' tti / vattavyo ya eso ' amuJjamANaM niyamA vAvAemi'443 tti / gao devasammo; diTTho teNa rAyA bhaNio ya / deva, devvavasa yANaM pANiNaM visamA kajjagai tti / eso ya devvo nAma 1. aNArAhaNIo viNaeNa, aguNagAhI guNINaM, akAlannU samI hiyassa, kevalamaNattho jaNANaM, mattahatthi vva sacchandayArI, gaGgApavAho va ujjukuDilo, mahAhavo vva nivAyadakkho, visagaNThi bva nANukUlo rasANaM, paDikUlo ya samIhiyANaM, aNukUlo asamIhiyassa / tA jai vi esa evaMbhUo, tahAvi puriseNa 15 khaNamavi na purisayAro mottavyo tti / jeNa mahArAya pucova jjiyANaM kammANaM ceva evaM nAmaM devo, taM ca purisayArajeyameva vaTTai tti / tA avalambeu devo purisayAraM, kareu AhAragahaNaM / jIvamANo hi puriso lakiUNAvayaM avassameva saMpayaM pAvei tti / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / bho devasamma, na mukko ceva mae ahA20 kAlANurUvo purisayAro / paDivannA ya bhAvao pavvajA / ao na saMpayAbhilAsaparaM me cittaM / uciyakAlaM ca nAUNa paDivannaM 441. gaMdharvadattAyAH vidyAdharazramaNikAyAH sakAzaM prapannaH pravrajyAM / 442, nijamahalakaH nijAmAtyaH / 443. abhujantaM niyamAd nizvayena vyApAdayAmi / Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bImo bhyo| 129 aNasaNaM / ao na AhAragahaNaM karemi ti / teNa bhaNiyaM, akIramANami AhAragahaNe suo te kuppissai / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / akAraNo se kovo; saccapaibA khu tavastiNo havanti / teNa bhaNiyaM / deva viiyavuttanto ceva tumaM kumAracariyassa; tA mA te pamAyaM karissai // etthantaraMmi * cirAyai devasammoti saMjAyAmarisavego ghettUNa khaggaM Agao ANando / bhaNiyaM ca teNa / jai na AhAragahaNaM karesi, tA imiNA kayantajIhANugAriNA karavAleNa sIsaM te chindAmi / rAiNA bhaNiyaM / jANato maraNantaM dehAvAsaM asAsayamasAraM / ko ubdhiejja naravara maraNassa avassa gantabve // 209 // gabbhapabhiimAvII salilacchee saraM va sUsantaM / aNusamayaM maramANaM jiyai tti jaNo kaha bhaNai 45 // 21 // saMpatthiyANa paralogamegasatyeNa satthiyANaM va / jai tattha koi purao vaccai bhayakAraNaM kimiha 4 // 211 // 1 jIyamaNiccamavassaM maraNaM ti maNami nicchao jassa / sUNAyArapasussa va kA AsA jIvie tassa 47 // 212 // 444. vilaMbaM karoti / 445. 'AvII' bhAvIci niraMtare / 'sUsanta' zuSyamANaM / garbhAraprabhRti niraMtaraM salilacchede saraH iva zuSyamANaM anusamayaM mriyamANaM jIvatIti janaH kathaM bhaNati / 446 saMprasthitAnAM paralokamekasArthena sArthikAnAM ruva / yadi tatra ko'pi purataH, vrajati bhayakAraNaM kimiha / 447. jIvitamanityamavazyaM maraNamiti manasi nizcayo yasya / sUnAgArapazoH iva kA AzA jIvite tasya // Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122 [smraaickhaae| haMdi jarAdhaNuhattho vAhisayaviiNNasAyagA ei / ' mANusamayajUhavahaM vihANavAho karemANo // 448 213 // na gaNei paccavAyaM na ya paDiyAraM cirANuvattiM vA / sacchandasuhaM viharai hari bva maccU mayakulesu // 449 214 / / ekke cciya niviNNA puNo puNo jAiuM ca mariuM ca / je bhavamaccubbiggA bhavarogaharaM aNucaranti // 215 / / jaramaraNarogasamaNaM jiNavayaNarasAyaNaM amayasAraM / pAuM pariNAmasuhaM gAhaM maraNassa bIhemi // 216 / / jhosiyapAvamalANaM50 parisADiyabandhulohaniyalANaM / kiM kuNai kAlamaraNaM kayapaDiyAraM maNussANaM // 217 // ajjiyatavodhaNANaM kalevarahare vi nippivAsANaM / saMlihiyasarIrANaM maraNaM pi varaM suvihiyANaM / / 218 // . sugahiyatavapatthayaNA nimvisiUNa niyameNa appaannN| maraNaM magganti maNorahehi dhIrA ghiisahAyA // 219 // jassa mayassegayaro saggo mokkho va hoi niyameNa / maraNaM pi tassa naravara UsavabhUyaM maNUsassa // 220 / aNavarayarogabhAsuravasaNavisANugayadIhadADhassa" / kattha gao vA muccai kayantakaNhAhipoyassa:52 // 221 // na vi juddhaM na palAyaM kayantahathimi agghai.51 bhayaM vA / 2. na ya se dIsai hattho geNhai ya daDhaM amokkho ya // 222|| 448. haMta jarAdhanuIstaH vyAdhizatavikIrNasAyakaH eti / mAnuSamRgayUthavadhaM vidhivyAdhaH kurvANaH / 'vihANa' vidhAnaH vidhAtA / 449. + + + hariH siMhaH iva mRtyuH mRtakuleSu / siMhapakSe tu mRgakuLeSu / 450. -- jhosiya' dhvastaM dUrIkRtaM / dUrIkRtapApamalaM / 451. / anavaratarogabhAsuravyasanaviSAnugatadIrghadaMSTrasya / 452. kRtAntakRSNAhipotasya / 453. arhati sNmaanyte| Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bImo bhyo|] jaha vA luNAi sAsAi kAsao pariNayAi kAleNa / iya bhUyAi kayanto luNAi jAyAi jAyAiM // 54 223 // jai tAva maccupAsA sacchandasuMha suresu viyaranti / accantamaNoyAro jattha jarArogavAhiNaM // 224 // kiM puNa vAhijarArogasoganiccuyaMmi mANusse / / maccussa so pamAo jaM jiyai naro nimesaM pi // 225 // tA mA adhIrajaNaseviyassa ayasassa dehi avayAsaM / na hu maccudADhalIDhaM indo vi pahU niyatteuM // 226 // iya mayamAraNametteNa vaccha mA niyakulaM kalaGkehi / geNhAmi kahaM cattaM hanta savAyAe55 AhAraM // 227 // 1. soUNa imaM vayaNaM kovANalajaliyarattanayaNeNa / 'jaMpai ajjAvi kahaM' pahao sIsaMmi khaggeNaM // 228 // paricintiyaM ca teNaM 'namo jiNANaM' ti muNiyatatteNaM / 'pucakayakammadoso eso' tti visuddhabhAveNaM // 229 // 'savvo puvakayANaM kammANaM pAvae phalavivAgaM / 15 avarAhesu guNesu ya nimittamettaM paro hoi" // 230 // evaM ca cintayanto puNo vi hantUNa pAvakammeNaM / viNivAio mahappA akalusacitto sakaluseNaM // 231 / / mariUNa ya uvavano saNaMkumAraMmi suravaro juimaM556 / aha paJcasAgarAU lIlArAme vimANaMmi // 232 // iyaro vi ya kAUNaM rajjaM marijaNa rayaNapuDhavIe / uvavanno neraio ukkosAU mahAghoro // 233 // vakkhAyaM jaM bhaNiyaM sIhANandA ya taha piyAputtA / sihijAliNimAisuyA etto eyaM pavakkhAmi || 234 // 454. yathA vA kAzaH (=rogavizeSaH) kAlena pa raNatAn zvAsAn lunAti, evaM kRtAnto jAtAni jAtAni bhUtAni lunAti / 455. svavAcayAM / 456 dyutimAn / Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NOTES. [ The numbers given in front of the Notes refer to pages and lines respectively. ] 1. 3-4 There is virodhAbhAsa. Mark the expressions: parama-siri-baddhamANaM and paNaTa-mANaM, gaya-joyaM and joIsaM, sayaMbhuvaM and baddhamANaM / __ 1. 7. titthapavattaNasamae [ tIrthapravartanasamaye ] At the time of establishing the fourfold order of monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen. facet is defined as: 'titthaM ' ti puvvaM bhaNiyaM saMgho jo naanncrnnsNghaao| 2. 3.-4 refers to samyaktva, jJAna and caraNa. See umAsvAti's tattvArtha. 1. 1. 'samyagdarzanajJAnacAritrANi mokSamArgaH // 1 // . " The right belief, the right knowledge and right conduct constitute the path of absolution.' tohiM ciya bhaNiyAiM = savvaNNubhaNiyAI; cf. verses 6. 10. on this page; for details see arateio 1. 1. 2. 9-10. argoare can be also understood as * With regard to those that are worthy to be heard" 2. 11. tappaDibaddhaM 'which is accompanied. with those things i. e. zrotdhya, prazaMsanIya, parihartavya and Acaritavya as described in verses. 6-10. 2. 13. From this onward, the author proceeds to describe the three types of the matter of the Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [97EUR ] plot viz. celestial, celestial-temporal and temporal. Then he lays down that the stories in general can be of four kinds viz. the wealthstory, the love-story, the religion-story and the mixed story. The author goes on with the discussion upto 4. 12. 2. 19-21. star rataisast (sterfargraaf et] which is constituted with the outstanding matter of wealth. garant [Jalgra] the main-spring of the plot; the effecient cause which supplies the motive to the plot. asimasikasi vANijjasipyasaMgayA asi -- a sword ' i. e. warfare; Afet ink' i. e. sending of communications, letters etc; fa agriculture;' arforsht ' trading;' sippa 'crafts.' vicittadhAUvAyAipamuhamahovAya89371which consists of big applications such as the application of varied metals.' This refers to the arts such as alchemy, making of alloys etc. sAmabheyauvappayANa etc. upapradAna-dAna 'bribery' to change those on the opposite side. 5991a is often used in Sutras for dAna. 3. I. vittavapuvvayakalAdakkhiNNaparigayA -- which treats with the cleverness in arts ( kalAdakkhiNNa ), age (577), body ( ag ) and wealth (fara ).' This expression is very corrupt in Mss. "Age' = youth; body =' beauty of the body.' Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 127 ] ___ 3. 2. dUIvAvAraramiyabhAvANuvataNAipayasthasaMgayA 'which is accompanied with things like the movements of the female messengers (patorare ), amours ( ramiyaramita )and the consequent affection (bhAvAnuva. tana ) etc.' 3. 3-4. khamAmaddava etc. mukti evaM muttI vi lohassa aNudayo udayapattasya vA viphalIkaraNaM / (See the text P. 107. lines 17-18) Tatt. ix. 6. uttamaH kSamAmArdavAjadhazaucasattvasaMyama tapastyAgAkiMcanyabrahmacaryANi dharmaH || In this Sutra tyAga is mentioned in the place of grit. See Translation. 3. 4-5. See Translation for the proper understanding of the aNuvrata. or partial vows. 3. 6. akAmanijjarA [ akAmanirjarA ] the state of enduring hunger, thirst etc. without the will to destroy actions etc. 3. 7. tivagga i. e. dharma, artha and kAma. 3. 8. loiyaveyasamayapasiddhA Well-known due to the incorporation of the facts of secular lores and doctrines. 3. 9. saMkiNNakaha [saMkIrNakathA ] The story with the mixed back-ground. The divisions of An in this manner are followed by siddharSi in his upamiti. bhavaprapaMcakathA. It is worthy of note that udyotana gives altogether a different connotation to the word saMkiNNakahA, in his work kuvalayamAlA. It will be in Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 128 ] formative to quote pits giving the divisions of kathA as given by him : pAiyabhAsAraiyA marahaThayadesivaNNayaNivaddhA / suddhA sayalakaha cciya tAvasajiNasatyavAhavAhillA / / kouhaleNa katthai paravayaNavaseNa sakkayaNivaddhA / kiMci avabbhaMsakaA tA viya pesAyabhAsillA // sabakahA guNajuttA siMgAramaNoharA suruiaMgi / savvakalAgamasuhayA saMkiNNakaha tti NAyavvA / / 3. 16. bhAvariuiMdiyANukulavattiNo i. e. following in a manner convenient to the senses which are the enemies of the reality. 3. 18. viDambaNamettapaDibaddhAe [viDambanamAtrapratibaddhAyAM] which is simply composed of ridiculous things. 4. 5. Asayavisesao [AzayavizeSataH ] On account of the different character of the mental receptacle ( = mental bent ). 5. 5-6 The prose-order of the stanza : jANa. mANo taM ( = dhammaM ) kuNai; jo u majjhatyo kusalo ya sannubhaNiyAo dhammiyAo kahAu suNei, (so) ya jANai / / 5. 8. ArahageyarANaM i. e. those who are devotees and others i. e. non-devotees. 5. 12 St. Trans. Though thus are many births of them both, all of them are not useful; there is the mutual fitness among nine ( births ); therefore this enumeration is said. Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 129 ] 5. 17. bhaNiyaM ca puvAyariehiM This shows that the nucleus of this legend is traditional. Refer. 6. 910. evameyAo cariyasaMgahaNigAhAo / saMpayaM eyAsiM ceva gurUvapasANusAreNaM vitthareNa bhAvastho kahijjai 1. Also at the end of every bhava, he says dhakkhAyaM jaM bhaNiyaM etc. At the end of the work in the self-explanatory prazasti he says. guruvayaNapaMkayAo soUNa kahANayANurAeNa aniuNamahaNA vi daDhaM bAlAiaNuggahaTAe // (J's Edition. Fasc. 9. P. 805) ___6. 1-2. The details of the Cosmography of Jainas are given by me in the special Appendix P. 145-148 in my edition of aMtagaDa & aNuttarovavAiya. See. tatvArtha. III for the information of heavens and hells in details. For the chart of this see the appendix of my above-mentioned edition or tattvArtha. P. 13. ( ArhataprabhAkara Series No. 2 published by Motilal Ladhji, Poona.) ____6. 5; 6-7. sAgara and paliya-both are the timedivisions of Jain Theology. In navatatvaprakaraNa Mehesana Ed. St. 13 the full enumeration of Time-divisions is given : samayAvalI muhuttA, dIhA, pakkhA, ya mAsa, varisA ya / bhaNio paliyA sAgara ussappiNNavasappiNo kAlo / See Notes atao & ato. P. 122 and 125 (Ed. M. C. Modi) sAgara = measure of time, age of the Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [930 ] gods and hell-beings, which is equal to ten a met qetta; the number of figures in it con sists of 47 figures; TE197 = According to some, the time necessary to empty, at the rate of one hair in every century a well of 100 has in every dimension so densely packed with hairs that a river could flow over them without any water sinking between them. According to others (See. 9. raatar, ZEGZAATA. 92) a festah is the time needed to empty a cavern one Yojana in every dimension and full of chopped hairs, at the rate of one fragment per century. + + + + To add more, it should be noted that the lives of Gods and Hell-beings are fixed to certain Arts and news by Jain Theology and Haribhadra follows in assigning the age to his characters within these traditional bounds. See drapeto Chap. III ff. 6. 7. a re = arguari 1} Tel. 6. 12. starface etc. J's comments "sface is the fabulous country to the west of Mount Meru. Ksitipratistha is not mentioned among the cities of race, but is usually spoken of as situated in hraq, so by Haribhadra himself. " See details Tearato III pyetuia. Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 131 ] 7. 1-2. St. 33. The camatkRti is brought out in this stanza by saying that the king was only in name qoiars though he far exceeded the moon in many respects. saMpUrNamaMDala: = -- With complete disc.' ( candrapakSe ) -- With the cirle of 12 princes fully in control' (See malli. on raghuvaMza 9. 14. quoting kAmaMdaka ) mayakalaMkaparihINo = (rAjapakSe) madakalaMkaparihInaH / But in showing his superiority over the moon which is mRgakalaMkayuktaH, the king was mRgakalaMkaparihInaH / 7. 6. vaMtarasuro [vyaMtarasuraH ] One of the four kinds of gods; see. tatvArtha. III. 1. & 12. 7. 9-16. of. bANa's kAdambarI; jaradraviDabrAhmaNavarNana this is also conventional. 8. 6. dhaNiyaM de. nA. mA. (5. 58.) 'dhaNiyadharaggA daDhakappAsesu' much, exceeding. 8. 20. bhUirayakayatipuMDo [ bhUtirajaHkRtatripuMDra: ] One who has made the faja mark on the forehead by the dusty particles of ashes. 9. 2. ayasimaya. etc. yogapaTTaka was made up of flax. yogapaTTaka = a cloth thrown over the back and the knees of the ascetic:during abstract meditation. 10. 1. eyavvayappayANeNa = etadvatapradAnena / . 10. 12. puvvalakkhA -J's note -- former year (pUrva) consists of 7360 common years. In the duHSama-suSama period in which the events of our story are Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 132 ] supposed to have occurred, men lived 84 lacs of former years. Practically however no account is further taken by our author of the enormous length of the life of men, nor of their height, viz. 500 dhanus or about 3000 feet." 10. 19. gosakicca = prabhAtakRtyaM / de. nA. mA. 2-96 / 'govI bAlA gosaM gosaggaM' Comm. 'gosaM prabhAtaM ' 11. 23. gahiyanAraMgakaDhiNayA i. e. Carrying Oranges and leaves. To explain kaDhiNa, pAiasaddamahaNNavo of Pandit Hargovinddas gives three meanings -- (1) kaThina (2) tRNavizeSa (AcA. 2. 2. 3.) (3) parNa (paNha 2. 5. ) 12. 1. sasamayapasiddhAe i. e. usual to one's particular tenets. This expression all the more emphasises the fact that the ATTAS described here are Brahmanical asceties. J. has also noticed this fact (J's Edi, Fasc. 9. P. xxii.) ___13. 5. suhAsaNaTeNa [ sukhAsanasthena ] Sitting on a good seat. 13. 17. saMsAracArayagayaM i. e. incarcerated in the prison of the world. for cAraya See de. nA. mA. 3-21. 15. 14. 7. reads garoitig; marks no material difference in sense. ___15. 18. abahasthiya [ apahastita ] = dUrIkRta laid aside. 20. 1-2. saMjatteha dhayamAlovasohiyaM saMdaNanivahaM-Harness the host of chariots, beautiful with flags and Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [933] canopies. Alova = Aloca A canopy. 20. 16-17. fTTegergic gfa TFTTTUART RHEINE afuri Ftzfagic i. e. The astrologers, who took the measurement of shade by the measuring-rod and who knew the deep sense of the science of astrology, said. is = a measuring-rod. 23. 7. J. Reads gania the expression, I take, is gout. S. Ar. #1. 's MSS. BF. grotte G. aa. 's selection is warranted by one Ms. of e. FT. Ar. The text of t. Fl. Al. takes gooaa. 23. 14. Framfara grati The intention of the author seems to be to bring about alliterative play by bringing to-gether similar expressions. The whole description of the birth-celebrations St. 51-55 is characteristic due to long compounds as well as to the description of the manner of dance prevalent in those days. 23. 19. 3TENT [ sidetri ] See. diarto IX. Greg Tarla 117811 the stra's are of 4 types (1) straf (2) tiz (3) TA (4) y . The ordemra is again divided into 4 parts. (1) Bh ai Arat afegire flaterateTT: 113911 Tarto IX = the first type of s eara is the continuous meditation for the separation of the unpalatable, when the unpalatable thing has befallen (2) CATTIST 113711 ibid i. e. when the air Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 134 ] the mental or physical misery comes up. (3) faqe rItaM manojJAnAm // 33 // ibid. when the palatable is snatched away (4) facra a 113811 ibid. This facrati aragia is the meditation occasioned by a very strong determination to obtain an unachieved object due to the intensity of the allurement for its enjoyment. In brief, (1) aniSTasaMyoga-ArtadhyAna. (2) iSTaviyoga-ArtadhyAna (3) rogaciMtA-ArtadhyAna (4) nidAna-ArtadhyAna. 24. 11. niyANa=nidAna. The fourth type of ArtadhyAna as explained above. J. has quoted 11 which explains it as : kAmopahatacittAnAM punarbhavaviSayasukhagRddhAnAM nidAnaM ArtadhyAnaM mavati / pUjyapAda in the savArthasiddhi-bhogAkAMkSAturasyAnAgataviSayaprAptiM prati manaHpraNidhAnaM saMkalpazciMtAprabaMdhasturIyamAta nidAnamisyucyate / On tatvArtha. VII. 18. pUjyapAda explains etymologically bhogAkAMkSayA niyataM dIyate cittaM tasmiMsteneti vA / The nidAna of tApasa agnizarman is given in the next stanza i. e. St. 57. 24. 14. appaDikatena [ apratikrAntena ] one who has not got away from faults. 25. 25. aNajjavilasieNa [ anAryavilasitena ] By incivil conduct. 26. 3. kasAya-mental impurities; they are 4anger, pride, deceit and greed which obscure the spotless nature of the soul and cause it to wander in the cycle of worldly existence. Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 135 ] 27. 1. 2. St. 61 explains the 'why' of the movements of characters and their births and rebirths that characterise all the Jain legends. This stanza is again found at the end of the second Bhava. 123. 15-16. 31. 9. takkammavAvaDattaNeNa J. reads takammavAvaDattaNeNa which is obviously wrong. J.. does not notice it in the corrigenda. 31. 14. UsiyavicittakeunivahaM = ucchritavicitraketunivahaM / With the host of variegated banner's raised. 32. 1. saMpuNNaduvAlasaMgI i. e. one who has completed the study of 12 canonical works. See about dvAdazAMgathe discussion in the Intro. of my Ed. of aMta & aNu. 32. 2. ohimaNanANAisayajutto avadhimanojJAnAtizayayuktaH / tattvArtha. 1. 9. The knowlege are of 5 kinds matizrutAvadhimanaHparyAyakevalAni jJAnam / avadhijJAna=3rd kind of knowledgeit is the direct, limited knowledge of the matter without the help of the senses, merely by the light of the soul. manaHparyAyajJAna-mental knowledge, direct knowledge of another's thoughts about the matter. This knowledge is higher. than avadhijJAna and is dogmatically different tatvArtha. 1. 26. vizuddhakSetrasvAmiviSayebhyo'vadhimanaHparyAyayoH // 26 // 32.12. aDAlaviDAlAo See. Comm.=aDADaviDDAlAobalAtkRtavrIDAyuktAH , this is what I can guess. The proper Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 93EUR ] explanation to bring about the pun-sense is difficult. For wars See e. ar. Ar. 9-98 32. 25. At-bride-grooms cf. Marathi 7. * 34. 2. It=>>: tomorrow. 34. 7. fafan=faleta 34. 24. Mark the stanza is metrically defective in the first line. 35. 14- 5. The stanza is repeated on P. 42. lines. 13-14. 38. 3. epf PTS A small water-tank for washing clothes. - 39. 3-8 The explanation is given of how a being sometimes knows of its past birth. 42. 18. Eft in the tank. 41. 22. atteint Acquisition of the fundamental principle viz. the right belief ( ***** ) in the order of Jina (fferta). 42. 1. vANamaMtara A class of gods living in the tiryagloka. 42. 16. Jiem: an effort. 43. 1. sayalAisayarayaNAyarehi=by the ocean of all sorts of miraculous powers. * 43. 2. Tri-A space-measure. E OTT . e. the universe of space. Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ / 137 ] 43. 3. ff. All the sermon that follows closely resembles the details found in Jarfo Chap. I. 1. (ibid.) samyagdarzanajJAnacAritrANi mokSamArgaH / sAhao uNa uvAo imassa [paramapayassa] sammattanANacaraNalakkhaNo paDivAio tti / (samarAka P. 43. 3.) 43. 5 tattvArtha. VII. 14. agAryanagArazca // i. e. A act is either a householder or a friar. A house-holder can not like an ascetic follow ifaransteyAbrahmaparigrahebhyo virativratam // (tattvArtha0 VII. 1.) in their totality; he therefore follows it with a little of reservation; hence he is said to follow 5. aNuvratas, [3. guNavratas taken as one & 4 zikSAvratas] digdezAnarthadaMDaviratisAmAyikapauSadhopavAsopabhogaparimANAtithisaMvibhAgavatasaMpannazca // 16 // ibid. Vil. 3. guNavratas are (1) digvirativrata (2) dezavirativrata (3) anarthadaMDavirativrata / & 4 zikSAbatas (1) sAmAyikavrata (2) pauSadhopavAsavrata ( 3 ) upabhogaparibhogaparimANavata ( 4 ) atithisaMvibhAgavata. The details of these aas as regards their faarts or trangressions are given in 45. 17-48. 10. The strict adherence to the above qas can in the long run, help to annul the effects of fun. Then of course the jaidhamma yatidharma which is of 10 kinds khamAmaddabajjavamuttItavasaMjamasaccasoyAkiMcaNabaMmacerarUvaM jaidhammaM / 48.9. * or in st.69. P. 43. 8-9. St. 70 is also found repeated in our text P. 107 lines 11-12; and also in haribhadra' viMzatirvizikA 10. 10. The principal point to be won by this discipline is samyaktva and karmakSaya. Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 138 / ___43. 13-15. karmans are of eight types (1) nANAvaraNijja (2) darisaNAvaraNijja (3) veyaNijja (4) mohaNijjaM (5) AuyaM (6) nAma (7) gottaM (8) aMtarAyaM / See tattvArtha. VI. 11-26 explains all in thorough details. Also see tattvArtha. VIII. 5. 43. 15-16. The karman is the result of the baMdhatattva as described in tattvArtha. VI. 1. mithyAdarzanAviratipramAdakaSAyayogA baMdhahetavaH // ___43. 16-24. 1. Once the karman is accumulated, it persists to exist with the soul for certain fixed time. This period is called ThiibaMdha-sthitibaMdha. This sthitibaMdha is either utkRSTa or jaghanya. For sthitibaMdha see Tattva VIII 15-21 The order in our text just follows it. vizeSAvazyaka St. 1187-1188 for the same are: vIsasAgarovamANaM koDAkoDIu nAmagoyANaM / sayarI mohassa ThiI sesANaM tIsamukkosA // 1187 / Aussa sAgarAiM chattIsaM, avarao muhuttaMto / aTTha ya nAmA-goe veaNiya bArasa muhuttA // 1188 // 44. 2. ghasaNagholaNAe: refers to the metaphor of girinadI and upala. As long as granthisthAna is not obtained, there is only the way of yathApravRttakaraNa i.e. 'The way of natural course', karaNa is defined vi. A. 1202. karaNaM ti pariNAmo-karaNa means thought-acti Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 139 ] vity (f). When an individual soul from eternity onward at last tumbles upon af, he does so by the thought-activity of natural course i. e. the individual soul lacks the will (f) to annihilate or suppress the bonds of eightfold action. To explain the illustration of girinadI and its upala. vi. A. 1207. girinaivattaNipattharaghaDaNIvammeNa paThamakaraNeNa / jA gaMThI kammaThiIkhavaNamaNAbhogao tassa || 1207 // 46 "" By the first sort of thought-activity which can be compared with the shaping of the stone under the current of a mountain-river, when the duration of the bondage of action wears away without the conscious will for the same, fr comes up. To explain, just as the stone on the path of the river does not will consciously, "I would assume a round or triangular or square shape, but it assumes such a shape by stress and toss (a), in the same way the individual soul enveloped deeply in actions, arrives at the a by stress and toss which wears away to a certain extent his actions, by the thoughtactivity working naturally. "" 44. 1-7. fa. . describes similarly condition of the duration of tue bondage of action: Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 140 ] sattaNhaM payaDINaM abhiMtarao u koDAkoDIe kAUNa sAgarANaM jai lahai cauNhamegayaraM // 1193 // " If the duration of all actions remains one aMta kroDAkoDI sAgaropama ( i. e. of each remaining karma-prakriti little less than one kroDAkroDI of sAgaropamas each ), then he attains one of the four sAmAyikas viz, samyaktvasAmAyika, zrutasAmAyika, dezaviratisAmAyika and sarvaviratisAmAyika; and further, [44. 4. tIse vi ya thevamette khavie ] vi. A. 1998; aMtimakoDAkoDIe savvakammANamAuvajjANaM paliyAsaMkhijjaime bhAge khINe havaI gaMThI || " The fagfey is obtained when the incalculable part of palyopama wears away out of aMtaHkroDAkroDIsAgaropama of all seven actions excepting the AyuH action." vi. A. 1195 is cited verbetim in the text for the explanation of which I cite the commentary of maladhArI hemacaMdra on the same gatha fully: gaMThi tti sudubbheo kakkhaDaghaNarUDhagUDhagaMthi vya jIva ssa kammajaNio ghaNarAgadosapariNAmo // granthiriti bhaNyate / kaH ? ityAha-dhano'tinibiDo rAgadveSodayapariNAmaH / kasya ? / jIvasya / kathaM bhUtaH / karmajanitaH karmavizeSapratyayaH / ayaM ca durbhedo dumoMco duHkSepaNIyo bhavati / kaH iva ? valkAderdAruvizeSasya saMbaMdhI karkazaghanarUDhapranthiriva / karkazo'tiparupaH dhanaH sarvato nibiDaH / Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ * ] sa cArdo'pi syAdityAha - rUDhaH zuSkaH / gUDhaH kathamapyudveSTayitumazakyo' tipracayamApannaH / yathaivaMbhUto dravyagranthidurbhedo bhavati, evaM rAgadveSodayapariNAmo'pyasau durbhedo bhavati / ato granthiriva grandhirvyapadizyata iti // After the arrival at graMthisthAna, [44 10-33] the soul goes to snap it in the following ways or at times he is also not able to snap it and get the path of samyaktva ( vi. A. 1216 ): uvaesao sayaM vA lahai paha koi na lahaI koi / thiyANaM patto sammattapahaM tahA bhavvo || The gathas cited for the apUrvakaraNa and anivartikaraNa from viM. triM. VI 6-8 (Ed. Prof. K. V. Abhyankar) = vi. A. 1194 with the last line different; 1202; 1203. To clear them, I give the trans. of 1202, 1203 ( 1194 being already partially translated ). "" "" The s have three thought-activities (i. e ways ) yathApravRttikaraNa, apUrvakaraNa and anivartikaraNa; the abhavya has only one i. e. yathApravRttikaraNa. karaNa = pariNAma i. e. the thought-activity. (1202) yathApravRttakaraNa is upto graMthisthAna; the second apUrvakaraNa helps to snap off karmapranthi; the third anivartikaraNa brings the bhavya before samyaktvadarzana, " ( 1203 ) The threefold division of mithyAtvAdi karmadoSa that gets divided into three parts with the aid of apUrvakaraNa ( See. Notes sa. ka. P. 143 ) is according to vi. A. 1218 & 1220. I cite vi. bhA. 1220. 66 Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [988] mayaNA daranivaliyA nivvaliyA ya jaha kohavA tivihA taha micchataM tivihaM pariNAmavaseNa so kuNai / / 1220 / / Just as by washing clean, Kodrava grain becomes ( 1 ) intoxicant ( 2 ) half-cleaned ( 3 ) completely cleaned, in the same way the 157 divides hage by the thought-activity. In brief it should be borne in mind that the destruction of the HEATH is the most necessary preliminary for the destruction of the other three (1) Fraracosta (2) laracorta (3) sara, which form the darbhadakarmagranthi. It is not however a guarantee that the HELPonce destroyed, may not by some way or the other attach to the soul, merely because the mental outlook (Hatefa) is kept unsullied. For this, three ways of spiritual development in the case of Hot souls are noted (1) HEI727STOTETTIITTO 44. 12. i. e. by the way of ordinary routine development of the soul going on from beginningless time (Barfer) by the gradual annihilation of 27. By this, in course of time one may destroy HEITTH by the TEATTERUT. Arriving at the cognition of my afer which requires to be broken, there are some souls which can break it and some that can not. Those who can, Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 143 ] they can by the way of (2) aputrakaraNa ie the special extraordinary power of spiritual development. According to 44. 12. he breaks the to a certain extent and realises the 8th guNasthAna= apUrvakaraNaguNasthAna. cf haribhadras viMzativiMzikA, VI, 6-8. (ed. Prof. K V. Abhyanker ) sattaNhaM payaDINaM abhitarao u koDAkoDIe / pAuNai navarameyaM apuvyakaraNeNa koI tu // 6 // karaNaM ahApavattaM aputramaNiyahimeva bhavvANaM / iyaresiM paDhamaM ciya bhaNNai karaNaM ti pariNAmo ||7|| jA gaMThI tA paDhamaM, gaMTiM samaicchao bhave bIyaM / aNiyaTTIkaraNaM puNa sammattapurakakhaDe jIve ||8|| Thus the 2nd karaNa obtains, when the soul breaks karmapranthi The bhavya is thus on the 8th guNasthAna called apUrvakaraNa guNasthAna (3) anivartikaraNa is the way for the spiritual development which enables the soul after the knot of Karma is snapped to get the samyagdarzana at which the soul aims. The bhavya attains with this the 9th guNasthAna = anivRttibAdarasaM parAyaguNasthAna. Now after this, mithyAtvAdikarmadoSa remains still in a negligible quantity. It gets divided into 3 parts (1) azuddha quantumn of mithyAtva ( 2 ) Mixed quantum of mithyAtva and samyaktva ( 3 ) the quantum of samyaktva; and thus the future ( prArabdha) of the bhavya soul is built on this. If the first two begin to fructify, he has to fall back from his sthAna; if the samyaktva begins to fructify, he obtains samyaktva. [ ( It should be SO termed in vyavahAranaya and not nizcayanaya) See haribhadra. Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 144 ] vi. vi. VI. 17 ) ] and obtains the five properties zama, saMvega, nirveda, anukampA and Astikya which are obtained of course in the reverse order i. e. Astikya (faith ) first and zama last. At this time, the bhavya . has two sorts of knowldge afa and to [ See for details Prof. V. Glasenapp. -- Jainismus ' P. 197. Guj. Trans. haribhadra's viMzativiMzikA VI. These details will be sufficient though more can be found in the karmagranthas ]. 45.1-16. St. 71-St. 78 describe the five properties (liMga) of samyaktva viz. upazama, saMvega, nirveda, anukampA. Astikya. It should be noted that St. 72 begin. etya ya pariNAmo-till St. 77. end. kaMkhAivisottiyArahio tally word for word with the St. 9-St. 14 of haribhadra vizativizikA Vl. Again to note, haribhadra while quoting this stanza bhaNiyaM ca ( 44. 23 ) visottiA ( 45. 14 ) striotasikA vimArgagamana / To Quote the bhASya on tattvArtha. I. 2. tadevaM prazamasaMveganirvedAnukaMpAstikyAbhivyaktilakSaNaM tattvArthasaMdhAnaM samyagdarzanam / 45. 17-19. vi. A. 1194 explained above. 46. 22-47. 1. exactly is the Prakrita paraphrase of tattvA. Vil 16. bhASyaH-atithisaMvibhAgo nAma nyAyAgatAnAM kalpanIyAnAmannapAnAdInAM nyANAM dezakAlazraddhAsatkArakramopetaM parayAtmAnugrahabuddhayA saMyatebhyo dAnamiti // Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [15] In the explanation of anfaatts etc. one may refer to Hoernle's uvAsagadasAo or Dr. P. L. Vaidya's edition of the same. The translation, however, will sufficiently give an idea about them to the students. ___48. 1-48. 4 The description of aticAra's or transgressions of gas is given. The details closely follow tattvArtha. VII. 11-32. For want of space, I do not enter in the full discussion of the same. I quote only the Sutras. zaMkAkAMkSAvicikitsA'nyadRSTiprazaMsAsaMstavAH samyagdRSTeraticArAH // 18 // vratazIleSu paJca paJca yathAkramam // 19 // baMdhavadhacchavicchadA'tibhArAropa NA'nnapAnanirodhAH / / 20 / / mithyopadezarahasyAbhyAkhyAnakUTalekhakriyAnyAsA. pahArasAkAramantrabhedAH // 21 // stenaprayogatadAhRtAdAnaviruddharAjyAtikramahI. mAdhikamAnonmAnapratirUpakavyavahArAH // 22 // paravivAhakaraNetvaraparigRhItA. 'parigRhItAgamanA'naGgakrIDAtIvrakAmAbhinivezAH // 23 // kSetravAstuhiraNyasuvarNadhanadhAnyadAsIdAsakupyapramANAtikramAH // 24 // UrdhvAdhastiryagvyatikramakSetravRddhismRtyantardhAnAni // 25 // AnayanapreSyaprayogazabdarUpAnupAtapudgalakSepAH // 26 // kaMdarpakautkucyamaukharyA'samIkSyAdhikaraNopabhogAdhikatvAni // 27 // yogaduSpraNidhAnAnAdarasmRtyanupasthAnAni // 28 // aprtyvekssitaaprmaarjitotsrgaadaannikssepsNstaaropkrmnnaanaadrsmRtyunupsthaanaani||29|| sacittasaMbaddhasaMmizrA'miSavaddaSpakvAhArAH // 30 // sacittanikSepapidhAnaparavyapadezamAtsaryakAlAtikramAH // 3 / / jIvitamaraNAzaMsAmitrAnurAgasukhAnubaMdhanidAnakaraNAni // 32 // Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [988] 48. 5-10. karmabaMdha exists on the individual in 4 ways (1) safada (2) fefasia (3) Thrada (4) garaia; apart. VII1. 4. Afgst and attrafahavi refer to the 2nd and the 3rd. jas. When these as are slackened by the tradit in this birth or after many births, he can take to ten-fold saya. 48. 11. A Hot at the 5th Totteita obtains only the partial non-attachment=afa far but at the 6th guNasthAna complete non-attachment=sarvavirati is obtained though far to a certain degree makes its appearance. The 7th guNasthAna apramattasaMyataguNasthAna is higher though still a stage of tussle. From the seventh stage, the way of syge por carries the Hot to the eighth Totteta=31q8FROTJOFTA and rises to proper safar fat with his either suppressed or on the path of extinction. The ways bifurcate for rising to the higher guNasthAnas. These ways are called upazamazreNi and kSapakazreNi. To explain by an illustration, the lid of a vessel of a boiling water remains raised as long as there is the force of the vapour forcing out of the vessel; but as soon as the force of the vapour slackens, the lid falls down. In the same way, the minimum quantum of He is kept in check by the ascendency of the spinitual force; but with the spiritual force slackening, the ATE Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 147 ] regains its power and the falls even from samyaktva. This is called upazamazreNi in which the bhavya tries to suppress the little quantum of and thus can rise up to the 11th, when he becomes upazAMtamoha and he can stay there for a very short time being liable to fall (ga) either by physical death or the power of gaining ground. If he falls, he can not get one life; otherwise he can. This is called in f. In the case of kSapakazreNi, the bhavya gradually uproots the till it comes to final extinction and he is led by this way to the 12th guNasthAna=kSINakavAyavItarAgachadmaguNasthAna from which there is no fall. The bhavya by this kSapakazreNi surely gets the mokSa while by upazamazreNi, the bhavya on account of the suppressed minimum quantum of, has to fear a fall and has only a chance for , if he does not fall. So far the kSapakazreNi is superior to upazamazreNi. 48. 12-15. Both these verses occur in fa. . 1222-1223. I quote below the full commentary of maladhArI hemacaMdra on both of these stanzas, the translation of both of which is accordingly given below: sammattammi u laddhe paliyapuhutteNa sAvayo hojjA / 'caraNovasamakhayANaM sAgarasaMkhaMtarA honti / / 1122 / / Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ / 148 ] yAvatyAM karmasthitau samyaktvaM labdhaM nanmadhyAtpalyopamapRthakvalakSaNasthitikhaNDe apite zrAvako dezavirato bhavet / tato'pi saMkhyAteSu sAgaropameSu apiteSu cAritramavApnoti / tato'pi saMkhyAteSu sAgaropameSu kSapiteSUpazamazreNiH pratipadyate, tato'pi saMkhyAteSu sAgarogmeSu kSapiteSu kSapakazreNirbhavati // evaM apparibaDie sammatte devamaNuyajammesu annavaraseDhivajaM egabhaveNeva savAI / / 1223 // evamapratipatitasamyaktvasya devamanuSyajanmasu saMsaraNaM kurvato'nyonyamanuSyabhave dezaviratyAdilAbho bhavati / yadi vA tIvrazubhapariNAmavazAt kSapitabahakarmasthiterekasminnapi bhatre'nyatarazreNiva NyatAni sarvANyapi bhavanti / zreNidvayaM tvekasmin bhave saiddhAntikAbhiprAyeNa ca bhavatyeva kintvekaivopazamazreNi: kSapakazreNiyaM bhavatIti / tadevamabhihitaM kramadvAram / / According to the above commentary the translation will be as under: When the duration of the action while the right belief is obtained, is reduced by 2 to 9 palyopamas, the bhavya becomes a Sravaka; from that (i. e the remaining duration ) when calculable armittas are worn away, he attains cAritra (i. e. right conduct ); from the remaining duration, when the calculable sAgaropamas are worn away, he obtains upazamazreNi; and from the remaining duration, when the calculable sAgaropamas are worn away, he attains upazamazreNi. (1222) Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 149 ] Thus when his right belief does not shake away, the high-souled one either wandering in the orders of men or gods obtains all (i. e. the right conduct etc. ); or in one birth without having to take up another way he obtains all. (1223) paliyapuhutta=two to nine palyopamas. Thus Tattva. IX. 47. must aiso be interpreted in that light. 50. 4. bAyAlIsesaNAdosaparisuddhapiMDaggAhiNo=refers to 42 faults of alms that are to be avoided by the monk. The eSaNAdoSas are divided (1) 16 udgamadoSa (2) 16. utpAtadovaDa (3) 10 grAsapaNAdoSas. piMDaniyukti.92. 93. describe 16 udgamadoSas: AhAkammuddesiya pUIkamme ya mIsajAe y| ThavaNA pAhuDie paaoarkiiypaamice|| pariyaTTie abhihaDe ubbhiNNe mAlohaDe iya / acchijje aNisaTTe ajjhoyarae ya solasame // For the explanation of these terms see haribhadra's viMzativizikA XIHI Notes P. 27 (Prof. Abhyankar's Ed.) 16 utpAtadoSaH-dhAIdUinimitte AjIvavaNImage tigicchA ya / kohe mANe mAyA lohe ca bhavaMti dasa ee // pubdhi pacchA saMthava vijjA mate ya cuNNajoge ya // piMDaniyukti 408. 409 for explanation see, hari* vi. vi. XIII Notes P. 27. 10 grAseSaNAdoSa:-saMkiya maMkhiya nikhitta pihiya sAhariya dAyagummIse / apariNaya litta chaDDiya esaNadosA dasa havaMti / pi. ni. St. 520; for explanation vi. vi. XIII. Notes. P. 28. vi. vi. has the stanzas of 42 faults verbetim from roa face, Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 150 ] 50. 5. saMjoyaNAipaMcadosarahiyamiyakAlabhoiNo-The faults are saMyojanA,apramANa, sAMgAra, sadhUmaka; the faults of saMyojanA are dravyataH as well as bhAvataH; hence these food-faults are five. For explanation see. fao pao Xlll. Notes. P. 28 paMcasamiyA Observing 5 samitis or rules of heedful conduct. See tattvArtha IX. 5. iryAbhASaNA''dAnanikSepo. tsargAH samitayaH / tiguttaa-triguptiH| is defined as tatvArtha. IX. 4 samyagyoganigraho guptiH / It is of three kinds (1) kAyagupti. (2) vacanagupti (3) manogupti. 50. 7. hariyAsamiyAipaNuvIsabhAvaNovaveyA Accompanied by 25 Hraar i. e. The concrete way to put in force properly 5 was afarefo Vll. 3. defines #raal, tat (vrata) sthairyArtha bhAvanAH paMca paMca / The 25 bhAvanAs are as follows l. 5bhAvanAs of ahiMsAvrata-iryAsamiti, manogupti, eSaNAsa. miti, AdAnanikSepaNasamiti, AlokitapAnabhojana JI. 5bhAvanAs of satyavrata-anuvIcibhASaNa, krodhapratyAkhyAna, lobhapratyAkhyAna, nirbhayatA, hAsyapratyAkhyAna III. 5 bhAvanAs of acauryavrata-anuvIcyavagrahayAcana, abhIkSaNAvagrahAvadhAraNa, sArmikAt avagrahayAcanaM, anujJApitapAnabhojana IV. 5 bhAvanAs of brahmacaryavrata-strIpazunapuMsakAdisahazayanAdivarjana, khImanoharAMgAvalokanavarjana, prathamarativilAsaMsmaraNavarjana, praNItarasabhojanavarjana, V. 5 bhAvanAs of pariprahavrata (1) manojJAmanojJasparza (2) rasa (3) gaMdha (4) rUpa (5) zabdeSu samabhAvaH / . .. 50. 7. The tapas is bAhya and AbhyaMtara. Both of them are described in tattvArtha0 1X anazanAvamaudaryavRttiparisaMkhyAnarasaparityAgaviviktazayyAsanakAyaklezAH bAhyaM tapaH // 19 // prAyazcittavinaya Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 151 ] vaiyAvRtyasvAdhyAyavyutsargadhyAnAbhyaMtaram // 20 // The details of all these are given in the subsequent sUtra of tasvArtha ___50. 11. aThArasasIlaMgasahassadhAriNo-holding 180c0 varieties of good conduct. The inquisitive will find all these 18000 varieties in charts published by Jaina theological publicists. 53. 14. aMtomuhutteNa [aMtarmuhUrtena] the duration of time less than two afears or forty-eight minutes. * 55. 4. jaMgire-An adjective formed from japa-jalpa by adding ira. __55. 5. samayaM-[ samam ] with. 55. 8. phalihA [ sphaTika ] A quartz, a crystalstone. 55. 9. veruliya [ vaiDUrya ] A kind of gem. 52. 5. gazitit the power of consciousness used by the soul in dealing with the objects. 56. 4. ahayaM [ahataM] continuously. 53. 10. oheNa [ogheNa] according to the order. see the translation; nivvattanti cf. nivvattei 53. 14. to transform. 54. 6. naMdA Congratulatory words. 56. 15. suviNayaMmi [ svapne ] in the dream; this is also found as gfworzifa in the MSS. Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 152 ] 57. 10. uvaTumbhadANaM [upastaMbhadAnaM] A gift for support. 58. 3. pahabhavaNa=a mansion on the road. 58. 14. silImuha=(1) bee (2) an arrow. 59. 15. osakamANi [ ava+vak ] receding. 60. 14. acchipecchiehiM [ ardhAkSaprekSitaiH ] 18y glances with half-open eyes. 61. 5-18. St. 120 -St. 126 describe the virahAvasthA of the princess tenderly yet conventionally. 62. 23. nivannA [ niSaNNA ] sat. 63. 3. nihuyamukkanIsAsaM is an adverbial compound. 63. 14. jaGga shanks.. 63. 17. aNubbaNakopparavibhAo [anulbaNakUparavibhAga:) Whose elbows were not jutting out. 64. 16. rAiNA refers to the father of kusumAvalI, who was a vassal; herrit refers to the father of siMha who was the principal king. 66. 14. cittANurAI-citrAnurAgI lover of pictures. cittANurAI is a pun-expression: citrAnurAgI and cittAnurAgI. 7. 1. aipavAyavayaNiyA; pabvAya pAialacchInAmamAlA. pA. "." pavAyaM vasuAyaM susaraM vAyaM milANa-tthe " J. Teads nirupacchAyavayaNiyA. 67. 2. J. reads fares which I have followed in my text. But it requires to be emended vi sai= =api svayaM; mark the use of vi, in the following line. Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [153] visai if connected with viSaya, would be anomalous. since we have sarasamuNAlavalayagAsammi. 67. 4. uttammai [ uttAmyati ] becomes distressed. pines away. 67. 17. AvIlaM ApIDaM-a garland of lowers generally for the decoration of the crest. 69. 12. vArejasaho fit for marriage vArejja-de. nA. mA. 7. 55. 'vArijo vivAhe' pAialacchI0 pAna. 22. 'vArijayaM vivAho / ' 69-76. 13. The details of marriage are very interesting to those who are interested in the social history of Gujarat, in the eighth and the ninth centuries. The marriage-ceremony is also fully described in the bhavisattakahA of dhaNavAla, an Apabhramsa poem. 70. 18. An illustration of virodhAbhAsa 'kayamujjala pi kajjalaraMjiyaM / ' 78. 17. dezavirai [ dezavirati ] to become a zrAvaka by obtaining partial farfa and to obtain the 5th guNasthAna. 81. 5. khaTTakkhaDAbhihANe narae [ khaTAkhaTAbhidhAne narake ] A sub-hell of the hell-world ratnaprabhA; the bhASya on tatvArtha, III. 2 P. 64 medanaH baTAkhaTaH kAlipiMjaraH ityevamAyA azumanAmAnaH etc. Pandit Hargovindadas in his pAibhasaha Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [148] mahaNNavo gives the equivalent khaTvAkSaka quoting this passage but with no other authority. It is purely a su name. 81. 2. akAmanirjarA-the state of enduring hunger thirst etc. without having the will to faster the annihilation of actions ] See. Atario chap. X. 2. vandhahetvabhAvanirjarAbhyAm // 85-ff. The story of conducting a search through police-men before a jury of the distinguished citizens is characteristic of the process of justice in those days. 86. 7. grefurre [ refor: ] by the police-men. 87. 9. parasaMtiyaM It is a pratyaya to show possession. " Belonging to another. 88. 7. AEST. I suspect this must be interpreted as the synonym of the titular deity. cf even in modern Gujarati haft at times as the name of the titular deity of a village. 88. 21. khamAigo sAhudhammo See the enumeration of ten- fold F H enumerated in 43. 9-10 St. 69. also parto IX. 6. JFIA: Margara izniTATRENTO EFFETTifo : | All see. 107. 11-12. St. 199. Also in la. Pa. 17-18. dezaviraipariNaI ends and sarvavirati is produced which takes him to become a friar. He *comes to the 6th guNasthAna, Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [155 ] 92. 17. perantarakkhaNavAvaDesu savarasaMghAesu [ paryantarakSaNavyApRteSu zabarasaMghAteSu ] When the hosts of zabaras were engaged in the protection of the frontiers. 93. 7. patteyaM pratyeka 94. 2. vihalaGalA=pA. sa. ma. P. 110. bihalAr3agI. . 95. 10. aikantesu paJcasu payANaesuH payANaya-a march, must be a measure of distance. 113. 8. Cf. vi. A. payANayatiyaM. 95. 15. khaovasamamuvagayaM cArittamohaNIyaM / Cf. vi. A. 1292: so cava naNUvasamo uie khINammi sesae khavie suhumodayayA mIse na tUbasamie viseso'yaM // 1292 // This gatha explains what is kSayopazama and upazama; it can be translated as " That indeed is upazama when the new action to arise is nullified, and the remaining action is suppressed. In the mixed (i.e. kSayopazama ) there is the partial ( lit. subtle ) rise of action; but that is never in upazamika. This is the difference. 95. 17. cAritramohanIya This is the variety of a mohanIyakarma, which is an action done under the influence of kaSAya. Cf. tattvArtha. VI. 15. kaSAyodayAttIvAtmapariNAmaH (adhyavasAyaH) cAritramohasya / The 25 sorts of cAritramohanIya = 16 under the influence of kaSAya +9 under the influence of nokaSAya. Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 156] 95. 18. caraNapariNAma: = samyakcAritrAdhyavasAyaH the determined propensity towards good conduct. 103-107. The madhubiMdu parable which is so famous with Jain theology to show the utterly insignificant shadow of happiness in this wordly life before the stupendous heaps of miseries. The earliest mention of this fable is found completely in the vasudevahiMDi of saMghadAsa who is earlier than haribhadra. I quote the upasaMhAra as given there : upasaMhAro puNa diTuMtasya / jahA so puriso, tahA saMsArI jIvo : jahA sA aDavI, tahA jammajarArogamaraNabahulA saMsArADavI / jahA ayagaro tahA naragatiriagaIo / jahA sappA, tahA kodhamANamAyAlomA cattAri kasAyA doggaigamaNanAyagA / jahA paroho, tahA jIviyakAlo / jahA mUsagA, tahA kAlasukkilA pakkhA rAiMdiyadasaNehiM parikkhivaMti jIviraM / jahA dumo, tahA kammabaMdhaNaheU avANaM avirati micchataM ca / jahA mahu, tahA sada-pharisa-rasa-rUva-gaMdhA iMdiyatthA / jahA mahuyarA, tahA AgaMtugA sarIruggayA vAhI / tassevaM bhayasaMkaDe vaTTamANassa kuo suhaM ? / mahubiMdurasasamAyayao kevalaM suhakappaNA // ( vasudevahiDi ed. munizrI. caturavijaya and munizrIpuNyavijaya Part. 1. Page. 8 lines 16-24) Mark the style 103.16-114.8. It is replete with long compounds. In the fable recorded by haribhadra the additions to the above are :-rAkSasIjarA, vaTavRkSaH mokSa while duma above means baMdhanahetus (a striking contrast). Mark the simplicity of vasudevahiDi's fable. Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 157 ] 103-6. oyaliUNa = avacalya having moved. 2 104. 4. gaddabha de. nA. mA. 2. 82. kaDujhuNimmi ganbho / ii. e. shrill noise. ghaNapanta ie thick foliage. 105. 10. avayacchiya = avagamya. 105. 17. vijjhAi; = buttings. pA. sa. ma. suggests the emendation to J. - vijjJAiM; my Ms. vijjhAI; vijjhAI is Igrammatically acceptable. The prose-order of ethe whole verse :- tAva ya naraM apAMvamANeNa kuvieNa vaNavAraNeNa naggoharukkhammi vijjhAiM dhaNiyaM viiNNAeM || 106 - 5. agaNeuM = agaNilA. It is remarkable that the infinitive of purpose is getting mixed with the adverbial past-participle, a tendency of very common occurrence in apabhraMza. 107. 21-22. the bAhyatapa: See tatvArtha * IX. 19. 108. 1-2. AbhyaMtaratapaH tasvArtha * IX. 20, both of these sUtras are previously quoted in these notes. 103. 4-5. st. 202 enumerates the 17 kinds of saMyama which are (1) paMcAsavaveramaNaM = paMcAstrava viramaNa ( 2 ) paMcendriyanigrahaH (3) caturvidhakaSAyajayaH ( 4 ) daMDatrikaviratiH = mamodAkkAyaviratiH / Asrava is defined by tattvArtha * VI. 1-2. as kAyavAGmanaHkarmayogaH // 1 // sa AstravaH // 2 // Asrava is of: 5 kinds: mithyAsva, avirati, pramAda, kaSAya azubhayoga see tasvArtha * VIII. 1. enumeration of baMdhanahetus = Asravas. aTThArasavihAbaMbhavajjaNa Giving up of 18 kinds of abrahma. = 111..16-17. nettapaTTAddaNA = netrapaTTAdinA i. c. by a magiccloth, which when put before the spectator's eyes, produces enchantment. Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 946 ] 113. 10-114. 18. A parable of a frog, an old serpent, a kural bird and a python. 114. 7. etrarefargfa A Camp-ground. 114, 19. MAT = Faaz: Independent. 115. 4. stafidoi = utafirst not acquainted. 116. 16. fagra White mustards. 118. 10. HATE = HTX is the name of a hell in TATAT hell-world; here it has the general sense of hell. 119. 1. marie = fayd: by their own hands. ___119. 1. I reads urathodRkuTTaNujjayaM; my Ms. poha. thoha(059) very much. 119. 7-10. It is imagined here that this world is rapt in the addiction to improper things. The queens beat their breasts which were already exhausted of carrying the burden of pearl-strings, by hands which resembled the sprouts of As'okatrees ( suggesting by art that they were not sorry for their bad action ) inflicted punishment on the breasts which were already afflicted. Hence the poetic conclusion. 123. 4. 49a z naftott gata cf. 26. 19. The same sentence is repeated. 121. 15. 9976-osfa. 122. 13. garro-oeqca road-provision. 123. 7. J. reads gate. 123. 9. are used as a verb F T . Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMARAICCA-KAHA AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTION Pp. [1-6. ] 11 FACET 11 Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 1. 9. Bow ye to Jina Rs'abha,-who has conquered the advance of the god of love who has overcome men and gods, though himself unconquerable,-who is the abode of the auspicious in the three worlds,-and whose gait is like that of a bull; (1) And to self-born Vardhamana, who has stuck his regard to the Highest Splendour; who has abjured pride; who possesses the pure highest knowledge; who is free from attachment; and who is the lord of ascetics. (2) Bow ye with affection also to the remaining twentytwo Tirthankaras, who stand at the head of thee worlds and who are free from the bonds of birth, old age and death. (3) May the shower of flowers,-which was let loose by gods at the time of the establishment of the fourfold order by Jinas and which was encircled by the swarms of humming bees,-bring happiness to you (4). May the enchanting speech,-which proceeded from the lotus-like mouth of Tirthankaras and which was saluted with honour by the crowds of gods, ascetics and men,-give you bliss. (5) Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 2. 13. Enough of prolixity; hear ye things worth hearing; praise ye things worth praising; practise ye things worth practising. In that case, are [2] Those are the things worth hearing, which ensure the highest bliss to men and gods, which full of meaning, which are spoken by the omniscient sages, and whose fame rests stable in the world (6). And also those right belief, right knowledge and right conduct, which are spoken by them (i. e. the omniscient sages) are alone the things worthy of the wise (7). And also those things are worthy to be shunned, which form the cause of the life in a low state, which consist of false belief etc. and which are against the people. (8). The things worthy to be practised, by being free from attachment, are right belief, right knowledge and right conduct, which destroy the low state and which are, as it were, the desire-fulfilling jewels. (9). Then here again the qualificatory determinant in the present work fit to hear, is: it is spoken with the purpose that these things which are spoken by the omniscient sages are worthy of hearing. (10). I will narrate succinctly the life-history which is accompanied with those things, which will give delight to those who intend to attain the spiritual goal; which is great and is full of meaning; hear ye this (11). In that (i. e. the life-history) the opinion of the former teachers is: the matter of the story is threefold Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3. 16. ) i. e. celestial, celestial-temporal and temporal. That indeed is the celestial matter, where the life of gods alone is described; the celestial-temporal matter, where the life of both gods and men is described and the temporal matter where the life of men alone is described. In this case (i. e. in the depiction of life ) the stories in general are of four types viz. the wealth-story, the love-story, the religion-story and the mixed story. Among them, the wealth-story is said to be, namely, one which has for its outstanding matter wealth; which deals with sword, ink, ploughing, trading, and mechanical arts; which consists of the big applications such as the application of varied metals; which is plotted out with conciliation, schism, bribery and punishment. That is called to be a lovestory, which has for its principal theme love; which treats with the cleverness in arts, age, body and wealth; [3] which has for its essence the news and the meeting bristling with love; which is accompanied with things like the movements of a female messenger, amours, the consequent affection etc. That is the religion-story which aims at the principal object of religion; which treats mainly, forgiveness, softness, straightforwardness, absolution, penance, control of senses, truth, purity, non-possession, continence; which contains the matter of the partial vows :-the vow to set a limit to the directions of movements, the vow to limit the regions of movements, the vow to guard the soul against unnecessary evils, the observance of righteous conduct, the vow to fast on particular days, the vow to limit the enjoyments of food, drink etc. and the vow of sharing one's food with monks, nuns and other visitors;-which proceeds with the matters like mercy, . Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 4. 16. the state of enduring hunger, thirst, etc. without the will to destroy actions etc. That is called the mixed story which treats mainly the three objects; which has poetry, a good story and the breadth of the meaning of the work; which is distinguished by the secular lores and doctrines; and which is accompanied with causes, purposes and illustrations. Of those stories, the hearers are threefold, viz. the low, the ordinary and the high. Among them, the low people, influenced by Tamas (i. e. ignorance ) are those whose sense is warped by anger, pride, deceit, and greed; who are averse to the sight of the next world; who only see how to get the highest object of this world; who have no compassion towards living creatures;-they (i.e.the low) attach themselves to the wealth-story which is with the set intent to lead to a low after-life, which is inimical to the happy after-life, and which is, in reality, full of evil things. The ordinary people, influenced by Rajas (i. e. passion ) are those whose mind is made senseless by the poison of the object of senses like sound etc., who follow the strain of their senses which are inimical to the reality; who have not experienced the path to the Highest; and whose ideas are not settled about what is nice and what is not nice ( with the determination that) 'this is nice but that is nicer' ; [4]-they (i. e, the ordinary) attach themselves to the love-story which redound to increase misery here and in the next birth; which is composed simply of ridiculous things; and which is worthy to be laughed out by the wise. They are a little influenced by Sattva; who are a little more elevated; whose hopes are settled on the world, this Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4 19. as well as the next; who though clever according to the standards of the world, are in reality bereft of the proper knowledge of the essence; who though disregardful of low pleasure, are not unattached to higher pleasure;- they (i.e.the high-ordinary)attach themselves, according to their mental fitness, to the mixed story which treats of both high and low after-lives; which imitates the nature of this world; which is accompanied with the sprinkling of all sorts of sentiments; and which generates varieties of mental conditions. The highest people, influenced by Sattva;-in whom is born non-attachment about birth, old age and death; whose mind has realized the blissful course even in the next birth; who are averse to the enjoyments of senses; who have left off sins even with their smearing; who know the real nature of the highest abode; and who have neared the attainment of absolution;-they (i.e. the highest) attach themselves to the religion-story; which is worth the admiration of the wise; which is the most elevated of all stories; and which is patronized by great men. Then I also thus will narrate the religion-story, consisting the celestial-temporal plot. And by the makers of the religious scriptures, whose attachment is stuck to the absolution with eternal bliss; to whom a straw, a jewel, a pearl, a clod of earth and gold all are of equal value; who have obtained the path to the Highest Abode; and who are devoted to benevolence to others even though the same is not done to them;-by them it is said: Through religion is the generation in the family; through religion is the attainment of celestial beauty; Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8 [ 5. 10. through religion is the prosperity and wealth; through religion is the wide-spread fame. (12) Religion is the crown of auspicious things; and is a crown of medicines of all miseries; religion even is the great strength; religion is the protection and the refuge. (13) What of speaking more? Whatever is seen, in the whole of this world, propitiating even to mind and senses is all the fruit of religion. (14) [5] At the terrible time of death, hard-earned wealth, body, the relatives, are left aside and only religion becomes the sound helper. (15) Religion helps to obtain the celestial world and thence an elevated human life and thence soon the absolution which consists of eternal .bliss and the separation of miseries. (16) The neutral-minded and high-souled man who hears the religious stories spoken by the omniscient, gets knowledge; and getting knowledge follows it (i.e. religion.) (17) Then having known first the quality of religion, I shall speak the elevated history, giving the idea of the merits and demerits of one who is the worshipper and the other who is not, (18) Hear ye; I narrate the history of Samaraicca, the king of Avanti, which is composed of nine previous births; and which brings about non-attachment to the world to the high-souled beings. (19) Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6.3.3 Here, of them both there are many births; they are all not useful; there is proper mutuality amongst the nine; wherefore this number is said. (20) Just the same matter upto the endurance of the calamity by Girisena, which was narrated by the Lord who attained the absolution, to a Valandhara god, (21) To king Municandra and to his queens Narmada and others,--the same matter I also tell you succinctly, with its sense made clear. (22) It is said by former teachers: Gunasena and Agnis'arman; Simha and Ananda, the father and the son; and S'ikhin and Jalini, the mother and the daughter; Dhana and Dhanas'ri, the husband and the wife; (23) Jaya and Vijaya born of the same mother; Dharana and Laxmi, the husband and the wife; Sena and Visena two agnates in the seventh birth. (24) Gunacandra and Vyanvyantara; Samaraditya and the soul of Girisena; then of the one there is absolution and of the other unending worldly existence. (25) The cities are Ksitipratistha, Jayapura, Kosambi, Sus'arma, Kayandi, Mayandi, Campa, Ayodhya and Ujjaini. (26) [6] The births of Gunasena are in Saudharma, Sanatkumara, Brahmaloka, S'ukra, Anata, Arana, in Graiveyakas and Anuttara heavens. (27) The rebirth of the other is first among the class of Vidyutkumara demi-gods; and then the remaining Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ rebirths are respectively in the Ratnaprabha etc. (viz. the seven nether worlds.) (28) The periods among gods of the one is respectively f, 5, 9, 15, 18, 20, 30, and 33 Sagaropamas. (29) The periods of the other among gods for 11 Palyopamas; in hells 1, 3, 7, 10, 17, 22, 33 Sagaropamas. (30) Thus these are the traditional stanzas of the story; it is indeed proper that their real sense must be narrated in details according to the preachings of the teacher. Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMARAICCA-KAHA THE STORY OF THE FIRST BIRTH [ PP. 6-55.] // guNasena-aggisammA // Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7. 4. ] Here, in the country of Aparavideha, on the continent of Jambudvipa, there was a city named Ksitipratistha. It was beautified by high white ramparts. It had a ditch covered over with hosts of lotuses. It had finely laid-out meeting-places of three roads and squares.. It surpassed with its palaces, the beauty of the mansions. of the lord of gods. There women throw into the background by faces, speech, eyes and gait, the lotuses, the cuckoo, the lilies. and the swans. (31) There men have the addiction to lores, the greed of unblemished fame, the fear always in sins and the ambition to be rich for religion. (32) [7] There was the king by the name of Purnaca-- ndra, with the circle of his near and distant neighbours consisting of 12 princes in control, devoid of the ble-. mish of pride and pleasing to the eyes and the mind. of the people [ like the full moon, with perfect disco with mark of the deer gone and pleasing to the eyes and the mind of the people. ) (33) His principal queen of the harem was by name Kumudini. who was an ideal wife, who increased the: bliss of senses and who was beloved as Rati to the: God of Love. (34) Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 [7. 21. And to them was a son Prince Gunasena by name, full of a number of qualities and from childhood like a Vyantara god solely devoted to sport. (35). In that city there was a priest by the name of Yajnadatta; who was much respected by all people; who recited a number of scriptural texts; who was clever in the ways of the world; and whose activities and possessions were meagre. He had a son by name Agnis'arman; who was born of the womb of Somadeva; whose head was large and triangular; whose eyes were round and slightly tawny; whose nose was broken and was only visible as there was something like it at its place; the only signs of whose ears were mere holes; whose big teeth had simply conquered the lips; whose neck was very long and crooked; whose both hands were knotty and short; whose chest was very narrow; whose belly was jutting, uneven and slanting; whose waist was uneven, big and raised on one side; whose both hips "were unevenly set; whose loins were stiff and heavy; whose feet were long and unequal; whose hair was tawny like the flames of fire. Out of curious fun, Prince Gunasena, laughing with the clappings of hands, made him dance in the midst of city-people, with the music of a big trumpet, accompanied with well-beaten drums, tabors, fifes and cymbals; he made him walk with enhanced speed many a time on the main road; who was given the name of Maharaja ( i. e. a great king ); who was placed on an ass; who was surrounded by a number of delighted children; who held the worn-out seive for a lotus; and the drum was beaten with fine, measured beats. Thus [8] in him who was molested Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .8. 16. ] 15 every day by him as by the god of death, the feeling of averseness to the world was born. He thought, "Men, smitten with the contempt of all people, mocked at by all people and having not meritorious deeds done in the past, have to put up with the insults of others. (36) If the religion, which is followed by good people and which brings surely happiness even in the next birth, is not practised by (me) an unfortunate one of a foolish mind, (37) Now having seen the terrible consequence of the unmeritorious, I shall observe the religion which is followed by the ascetics and which serves as a relative in the next world; ( 38 ) So that I may not obtain even in the next birth such a terrible mocking treatment which is laughed at by all men." ( 39 ) Having thought so, he who had grasped the path of the aversion to worldly life, went out of the city. Within a month, he arrived at a penance-forest; which was situated on the border of that country; which was full of trees like Bakula, Campaka, As'oka, Punnaga, Naga etc; in which antagonistic wild beasts like deer and lions etc. were peaceful; where there was a thick cloud of * smoke, bearing the smell of fragrant oblations; whose wild sides were adorned with pure water, moutains and rivers; and which brought contentment to the hearts of anchorites. Its name was Suparitosa. Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 [9. 14. Having arrived there, he waited for a muhurta as his body was tired on account of (travelling) a long way; and then he entered that penance-forest. (40) He saw there the head of those hermits by the name of Arjava Kaundinya; who had bark-garments, rough matted hair, deer-hide, and a wooden staff; who made a tripundra mark with the particles of ashes; who had a gourd by his side; who was of blissful appearance; who sat with ease on a seat in the plantain-bower in meditation; who turned a rosary of Rudraksa with his right hand; whose lips and neck were a little moving by the repetition of the text of holy incantations; who with the eyes bent on the nose, restrained all the remaining activities; who took up a posture fitting to Yogapattaka (i. e. a cloth thrown over the back and the knees of the ascetic during abstract meditation) made up of flax. (41-44) [9] At the very sight, the ascetic was bowed to by him whose hair-ends bristled under the influence of joy; who repeated 'O lucky, O fortunate' beating again and again the surface of the earth with his head; and who bent down his knees and palms of hands on the earth. Even so, the ascetic, on seeing him, gave up his medition with a desire to pay respects to a guest and honou red receiving him with the words of welcome and speaking 'Well, bring the seat.' Then Agnis'arman, being led by boy-hermits waiting in the court-yard of the cottage, was spoken to with civility by the sage 'Sit here'; and he sat on the seat with modesty. The sage asked "Whence has your honour come ?' Then he related in detail his own account. The sage said "Dear boy, the souls become miserable due to the results "" Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10. 13.) 17 of actions in previous births. This is then the place of supreme peace, bringing happiness in this world and the next to those; who are smarting under the insults of kings; who are crushed by miseries of poverty; who are vexed with the stigma of bad fortune; who are burning with the fire of separation from the dear ones. In this case, The forest-dwellers are always fortunate in the fact that they do not perceive the torment resulting from attachment; nor the insults from people; nor the fall in a low state. ( 45 ) So advised, Agnis'armah said "Revered sir, that is it no doubt; if your worship has mercy on me or if I am fit for this particular observnnce, (10) do me the favour by initiating me in this observance." The sage replied "I will do you the favour, my lad, since you are bent upon the path of non-attachment; who else can be fit for it?" Then, as some days passed, he told him in details about the ways of conduct of his (own hermitage) and gave him the initiation to a hermit-life at the auspicious moment of time, day-division and date. He had highly felt the non-attachment born of acute insults; and on the very day of initiation, he took a grim vow in the presence of the patriarch surrounded by all hermits; namely, "All through life, I will eat once every month and on the fast-breaking day, I will return with the first entrance in the city) and from the first house, even though I get alms or not and will not go to another house." Thus of him, observing the vow taken, many millions of Purvas elapsed. And of the people, residing in Vasantapura,which was situated near the penance Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (11. 10. forest and who were appreciative of merits, devotion and repect grew enormously towards hiin; "Oh, this great hermit has abjured desires of this world and is resolutely unattached to his body! His life is successful. It is said, Even by one, who holds much respect for the opinions of people, an attempt should be made for merits; even to an ignorant man who has given up pride, the merits come up. (46). On this side, king Purnacandra put Prince Gunasena who had married, on the throne and took his abode in the penance-forest with his wife Kumudini. Prince Gunasena,-at whose pair of feet many vassals fell; who defeated not only the princes on the border of his kingdom but also the princes of many other principalities; whose pure and widely heard fame spread in ten directions; who was devoted to earning three-fold attainments in Dharma, Artha and Kama;-became a great king [11] As the time went by, he, enjoying royal pleasures, admired by all people, with his queen Vasantasena, happily, came once to Vasantapura; entered the city with grand auspicious ceremonies; was worshipped by the citizens; and went with them to the palace named Viminacandraka, appearing beautiful with the beauties of the rainy season; where the thick columns of smoke from black sandal appeared like the shades of a cloudy day; the lines of jewels glistened like lightnings; the pearl-strings appeared like the showers of rain; the lines of chowries appeared like the lines of flemingoes; the rows of silk-clothes suspended there, bore the beauty of a Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12. 10.] rain-bow; the plots of land were fragrant with the sprinkling of sweet-smelling waters; the decorations of flowers, full of humming bees were laid out. What is the use of more description? It can be called as it were the dream of persons, sleeping under a trance; or that which is the rare result of luck due to actions done in the past. (47) 19. There he received the people of the town fittingly, and when they were dispersed, he passed the day and night, with pleasing sports consisting of dramatic shows, songs and plays; and the next day after finishing the morning duties he went to the training-ground of horses at the proper time. He rode there many horses from Balkh, Turkey and Vajjara, etc; and sat in the garden of Sahasramravana, situated on the skirt of the trainingground, for the purpose of removing its (i. e. of riding) fatigue. In the meantine two boy-hermits with oranges and grass came there. They saw the king and congra tulated him with the greetings approved in their own sect. [12] They were also received by the king, with ceremonies consisting of getting up, offering seat etc. They said "Sir, we are sent by the patriarch of the pious name to know the news of your health, who are the head of the four orders of life and who have rightly made out what is duty and what is not. Hear you, sir, this; we await your orders." The king said "Where is the revered patriarch?" They replied "Not very far from here in the penance-forest Suparitosa." Then the king went to the penance-forest with devotion and curiosity. He saw there many hermits and the patriarch. Then he, in whose mind was born dejection, bowed to Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 13. 11. them according to fitness. He sat in the vicinity of the patriarch; and stayed with him for a short time, engaged in religious talks. Then he said with a courteous bow to the venerable patriarch. "Do me the favour to have a dinner at my place with all your people." The patriarch said "Dear son, so will it be, but here there is one great hermit called Agnis'arman; he does not eat every day but once every month. And even then on the fast-breaking day, on the first entrance, from the first house; even if he gets anything or not, he returns and does not go to another house. So excepting that hermit, your request is granted." The king said "Revered sir, I am highly favoured. Now where is that great hermit? I will then see him and make myself sinless by seeing him." The patriarch said " Dear son, he is in meditation under the mango-grove." Then the king went to the mango-grove with an agitated mind. He saw there Hermit Agnis'arman, under the meditation of the particular sort; who sat in a Padmasana posture; who kept the eyes steady; and who quieted all the varied activities of mind.[13] Then the king whose hair-ends bristled out of joy, bowed to him. The hermit also congratulated him respectfully with a greeting and speaking' welcome to you' asked him to sit. The king as he sat on a goodly seat said "Sir, what reason have you to practise this very difficult penance ?" Hermit Agnis'arman replied " O highsouled one, the causes are the miseries of poverty, insults from others, deformity and Gunasena, the son of the king and (i.e. who is) my beneficial friend." Then the king with the doubt raised by his name, said, "Well, sir, as to the causes of this activity like the misery of poverty Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 14. 8) etc., it is all right; now how Gunasena, the son of the king, is your beneficial friend ? " Hermit Agnis'arman said "O high-souled one, thus he is the beneficial friend; hear, Those who are the best people adopt religion themselves; those of middle kind when impelled; and the low never. (48) He who impels the soul, who is in the prison of the world, by any method, to religion, is a beneficial friend." (49) Then the king remembered his life as a prince; and said with the face bent down with shame "Revered sir, how then did he impel you to religion which is the relative of three worlds ?" Hermit Agnis'arman said "O hight-souled one, the impellings are of various types. Somehow therefore, I am impelled only by some cause." Then the king thought "How great he is ! Even the insult is taken by him as a beneficial impelling. He not only avoids the scandal of others but also out of the purity of his disposition, does not even believe in it. Alas, a horrible improper action (14) is done by me whose deeds are sinful! I will then reveal myself as tainted with the blot of having done an improper action." Thinking so, he said "Revered sir, I am the same horrible sinner who brought torments to your heart; and who possesses the host of demerits." Hermit Agnis'arman said "O king, I welcome you; how do you call yourself one possessing a host of demerits, by whom I, whose prosperity consists only in leading life with the morsels of others, am brought to this acquirement of austerities ?" The king said "What magnanimity! What else except sweet things, do hermits know to speak ? Never from the Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 [ 15. 6. disc of the moon, showers of burning embers fall. Hence enough of this. O divine sir, when will there be your fasting-day ?" Agnis'arman said "O king, in five days." The king said "O revered sir, if you have no great objection, let the favour be done by breaking the fast at my house; I have known from the patriarch your particular vow; hence I request you for the future thing." Agnis'arman said "O king, let then that day come; who knows what will happen in the midst ? For, Now I do this; and doing it, again this I shall do tomorrow;-who would believe this in this dream-like world ? ( 50 ) And also, Sir, Fie upon the nature of this world that those who were seen full of love and affection even in the first part of the day, are not so seen in the latter part of the day! (51) Then, sir. let that day come," The king said "Come op, divine sir, in case there is no obstruction." Hermit Agnis'arman said " If thus be your importunity, (15] I accede to your request." Then the king with horripilations of joy bowed to him; passed some time and entered the city. He gave reception fitting to the greatness of his devotion to the patriarch and his circle. As the five days passed, on the fast-breaking day, Hermit Agnis'arman entered first the palace of the king for the purpose of breaking fast. And on that day, somehow, king Gunasena suffered from acute headache. Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16. 8. ] Then the whole royal household was purturbed. There entered physicians well-versed in the science of medicine; they took up the medical treatises of various kinds; many kinds of medicines were pounded; and the ointments made from strange precious stones, were given. Even the ministers, who laughed even at the grand talents of S'ukra and Brhaspati, did not know what to do. The priests began the propitiatory observance, full of oblations, accompanied with sacred Mantras. So also the whole harem was dejected; the beauty of whose fragrant wreaths withered away; from whose paints, the pigment had half fallen away; the paintings on whose cheeks were washed away by the water of tears; and whose faded faces that were lotus-like, were bent upon their hands. So was also the harem of princesses; who were averse from the ball-play; who gave up the activities of painting; who stopped all music and dance; who left aside the collection of ornaments; whose minds were dejected and sad. The waiters had their faces dejected and cast on the cane-sticks; the sub-attendants suggested the intensity of the pain of the king; the cooks and other servants were also dejected and gave up their activities. [16] Then Hermit Agnis'arman passed some time at such a household but was not given any reception even by a word and so went away from the royal palace. Then he went to the penance-forest; the hermits saw him and said "Divine sir, you seem to have not broken the fast as your body seems pulled down. Have not you then broken fast ? Did not you then enter the palace of king Gunasena ?" Hermit Agnis'arman said "I entered the palace of the king but he seems Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24. [ 17.9. to be extremely unwell; because I saw the whole palace with all servants in a sad mood. Being not able to see him that way, I at once came out." The hermits said "No doubt, the king must be extremely unwell; otherwise his devotion towards hermits being like this, how will he, thinking of the fast-breaking day of your worship, not himself pay attention ? And moreover, that king bears great respect and devotion to your worship; so he spontaneously praised your merits in the presence of the patriarch." Hermit Agnis'arman said ""May he who is the worshipper of the elders get back health! What is to me of meals ?" He took to a month's fast. On this side the headache of king Gunasena was cured and he asked the servants " To-day, there is the fast-breaking day of that hermit; therefore was he received or not by anybody while he came ?' They said "Your majesty, he came; but he was neither spoken to, nor received by anybody as the servants had given up all their works on account of their hearts' torment on knowing about your headache. He did not know about your account and seeing your servants sad, waited for some time and went away from the royal palace as if dejected." The king (17) said " O my misfortune ! I have lost a great gain and come to a great calamity by giving pain to the body of a hermit." Having so bewailed, next day in the morning he went to the penance-forest. He saw the patriarch with many hermits and bowed to them in a proper way with the head bent down with courtesy and shame. The patriarch said "O king, may you sit; I welcome you." Then the king sat beside the patriarch; he was pulled down with still more shame and gave out long Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 25 18. 10. 1 sighs. Finding the king so strange, he said "Dear son, you seem to be dejected; will you tell me its cause, if it be not uncommunicable ?" The king said " Is there anything not uncommunicable to your worship ? For one who is dejected over an unco:nmunicable thing, it is not fit to come to the penance-forest." The patriarch said "Well dear son, well ! Your courtesy is quite adequate; what is then the reason for your dejection?" The king said "I say because it is your worship's order; otherwise how can I narrate such an evil act?" The patriarch said "O dear son, the hermits are mothers to all; what is therefore shame before them ? Say you then that I, knowing your account, shall remove your dejection in any way ?" The king said "Dear sir, if that be so, then hear. This hermit Agnis'arman became a hermit on account of the dejection first due to me who am of slow merit; who did things without thinking; and who am engrossed in actions fit for unfit persons. [18] I am all the more dejected that I have not abandoned the conduct of an unfit person even though he has undertaken so high a vow." The patriarch said "If that be so, enough of dejection. What is the reason ? If he has become a hermit by reason of you, then you indeed are his friend for his bliss, leading him to religion. Why then are you dejected ? And also now I do not conceive at all of any evil action in you who fear the next world and who know the scriptures. Will you now tell me, what you did to him ?" The king said, "O revered sir, how thus having invited him, I, who suffered from headache, out of carelessness, did not inform the Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 19. 4. servants and by putting an obstruction to his food, F did an obstruction to him in religious observance." The patriarch said "Dear son, if that is so, you are here not at fault; men overpowered by acute pain do not know what is good action and bad. And to the ascetic, there is no obstruction to his religious observance by the obstruction being done to his food; but on the contrary, he will gather more the merit of austerities. Hence enough of dejection." The king said, " Revered sir, how can my dejection go away so long as the high-souled hermit has not taken meals at my place ?" The patriarch said "Dear son, on the next fast-breaking day which he will have now, of course if no obstruction there be, he will take food at your place." Then the patriarch called hermit Agnis'arman and having held up his hand with respect, he said " Dear son, as you went out of the king's house without taking meals, the king thereby is much dejected. Yesterday he had an acute headache; hence he being helpless due to pain, could not welcome you; he has not offended you. He says, My dejection will not go away so long as Hermit Agnis'arman has taken no meals at my place.' [19] Hence now on my word and out of respect for the king, when the fast-breaking day comes up unobstructed, you should break the fast at his house." Hermit Agnis'arman said, "O revered sir, just as you order. The king is dejected without reason; because he has done to me nothing which is against the other world." Then the king thought "What magnanimity!", bowed down to the hermits, stayed there for a short while and entered the ciiy. Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20. 5.) 27 Now again the month went by in course of time; the king enjoyed the pleasures of senses; and Agnis'arman followed practising grim penance. In the meanwhile, when the fast-breaking day came up, the king was in-- formed by his men who had come from the army, 'Sir, at the midnight, when the moon, the auspicious lamp of three worlds, the beloved of the bride Night, had set, and when your majesty's soldiers were confidently sleeping, the vigilent king Manabhanga, seeing otherwise the destruction of his own country and resorting to a brave action, has with all his army made an attack and has defeated your army which was very careless; which was proud of its formidable exploits; which had entered the city protected by close guards; and which did not take any measures of protection. Now I await your majesry's authority." On hearing this unbearable speech, the king ordered his servants; his eyes burnt red with the fire of anger; his lips unevenly throbbed; he beat the surface of the earth with his hands mercilessly; and his words faltered under the influence of anger. " Give out soon the beatings of drums for march. Make ready the invincible [20] elephant-army; saddle up our cavalry uncontrolled with spirit; harness our chariots beautiful with canopies and flags; and order our foot-soldiers, with various weapons, to march." Then after the order of the king, the royal army began to throng about like a stormy day of rain, hearing the sounds of march-drums; the elephants appeared like hosts. of clouds; the flemingoes in the form of raised-up banners, chowries, umbrellas etc, hovered over it; it was. Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 [ 21. 4. accompanied with the lightnings of spears and sharp swords; all directions were filled with the thunders in the form of the sounds of conches, cymbals and pipes. In the meantime, king Gunasena mounted a chariot; before him were placed the golden jars full of water and the drums for auspicious occasion, revealing the splendour of conquest, were beaten; the batches of heralds repeated various auspicious things. At that time Hermit Agnis'arman entered the king's house for breaking the fast. Then when the huge sea of men was purturbed as the king was going out, he was not seen by anybody from among the principal servants. Then having passed some time, the hermit, fearing the rush of quick elephants and horses, went out of the king's palace. In the meantime, the astrologers, who took the measurement of shade by the measuring-rod and who knew the deep sense of the science of astrology, said "Sir, the moment is auspicious; make a start.' The king said "To-day is the fast-breaking day for Hermit Agnis'arman; he has accepted on the word of the patriarch to take meals at my house. So let that high-souled ascetic come up. Then, when he finishes his meals, after bowing to him, we shall go." Then a noble who was near said, "Sir, that high-souled ascetic entered the place only recently and has gone out of the royal household fearing the rush of swift horses and elephants. I think he must not have gone out of the city. [ 21 ] On hearing this, the king started towards his path with alarm, and saw Hermit Agnis'arman going out of the city. Having got down from his chariot, he fell on his feet with full devotion and Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22. 4. ] 29 entreated him with great respect, Sir, do me the favour and return. Though my departure is imminent, I stood for this much time awaiting only your arrival,.. while you, having entered my house, departed without being seen by my principal servant." Hermit Agnis'arman replied "Sir, you know the whole matter of my particular vow; hence enough of this effort. The hermits are always strictly truthful about their vows, and do not differentiate between gain and loss. " The king said, "Revered sir, I am ashamed of this act of inadvertence; the pain to my body is greater than yours produced due to acute penance; the fire of sorrow burns me exceedingly; my heart, as it were, is ruined; my speech falters as it were; I believe myself a very great sinner; therefore, you, sir, who act as a brother to all miserable beings and who are affectionate without cause, think out the remedy for pacifying my misery." Hermit Agnis'arman thought "How magnanimous is this king that he is so much pained as I did not break the fast! What love he has to serve the elders! So long as I have not broken the fast at his place, he will not feel at ease." Thinking so he said "Sir, your pain is without reason; still however, this is the remedy for its cure. I promise to break the fast again at your place if the fast-breaking day comes unobstructed. So do not grieve. Then the king who placed hands and knees on the ground said, [22] "Sir, the remedy for its pacification is well found out; or a hermit always has eyes in the form of pure knowledge; what would he not know? So I am favoured. This is befitting your nature 66 Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 23. 4. which is affectionate without cause. Then may you go to penance-forest. For myself, I am not able to see the revered patriarch as I feel tainted with the blot of this fresh carelessness." Having so said, the king bowed to Hermit Agnis'arman, and returned. Thinking 'I should not now go,' he sent the army on Manbhanga. Agnis'arman also went to the penance-forest, reported the account as happened, to the patriarch who congratulated him saying, 'Well-done, my son!' and again took up the particular vow. Of him being served every day by the king, whose non-attachment to the world was increasing, the whole month went by and the fast-breaking day, with hundreds of hopes of the king, arrived. On that fast-breaking day, the queen of king Gunasena, Vasantsena gave birth to a son. The maid with a delightful lotus-like face informed of this out of joy to the king with satisfaction. The king had his hair-ends raised on account of this joyous occasion of the birth of a son; he gave to the maid the ornaments of his body such as bracelets, earrings etc. and ordered her, "Vasundhra, send out an order on my word to the servants at their respective places. viz. Arrange to release all bonds in my kingdom by ringing time-bells; ask them to give rich alms, fitting and unexpected; give out to kings like Jitas'atru and others the tidings of my son's birth; [23] let the citizens know the auspicious occasion of the birth of a son to the queen; arrange for a town-festival which has come up unforeseen." She delivered the orders to the servants as was commanded. The servants followed the order of the king. For, Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 31 24. 5. ] They arranged the birth-day festival; all the expanse of ten directions was full of the sound of drums; the batches of sportive women danced bringing one of the hands down. (51) The women in the harem snatched out of joy fine clothes and upper garments of one another; the festival was full of women who gathered together, more fully decorated. (52) The women gave out the hissing sound, being abashed at the blows of fists coming over their backs, and the chamberlains made the groups of intoxicated women dance. (53) The sweet sound of drums, with their number of beats, was marked by (the accompanying) clappings of hands; the cheers of victory were raised by the groups of bards who were satisfied with alms. (54) A great festival took place in the city of Vasantapura. When the royal servants together with the king were thus highly careless due to the joy of the fortunate event of the birth of a son to the king, Hermit Agnis'arman entered the king's palace for the purpose of breaking the fast but being not given reception by anybody even by a word went out soon, his mind becoming tainted with evil meditation due to the rise of the (previous) bad action. He thought, "Indeed, from my childhood, the king [24] bears continuous and unique spite to me. See his very secretive ways of action that speaking in my presence in terms palatable to mind, he is in action quite the contrary." Thinking so, he went out of the city. In the meantime, by the blot of ignorance and due to the non-realisation of Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 24. 24. the highest path, he was caught up by tainting emotions. His aim for the next world was gone. His faith in religion was ruined. The feeling of enmity, which is the seed of the tree of all miseries came upon him. He felt extreme hunger, which gives pain to the body. He was dragged by hunger. Then, By him, who had fallen with the first accidental calamity, who was under the sway of ignorance and anger and who was of silly mind, a grim revengeful determination for the next birth was resorted to. (57) "If any fruit is to come up of this particular observance which I have kept up assiduously, let in every birth, my life be for his murder. (58) A man does not do good to dear ones and harm to enemies; what is the use of his birth which merely ruins his mother's youth ? (59) And this king is my enemy from my childhood, without any faults on my part; and sinful too; I shall therefore do him evil." (60) Having made such evil resolve, he, not purifying himself of the taint and with his mind burning with the fire of anger, thought upon it frequently. (61) In the meantime, he arrived at the penance-forest. The fire of his anger was growing more and more, being inflamed by bad thoughts arising out of various doubts. He kept the patriarch and other hermits aside, and entered the mango-grove without being seen, and sat on the four-cornered raised seat made out of a clean stone. He again began to think out of repentence." What an Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 25. 23. ) 33 antagonistic feeling of that king towards me! How [25] out of all hermits, I am the object of his ridicule that he, knowing my particular vow and lull of spile, invites me like this and not fullfilling my last-breaking, submits me to indignity; so, the king indeed is foolish or why does he submit to indignity, me who am gone to such a condition? Thus the indignity which is given to orphans, the weak and the beings overpowered by others as by the god of death, does not satisfy the pride the proud;-hence to add, he offers indignity to hermits who are busy in the activities of the next world and to whom friends and enemies are equal;-or this much ill-treatment is offered to me alone who have kept at least a touch of food ! So enough of these insults alone to me for the whole of life. I vow to undertake fast throughout life." Having given up his activities, with his mind tainted with evil meditation and his body emaciated with penance, he was seen by the hermits there. He said "Revered sir, your body appears to be much emaciated and you have not done usual application of pigments and (putting on) of flowers. So even now is not your fast broken ?" Agnis'arman said "No, not broken." The hermits said "How is it not broken? Did not you enter the home of king Gunasena ?" Hermit Agnis'arman said "I did enter." The hermits said "How then is it not fulfilled ?" He said, "From my childhood, this king is inimical to me without reason; hence I am put to indignity by him. I now know the link of revenge not previously known to me. He appeared like a civil man until the link of the revenge of him who is treacherously courteous, was Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 [ 26. 20. not known. He therefore invites me with an idea of mockery and by uncourteous conduct [26] puts me to insult by a variety of deceitful misconduct. Knowing therefore to-day my fast-breaking day, he has all of a sudden arranged for a festival. Then I entered the king's palace and was disregarded and knowing therefore the opinion of the retainers of the king, I soon went out." Then the hermits said, "Revered sir, that is not possible in king Gunasena who is much attached to hermits; or people are of strange relations. What is not possible? There is nothing impossible for the tainted feelings." Having said so, they, being much dejected, reported to the patriarch, namely, "Even now, on account of this happening, the fast of Hermit Agnis'arman is not broken.' Then the patriarch unpurturbed, came soon to Agnis'arman; and was honoured with fitting courtesies by Agnis'arman. Then he said "Dear son, how is your fast not broken even now? What an unfit act on the part of king Gunasena !" Hermit Agnis'arman said "O sir, the kings are careless people. What is his fault ? This is in a way my fault, as I could not even give up the last attachinent to food; so that I had to enter even his house. Now I have given up even this much attachment which is the seed of all these insults. Hence I beseech your worship not to order me otherwise in the matter of this object." The patriarch said "Dear son, if you have given up food, now the time is passed for order. Verily, the hermits keep up truly their vows. But you should not be angry to the king. Because, [ 27 ] Everybody gets the consequential fruits of the actions done in the previous birth; in the matter of Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 27. 24. ] 35 merits as well as demerits, the other merely acts as a cause. [62] Advising thus, the patriarch spoke to the attending hermits and went away. On this side, while the (royal) retinue was enjoying the happiness of this unforeseen festival; and as the fast-breaking time passed away, king Gunasena remembered, "To-day, it is the fastbreaking time of that great hermit. O my misfortune! The fast, I think, of that great hermit is not broken." He asked the servants that were near, "Did that highsouled hermit come here or not?" Then they searched carefully and informed "Sir, he did come; but as the servants were careless due to delight of the auspicious occasion of the birth of a son to the queen, nobody received him; hence he instantly went out." The king said "Alas, what a result of my sins! I consider even the auspicious occasion of the birth of a son to the queen as a calamity as it has made an obstruction to the religious duty of the great hermit; really the showers of splendour do not fall on the houses of the people of meagre merit. Being tainted with the blot of carelessness, I am not even able to see his face,-even to know the consequence. Hence go,O priest Somedeva,so that the servants may not know my intention; find out what has happened to that great hermit and let me know quickly what he has done; my heart as it were suspects." Priest So medeva, so ordered, went to the penace-forest. He saw Hermit Agnis'arman; who was surrounded by many hermits; who was in a bower situated near the bank of a mountain-river: Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ | 28. 22. who sat on the bed made up of long Kus'a grass; and who was engaged in the talk about the king, begun out of anger. [28] Somadeva, with his head bent down with courtesy bowed to him. He said 'welcome' with a benediction and ordered him to sit. Priest Somadeva sat. and said "Revered sir, you appear to be much emaciated in body; what is the reason?" Hermit Aganis'arman said "The body of those who draw their maintenance from others and who have no desires, itself, is the emaciation of hermits." Somadeva said, "So it is, the hermits have abjured desires; but they have done so, in the case of wealth, corn, gold, jewels, pearls, corals, men and animals but not in the case of mere food which helps body (which is helpful to)religion.Here, there are not such people who will not give even food to people like you; who have taken up the path of absolution; to whom friends and enemies are equal; to whom straw, jewels, pearls and gold are the same; and who serve as boats in the sea of the world." Hermit Agnis'arman said "Truth it is ! There are such people except king Gunasena." Somadeva said "Revered sir, what is done by King Gunasena ? That king is heard to be devoted to religion." Hermit Agnis'arman replied "Who else is devoted to religion who though has defeated the surrounding princes, kills a hermit painiully ?". Somedeva thought" Indeed that hermit is angry. As he seems to have sat on the bed made up of long Kus'a grass, it must be that he must have taken up to complete fasting account of the dejection due to the king. On being asked, he will take up to reviling the king which would be bad to hear. So, having obtained the account from Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 29. 23. ] somebody else, I shall report it to the king." Somadeva bowed down to him and went out. He asked the hermit; who had Kus'a grass and flowers in his forehand, and who was going to the mountain-river with a desire for bath. [29] "Revered sir, what is undertaken by Hermit Agnis'arman ?" He, with drooping eyes filled with tears narrated his observance. Somadeva went and reported, what he got, to the king. Then the king, with more dejection, bore the body heavy with the burden of anxiety and surrounded by principal attendants and queens, started for the penance-forest on foot for the tidings of Agnis'arman. Like a royal swan, surrounded by sweet-speaking female swans, he arrived at an extensive sand-bank of the mountainriver, which was near by. In the meantime, a boy-hermit, knowing the arrival of the king informed Hermit Agnis'arman of the arrival of the king with his lotus-like face blooming, Then Hermit Agais'arman, with his body burning with the fire of anger, called the patriarch and crossing the fitting courtesy, spoke rudely "I am not able to look at the face of that wicked king who is inimical without any reason. Therefore, speaking something that you like, you, only send him away from outside." The patriarch thought, "He is swayed by tainted emotions; hence it is proper for the king to avoid seeing him whose mind is sullied with fresh tainted emotion;" and he went a little way to the king. He saw the king with a fallen face, surrounded by retainers. The king with his retainers bowed to him with modesty and was welcomed with a benediction by patriarch, who said " O king. Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 38 [ 31. 4. come; rest in that Campak-grove. "The king said Just " as your worship orders.' He went to the Campak-grove. [30] The patriarch sat on a seat of Kus'a grass placed upon a clean stone; and near it sat the king with his retainers on the ground. Then the patriarch said "O king, why did you improperly act to come over on foot this much way, thus, with your wives and retainers ?": The king replied, "Revered sir, we always do improper things; or for wicked perscns like myself it is only fit that the obstruction should be done to the religious observance by killing the great hermit out of carelessness. Then what of calling this a revenge by one whose goodness of heart is unmoved ? Revered sir, now where is that high-souled Hermit Agnis'arman ? I shall bow to him and purify my sinful self by seeing him.' The patriarch said "O king, do not grieve this much. He has not taken to fasting by dejection on your count; but it is rather the vow of a hermit that at the fag-end of life he should leave life by taking to full fasting." The king said "O revered sir, what of speaking more? I shall then see that high-souled one." The patriarch said "King, enough of thus seeing him. He is engaged in meditation; then why make an obstruction in his determined work? Go you to the town; look up here some other time." The king said "As your worship orders; I shall come again;' and got up extremely sad. Bowing to the patriarch, he started for the town.' [31] Then one compassionate boy-hermit followed a little way off and reported to him the opinion of Agnis'arman. Then the king thought "What of coming over again here, if however the patriarch is put to an Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 39 32. 5. ] effort? Then it is not proper for me even to stand in this city; so that I would hear nothing more, bad to hear, of this high-souled one." Thinking so, he arrived at Vasantapura. He asked the astrologers "When is there for us a pure day to start for Ksitiparatistha ? " They found out the good day on account of their being engaged in that work all the time and said "Your Majesty, to-morrow is quite good." Then the king ordered the servants "Start soon tomorrow." Then on the next day with a big retinue, the king went away. By continuous march he came to Ksitipratistha within a mouth. He then entered the city with pomp; in which a number of variegated flags were raised; where the different markets were decorated; where the main road was made elegant by the decorations of flowers; where the palaces were whitewashed; and which was adorned with canopies. And then he entered the palace named Sarvatobhadra which was even more embellished with decorations and where the arc was beautified with pendant decorations. There on the very day the teacher named Vijayasena came journeying with restraint with the vow to stay a month; he was surrounded by pupils; [ 32 ] He knew twelve canonical books completely; he possessed the miraculous power of Avadhi and Manahparyaya knowledges; all his limbs were pleasing and handsome; his body was resorted to and beautified by the handsomeness of the first youth; he was as it were the decoration of the world; he was the joy to the eyes of all people; he was as it were the resort of an acceptable disposition; he was the family-home of forgiveness; Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 33. 9. he was the mine of the jewels of merits; he was as it were the full result of an excellent action; he was born of a great royal family. He accepted the abode and stayed in the garden of As'okavana beautified with the temple of Jinas built by merchant As'okadatta. There were the mango-trees in which it would be difficult to find holes, like kings strong in politics, in whom it is difficult to find weak points; the trees on the brink of the well which were bent down appeared like good persons who stand with their faces downwards, fearing the sight of the wives of others. The Atimukta creepers, without branches and sub-branches resembled the anxieties of good peasons fallen (in poverty ) with shame brought forcibly; the bowers crowded all round resembled again the hearts of poverty-stricken amorous persons; the nimb-trees, grown at particular places do not appear proper like heretics, attached to the objects of senses; the red A'soka trees appeared like bridegrooms with saffron-red clothing;-why describe more ?the garden-trees of varied descriptions were like the thoughts of the world of living beings. And also the temples of Jinas tall and white resembled the peaks of the Hiinalayas. [33] And there on a very clean part of the earth, the revered teacher, engaged in his observances with constraint, stayed there. On this side king Gunasena, who had come to the bower of conversation asked, "Who has seen here any wonderful thing today?" Then Kalyanaka, who knew about Vijayasenacirya, said with a bow to the king, "Sir, I have seen a wonderful thing." The king said "Tell me. Wnat is that ?" Kalyanaka said "Here in Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34. 12. ] the garden of Aso'kavana laid out by merchant As'okadatta, I have seen the teacher, by the name of Vijayasena; he is the festival of all sights worth seeing; he has whitened the expanse of four directions by the flow of the moonlight in the form of handsomeness; knowing all the arts he is like the moon with all its digits; though in the first youth, he is untouched by mental perversities; though he has conquered the god of love, he is attached to the splendour of penance; though he has abandoned all attachment, he is benevolent to all people; he is god Dharma incarnate as it were; he is the son of king Laxmisena and grandson of Samarasena, the lord of the country of Gandharas; and he has adopted all the enblems of a mendicant. Then the king said, "Oh, you are meritorious; [34] you have obtained the fruit of your eyes. If there is no obstruction, I shall see the revered teacher tomorrow." When the night had passed, the king performed all morning duties and went to that garden. He saw teacher Vijayasena, sur rounded by many friars like the full autumnal moon surrounded by the clusters of stars. Then the teacher was with modesty bowed to by him whose hair-ends bristled with joy; whose eyes were filled with the tears of joy; and who placed his hands and knees on the ground. The teacher gave him the acqusition of religion (i.e. a religious greeting) which is the seed of the tree of happiness of eternal bliss and which causes the destruction of manifold miseries mental and physical. Then he bowed to the remaining friars who carried the burden of 18 thousand subsidiaries of conduct; and who were emaciated with the anxieties for union full of love Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 42 [ 35. 6. with the bride in the form of absolution. He was surprised at his handsomeness and acts. He said "Revered sir, what is the reason of dejection for you even, who are fully handsome in all ways-that you have accepted this particular vow which makes you free from the longings of this world, having abandoned the royal splendour in which the foot-stool is suffused with the spreading glow of the crowns of the kings falling at feet with confusion. Vijayasena said "Sir, do you ask the cause of dejection in this world? In this case, the cause of dejection is not far to seek. Hear, Leaving aside the fears of life, old age and death, is there even the slight happiness to living beings wandering in the births of hell-beings, lower beings, men and gods? (62) Is there a hell-being, a lower being, a man or a god in this universe whose sins do not cause births and deaths? (63) How can there be happiness for those caught up in them like the youngs of a deer fallen in the net and speedily destroyed by hunters, (64) [35] Why there must be an attachment to wealth which does not in fact bring happiness which is even the transitory remedy of any misery of all living beings? (65) Who is not dejected here if he thinks only this much, "How have I my birth here? Where shall I go from here? And again where will I have to go?" (66) And, moreover, O king, the state of a human being is very difficult to have; it resembles a desire-fulfilling jewel and is like a gem in the midst of a great Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 36. 2. ] 43: ocean; so also the life is momentry like a drop of water on the tip of blade of Kus'a grass, shaken by strong wind; the pleasures of senses resemble the horrible hoods of angry serpents; the prosperity is momentary like lightning, the ears of elephants, the side glances. of amorous women and the autumnal cloud. Of those who have not practised good penance, the result is the grim rebirth among lower beings and hell-beings. Moreover, Who would hold patience with this worldly existence which resembles an actor's show and which burns with the fire of fear, disease, the separation from dear ones and manifold miseries ? (67) The effort of good persons is proper in that which - can be attained by oneself alone, when there is the eternal abode and the method of its attainment spoken by great sages. (68). Thus, o king, the worldly existence itself is thecause for my dejection; but only this has acted merely as a cause. Listen: Here, in this country of Vijaya, there is a district called Gandhara; where there is a city named Gandhae rapura. Being the inhabitant of that place, I dwelt there. I had a friend named Vibhavasu,-the son of priest Somavasu,-who was my second heart as it were. Somehow, he suffering from fever was led to death in my very presence by the god of death who has defeated gods and demons. Then I, with my mind burning with the fire of his separation, [36] stayed there; in the meantime, there arrived four friars, wandering with: constraint, for the reason of the monsoon-residence; Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 37. 1. and stayed in a big mountain-cave not very far from the city. Thinking it would be pleasing to me, my people told me about this. I saw the revered friars engaged in their own studies. I bowed to them with the face blooming like a lotus. I was received by them with a religious greeting. I asked them while being preached by those revered friars. Then waiting upon those sages for a short time, I entered the city. Now those revered friars went on during their monsoon-stay with fasting every month. I obtained the right belief. Those four months passed away for me whose faith was increasing and who was attending upon them every day. A great anxiety came upon me in the latter part of the night; "To-morrow, indeed, those great ascetics will go away." Then I went out of the city to see the revered friars when the night remained only half a Yama. I went a little away; and soon the earth began to move; the mountain Gandhara began to thunder; the fragrant wind began to blow; the sky (lit. the courtyard of the sky) began to shine; and the sound of victory began to spread. Then I, with joy still increasing started quickly when I saw in the vicinity of the cave of the Gandhara Mountain, the grass etc. cleaned up; the surface of the earth levelled; the fragrant water sprinkled; the flower-offerings scattered. The hosts of gods, fallen on feet were praising the revered friars. " O you have fulfilled your human birth; your attachment etc. are worn out; the army of actions is defeated; you have crossed (37] the sea of births; you have attained the consummation of the happiness of eternal bliss." Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 38. 1. ) 45. Then I thought " Verily, to them absolution is indeed revealed; they are free from the abode of the miseries of birth, old age and death. In the meantime the revered friars were seen by me; they, of course, by dint of absolution sat on jewelled thrones; their tangles of births had gone off; their mental activities were quietened; their bodies were resorted to and embellished by the splendour of absolution; they were the clusters of merits incarnate. There is no doubt about this; their knowledge of the absolute is complete. They were bowed to by me; me-who enjoyed quite a different condition of that type, indescribable and immensely beautiful; who placed the hands and knees on the earth; whose eyes bloomed under the influence of wonder; whose hair-ends bristled on the body; and whose eyes were full of the tears of joy. Having bowed down, I sat beside them. The Kevalin began the sermon. The groups of gods and men began to ask what they wished. Then I thought "What shall I ask these revered friars?" Then Vibhavasu, who was a shaft in my heart came up to my mind "Now where is my friend Vibhavasu again born? Well, I shall ask this." Thinking so I asked the revered Kevalin, "Revered sir, some time has elapsed since my friend is dead; so where is he born ? What another condition does he experience ? How in the mind of me who have unders:ood the path of the highest aim, is the sorrow born of the fire of separation ?" The Kevalin said " Hear, Here in the city of Gandharapur, there is a washerman by the name of Usadatta. ( 38 ) He has a housebitch, named Madhupinga. In her womb, he ( i. e. the Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (39. 2. friend of Vijayasena ) is born a dog. He experiences here the most horrible condition; he is tied with a rope very tightly; his body has withered due to strong hunger; he is in the vicinity of a washing-basin; and he is afraid of the kicks from the hoofs of a donkey. In the other birth, he was Sri-Kanta the most beloved wife of the son of a merchant by the name of Kusumasira who were you, and who dwelt in the city of Kusumapur of the continent of Puskarirdha Bharata. On account of close association with her, the sorrow born of the fire of separation from him, does not come to pacification. I heard this and dejection came upon me. With mind infatuated with love for the dog, I sent my men to the house of Usadatta the washerman, to get the dog released. I said to them "Get him (i.e. the dog) released soon; give him food and drink; and taking him, come here." Then those people went, soon executed my command and having taken him, came up. I saw the dog not from 'very far; his hair was caught by hundreds of lice; he was marked by erosion due to hosts of worms; his body was much emaciated; he appeared horrid due to his tongue moving while breathing; the row of his teeth appeared white; and he moved very slowly. Great nonattachment was produced in me on seeing him in that condition." O this worldly existence is terrible ! Here, the love-amours of men come to this end !" In the meantime, those men came near me with him and said to me "Sir, this is the dog." Then hewhose long tail was moving; whose eyes were filled with tears; who shook his face with his neck raised [39];-began to howl, having come to this sort of indescribably Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 40. 3. ] 47 different condition. Then I asked the Kevalin. "Revered sir, what is this ?" He said "Love out of the close association of the previous birth with a miserable end." I said "Revered sir, how does he know me ? " The revered friar said "He knows you not particularly but generally. This is the nature of the worldly existence that the desire, closely experienced in the other birth, follows for some period, if it is not fully fructified." Then I said " Revered sir, now of what action is this result ?" The revered friar said " Of the action bora of the pride of birth." I said "O revered sir, what sort of pride did he show ? " The revered friar said, "Hear, Here in the other birth, when the festival of the god of love was going on, and when the music-parties with varied dresses went out, the music-party of washermen was seen by him; who was enjoying the pleasures of spring loved by many men; and who was surrounded by a group of young men. On seeing it, he with the fault of ignorance and with the pride of caste and family, molested the washerman, saying " How can a music-party of the low pass by our music-party ? " As he was a minister, he got Usadatta carried to the prison with all his limbs tied after heavily persecuting him. In the meantime[40] the life of the other birth was fixed up for him as a result of great pride. When the festival of the god of love took place, Usadatta was released by the citizens. He ( i. e. your friend ) died and was born here as a consequence of that action. Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 41. 4. Then I thought " Alas, the meditation of the evil brings little happiness and results in manifold miseries! Fie upon this worldly existence !" Then I asked the revered friar" What will be the result of the evil thought ? Is he a soul with a desire for the highest or not ? Will he atiain absolution or not? Has he obtained the fundamental belief or not?" Having thought so, I asked him. Then the revered friar said " Hear of what consequence is this evil thought ?" From this life of a dog, living it out according to the destined age, he will be born as an ass in the womb of the she-ass named Ghotaghatika, born at the house of Usadatta. Then soon after his birth, he will not be pleasing to Usadatta, will get the maintenance of his body with great trouble and wiih his body tired with carrying heavy loads, he will be born as a eunach in the womb of Anadhika the wife of a Candala named Matridatta, the companion of Usadatta, on coming to death after living out the period of his life. Then on being born, he will be tainted with a bad form and the blot of misfortune; he will not know the attachment to the objects of senses; he will live for some time and on being killed by a lion, he will be born as a woman in the womb of a Cadnila woman. Then soon on being born, he will die in the first infancy with a serpent-bite. After death he will again be born a eunach in the womb of Dattika, the house-maid of Usadatta. Then on birth, he will be blind, thin and short, will be insulted by all and after completing his life as a cunach for some time, when Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 42. 5. ] 49 there will be a fire in the city, he will be burnt to ashes by fire and die; then he will be again born as a female in the womb of the same house-maid. As soon as born, he will be a cripple moving on the back. Then she while going on the highway, will be killed by a mad elephant, got loose, and will be born as a woman in the womb of Kalanjanika, the wife of Usadatta. She will grow to youth and will be given by Usadatta to one named Usaraksita, grovelling in extreme poverty. As a wornan, being married, she will be pregnant and at the time of pregnancy, she will be much in travail and after death she will be born to her own mother as a son. As soon as born, while he will be playing on the bank of the Gandhara river in the childhood, he will be caught as an enemy's son by Usadatta's enemy named Cilata; and he will throw him in the lake after tying his neck to a big stone. This will be the end of his evil meditation. He is an elevated spirit and will attain salvation; only that he has not realized the fundamental principle. Then I said, "Sir, where will he be born after his death in water ? When will he know the fundamental principle ? When will he attain salvation ?" The revered friar replied, "Hear. [42] After death in water, he will be born in the class of demigods called Vyanvyantara. Then in that birth, he will obtain right belief, the only seed of the desire-yielding tree in the form of eternal bliss, before Tirthankara Ananda. Then coming in four states (of higher life), he, when calculable (i. e. limited, few) birth-takings are over, will become a king in this country of Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 43. 6. Gandhara; then he will become a god and withdrawing from the world before the Vidyadhara friar named Amarateja he will get the absolute knowledge and then salvation. 50 Then on hearing this, I got disgust of the world and reverted my senses from the prison of the world. Then taking permission of the father and the mother, I performed befitting things and withdrew from the world in the presence of Ganadhara Indradatta. This is then the cause of dejection." Gunasena then said: "Revered sir, my object is fulfilled; the cause of your dejection if quite fitting For, The effort of good men is only fit in that which is absolutely attainable by one when there is the eternal place and its way spoken by great sages. (69) Now what is that eternal place? And what is the way to attain it? Vijayasena said:-That is indeed the eternal place where living beings stay for a considerably long time;the living beings who are free from the taint of eightfold actions; who are free from birth, old age, death, disease, grief etc. and who possess the happiness of incomparable knowledge and revelation. This is the place, the Highest abode, the crest-jewel of the space of the universe fourteen Rajjus high, and spoken by omniscient sages; who are worshipped by gods and demons; who are the relatives of three worlds; and who are the oce an of all miraculous powers. [43] the way to attain it consisting of right belief, right knowledge and right conduct is laid down. It is settled by the duties of a householder and the duties of a friar. There the duties of a householder are twelvefold, viz. 5 Anu-Vratas, Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44. 6. ] 3 Guna-vratas and 4 Siksa-vratas. The duties of a friar are tenfold: Forgiveness, softness, straightforwardness, renunciation of the evil, penance, constraint, should be known; truth, purity, poverty and celibacy are the duties of a friar. (70) The fundamental thing of these twofold duties is right belief; that becomes difficult to be attained by a living being, enveloped by the unending series of actions. That action is eight-fold viz. Jnanavarniya, Darsanavarniya, Vedniya, Mohaniya, Ayus, Nama and Gotra. And its cause is: false belief; ignorance; want of non-attachment; want of care; tainted feelings; and the sullied contacts. The period of the persistance of the action once accumulated as a consequence, is said to be twofold, namely, the long and the short. Among these periods, the long periods; 30 Krodakrodi (i. e. a crore X a crore ) Sagaropamas of Jninivaraniya, Dars'anivaraniya, Vedniya and Antariya actions, bora of grim unhappy results; 7 of Mohaniya; 20 of Nima and Gotra; 33 Sigaropamas of Ayus: the low periods:(respectively of the same ) accumulated as the consequences of the same type, 12 Muhurtas; of Nima and Gotra 8; and of the remaining, different Muhurtas. [44) O! the action so marked by periods, when with great stress and toss somehow, by YathapravrttaKarana all krodakrodi Sagaropamas, excepting one are worn away and even from that one krodakrodi, something has worn away, then there is a Karmagranthi ( lit. A knot of actions ) characterised by the consequences of the taints of deep attachment; which receives Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 52 [ 45. 1. help from Jnanavaraniya, Dars'anavaraniya Antaraya; from which the Mohaniya action has departed and which is very difficult to be snapped. It is said, Granthi-that is very difficult to be snapped, like a rugged, thick, deeply rooted and mysterious knot; born of the actions of the soul; and resulting from the taint of deep attachment. (71) When it is come to, there is one soul who snaps it; and there is another who cannot. One who snaps it, does it by way of Apurvakarana. And as soon as it is snapped, by way of Anivrttikarana, he obtains the right belief; which is one part of the fire of the jungle of actions; which is an indestructible seed of the tree of eternal bliss; which is able to secure release from the prison of worldly existence; which produces the speedy existence of a desire-yielding jewel; which is not previously attained in this unending sea of worldly existence; which has arisen by the annihilation or suppression of the experience of Mohaniya action by means of admirable right belief; which has for its distinguishing properties like suppression of passions, eagerness for emancipation, disgust for the world, compassion etc. and which is formed of the good consequence of Ayus action. When this is obtained, there are two kinds of knowledge viz. Mati and S'ruta. To the soul,--when he attains that;-who is free from the dirt of manifold actions; who has come near his own form: with passions suppressed; eager for emancipation; dejected of the world and compassionate,-the love towards the speech of Jinas becomes revealed. It is said, [45] The right belief is known by the characteristics Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 45. 17. ] like suppression of passions etc. while in the form of the consequence of Ayus action, it is known by external good contacts. (72) The consequence from the same to the soul should be known to be happy; can gold, free from the taint of dross, tarnish in this world ? (73) Knowing the dispositions of actions and their unhappy ends, he never becomes angry even towards one who has done an injury, out of the suppression of passion.(74) Believing the happiness of lords of gods and men, ideally, as misery, he does not hanker after anything except salvation, out of the eagerness for emancipation. (75) He lives unhappily out of the disgust for worldly things in the births of hell-dwellers, low animals, men and gods; not making out the way for the other world; and free from the sway of the poison of egoism. (76) Seeing in this terrible sea of worldly existence, the hosts of living beings tormented with pain, he shows compassion according to his strength in two ways ( i. e. possibly by body and by mind ) without distinction.(77) He believes that indeed to be true and incontrovertible, which is laid down by Jinas; he indeed is under the happy consequence ( of his actions ) and is free from the wrong way of desire etc. (78) The soul, with right perception as laid down by * Jinas, is one possessing the consequence of this nature; and he crosses the sea of worldly existence within a short time. (79) Then in that condition when two to nine Palyopamas are over, he attains in reality the partial non-altachment consisting of a better consequence: viz. stopping Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54 [ 46. 8. from gross killing of life; stopping from falsehood; stopping from gross taking of things not given; stopping from approach to another's wife and having satisfaction with one's own wife; stopping from unlimited possessions. Thus he, accompanied with the result of partial. nonattachment; observing Anuvratas; ideally with result not proceeding (from his actions )-he does not practise transgressions from his vows:- -[The transgressions of gross taking of life] (1) tying of animals with a rope so that they may starve (2) beating [46](3) cutting limbs (4) overloading (5) cutting off or reducing their food or drink, starving. [ The transgressions of the stopping of falsehood ] (1) false accusation under the influence of passion (2) false accusation in secret (3) betraying the confidence of one's wife (4) communication of false information (5) falsification of documents. [ The transgressions of the abstention from taking of things not given ] (1) receiving stolen property (2) employing thieves (3) crossing the boundaries of enemy's territory or trespassing (4) false weights or balances and measures (5) dealing with adulterate goods; The transgressions of the abstention from the approach to another's wife ] (1) Approach to a mistress kept for a fixed period, (2) Approach to a woman not kept as a mistress i. e. a widow or a respectable woman who is not his wife (3) Amorous dalliance in an improper manner (4) Arranging marriages of persons other than himself or his children. (5) Excessive indulgence in sexual pleasures. [ The transgressions of the abstention from unlimited possessions ] (1) The transgression of the measure of open places and Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56. 21. ] covered places (2) the transgression of the limit of keeping wrought and unwrought gold (3) the transgression of the limit of money and corn (4) transgression of the limit of servants (lit-two-legged.creatures) and animals (lit. four-legged creatures) (5) the transgression of the limit of baser metals............... And such many others, which cause the wanderings in the sea of the worldly existence, he does not practise on account of the happy consequences. And also he adopts the latter Guna-vratas of the following type:-(1) [The limiting of directions] (a) The limiting of going in the upward direction (6) limiting of going in the downward direction (c) limiting of going in the slanting direction (2) [The limiting of the things of enjoyment] (a) the Gunavrata of limiting of the things of enjoyment (b) giving up of the violent action etc. for purpose of enjoyment. (3) The guarding of soul against unnccessary evil consisting of (a) Evil practised through malicious meditation (b) to practise evil through carelessness (c) using means of causing injury (e. g. weapons, fire, poison etc.) (d) advising others to do evil actions. [Now 4 Siksavratas) (1) The siksavrata ( of keeping Samayika) consisting of giving up of faulty contacts and resorting to faultless contacts. (2) The siksaviata to limit the directions and objects by setting a limit every day to the direction of the movement by one who has taken the Vrata to limit the directions of one's movements (3) The siksavrata of Pausadhopavasa (i. e. observing fasts on the 8th day, 14the day, fullmoon day and the new-moon day) consisting of a healthy attitude towards food and body, abstinence from sexual Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56 [ 47. 93. intercourse and want of acivities; (4) The siksavrata of sharing one's food with guests consisting of:-Offering charities to those who have curbed themselves, for the purpose of one's own benefit and with great devotionthe charities with the order of time, space, faith and respect of objects like food and drink, which are free from the faults like Udgama etc. (See Notes 50-4) and which are earned with honesty. [46] He-li. e. the soul), accompanied with the wholesome consequence; who has resorted to Gunavratas and Siksavratas, ideally, no result coming out of his action-does not practise these transgressions:--1) ( The transgressions of Digvrata ] (a) transgressing the fixed limit of directions, upward (b) or downward (c) or slantwise (d) increasing the space of the limit (e) the loss of memory (on the part of the soul as regards the exact limit fixed up by him). (2) [The trangression of Upabhogaparibhoga Vrata] (a) using living things as food (b) using adjuncts (such as gums, rasins etc.) of living organisms (like trees etc. ) (c) using as food vegetables which are uncooked (d) using as food vegetables which are not well cooked (c) using vegetables which are not ripe or ready for use. (3) (other 14 occupations which a man should not do] (a) dealing in charcoal by praparing it from firewood (b) dealing in wood (which includes felling of trees) (c) dealing in carts (d) occupation with fares (i. e. working carts or boats on hire) (e) occupation of breaking the earth with spade etc. (f) dealing in teeth (i. e. ivory etc.) (g) dealing in hair (h) dealing in liquors or acids (i) dealing in poisons (j) crushing by machinery (e. g. sugarcane, sesamum etc.) (k) the surgical occupation (e. g. cutting of bodies, branding animals or castrating Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 48. 4. ] 57 bulls etc.) (1) setting fire to bushes and woods (m) bringing up women for immoral purposes (n) draining lakes, rivers and tanks. (4) [The trangressions of Anar thadandaviramana-Vrata] (a) talking amorous things (b) mockery leading to jest by various gesticulations of the face, eye etc. (c) talkativeness (d) employment of an article which is calculated to do injuries to others (e. g. morter, pestle etc.) (e) excess of food and other articles in excess of one's needs. (5) [The transgressions of a Samayika Vrata] (a) ill-behaviour of speech (b) of mind (c) of body (d) non-observance of the particular act in Samayika out of forgetfulness (e) instability about Samayika (6) [The transgressions of Des'avrata] (a) employment of messengers such as members of one's fainily to go beyond the limit to do certain things for himself, (b) employment of servants as messengers to go beyond the limit, (c) communication by word of mouth in order to call a person beyond the limit, (d) communication by gesture, (e) throwing clods of earth and thereby indicating the work to be done. (7) [The transgressions ot Pausadhyrata] (a) going on a bed or coverings not observed or badly observed (b) going on a bed or coverings not wiped or badly wiped. (c) going to stools or making water at badly observed or not observed places. [48] (4) going to stools or making water at badly wiped or unwiped places. (e) not observing properly the Pausadha fasts. (8) [The transgressions of Atithi-samvibhaga-vrata] (a) Putting food in the midst of raw seeds so that the monk should not accept it and still the worshipper might think that he was gene. rous (2) covering food with seeds, raw fruits etc. (c) Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ on [ 48. 20. Neglecting the appointed time of monks for begging alms and keeping them ready before or after (d) Making a pretext that food belongs to others (e) Acting from jealousy of others. He (i. e. the soul which has gained Samyaktva) does not practise these and such other transgressions of Gunavratas and Siksavratas. Then conducting himself with fitting observance account of the particular result of the period of his actions, in that birth or in other births, he has his calculable Sagaropamas, worn away. Then he takes to the duties of a friar consisting of forgiveness, softness, straight-forwardness, renunciation, penance, restraint, truth, purity, non-possession and celibacy. Then such will be the way of suppression; and such will be the way of annihilation. It is said: s, When the duration of the action while the right belief is obtained, is reduced by 2 to 9 the becomes a S'ravaka; from that (i. e. the remaining) when calculable as are worn away, he attains af (i. e. right conduct); from the remaining duration, when the calculable intiqas f. (80) are worn away, he obtains. Thus when his right belief does not shake away, the high-souled one either wandering in the orders of men or gods obtains all (i. e. the right conduct etc.) er in one birth without having to take up another way, he obtains all. (81) Then on the completion of the way of annihilation, be obtains the best absolute knowledge and revelation eternal and unending. Then in regular order with the Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 49. 15.1 595 remaining part of his actions, which would bring about the rest of the births, being annihilated and being so free from all actions, he reaches the eternal place. Then said Gunasena who had burnt manifold actions by the fire of the good result produced by hearing the words of the preceptor; who in reality obtained the right belief, Anuvratas, Gunavratas, Siksa-- vratas and Gunasthanas; " Revered sir, I am fortunate that I heard your speech; which takes one out of the prison of the worldly existence; which is the cause of merits like suppression of passions etc; which is the destroyer of the poison of attachment etc; and which washes off the dirt of sins [49] Now order me what I should do; or I should understand you have already ordered. So give me the stages of merits consisting of Gunavratas etc which form the essence of the duties of a house-holder." The preceptor said " That is the duty of high-souled people like you." Then according to proper rites, he was given the minor vows; he was preached in many ways. Then he, with all his retinue, bowed to the preceptor with great devotion and entered the city. When the day had almost ended, having taken the course of meals, he again went out. He bowed to gods and the preceptor. The preceptor preached to him (a sermon ) befitting the time. Then having waited upon him for some time, he again entered the city with a ceremony. Thus, both the times of the day, he enjoyed the happiness of seeing the preceptor and hearing his word. Doing so, he passed the whole month; his religion also became ripe. At the end of his observance, the revered preceptor, Vijayasena went elsewhere. Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 9990 [ 50. 11 Then, when some days having passed, King Gunasena was sitting on the terrace of his palace, he somehow heard the sound of the drums for the dead; it was as it were the sound of the march-drum of the god of death, interspersed by the sounds of 'alas, alas' -it was the loud laughter of the demon of worldly existence; it was as it were the act of carelessness on the part of the world of living beings. Soon then, he saw the dead one, who was under the sway of the god of death; whose body was carried by four men; who was surrounded by weeping relatives. His mind conceived extreme disgust of this world. He realised the world of living beings, just like a magic-show. The crust of his sins was washed away by the water of religious meditation. The anxiety came upon his mind. 60 We are also mortal. They are only fortunate in this world which has a bad end, they-who [ 50 ] are the brothers to three worlds; who have stuck their regard on the doctrine preached by great omniscient sages; and who go from the household to a houseless condition of a friar. They abstain from killing, falsehood, taking of things not given, sexual intercourse and possessions. They take food purified of 42 Esana faults. They take their food, free from 5 faults of Samyojana and others at a proper time. They observe 5 rules of heedful conduct and 3 rules of guarding one's conduct. They observe 25 Bhavanis, to be heedful in walking etc., in order to follow 5 Vratas without transgressions. They principally observe non-eating, eating in a limited quantity etc, penitence, modesty etc., forming the external as well as internal penances. They_observe various monastic standards of one month etc. They are 66 Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 51. 11. ] engrossed in the acceptance of special objects. They obtain their livelihood by food taken from people. Their bodies are without nursing. They consider equal a straw, a gem, a pearl, a clod and gold. What of more ?' They bear 18 thousand subsidiaries of good conduct. They hold the happiness arising from the suppression of passions, praised by learned men with similes etc.. Having wandered over the whole earth consisting of various habitations namely, the clusters of villages cities, towns, small villages ( Madamba ), protected towns (Donimuha) etc., they awaken the collection of lotuses in the form of high-souled beings, stuck up in muddy paths of false belief etc. by the sun-rise of the sermons of the true religion. Their bodies are refined with practice of great austerities. They give up their bodies by the concentrated meditation in which they keep themselves motionless like a tree and meet death in the death-season according to the way preached by Jinas. Then I also in that manner leave up my life. [51] I have obtained revered Vijayasenacarya; who is the charioteer of religion; who is the boat in the sea. of this terrible worldly existence; who is the incomparable desire-yielding jewel of the three worlds; who is the single desire-yielding tree in the yielding of the eternal bliss; and who is the sun of all Lokas and Alokas; who is difficult to be found in even thousands and hundreds of births. Hence I shall have a grand. withdrawal; which is the wild fire of the forest of actions and which is adopted by wise persons." Having so thought, he called his ministers, Subuddhi and others. He conveyed to them his own opinion. Then, they who had attained the essence of the speech of Jinas from: Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 52. 11. his contact, said " Your Majesty has spoken the words just befitting the disposition of a great man. This is the duty of the high-souled people in world of living beings which is as fickle as the disc of the moon in the midst of waters interspersed with lotuses, shaken by a terrible gale of wind; do not bring in an obstruction according to your pleasure. And to add: Your Majesty, having obtained the friendship of any man, would he (i. e. the same man) check him (i. e. the other)going out of the house, surrounded by burning flames ? Therefore, we have the full consent to the action of your majesty.We are unable with the scope of our talents to ward off your death." Then the king having heard that it was so, congratulated them with great respect saying " Who excepting yourselves can be my best well-wishers ?" He, then, made a proclamation and arranged to give great alms with his lotus-like face blooming. He arranged for an eight-day festival, in the temples of Jinas etc. just fitting the greatness of his devotion. He welcomed his dependents. He respected the citizens and countrymen. He gave a kingdom to his eldest son named Candrasena. He took to withdrawal mentally. "Tomorrow [52] I shall go from here to the place where there is Vijaysen:icirya.' So thinking, he remained in a solitary place observing the monastic standard of the whole night. On this side, Hermit Agnis'arman, not at all retracting from his evil meditation, was born, after dying, a god among Vidyut-Kumaras, with the life of one and a half Palyopamas. The consciousness then came upon him. "Why did I give offerings, made sacrifices and gave alms that I got such celestial splendour of gods ?" He knew past life, he became angry with Gunasana. Beco Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 53. 8. ] minga bird, he came in his vicinity. He saw Gunasena observing the monastic standard. And then, 63% The shower of dust, very terrible and with flames burning with hell-fire was miraculously created by him whose mind lost sense through anger, for him who was observing a monastic standard. (82) Burning with that and still unpurturbed due to the attainment of great spiritual power, he was meditating with mind engrossed in the religion propounded by Jinas. (83) "In this worldly existence tormenting on account of mental and physical miseries, what is easily obtainable is misery and what is difficult to obtain, is the knowledge of the true religion. (84) I am fortunate that in this unending sea of world, I obtained this jewel in the form of true faith, difficult to be obtained by hundreds and thousands of births." (85) By the power of this faith being observed by thems selves with effort, the souls in the other births do not get misfortune and misery. (86) In this endless world, then,that birth is fruitful which is free even from ordinary faults of misconduct, and which is big with the acquisition of the true faith. (87) [53] He carves in his heart the causing of anger and discomfiture which he did to Agnis'arman and then he repents the bad action which he did. (88) In this way, he made friendship with all living thi ngs continuously due to the preachings of Jinas and (even more did he show friendship) to Agnis'arman. (89) Thus he (i. e. Gunasena), having blissful consequence, was killed by that sinful person; and having died, he was born a god in Saudharma heaven. (90) Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 54. 3. And he was born in Candranana Vimana with the age of one Sagaropama. Hear, I speak, in short, the way in which gods are born. (91) As there are nymphs and others among them, they are born according to the order; according as the celestial action is great, they transform into gods. (92) Just as in the heavens, within a moment, there is the birth of clouds, lightning, a rainbow and flashes (of lightning), in the same way, there is the birth of gods. (93) And again leaving up this body, he takes up the celestial body in the pure bed of gods in one Antarmuhurta (i. e. 48 minutes). (94) There, at that time, they sing pleasing songs; and the celestial damsels shed the clusters of flowers, with bees. (95) They astonish gods by exhibiting celestial amours; and they play upon the lutes of three sounds, of varied types and enchanting. (96) Knowing his birth, most difficult to be had in all the world, gods, with gladdened hearts, make loud roars like those of lions. (97) [54] And the other (i. e. the soul of Gunasena) gets up at once gladdened, enjoying the celestial souad, touch, taste, form, and smell and the pleasures of desires. (98) He, the joy of the eyes of gods, puts on the celestial silk garment of a god; and having shining beautiful face, he appears like the full autumnal moon. (99) Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 65 55. 5. ] And there, the charming nymphs, delighted, praise him with sweet words of the praises of victory. (100) Even gods, highly exulted, with the lustre of their ear-rings falling on their cheeks and with the decorations of the flowers of celestial trees, bow to him with the sounds of victory. (101) Now seeing this celestial retinue with his eyes, he was confused "What have I given or offered that it bears this celestial fruit ?" (102) With pure Avadhi Knowledge, he brought (to himself) consciousness of celestial wonders and now thinking of right conduct he does celestial acts. (103) He, worthy of worship, does in great state the worship of the images of eternal Jinas; and for one Muhurta, he reads also the best book. (104) Now there are celestial damsels; who have conquered the discs of moon with their moon-like faces; whose bodies are beautiful in having beautiful breasts thick, high and decorated. (105) Who are charming with the garlands appearing beautiful on the middle part of the body, beautiful with wavy three lines ( on the stomach ); the wide expanse of whose hips was greeted by the jingling waist-bands.(106) Who were marked by the pair of big, enchanting pair of thighs, resembling burnished gold; who had beautiful feet raised like a tortoise and lit with moon-like nails. (107) [55] Who were pleasing on account of amorous gestures and actions caused by deep satisfaction; whose minds were pierced by the shaits of the god of love; who were tall;-they, with eagerness looked upon him. (108) Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 66 [ 55. 20. The servants were also deeply devoted and accompanied with celestial splendour, and charming as they were, they spoke 'Sir, look at the mansions of gods'.(109) He looked at the mansions of gods with nymphs; who bowed to his greatness with the words of victory; and who were expert in enchanting. (110) The mansions whose high plinths were built with the collection of broad quartz-stones; which was accompanied with walls made up of fine crystal-stones studded with jewels. (111) Which had hundreds of strange, fine statues made up on the pillers of precious stones (i. e. Vaiduryas ); and also the spaces between whose walls were stuck up with celestial swords and chowries. (112) Which had beds made up of fine and varied celestial clothes and which were beautiful with strings of pearls and hanging silken clothes. (113) In whose floors, embellished with the flowers of a celestial tree, were reflected the clusters of bees; which were full of incense-pots; and where the strings of jewels were hanging. (114) He, with meritorious deeds done in previous birth and with his mind satisfied, stayed in them enjoying celestial pleasures with a group of nymphs. (115) He enjoyed celestial pleasures, according to his will with nymphs, in Candranana heaven for a complete Sagaropama. (116) Gunasena-Aggisamma' which was spoken here, is thus over, now listen to what was spoken as 'Sihinanda ya taha.' (117) Kh kh Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMARAICCA-KAHA THE STORY OF THE SECOND BIRTH [ PP. 56-123.] // sohANandA ya taha piyA-uttA // Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56. 15. ] In the continent of Jambudvipa, in the country of Aparavideha, there was a city named Jayapura; which was the abode of incomparable merits; which resembled the city of gods; which was embellished with parks and gardens; which was the saffron-mark of the whole world. There women were beautiful, with clean clothes, clever in arts and bashful. There men were, castrated so far as others' wives were concerned; blind in finding out weak points of others; dumb in speaking ill things of others; tight-handed in snatching wealth of others; and devoted in doing benevolence to others. There was a king by the name of Purusadatta, who had performed the ceremony of worship on the battlefield by means of the collection of flowers in the form of pearls reddened by profuse blood sprayed out of the heads of enemy's speedy elephants killed by the sharp unsheathed sword. His queen was S'ri-Kanta, the principal queen of the whole harem. He enjoyed with her incomparable pleasures. On this side, the god, who was the lord of Candranana Vimana, having passed his life Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 57. 18. according to his period, fell from it and was born in the womb S'ri-Kanta. In that, she saw in a dream a lion's cub, entering in the womb by way of a mouthresplendent with the weight of flaunting mane resembling the network of flames of smokeless fire; white like a garland of pearls, swans and collections of pure crystal stones; of quiet tawny eyes; whose outcoming jaws resembled the digit of the moon; (57] whose chest was broad and beautiful; whose waist was very slender, the skirts of whose waist were quite round and strong; whose tail was long and twisted; the flanks of whose hips were well placed;-what to describe more ?-pleasing and handsome in all limbs. Seeing it, she got up happily and said to the husband with proper ceremony, He said, "Your son will be the residence of the appellation of the great king' and his two feet will be bowed to by many vassals." Then she heard him and stood there with joy. When the proper time arrived, a desire of the pregnant woman, in keeping with the burden of a great man, came to her, viz. "I shall give the gift of non-fear to all living things; the prosperity of the rich to the poor, orphans and the miserable; the alms of support to friars; and shall do the worship in all temples." She conveyed this ( desire ) to her husband and he, with increasing joy, fulfilled it. By its fulfilling, there became a great festival of countrypeople. For, Indeed, any condition of the fortunate people is for benevolence to others; the rise of the young moon illumines the world of people. (118) Then nine months and eight and half days and nights were happily passed by her; who was immersed Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54. 14 ] 71 in religious things by performing benevolent deeds; and whose birth was well-earned. Then on the auspicious meeting-time of date, day-division and Muhurta, with the hopes of all people, queen Sri Kanta delivered a child with quite tender hands and feet. The birth of a son was declared to the king by a maid named S'ubhamkari. The king was satisfied and gave her a gift. He arranged for the freeing up of bonds and for other duties. There followed great joy in the city; all the roads of the city were decorated; [ 58 ] the dust was set down by safforn-water; varied flowers, accompanied with humming bees were offered; the market-places were decorated; auspicious drums were beaten on the mansions by the roads; the citizens and the folk of royal family danced with joy. The first month passed away of those enjoying very great happiness and joy every day. Due to the sight in the dream, the name 'Simha' was settled for that child. He, enjoying the best fruit of merits, which did not hurt the pride of the needy by the meritorious deeds of giving by thoughts, Attained gradually like the moon, the youth of incomparable handsomeness; the beauty of which increased with the attainment of the cluster of arts ( digitsin the case of moon ); which was delightful to the eyes and mind of the people. (119) Once upon a time, there set in the spring-time; pleasing to the heart of the flower-arrowed god who had come to youth; and was delightful to the hearts of young men. Then the god of love was engaged in aiming at the hearts of men seeing the sentiment of love ( pun: Rati, the wife of Kama), with an arrow ( pun: a bee ) set upon the round flowery bow. Then Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 59.9. the cuckoos made jargon as if it were the sounds of victory for him (i. e. the god of love); the clusters of bees in the mango-trees expanded like the cloud of smoke of the crowds of travellers burning with the fire of separation; the circle of directions with the flowers of Kims'uka trees, as it were, began to burn with the funeral fires of those women whose husbands had gone away. Then in such spring-time, that Prince Simha, surrounded by various youngsters went with great pomp, for sport, to the garden named Krid sundara, the bed-chamber as it were of the splendour of spring; whose fresh beauty was sung by the clusters of bees, humming and joyful with pride; which was full of trees, the branches of which were broken by the burden of flowers made to dance by the fragrant breeze of the Malaya mountain; which was tremulous with the mental confusion caused to young women by the notes of delighted cuckoos. [59] He began to play with varied sports. He saw there in that garden, standing not very far, a girl named Kusumavali, enjoying spring-sport in company with her friends; she was the daughter of his maternal uncle named Laxmi-Kinta who was a great tributary king; she had a braid of hair fragrant with the smell of flowers, resembling the row of bees; she had hands reddish as a coral-plant like creepers; she had round, tender and slender arms like branches; the pair of whose thighs was beautiful like the trunk of a plantain-tree; the pair of whose tender feet was reddish like a land-lily;-she was like the garden-goddess, surrounded by the beauties of the season. Then, as she saw him, he looked at her, with tenderness on account of the fault of attachment, brought close by 72 Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 73 60. 11. ] endless births. Kusumivali, who was getting away swiftly due to the confusion (caused by) his (presence) from that part, saw him. She thought, " How is it that on account of the beauty of the park Kridasundara, even god of love enjoys here the delights of sports ? " In the meantime, the maid by the name of Priyankari said "My lady, enough of going away; he is indeed the son of King Purusadatta, born of the womb of your father's sister, the prince by the name of Simha; hence he will not think it an act of incivility, seeing thus my lady,-who has taken possession of him on the first arrival,-turning away. Hence, my lady you stand here; and may you do the high-souled one the ceremony of reception, becoming to a princess." Then she whose limbs had their hair-ends bristled under the sway of joy, looked at him with amorous desires and with amorous turns of body and said, "O Priyankara, you are clever in this matter; hence tell me what I should do for him." [60] She said "My lady, we have come first; then let him adorn this place by the acceptance o? a seat; let the reception, which is the seed of the tree of relation of good men, be done to him; let a betel-leaf accompanied with the timely decoration of spring-flowers be given to him with your own hand." Kusumavali said "Oh, I am not able to do this for him so hastily; hence do yourself in this matter what is fit for the occasion." In the meantime the prince arrived at that place. Then Priyankara prepared the seat and said " Welcome to the flower-arrowed god, without Rati ! May the high-souled one sit here." Then he, with satisfaction smiled a little, and said "I was for this much Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 74 [ 61. 11. "" time without Rati but now I am not!" and sat there. Priyankara brought in a golden tray the betel-leaf accompanied with the garland of Madhavi flowers and the prince accepted it. In the meantime, there came the chamberlain of the harem of princesses named Sambharayana, sent by the mother of Kusumavali for calling her. He saw Kusumavali looking with love at the unseeing prince with side-long glances. He thought, "The god of love has come together with Rati, if fortune favours. Then coming near, Sambharayana greeted the prince and said "Dear daughter Kusumavali, Lady Muktavali orders 'you have played long enough; let not your body exhaust; hence come soon. "Then she said 'As mother orders' and with confusion [61] looked at the prince and went out of the garden and reached her home, thinking alone of the prince. Then she bowed to the mother and went to her bed-room. Then, she, following the prince (with mind) and giving long sighs sat on the bed-stead and bade goodbye to her lady-friends after receiving them. She began to resort to bed; leaving sighs incessantly; with her mind pierced by the arrows of the god of love; and who gave up all the activities of the works to be done by her. ( 120 ) She did not draw pictures; she did not apply toilette powder which she should apply; she did not desire food; nor did she like even her mansion. ( 121 ) She did not teach the group of parrots and sarikas which were to her familiar for a long time; nor did she fondle the domestic swans pleasing and flattering. ( 122 ) Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 62. 7. ] 75. She did not play on the terrace of the mansion; nor did she take ablutions in the house-well; nor did. she play on a lute; nor did she apply paint. ( 123 ) She did not play with the ball; nor did she think much of her ornaments; she was like a doe fallen out of the herd; and she simply followed him (i. e. theprince with mind). ( 124 ) The movements of her eyes were for a momentchecked; she was without steadiness; she checked her long sighs for a moment; the movements of her body were for a moment checked; her lotus-like face wasfor a moment garrulous with speech. ( 125 ) In the meantime, her nursing-maid ordered her daughter named Madanalekha who was her second heart:- "Kusymavali is heavily tired of the sports and has gone to garden Kridasundara and soon by her to-day her female friends are bidden good-bye. So take a fan. sprinkled with sparse water; prepare some betels with camphor and go to her". After the order, Madanalekha fulfilled her mother's word and went with joy with her jewelled anklets jingling, in the vicinity of Kusumavali... [92] And she found Kusumavali carrying the body difi--- cult to be borne, due to the heavy burden of anxiety and lying in the midst of a fine bed. Then Madanlekha, who thought her in swoon as she did not speak, requested, "My lady, why do you appear as it were to be. dejected ? Why haven't you finished the worship of gods. and elders ? Why havn't you welcomed your lady-frie-. nds? Why didn't you give reception to the needy ? Why didn't you take lessons in the cluster of arts? Why are the elders unsatisfied ? Why didn't you instruct Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 76 [ 63. 9. your retinue ? Why didn't you show love to your female friends ? What desired thing is not produced ?-May my lady order, if it is not a thing unworthy to be said." Then Kusumavali collected her tresses with her own hand with confusion and said "Then, hear. By the exhaustion due to the collection of flowers, slight fever has come upon me; and the fire of heat produced from it troubles me; and the uneasiness due to it increases in the limbs. I do not see any other reason for dejection." Madanalekha said "If that be so, take camphor-betels; I shall fan your body, heavy with the exhaustion of sports." Kusumivali said "Of what help are the camphormixed betals to me who have come to this condition ? Enough also of fanning, come, let us go to a plantainbower. There prepare for me a bed so that this fire of fever may vanish while I am there." Then Madanalekha said "As my lady orders." They went to the small plantain-bower which was the secret place in the garden of her mansion. A beautiful bed was prepared by this Madanalekha. Kusumavali sat there. The camphormixed betels were given to her. [63] Madanalekhi began to fan with the palm-fan her who was satisfied with confidential talks. Again Kusum:ivati who gave out hollow sounds all of a sudden, stood hankering again and again after him who was the shaft in her heart, with sighs secretly released. Then Madanalekha thought "What is the reason of this adverse passion of her ?" She asked "My lady, when this spring-time, the ocean with rising waves of the amorous gestures of youthful people has set in, what wonder to-day have you seen having gone there or while going to Kridisundra ?" Then Kusumavali spoke the desired, due to Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 77 64. 8. ] the disposition produced by the condition brought about by the god of love, due to the naughtiness of the god of love "My friend, I saw in the Park Kridasundara Prince Simha, the son of the king; who was like the flower-weaponed god without Rati; like a moon without Rohini; like the guard of the god of love without wine; like Indra without S'aci; whose colour resembled the burnished gold; the portion of whose toes appeared like the cluster of buds due to the rays of the nails; who had the shanks beautiful as peacocks; who was with distinctive calfs; whose ties of veins were well hidden; who had beautiful and well-proportioned pair of hips; whose front parts of knees were shaped like the mouth of a crocodile; whose joints of the knees were internally hidden; the expanse of whose waist was big; the middle part of whose body was beautiful; whose chest was thick and broad; whose pair of hands was round like a tall peak; whose elbows were not jutting out; whose wrists were big; whose palms were adorned with auspicious lines and extended upto the knees; whose nails were fine and reddish; whose pair of lips evenly rounded; whose white appearance was quite becoming; [64] whose eyes were big with one third part of them a little reddish; whose jutting nose resembled a lute; whose forehead was big; the sides of whose ears. were well-rounded; whose tresses were black and frgarantly oiled; who had applied the paint of sandal on his body; who put on clean silken garment; whose neck was adorned with big pearl-necklaces; whose head was adorned with pure crest-jewels; what to describe more? -the beauty of the beauty itself; the handsomeness of the handsomeness itself; the good-lookingness of the was Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ '78 (65. 14. good-lookingness itself; the youth of the youth itself; desire of the desire itself." Madanelekha, who guessed the context to some adverse passion, thought " The love of my lady has indeed settled on a right place; or the goddess of wealth does not wander elsewhere leaving a lake full of lotuses; excepting my lady, nobody, is fit for him as Rati is only fit for the divine god of love." Having thought so, she said "My lady, indeed handsome is that prince with his own merits. For while on an errand to the queen, I heard noble Subuddhi holding conference with the king;--if it happens like that, then the five-arrowed god as it were accompanied with Rati will be fully attractive " Kusumivali said "What did you hear (him speak)?" She replied. "I heard him like this; 'Arya Subuddhi said "Sir, King Purusadatta has great importunity in asking Kusumivali for Prince Simha. I am firmly spoken to in this matter. You must so arrange that this Kusumavali can be joined with equally meritorious Prince Simha;' and to add, (65) sir, excepting him nobody is fit for Kusumivali." In the meantime, she, full of bashfulness and joy, attained some indescribable transformation of condition; and bringing out the false touch of pride, moon-faced Kusumavali said "O irrelevant speaker, why do you speak like this?" Madanalekhi said "My lady, what is irrelevant here? Is ever a lady-swan unfit for a lordly swan residing in Manasa lake ?" Then the king said "The great king is the master of my self." Then Subuddhi said 'Sir, indeed that is fit." Thus when they were confidential, there came a garden-maid named Pallavika. She requested Kusumavali "My lady, the queen orders that you should go to the bed-chamber because his Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 66. 8. 79 majesty has ordered "The palace-garden is to be made ready so as to adorn it with additional decorations as Prince Simha, the son of the great King is to come here,." On hearing this, she delightfully went to the bed-chrmber, saying 'As the Queen orders. On this side the palace-garden was made ready. Then having invited with respect, Prince Simha, who himself liked coming, out of the eagerness to see Kusumavali, was led home; the ceremony to arrange for dinner etc. was made; and then he entered the palace-garden. He saw the bower of grape-creepers, garrulous with the voices of domestic Sarikas; the As'oka grove beautiful with the garment of reddish sprouts like a new bridegroom; the cluster of lotuses in the palace-tank, where lotuses were shaken by pleasing swans; the grove of mango-trees, resonant with the sounds of bees and cuckoos; the bower of Madhavi creeper surrounded by the rows of bees moving about out of delight due to the drinking of honey; the expanse of betel-nut tree embraced by the betel-creepers; the collection of saffron-creepers which made the circle of directions (66) smelling with fragrance; and the plantain-grove pleasing to the eye and swinging in the pleasant gale. He stood in the bower of Madhavi creeper. In the meantime Madanalekha said to Kusumavali "My lady, on account of the affection behoving a good person shown by the high-souled persons, he must be a related person, returned from the previous birth. He should be revealed by proper talk and presenting of flowers and betel-leaf. So send to him by this time, the betel, with a tender betel-leaf; the ear-decoration of the cluster of Priyangu-flowers, stitched by your Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 80 [ 67. 14. own hand, accompanied with the inquiry about his health and in a way as your sentiment may not be read; the fresh Kankola fruits; and something wonderful which may suggest your art and tenderness." Then Kusumavali said. "O dear friend, do yourself what you think proper." Then Medanalekha brought the painting-board with a brush and said to Kusumavali "My lady, the prince is fond of painting; so let my lady paint here a female swan, who is separated from her proper partner and is therefore anxious to see him." Then understanding the opinion of Madanalekha, she smiled a little and painted the female swan as was advised. Madanalekh also wrote upon it the Dwipadikhanda suggesting the condition (of Kusumavali ). [67] How may a fine lady-swan not pine away for the sake of union with her lover,-the lady-swan full of anxiety on account of the profusion of fresh love, whose face has grown pale; who herself is lukewarm in desire in catching even a juicy stalk of a lotus; and who has not even set her sight on the cluster of lotuses shaken by the south wind? (127), Then having taken this painting-board and the present which was previously described, Madanalekha went to the bower of Madhavi-creeper. Knowing her from the retainers, to be the dear friend of Kusumavali, the prince greeted her with respect. Then bowing with confusion to his feet, Madanalekha said, "O son of the great king, you are fond of painting, hence I am sent to know your tidings by princess Kusumavali, who is also fond of painting; besides, this is the fresh nosegay of Priyangu-flowers stitched with her own hands cut of Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 81 68. 15. ] affection; this is a betel, rich with the betel-leaf of her own betel-creeper; and these are fresh Kankola fruits. Thinking that these are given to the lovable and the highest, and as you are alone fit for them, these are sent by my lady and let this painting of a lady-swan also receive the delight of your sight." Saying so, she put these forward. Then the prince joyfully took the Priyangu-nosegay and untying the crest-garland, he put it on the ear; accepted the betel; looked at the ladyswan with increasing joy; and read the Dvipadikhanda written above it, suggesting her condition. Then, with words faltering on account of the acceptance of the betel and also out of the amorous passion, he said. "Oh [68] her cleverness in painting! And the condition that can be comprehended by mere sight (of the picture) is suggested by this Dvipadikhanda which merely repeats the incident." Madanalekha said, " O son of the great king, that is not suggested by my lady but on seeing this painting, I have composed this Dvipadikhanda." The prince said "It is proper for friends to imitate in words the condition of friends having first seen the painting." He asked for a pair of scissors to cut leaves. He carved in a betel-leaf the stately swan, in the same condition as that of a lady-swan, and a strophe in clear terms to convey the heart, viz. " Thinking that the beloved will not be got by dying, this stately swan bears life somehow with ( the wish of the ) proper collocation of circumstances."(128) Then, having taken out of his neck, he gave to her a pearl-necklace, which was the very essence of three oceans, as a present and also offered a betel. Smiling a little, he said to her, " You should speak to Kusuma Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 82 [ 69. 12. ... vali. 'We have strong love for pictures (pun-sense : love of heart); you know it; we have also known your cleverness in painting; then again you should give (lit. do) delight with the excellence of your cleverness in painting to one who loves painting. "As the son of the great king orders" said then Madanalekhi with a bow and went and approached Kusumavali. She reported the account as happened and submitted the betel-leaf. Kusumavali saw the stately swan, read the strophe and became satisfied in the heart. [69] Thus as few days passed away of those whose love was increasing by sending the sketches in painting of Vidyadhari, Cakravaka, Madhukara etc.-the skeches which delighted the minds of people fallen within the range of the arrows of the god of love, king Laxmikanta gave Kusumavali to Prince Simha, so as to respect the request of king Purusadatta. This was made known to Kusumavali by Priyankara. 'O beautiful one, thou art offered to Prince Simha' -on this being said, the satisfaction in her limbs increased simaltaneously with the god of love, by way of thickly bristling hair-ends. (129) In the meantime, both the kings arranged for an ovation; in which an amount of wealth was given exceeding the desires to the host of the needy; in which the circle of directions was filled with the sounds of auspicious drums sounding; in which the splendour was found in the groups of dancing singing-girls; and which gave delight to all. Having done this, they got the day fit for marriage Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 70. 11. ] calculated; and again they also proclaimed even more charity according to their desires. (130) Then when that auspicious day arrived, Kusumivali with young 'kinswomen, for annointing at a proper moment (131) Was placed with the face eastward, on the raised seat covered by white beautiful silk-garment, in a square adorned with colour-designs. (132) Her feet were put on a clean stool made up of jewels, beautiful on account of the dye of feet reflected therein, as if it had sprouted with the delight resulting from the happiness of her touch, (133) [ 70 ] A barber, who suspected the rays of her nails as water, washed them with it (i. e. that false water) and did faultlessly the work of cutting her She had put on a reddish garment; and her lotuslike face bloomed even more; she was as it were the devoted bride in the form of eastern direction about to be united with the sun. (135) By ladies whose husbands were alive; who had put on red garments; and whose hands were full of the sprouts of Durva grass, curds, and rice, (136) -She was bathed only with gold jars full of flowers fruits and water; and her even more auspicious body * was fully rubbed with a silk cloth. (137) The priests, with thickly bristling hair-enus out of satisfaction, cast rice on her head, which was with thickly grown hair and which was rich with the fragrance of all herbs ( 138 ) Then he moon-faced bride was taken (lit. begun) to nails Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 84 [71. 8. be decorated; and her enchanting feet were decorated ( lit. done ) with red dye. (139) And her lower feet were painted with the paint of saffron matching her own beauty; and the painting was also done on the pair of thick jar-like breasts. (140) And her lotus-like face was decorated with the sandal-pigment mixed with black-sandal. Her lower lip was made attractive (pun-with the god of love ) and coloured ( pun-with passion ) like the lover. ( 141 ) The pair of her eyes, beautiful with the colour and beauty of a petal of a blooming lotus in the fresh autumnal time, was coloured with collyrium though lustrous. (142) The fine saffron-mark bloomed on her face surrounded by the tresses-resembling the clusters of beescombed over it, like the stately Tilaka-tree, surrounded by the cluster of bees on its upper branches, blooming on the face of the Splendour of the Spring. (143) [ 71 ] And her beautiful jewelled anklets tied to her feet brought out the royal swans sporting in her palace-tank by sweet jingle. (144) And her fingers were decorated with jewelled rings, the added beauty of which was derived from the jewels encircled with the rays of the moon-like nails. ( 145 ) Her waist-band of pellucid gems, (as it were) the fine musical insrument of the festival of amours, was tied on her high (lit. inaccessible ) expanse of hips (pun-on a highmound) like the heart of a lover. ( 146 ) The jewelled strings on the arms were tied on the part near the arm-pits, (like) the thieves of human hearts and like the snares of the god of love. ( 147 ) Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 72. 12. ] 85 And on the breasts, the beautiful breast-band ( pun-the bridge built by monkeys ) that was made up of the leaves of pleasing and fine red topazes ( punprepared by the army of attractive Rama ) touched the hips (pun-on the rocky mounds of the shore ). ( 148 ) The pearl-necklace as if under the amorous influence of the god of love, which was generated by its contact due to the clasp on the breasts, began hanging out from the neck to touch her central garment-knot. ( 149 ) On her neck was tied the pure and enchanting pearl-string ornament and the jewelled ear-rings on the ears coloured with saffron. (150) [ 72 ] Her face definitely shone by the ornament called Mrgankalekha white and curved like the digit of the moon white and curved on the face of the splendour of the evening. ( 151 ) The pure crest-jewel was placed on her head which was beautiful with thick, black, curled and enchanting tresses of hair. (152) 'Leaving me aside she will be seen first ( by the bridegroom )'--the beauty of the gems, which had thus conceived malice, as it were, covered all her limbs. (153) Thus as Kusumavali was being decorated, by that time, Prince Simha was also decorated by singing girls clever in the art of decoration. Then the astrologers, who took the measurement of shade by the measuringrod, and who knew the deep sense of the science of astrology, said " The auspicious moment of hand-holding has come up." Then Prince Simha-for whom the king had ordered the activities of servants; for whom the circle of directions was filled with the sounds of Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 73. 10. auspicious drums beating; who was surrounded by royal persons, sitting in stately chariots beautiful with the hosts of flag-cloths dancing in wind; for whom the trunk road was extremely blocked by the groups of the damsels of the harem clever in the ways of beautiful dances; who mounted on the elephant which was decorated white; who was surrounded by princes Mrgankasena and Amarasena, like the flower-weaponed god surrounded by spring and autumn; and who was seen with affection by town-damsels standing on the terraces of palaces;- came to the marriage-pandal sportingly. He was held at the door by extremely white cloth and was asked the conventional present by elderly women who held the materials of reception. [73] Then, with eyes blooming under the influence of joy he descended from the stately elephant giving more than what was asked for. His brow was beaten with gold pestle with the jewelled band. Then the bride-groom was led to the pandal-compound-controlling the crowd of the people-by the damsels whose duty was to arrange the meeting ( between him and the bride ). Where the bride, with her face covered by the white and nice silken garment, stood, like the moon-lit night in which the disc of the moon is covered by the autumnal cloud. ( 154 ) The female friends made to him amorous banterings which were not against ( civility ); and then they asked him for the conventional present to open the contours of the face of the bride. ( 155 ) Then he smiled a little and said "O, that is perti Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 75. 3. ] nent to me!" and gave the conventional present. The contours of the face were opened; and Kusumavaliwhose earrings were made out of the sprouts of As'oka-tree; whose lotus-like face was a little blooming; who was full of hurried joy; and who was experiencing the movements of amour, enchanting even to the beautiful and peculiarly celestial;-was seen by him. Then the marriage of both of them who were mutually bound by love, was begun full of songs and auspicious things and it brought joy to the hearts of kinsmen. (156) Her hands being unable to bear the preliminary stretch of time clasped the bridegroom with the rays of pure moonlike nails. (157) Having held her first in the soft heart full of love, he afterwards held her in the hand on which the water of perspiration was increasing. (158) Having held her in the hand, she was brought from the midst of the ball to the pandal like the bride of a god to the celestal air-vehicle. (159) He entered the pandal: which was made up of golden pillars studded with pure and fine topazes; in which long pearl-strings were hanging from the canopies made up of silken cloth; (160) [75] Where white chowries were made green by the rays of green gems stuck to the pearl-strings; and where the mirrors had the net-work of light of the gold of the handles of white chowries; (161) Where the attractive faces of fhe ladies on the bridegroom's side were appearing beautiful in the mir Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 88 [ 75. 20 rors; where the satisfaction to the bride's side was brought about by the faces of the damsels on the bridegroom's side;(162) Whose skirts were marked by the groups of bards, whose hair-ends bristled out of satisfaction; and which had the clusters of stars formed by the variegated and pure jewels on its skirts; (163) In which the pure digit of moon was placed on the front part of the arch adorned by the clusters of stars, in the sky in the form of the pandal white with the expanse of the light of the digit of the moon. (164) He, with his body resplendent with the rays of the ornaments of jewels, came upon the raised square seat with delight like the lord of the day on the mountain of sun-rise, (165) Accompanied with Kusumavali wearing resplendent white and fine silken robes, with the lotus of the face blooning, as it were with the splendour of the day. (166) On account of smoke, the drops of tears fell on the bride who had her face downwards, as it were speaking to the bride 'Look at the face of the bridegroom, (167) In the meantime, the courtesies to the people began. The pigments, with fragrance smelling sweet; the flower-garlands with humming bees; the smelling herbs, with fragrant smell; the betels made up of camphor etc.; fine clothes, silken, Devadusya clothes, fine Cina clothes, and Ardha-Cina clothes; the ornaments, the bracelets, necklaces, ear-rings, wristlets etc.; the herd of horses, formed of various kinds of horses turkish, Bil Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 89 76. 19. ] hika, Kamboja, Vajjara etc., [76] elephants of different varieties, of stately and graceful descent,-were given. In the meantime, when fire was being offered the oblations of ghee, honey etc, the bride and the bridegroom began to take circular turns. (168) In the first circle, the father of the bride gave with joy the hundred thousand pieces of unwrought gold. (169) In the second circle, the ornaments consisting of necklaces, ear-rings, waist-bands and bracelets, were given. In the third circle, the silver vessels consisting of trays, porringers etc. were given. (170) In the fourth circle, fine costly clothes of varied kinds were given to the bride by the father whose hair-ends bristled visibly with satisfaction. (171) King Purusadatta also did courtesis to men, costly with abounding grace and fitting to his own state and gave priceless ornaments with pure jewels, gems and pearls to the daughter-in-law. Thus after the great festival of marrige took place, many lacs of years passed away, of them experiencing the pleasures of senses, fit to be praised by all men and in which the attachment increased as the time went by. Some other time, Prince Simha who had gone for a horse-ride, saw in the Nagadeva Park at a very clean place, Acarya Dharmaghosa, expounding the sense of the canon to his disciples; who possessed the merits like handsomeness etc.; who was in his first youth; who was the treasure of merits like forgiveness, softness, straightforwardness, the renunciation of evil things, con Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 90 [ 77. 18. staint, truth, purity, non-possession, and continence; and who was surrounded by many friars. Then he saw and felt great respect towards him. He thought "Fortunate is thus he whose sentiments have turned away from the worldly existence; who has abjured all attachment; who is devoted to the highest benevolence. So would I go before him and ask this [77] "What is the cause of tois dejection of him who is in the age so nice for the god of love, and how is the worldly existence full of miseries to him, as it is ?" Then, having descended from the noble Vollaha horse, he went before him. He bowed to Dharmaghosa. The revered friar greeted him with 'Dharmalabha.' Then, having bowed to the remaining friars he, with full devotion sat at the preceptor's feet which were naturally handsome. Turning back to the essence of dejection, he asked revered Dharmaghosa, "Revered sir, how had you such dejection, you who are the family-home of the treasure of all merits-whereby this friarhood at this inopportune time is accepted ? " Then the revered friar said "Oh great faithful, there is sot the inopportune time. Is rot there the all-powerul death which has defeated gods and demons, which is the thunderbolt of the mountain of all desires, which is the prime and only cause of separation from the dear ones, and which increases the dejection of the wise ? And also,-Oh great faithful, if religion is to be followed even at the final pericd cf life for the purpose of purification, why can the same be improper in the beginning ?" The king said "Revered 'sir, of course it is not improper but the dejection can not be without a cause; therefore I ask the cause of dejection" The revered friar said "The worldly existence Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 78. 15. ] 91 itself is the cause of dejection but however particularly (the cause of dejection is) some one's own life-history by himself possessing visual knowledge without the help of senses ( Avadhi Jnana)." The king asked "What is that life-history by one having Avadhi Jnana ?" The revered friar said " Hear, Here, in the country of Vijaya, there was a city named Rajapura. As I dwelt there with the appearance of worldly life though in fact disgusted of it, [78] there came Acarya by the name of Amargupta who understood his sins and merits by Avadhi knowledge which he secured in few days and who was the lord of many friars. There was a rumour among the people," Oh this is a great ascetic, the doors of whose sinful activities are destroyed; whose eyes are the Avadhi Jnana. that is born in him; and who is accompanied with the attainment of preaching proper religion !" Then the lord of that city named Arimardana and other townspeople and countrymen went out for the purpose of his sight and arrived at his feet. The revered friar was bowed to by townspeople and countrymen. The revered friar greeted the king, townspeople and countrymen with Dharmalabha. The king, the townspeople and the countrymen, who were received with great respect by the words of the preceptor, sat on a clean surface of the earth. The revered friar was asked by the king about his wandering. The friar preached to him. The king said " O revered sir, you have attained the Avadhi knowledge which can grasp the past, the present and and the future. So do me the favour. Tell me your life-history. When or how the right belief which is the Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 79. 13. only seed of the tree of eternal bliss or the partial non-attchment or the friarhood in this or other births, was obtained by your worship ?" The revered friar said " Hear, Here in this country of Vijaya there was a city named Campa. There in bygone times, there was a householder named Sudhanu. His wife was Dhanas'ri They had a daughter named Somi. When she came to youth, she was given to Rudradeva, the son of merchant Nanda, the inhabitent of this city. The marriage took place; and we enjoyed the pleasures of senses with happiness. By that time there came a nun named Balacandra who was roaming according to her vow; whose body was emaciated with various kinds of penances; who was adorned with the gem of the canonical scriptures; (79) and who was in beauty like the presiding deity. She was seen at the place where she had come out for alms, by me while coming to the paternal home from the house of the father-in-law. On seeing her, delight came upon me; my eyes became wide open; the sin was annihilated; the limbs became active; and the religious mind bloomed. Then, keeping not very far, I, folding my palms with modesty, greeted the revered lady with great respect. She gave me the religious greeting, the seed of the corn of all happiness, Affection and devotion were born in me towards her intensely. I asked the revered lady the place of her residence; other nuns told me about it. Then I began to wait upon her with fitting ceremony. The revered nun told me the religion; which was preached by those who had abjured attachment; which was the Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 80. 13. ] 93 the fruit of the desire-yielding tree, in the form of eternal bliss; which was the thunder-bolt to the mountain of misery; and which was the wild-fire to the forest of actions. Then the right belief was obtained by the destruction and pacification of actions; the religion preached by Jinas was realised; and my mind was disgusted with the prison of worldly existence. Then that Rudradeva began to entertain malice by the taint of actions. He said "Leave up this religion which makes an obstruction to the sensual pleasures." Then I said, "Enough of sensual pleasures; the life in this world is very transitory and the result of the failings due to the pleasures of senses is very terrible." He said, " You are mentally distorted: do not make an attachment to the unseen, leaving aside the seen ?" I said, "What indeed is the seen here ? These objects of senses are common with the herds of animals (80) and how can religion whose blissful fruit is visibly attained, be said to be unseen?'' Then he, prattling like this even more, began to entertain malice. He gave up sexual intercourse with me. He chose Nagas'ri, the daughter of the merchant by the name of Nagadeva; but she was not given by merchant Nagadeva, out of great regard to her (i. e. his daughter ). Rudradeva thought, "I shall not get his bride so long as she (i. e. the first wife ) is alive. Hence I will kill her." Then by fraudulent plotting, he put a deadly snake somehow in the pot and put the same in a corner. When the evening had passed and the time for the union of amorous persons arrived, he said to me, " Bring a flower-garland from that pot." Then I, not knowing his trick, went near the pot. I removed the cover of the mouth, tightened Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 94 [ 81. 14. by earth and citron juice. Then, throwing the hand in, I'caught the snake. I was stung by it. Then, leaving it in confusion, I, with my limbs shaking with fear and haste, went close to him. I said to Rudradeva. " I am bitten by a snake." Rudradeva hypocritically became agitated. He began purposeless fuss. In the meantime, my limbs perspired; my limb-joints got loose; the heart turned off as it were; the space in the mansion as it were began to move; the earth as it were began to turn round. I fell on the surface of the earth helpless. Hence I came to the highly indescribable condition and due to the influence of the previous right belief, I left the body and was born in the Saudharma Heaven, in the best Lilavatansaka Vimina (81) as a god with the life of one Palyopama. Then as I enjoyed celestial joys, surrounded by the best nymphs, Rudradeva too married the daughter of merchant Nagadatta, enjoyed with her all fitting joys and dying in the death-season, was born a hell-dweller with the age of one Palyopama in the hell-Khattakkhadk in the hell-world Ratan prabhi. Then I, finishing my destined life fell and was born here in the couutry of Vijaya in the forest Sumsumira, on the mountain Sumsumara as an elephant; and had attained the condition of a cub-elephant. In the meantime, the other also, returning from the hell, was born as a parrot on that very mountain. I, who had passed my childhood, was seen by him on that very mountain, surrounded by the group of she-elephants and wandering sportively, in the sandal-forests which were naturally enchanting. Then on seeing me, the result of revenge on me began to take place in him by the rise of the result of the powerful action, under the influence of the Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 82. 17. ] 95 previous birth. He thought " How should this elephant be deprived of these pleasures ?" He began to find out the ways. Once there was a Vidyadhara by the name of Lilarati: he, having kidnapped the sister of Vidyadhra Mrgankasena by the name Candralekha, out of his fear, came to this part of the country. He said to the parrot "I wait here in this mountain-wood; here one Vidyadhara will come up. Then I should not be talked about to him; and I should be informed when he goes. Then I shall do you quite an adequate benefit. ( 82 ) If you will do so, I shall be much obliged." Saying so, he got down the mountain-wood, situated on the expanse of a precipitous mountain-side. The other also, in the same part of the country, stayed in the nest situated on the branches of an orange-tree; by the time Mrgankasena came and went away. In the meantime I came to that part of the country surrounded by she-elephants. Then seeing me, the parrot thought " Now is the time for me to achieve the desired." Then that treacherous one conferring with his own wife, said to her within my hearing "O handsome one, I have heard from revered great sage Vasistha that here on the Sumsumara mountain there is a precipice named Sarvakamika; whoever falls from it with whatever desire, he attains it the very moment." Then I asked " Revered sir, where again is that part ?" He said "On the left side of the S'ala tree." (and turning to his wile) " Hence enough of this animal-life; come on; we shall fall down making the concentration to become a Vidyadhara." He dvowed thus to his wife. Both of them went to that part of the country; they made the concentration and fell in the forest-wood. They Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 96 [ 83. 18. said the matter to Lilarati. Lilarati, adorning the courtyard of the sky, flew away with Candrlekha. We saw him. I thought "What a result of falling from the Sarvakamika Precipice-that this pair of parrots concentrating to be Vidyadharas, fell from here became at once the Vidyadhara pair ! Hence enough even for us to have animal-life. Then making the concentration to become a god, we also fall from here." Thus thinking we did not see the pair of parrots that had flown away. [83] Then I with limbs and sub-limbs shattered away, experienced pain, lessened my actions suffering hunger etc. without a will to annihilate them, was born a Vyantara god with the age of a little less than a Palyopama in the city of the world of Vyantra gods named Kusums'ekhara. There I enjoyed munificient joys while the other dying as a parrot was born as a helldweller with the age of something less than a Palyopama in the hell called Lohitabhimukha, in the hellworld, Ratnaprabha. Then I, finishing my period of life fell and was born as a son in the womb of Sumangala, the wife of merchant Apratihatacakra in the city of Cakravalapura in the other Vijaya here in the country of Videha. I was born at a proper time and my name was kept Cakradeva. I reached my childhood. In the meantime that hell-dweller parrot, coming back from the hell was born as a son in the womb of Nandivardhanii the wife of Somas'arman, who was the chaplain of the king in the same city. He was given the name Yajnadeva and he reached his childhood. In the meantime I conceived affection for him out of goodness; but he, out of treachery. Then, out of the taint of action attaching from the previous birth, he, crooked and spiteful of Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 84. 22. ] my prosperity, began to find out loop-holes, out of deceit, in me who was straightforward. Not getting (any weak points in me) he thought, "This man is not possible to be cheated in this manner. In this case, then this is the remedy. [84] Committing a theft in the house of merchant Candana, I will deposit the property in his house. Then, having informed in some way to the king, I would pull him down from prosperity." He did as he thought. Having brought the property to my house, he said, "My friend, conceal this with effort." I, who also had a doubt as it was brought at cdd time, concealed it though I did not desire to do so, due to the profusion of his civility. A cry among men arose in the city, that the house of merchant Candana was robbed. Then my heart suspected, that it should be like that. I went to Yajnadeva and asked him, as to how he managed that (i. e. to bring that property). He said "Do not make out otherwise; I have deposited this with you out of the fear of my father; not otherwise." Then the doubt disappeared in me. In the meantime, it was made known to the king by merchant Candana. "Sir, my house is robbed." The king asked "What is taken away ?" Candana said it and the king made all that to be taken down. He said, "Eh ! let it be proclaimed by the beat of a drum that the house of merchant Candana is robbed. Therefore, to king Candas'asna, let him inform who has come to the whole of property or its part in course of transactions. On not informing the acquisition of it, the king will not pardon him even after the seizure of all his wealth and also after corporeal punishment." Then the proclamation was given out. When five days elapsed, after its being given out, Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 85. 21. Yajnadeva informed the king 'My lord, it is not proper publishing the faults of friends. But enough of a friend who is unfriendly to himself; whose conduct is evil; and who adopts unwholesome ways contrary to this world and the next. [85] By one in the know, things against the good of men and the king, should not be neglected. Hence even such a thing is to be reported to your honour." The king said "May your righteous self speak." Yajnadeva said, "My lord, hear. I have heard from servants close to Cakradeva that Cakradeva has robbed the house of merchant Candana; and that he has hidden the property in his own house. Your honour is the authority after hearing this." The king said "Sir, it is impossible, he is born of a good family; hence how will he do such an act which is extremely immoral ? " Yajnadeva said "My lord, nothing is impossible for those who are swayed by ignorance and greed. Is there no fault in a good family;-are there not worms in fragrant flowers ? Then let a search be instituted in his house in some way." Then thinking it fit, King Candas'asana instituted a police-search. The policemen were informed-"Taking the store-keeper of merchant Candana together with the elders of the town, search for the lost property in the house of Cakradeva." Then thinking "What would result from this impossible thing ? But we are the executors of behests;' they gathered the elders of the town and took the storekeeper of merchant Candana. The policemen, presided over by the elders of the town, came to my house, when the day remained only one Yama. I was questioned by them. "O son of a merchant, have you at all brought in course of transactions the property of this sort ? " Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 87. 2. ] Then I, having no suspicion, said "No, no." They said, "You should not be angry. There is the order of the king that your house is to be searched." [86] I said "This is no time for anger; this institution (of search) is for the purpose of the protection of subjects." Then the policemen with the elders of the town entered iny house. They saw the collection of property of various kinds; they saw the gold vessels marked with the name of Candana, kept with effort; they were taken out; and shown to the store-keeper of Candana. Seeing this, he said with regret, "This seems like it; but I do not know for certain." The policemen said "Read the inventory of the stolen property whether things exactly such are written there or not." They read the inventory; saw them written. The elders and the policmen were confused. They said, "How does this belong to you ?" Then I thought, "How should I reveal the deposit in good faith which now redounds to the ruin of a friend ? Anyhow he must not have obtained this in this manner. Then how can I, out of much consideration of my own life, give up the life of a friend ?" Having thought so, he said, "This is my own." They said "How is it mar ked by Candana's name?" I said "I do not know; some exchange of property must have taken place." They said, "Of what number and kind is the wrought gold, in this case?" I said "I do not remember well; see for yourselves." The policemen (87) said "Read the inventory; of what number and of what worth in money is the property of merchant Candana constituted ? " When the inventory was read, the property confiscated by them was worth ten thousand in the currency of Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 88. 4. Dinaras; the contents of the inventory tallied. The elders and the policemen were amazed. They thought, "How would this happen in the case of Cakradeva, the son of merchant Apratihatacakra? They questioned again, "O son of a merchant, this is the king's order; so give out the clear sense-'How is this yours?'" Then I, thinking out again, said the same thing. Saying 'Fie upon fate!' they asked "Is there anything else belonging to others in your house?" I said, "There is nothing." Then they read the inventory; examined the house even more; and found the property full as per inventory read out. In the meantime the police-men became angry with me. I was led by them in the presence of the king. The account was reported to Candas'asana. I was spoken by the king, "O son of the merchant, you know the path of two worlds; therefore I do not think possible such an impossible, immoral action in you." Then I, thinking so, did not speak anything before the king, with my eyes filled with tears. Then, though the king had a suspicion, he did not speak unbecoming words out of much respect for my father and without inflicting any ill-treatment, I was ordered to be outside the country; was led by policemen from the city; and was released in the vicinity of the temple of the titular deity of the town. The policemen returned. Anxiety was born in me; What is the use even now of life which is the receptacle of this much insult? [88] I will then hang myself on the banyan tree in the vicinity of the titular deity." The compassion of the titular deity of the town, pleased with this incident, on somehow seeing it, took place on me. She (i. e. deity) entered the mother of the king;and "( 100 Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 89. 11. 1 101 through her, told the matter just as it was. The king was spoken, " Cakradeva is engaged in giving up the life by strangling himself on the banyan-tree, in the vicinity of the city-garden. Therefore save him soon and honouring him, make him enter the town." Then the king, experiencing the sentiment, mixed with anger, love and anxiety ordered, "Oh, catch that villian Yajnadeva;" went out of the city swiftly with the retainers who were near by; mounted the chief she-elephant; and came up to the city-garden. I was seen on the branch of the banyan-tree, desirous of killing myself with the neck placed in the noose knotted out of my upper garment. Then from distance only, speaking in a way as to give out the purport on account of the intensity of confusion, "Oh Cakradeva, don't do a hasty act, don't do a hasty act !" he pushed aside soon the she-elephant and came close to the tree. Himself he removed the noose. Holding me in hand, he placed me on the back of the she-elephant [89] and I was spoken to with great respect; " O son of a merchant, it was fit for you when asked by me to tell me the true state of things." Then I thought "Alas, what is this ! The secret of the friend must have been revealed by somebody." In the meantime, the king said "O son of a merchant, this incident was said to me by the divine titular deity of the town, who entered my mother-and affirmed) that you were innocent; and in this case, this villain Yajnadeva is guilty. Hence I should be pardoned by you as you are ill-treated by me not knowing the true sense." Then I thinking, Yajnadatta has come to misery' said to the king, "My lord, this is the king's duty; it is not the fault of your majesty who are alert Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 ( 90. 10. in the protection of the subjects. Let my lord conduct full inquiry in the real issues of Yajnadeva; an immoral conduct is not possible in the case of that gentleman." The king said, "The inquiry of the main issue is carried out. The divine goddess said, "All that is done by that villain." The king narrated all that was said by the deity, saying " The making out of your guilt, thus, was made firm in me." He narrated the account as was said by Yajnadeva. Then I thought "Alas, how can this be impossible ?" In the meantime, the police-men tied and brought Yajnadeva and informed the king. The king said, "Eh, cut off his tongue and root out his eyes." Yajnadeva was sad. Then I fell at the feet of the king and requested him. "My lord, let this fault of mine be pardoned but release Yajnadeva." The king said, "O son of a merchant, this is not proper; he is indeed a villain; request me for any other thing." I said, "My lord, enough of any other thing; if your majesty has much respect for me, (90) then let your majesty bestow upon me this." The king said, " You know, you are one whose words can not be violated." Then saying "This is the favour of your majesty,' I fell at his feet. Yajnadeva was released. I was sent by the king to my own mansion. Then having been respected with great pomp, I went to my own mansion. Then the talk arose among people, 'Lo, the villainy of Yajnadeva !' Disgust was born in my mind, See, such is the consequence of such friends ! Oh, the worthlessnesss of the worldly existence, the strangeness of the result of actions, the unfathomable nature of the minds of living beings? Therefore we do not know what is proper in this case." Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 91. 10.) 103 In the meantime there came a Ganadhara of the blessed name by the name of Agnibhuti. He camped in the city-garden. I saw him while I came out.Towards him, my respect grew strong. I bowed to him. He gave me a religious greeting. I sat before his feet; and asked the revered friar about the religion, able to cause destruction of all misery. The revered friar said the religion of an ascetic consisting of forgivness etc. On hearing him, in me was produced the ripening of the partial renunciation and on the disgust increasing, grew the dejection towards the worldly life; I thought" Enough of this worry which results merely in the increase of worldly existence; I shall take to friarhood. ". In the meantime, the collection of actions dropped away; the existence of bonds moved off; the spiritual strength was experienced; the complete renunciation was produced in me. And at the end of the sermon, the revered teacher was requested by me, "I am favoured 'by your worship; my mind is disgusted of the tangle of worldly life; therefore may your worship order me what I should do." (91 ] Then that knower of hundreds of scriptures, knowing my intention said "It is fit for you to take up friarhood, resorted to by great men." Then I, in his presence, took up friarhood and observed it with due rituals. Then, completing the life according to the age and dying in the death-month, I gave up my body and was born in Brahmaloka as a denizen of Vimanas with the age of nine Sagaropamas; the other Yajnadeva, with the age of three Sagaroapamas was born a hell-dweller in S'arkara prabha hell-world. Then finishing my destined age, I fell from the world of gods and was born here in the country of Videha, in the city of of Ratnapura of the district Gandhalivati Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 92. 9. of the territory Vijaya, as the son of merchant Ratnasagara in the womb of his wife S'rimati. The other also returned as the hunter's dog and died; and thereafter was born with the age of three Sagaropamas there (i. e. S'arkaraprabha ) and wandering in the lives of lower beings, he was born as a son to the maid-servant of my father's house by the name of Narmada. We were born at the fitting time and reached infancy. Our names were fixed; my name was Candrasira and the other's Anahaka. We both came up to youth. I accepted a wife. Thus we were addicted to the pleasures of senses. On account of the close association of the previous birth, the consequential cheating of me by him would not be wiped away. Once the revered teacher, Vijayavardhana, came there with a vow of staying a month. I took to the religious order of a Sravaka at his feet. Some other time, when the king had gone on a long military journey and when we had been to another village, the chief of the S'abara-army, by the name of Vindhyaketu [92] having brought the city to rack and ruin, kidnapped some people. We heard about this and came to the town. We saw it (i. e. the town) imitating the form of a funeral-ground. When people were searched for (in the town), it contained all people; only my wife Candrakanti was kidnapped. Then unhappiness was produced and anxiety was bora in me; "Alas, how will that poor woman, who has not seen separation from me, hold up life?' In the meantime I was spoken by an old Brahmana by the name of Devas'arman, Son of a merchant, do not bewail; for in this very country from the place called, S'risthala, people were kidnapped by S'abaras. They, without exception, were released on the payment of a great amount of money, 104 Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 93. 11 ] 105 with their chastity fully intact. Then having heard this, when some days had passed and S'abaras had gone to their own place, I, with Anahaka as a companion took the part of property which was the best of all and the provision for the journey, well-prepared and of good smell, and started with the purpose of releasing Candrakinta. On this side when the army of S'abaras had camped on the side of a well in the vicinity of a desolate village somewhere,- when in the latter part of the night the fuss for march was going on,-and when the batches of S'abaras were engaged in the protection of the borders of the army, she, miserable on account of the separation from me, and suspecting her chastity would be violated, threw herself in the same dilapidated well, not caring for her life. She fell in the midst of water and on account of water, she did not die. Then she began to stand resting on the jutting foundation of the well, which was there. [93] While she whose life was in danger, held life with what remained of it, we arrived at that place. The consequential perfidy,due to the previous life and on account of seeing that property-was produced in Anahaka for me. He contemplated "How should this man be cheated ?" Then he had his mind perturbed with manifold doubts; I was of innocent disposition; we were thus proceeding. The provision and the property were separa tely in the hands of each. Once in my hand, there was the part of the property. Thus following, we came to that part of the country where Candrakanta was. We saw that well. In the meantime the sun set and the evening dwindled Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106 [ 94. 17. away. Then Anahaka thought, "The property is in my hands; the forest is solitary; the well is deep unto the nether world; and the darkness is such as covers the weak-point (lit. the cavity) of guilt. Hence throwing him in this, I shall return from this place." Having so contemplated he said, "O son of a merchant, I am extremely overpowered by thirst; hence look in the well if there is water or not." Then 1, who held the package of the provision, looked into the well. In the meantime, Anahaka, like Death unto man, with confident heart, came in my vicinity. At once I was thrown into it by Anahaka and I fell into the well. He then returned from that part. I also [94] with confusion stuck to one part of the jutting foundation. Candrakanta, agitated by fear and also afraid on account of feminine disposition, was touched by me. She said "Bow to Arihantas." Then 1 recognised the voice. My heart began to sigh. She said "No danger, no danger to those who are attached to the order of Jinas!" She also recognised my voice. She began to weep and I consoled and asked her, her account. She narrated hers and I then (narrated) mine own. She said "Alas, a cruel thing is done by Anahaka!" I said, "My fair one, a cruel thing is not done by him; indeed the high-souled gentleman is a great benefactor as you are found out!" Of them having short sleep, the night passed away; and the sun rose. Then I gave the provision to Candrakanta. She said, "How can I take that which is not taken by you?" Then knowing her heart fluttering with love, I partook of the provision, even at the improper time. We ate our provision. Then I contemplated "By some way, we shall go out of this well as from this sea of worldly existence." Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 95. 19. ] 107 Of us thinking in this manner, within some days, the provision was exhausted; and the hope for life died. away. I had anxiety, "Having taken up the tenets of Jinas, how will I die, without taking up friarhood with the real goal unachieved ? " In the meantime her left eye throbbed and also mine right and she said " Dear lord, my left eye throbs." Then I told her my heart's wish and the throbbing of the other eye [95] and consoled her. "My fair one, on account of these special forebodings, our misery, surely is not long to last; hence you should not trouble yourself." She acquiesced. Thus as we stayed there for a day and night, there came the caravan, on its way to Ratnapura of the merchant by the name of Nandi-vardhana, the inhabitant of Ratnapura coming from the capital of S'abaras. People came there for water. We were perceived by them holding the ropes. They informed about this to the merchant. By the method of putting in a cot, we were taken out and recognised by him. We were asked the account and it was narrated in details. Then, as we started to Ratnapura and as the caravan finished five marches, Anahaka, - in the mere remnants of a skeleton, with the part of the property fallen on the left side and thus led to this long sleep by the lion-was seen on a region not very far from the trunk road. By the acquisition of the property, he was recognised by us. Then having seen him, come to a such a result, my Caritra-mohaniya action, came to annihilation and suppression. And the consequence of right conduct, difficult to be had in the whole world of living beings, came upon me. Then, I with my spiritual result waxing in this manner came to. my town. And I took up friarhood with proper cere Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 108 [ 96. 19. mony, before preceptor Vijayavardhana. Observing it for the rest of the life and leaving up the body in a proper manner, I was born in Mahas'ukra Kalpa-heaven as a denizen of Vimana, with the period of life of sixteen sagaropamas; and Anahaka, the other, also, with his body killed by a lion, became a hell-dweller in Valukaprabha, hell-world, with the age of seven sigaropamas. [96] Then I completing my destined period of life, fell from the world of gods and was born as a son of householder Nandivardhana, in the womb of his wife Surasundari in the city of Rathavirapura, in the country of Bharata, here, in the continent of Jambudvipa. The other also, returning from that hell, was born as a lion, engaged in killing many animals, on the mountain Vindhyagiri. Then, thus being born as a lion, he died even again, and again being born there (i. e. Valukaprabha) with the age of seven Sigaropamas, returned; thus wandering among manifold lower lives, there in the same city, he was born as a son of merchant Soma and his wife Nandimati. We were born at a proper time; and we obtainad childhood. My name was given Anangadeva and of the other Dhanadeva. From the very childhood, the affection took place between us, mine from good faith and his from treachery. While in boyhood, I adopted the faith as preached by the omniscient sages before preceptor Devasena. We came to youth. Though there was property earned by the forefathers, thinking out of pride 'What is the use of this, earned by the forefathers ?"' we went to Ratnadvipa with the purpose of amassing more wealth. We earned jewels and made preparations for departure and started to come Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 97. 19. ] 109 to home-land. In the meantime, out of the blot of the actions done in the previous births, Dhanadeva thought "How should this Anangadeva be deceived?" He thought out many false alternatives and arrived at last at the decision, "As he will be impossible to be deceived without killing, I shall kill him." He thought out a way, "I shall administer him poison. [97] Some other time, Dhanadeva went to the way of the market for food when they arrived at a place called Svastimati. He got the food prepared and in one sweetcake, the poison was thrown. He thought, "I shall give it to him." The change of sweets took place, while he was coming with mind taken up with many doubts. He took the poisoned cake at the time of meals and gave me the other. Within a short time after we ate them, Dhanadeva became stiff. Then I becoming perturbed as to what it was, stood for a short time without knowing what should be done; in the meantime, on account of the great strength of poison and by the strangeness of the consequence of actions Dhanadeva died. An anxiety came over me as to who did this. Then, not knowing the account, I came to my own town, with mind overpowered by heavy grief. I reported the account to his people; and gave them the gems more than due. Having used the remaining gems fittingly, on beneficient side, I, out of dejection for him, took to friarhood in the presence of teacher Devasena, not knowing even the contact of the objects of senses from that time. Remaining a friar for the full life and leaving up the body with proper rite, I was born in the Kalpa-heaven Pranata as a god with the age of nineteen sagaropamas; the other, also, after the death due to poison, was born a hell-dweller in the ". Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 110 [ 98. 23. hell-world Pankaprabhu with the age of nine sigaropamas. Then I, living out the full life, fell and was born as a son of householder Harinandi in the womb of his wife Laxmimati in the city of Hastinapura in the country of Airavata in the continent of Jambudvipa. [98] The other also, returning from that hell became a serpent and engaged in killing various lives, died, with his body burnt with the forest-fire; then becoming a helldweller in that very hell-world Pankaprabhi with the age of little less than ten sagaropamas, returned therefrom, wandered in many low lives, and was born as a son of an old merchant of the name of Indra in the womb of his wife Nandimati in the same city of Hastinapura. We were born at the proper time. Our names were settled, mine Viradeva and his Dronaka. We attained boyhood and were entrusted to a tutor. The affection, as described before, grew up between us. Then I, who learnt the cluster of arts, adopted the religion as preached by Jinas in the presence of teacher Manabhanga; and also by Dronaka, who was clever in cheating me, formally.-Then, from that time, my love became more stable towards him out of love for religion. I gave to him ample property. I said to him "Make business by uncensurable way." Then he began business and earned a lot of wealth. In the meantime by the taint of the impression of the acts in previous births, his result of perfidy acted more on me; he thought,"A lot of property is earned and Viradeva is its partner; he therefore should be cheated in some way. Nobody knows the business as it stands between us. What should I then resort to ? Or if he is in my way, my Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100. 4. ] 111 untrue word will not be tenable. Hence I shall kill him." Then thinking that he (i. e. Viradeva) would honour, what he (i. e. Dronaka) would say, [99] he began the plan. He got a mansion built and also a jutty with network of pegs not tight on its upper part. He thought, " "" Inviting Viradeva with the purpose of entering the mansion, I shall show him the jutty. Then on account of the beauty of the jutty, he will climb on it at once. Then on the crash of it, he will also at once fall. When it will so happen, the calumny of the people also shall vanish." He arranged as was desired. Before the time of meals, we, both with our people, climbed the mansion. In the meantime, his mind got nervous. In order to see me, he himself climbed alone on the jutty. No sooner did I climb than he had fallen; and while I descended shouting 'Alas, alas !', Dronaka was found dead. Dejection took place in my mind. I thought, "Fie upon this world of living beings; the acts of the worldly existence end in such results! Then I, having done his funeral ceremony, due to the dejection caused by his death, took the emblems of a friar in the presence of preceptor Manabhanga. Completing my life, I was born a god with the age of a little less than twenty-five sigaropamas in the lower and upper Graiveyaka heaven; while the other, Dronaka, under the tainted meditation, was born a hell-dweller, with the age of twelve sagaropamas in the hell-world Dhumaprabha. Then, having enjoyed the celestial life, [100] I, on fall therefrom, was born as a son of merchant Manibhadra in the womb of his wife Harini in the city of Campavasa in the country of Vijaya here in the continent of Jambudvipa. I took birth at the proper Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 112 [ 101. 6. time. My name was settled as Purnabhadra. The first word, while making the sound, I uttered, was 'Amara'. Hence my second name was Amaragupta. As I was born in the house of a S'ravaka, I adopted the religion preached by Jinas. In the meantime, the other, also returning from the hell, became a big fish in the sea of Svaymbhuramana and died, visited by immense sinful activity; then he became a hell-dweller with the age of twelve Sagaropamas in the hell-world Dhumaprabha; on returning he wandered in various lower lives and was born in the same city as a daughter of merchant Nandavarta in the womb of his wife S'rinanda. She took birth at a proper time. Her name was settled Nandayanti. She attained youth and was given to me. The marriage was over. My affection took place towards her; and hers towards me. Thus some time, of us enjoying the pleasures of senses, passed away. On account of the taint of actions done in the past, the consequence of her perfidy on me did not vanish away; so though everything of the house was entrusted to her, she acted with deceit. Though informed by servants, I did not put faith in it. Once she told me. "My pair of earrings, the best of all, is lost." Now having herself appropriated the pair, she showed pertur bation. Then I said to her "My fair one, that is meagre; what is the use of so much perturbation? [101] I shall get you another pair made." A new pair of earrings was then made ready. After some days had passed, at the time of annointing, I gaue her the jewelled ring with the emboss of my name. She hid it in her casket of ornaments. When the time for bath and meals came to an end, I applied to myself toilette powder, took a betel and unsuspecting, I took from the casket myself the jewelled ring. Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 113 102. 9. 1 I found there the pair of earrings, which was the best of all and was lost before. An anxiety came over me, "How is this again found ?" In the meantime, Nandyanti came there with confusion. She perceived in my hand the jewelled ring. She was ashamed. Her feeling was seen through. Then I at once went out of the house. She thought. "He has seen the pair of earrings, Then what should be done in this case ? I have come to a mean state; but he must also be destroyed. I shall kill him within the time my meanness is not known even among servants. In this matter, this is the way, I shall employ the charm which can instantly kill him." Then she alone prepared the charm by bringing together many things which can bring about death. While she was arranging them at one place, she was bitten by a snake. Priest Rudradeva said this to me. I went with confusion at home. And I saw Nandayanti, whose body was covered with black circles and mere remnant of whose life existed. Having seen her in that condition [102] anxiety came upon me, " Fie upon this world of living beings which resembles the deceitiul magicshow!" With eyes filled with tears, I said to her with choaks; "My fair one, what troubles you ? " As she did not speak, I was disappointed and all hope of life was destroyed. Still however thinking, "In this case snakecharmers are an authority, as incomprehensible is the power of charms." I called them. They also lost hope. They said "O son of merchant, she is indeed bitten by her grim destiny; and is not within the range of charmers. So you should not be angry." Saying so, the snake-charmers went away. Then in spite of my serva Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 114 [103. 8. nts engaged in weeping and mourning, she was deprived of life and her funeral ceremony was made. Then, on account of the dejection caused by her death, my disgust towards the world increased; and thinking "Fie upon this world !" | gave up unsubstantial attachment bringing troubles and miseries, and took friarhood. Now the poor wo:nan died and was born in the hell-world called Tamasprabha. Her age was twenty-one Sagaropamas. This is my life-history. Having heard this, the dejection came upon the king and the citizens. The king asked, "Revered sir, what will be the consequence for her and for me?" The revered friar said, "Her emancipation will be at the end of the interminable worIdly existence; while mine, in this very birth." Then I, surrounded by many citizens, on hearing this, took up friarhood in the presence of the same teacher. But this is my particular reason." Prince Simha said, "Your reason for disgust is quite proper. [103] Now, of how many ambulations is this worldly existence? And of what particular sorts, the happiness and misery mental and physical, do living beings experience ? And, O revered sir, what is, in this case, the faith which is able to free one from the prison of the worldly existence?" Dharmaghosa said, "My son, hear what you have asked." "In this case worldly existence is formed of four ambulations; viz. the ambulations in the living states of hell-beings. lower beings, human beings and celestial beings. Again in the contemplation of happiness and Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 103. 24. ] 115 misery, whence can there be happiness to living beings who have fallen in the worldly existence; who are afflicted with birth, old age and death; who are caught by taints of attachment etc., and whose consciousness is taken away by the poison of the objects of senses ? Happiness is almost nothing; misery is manifold. Hear from me this tradition: Once a certain man, exceedingly pained by the misery of poverty, left his own country and started to another country. (172) Having crossed that country, full of the clusters of villages, cities and towns, he lost his way somehow only within few days. (173) He arrived at a big forest; which was deeply covered over with trees viz. S'ala, Sarala, Tamala, the rows of palms, Bakula, Tilaka, Nichula, Akkola, Kadamba, Vanjula, Palas'a, Sallaki, Tinisa, Nimba, Kutaka, Nyagrodha, Khadira, Sarja, Arjuna, Amra, Jambu etc., whose extensive land was worshipped with the collections of flowers in the form of pearls reddish with the thick blood trickling out of the temples of intoxicated elephants pounded by the attacks of the peaks in the form of sharp nails of swift lions; which is terribls on account of cruel and angry wild beasts like a wild boar, a S'arabha, a bull, a deer, a tiger, a hyna, a bear, a Bhalla, a jackal, an elephant, a yak, a lion, a rhinoceros etc; whose directions were deafened with the cries given out by the acquatic animals, frightened and tossed on account of the water of the pools whirled by swift wild buffaloes. There, he was overpowered by thirst and Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 [ 104. 17. hunger. (104] His eyes were frightened on hearing the sounds of swift and cruel wild beasts. His limbs were washed by the water of perspiration produced on account of the exhaustion of a long road. He had lost the circle of directions. His gait was hampered by the uneven path. While he was wandering, he saw a wild elephant; who resembled the collection of clouds on the universe; at the time of the final annihilation whose frenzy increased as he destroyed many travellers; who filled the part of the dreary forest by terrific shrieks; and who was running swiftly on the road; raising a formidable trunk. And to add, in the front, there was a very cruel demoness; who had black garments;who made a loud and terrifying laugh; and whose forehand was occupied in holding a sharp sword. Then, having seen both of them, be, whose limbs were shaking with the terror of death, looked on all directions and saw a big banyan-tree; which checked the way of movement of Siddha and Gandharva couples. He began to think, namely. "If indeed somehow I climb the banyan tree, whose thick foliage is cut by the fore-hoofs of the horses of the sun, I can be free from that big elephant." (174) So thinking he, who was terrified and whose path was such that the soles were cut by the needle-like sprouts of Kus'a grass on the way, ran with speed and approached the terrific banyan-tree. (175) Seeing it, he was disappointed as he was unable to climb the banyar-tree which was difficult to be trans Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 105. 18 ] gressed even by those who move in heavens and whose trunk was very tall. (176) Then on seeing the cruel wild elephant whose temples were reluctantly left by the clusters of bees, coming swiftly on the side of the banyan-tree. (177) [105] While all his limbs were trembling with more fright, he, with tremulous eyes and scratched face, saw here and there, and found the well covered over with grass. (178) 117 Now fearing death and greedy even of the moment's life, he threw himself without a support in the dilapidated well near the banyan-tree. (179) And he stuck there to a clump of grass, grown on the steep walls in it; and he saw the terrific serpents, angry by the shock of the fall. (180) On the four sides, whose fire-like eyes were full of some poison; who were quick; who were terrible on account of raised hoofs; whose bodies were made up in coils; and who were desirous to bite. (180) And finding below, the mouth of the boa-constrictor,-whose body was big like the trunk of the elephant presiding over a direction; and who was black and 'terrible with red eyes. (182) He-thinking 'So long as there is this clump of grass, I have my life,'-saw, as he looked upward with his mouth raised, two rats, there, black and white, of big bodies and sharp jaws; their mouths were engaged always in cutting its roots. (183-184) Then the wild elephant, not getting the man and raging, gave exceedingly the buttings to the banyantree. (185) Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 [ 106. 15. When that (i. e. the tree) was shaken, the honeycomb which developed on the inaccessible branch on the well, got loose and fell in the old well. (186) Then over the head of him whose all limbs were stung by the clusters of angry, vile bees, the drops of honey fell somehow simply by a circumstance. (187) Having turned the face, he desired to taste for a moment the drop which entered from over the head and also others falling. (188) He became exulted under the influence of the greed of tasting the sweet drop of honey, without considering the fears of the boa, the serpents, the elephant, the rats, the depth of the well and the bees. (189) This illustration is exceedingly efficacious for destroying the illusions of the high-souled persons; hear, ye its conclusion as will be said. (190) The man is the soul; the wandering in the forest is the wandering in four ambulatory stages; the wild elephant is the death; and also know the demoness to be the old age. (191) The Banyan-tree is the absolution, which is indeed free from the fears of the great elephant in the form of death; which can not be climbed by persons, who are grovelling in the pleasures of senses. (192) The human life is the well; and also the serpents are the tainted feelings; by them the man is eaten away and he does not understand what is proper to do and what is not. (193) And that which is the clump of grass, is the period Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 107. 16.] of life for which the soul lives; and the dark and bright fortnights in the shape of rats gnaw it assiduously.(194) And those bees which sting are varied diseases, being overpowered by which a man does not get happiness even for a moment. (195) 119 [107] The terrible boa is the hell in which the soul because its mind is infatuated with the pleasures of senses, obtains thousands of miseries. (196) The pleasures, resembling the honey-drop, are indeed insignificant and of very horrible consequence; thus how can a talented man who is in the meshes of difficulties, desire to enjoy them? (197) Hence do I say. O faithful, thinking the pleasures of senses terrible; the human life as transitory as the flash of quick lightning; (198) And the unsubstantial youth as quick as the happiness of the company of good persons; make firm therefore your mind always on the religion which is the abode of happiness. (199) Prince Simha said "Of what sort, revered sir, is religion? The revered friar said, "Hear forgiveness etc. It is said, "" Forgiveness, softness of mind, straightforwardness, renunciation of the evil, penance, should be known; truth, purity, non-possession and continence form the duties of an ascetic. (200) In this case, forgiveness means the non-rise of anger by the perception of the disposition of the real thing,accompanied with right belief, or the destruction of it when it has arisen. So also, straightforwardness Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 ( 108. 13. means the non-rise of deceit; or the destruction of the same when it has arisen. So also, renunciation means the non-rise of greed or the destruction of the same when it has arisen. So also penance is twofold external and internal. The external i. e. non-eating etc. It is said, Non-eating, eating less than one's fill, shortening of alms, giving up of the modifications of liquids like milk etc; austerity of the body; the control of the body-these form the external penance. (201) The internal penance is atonement etc. viz. (108] Expiation, reverence, service and also the study of canonical texts; meditation; contemplation upon the soul giving up all thoughts about the body;-they form the internal penance. (202) The restraint is of seventeen kinds. It is said, The abstention from the fivefold sinful activities; the control of five senses; the conquest of tainted feelings; the stopping of threefold infliction-the restraint is thus seventeenfold. (203) Truth means speaking an unsullied thing; purity means the want of being tainted in the matter of restraint; non-possession means not possessing by way of an execss the things to follow religious duties; constraint means the giving up of eighteen-fold loose ways of conduct. These are thus the duties of an ascetic. Having heard this, Prince Simha, to whom was revealed the result of the right belief and who had in mind attained the duties of a S'ravaka said, "Revered sir, the duties of an ascetic are good. What should I, who am not equal to them, then do ?" Dharmaghosa said Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 121 109. 11. ] "The duties of a S'ravaka." "How are they?" "They are said as right belief etc." He also knew them formally. Then thinking himself satisfied, he waited upon Dharmaghosa for some time; and bowing to him with reverence, he entered the city. Then the prince said this to Kusumivali. He also with great difficulty attained the duties of a S'rivaka on account of the partial suppre ssion and annihilation of action. Of them waiting upon preceptor Dharmaghosa every day, a month passed away. Both of them felt love towards the religion, as preached by Jinas. Once king Purusadatta, having heard the doctrine from preceptor Anitateja, annointed Prince Sinha on the throne and feeling disgust for worldly life, adopted the path of emancipation with principal queen S'ri-kanta. Prince Simha also became a royal sage; he was engaged in observing the arrangement of what is a religious duty and what is not; [109] he brought joy to the minds of all people; his tributary princes were attached to him; he had the liking to secure the proper treatment of the poor, orphans, and the helpless, and he had good qualities befitting himself. Some time most passed away of him enjoying the earth like the devoted loving wife. ma In the meantime, that god (of the soul of) hermit Agnis'arman, falling from the incarnation of Vidyutkumara god wandered in the worldly existence; and king the observance of some petty penance in the intervening birth, he, after leaving the body, was born, by the taint of the result of the impressions of previous actions, in the womb of Kusumivali. She saw a dream: namely, "The serpent has entered my stomach and as it came, the king, stung by it, fell." Having Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122 ( 110. 13. seen this, Kusumavali got up with confusion. Thinking this to be inauspicious, she did not tell this dream to the husband. She, as the child in the womb developed, did not resquest the king, out of the malice of the child. The king was all the more full of love. The servants said to her, " Lady, this is not proper." She said, " What do I do?" The servants said, " You do not respect the king." She said, "Indeed, this must be the fault of the child in the womb." Now her pregnancy-desire took place, namely, "I shall eat the bowels of the king." She thought, " The child in my womb is a sinner; hence enough of it." Out of feminine disposition and love for the husband a way of action came upon her, "I shall abort it." Then on referring to the principal attendants on account of the gravity of the action, they consented to it and she did not fall out dead on account of the taint of the thickly crusted action. [110] Then she became weak on account of the pregnancy-desire not being fulfilled and by drinking many medicines. The king asked, "Oh fair one, what do you not get?Who has broken your order? What unfair have I done to you, that you grow weak with dejection like a lily-plant with insufficient water?" Then, Kusumavali said with her heart full of love "Sir, my dejection is such as I think I should kill myself." The king said "For what cause is this dejection?" Kusumivali said "Sir, ask my fate." Saying so, she had ber eyes full of tears and was choked. Then the king, thinking that her dejection was great and that he should leave the matter at that story, gave up that matter and began another topic. Again he called the attendent Mad Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 111. 17. ] 123 analekha and others and asked them with special regard; "Is it proper for you, who have heard the context, to disregard the queen weakening like the digit of the moon in the dark half ? This dejection does not belong to the range of unattainable objects; because the queen is the very essence of my self. Which is that thing which while I am holding life is not obtained by the queen ?" Madanalekha said " Your majesty, it is like this; here the fault lies only with the incivility natural to a woman. May your majosty then hear. My lord, it is not even proper to say. Still however [111] as there is no other way, it is to be said." The king said, "Indeed, it is a matter worthy of confusion; for that which is attainable by any way, can be done by oneself; all else only can be told. Hence you may tell what is the truth in this." Then confused Madanalekha narrated the aftair ending in an attempt towards abortion on account of the fault of pregnancy-desire, arising out of the child in the womb. The king thought, "What great love the queen bears towards me that she does not even much mind the birth of the child! Let not there be the dislodging of the child in the womb due to the non-fulfilment of her pregnacy-desire. Hence I should think out a remedy."He said to the queen's attendents,"You should do that which I shall tell you proper for the time." He called his prime minister named Matisagara. He told him this account. The minister thought,"The action of the queen is quite in keeping.So let not there be pain to her body by this remedy. Therefore this is the remedy:-putting the artificial bowels outside the belly of the king while he is hungry and having made them well-adjusted by putting a magic veil on Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 124 ( 112. 19. on the eyes while the queen is looking, etc.--they may be given after being taken out." Then thinking so, he gave his own opinion excepting ( the opinion about ) the child, the queen would deliver. The king liked it very much. Matisagara said to the queen. "My lady, I shall take out the bowels of the king in such a manner that he would not die." On account of the crueIty of the disposition of the child in the womb, she acceded to it. The remedy was put in practice and her pregnancy-desire was fulfilled. Then while she came to dejection (112] the king was shown to her. Then she was consoled and then the minister said to her, "The birth of the son, as you are under first delivery, is not to be first declared to the king but it should be declared to me. Then I shall do the needful." She consented to it. Some other time, at the proper moment, the queen delivered. Matisagara was informed by her. He said to the queen. "This child bodes ill for the king. Hence away with it; let it grow up elsewhere; and this opinion should be conveyed to the king."She said, "It is proper that the minister has said just as my heart would." Then the boy was taken away by the maidservant named Madhavika. She went a little distance. In the meantime the king saw her. He asked her, "What is that?" Then trembling and confused Madhavika said, "It is nothing." In the meantime, the child wept. Then, seeing the child, the angry king said, "O sinful woman, what is this being done ?" Then Madhavika said the whole account out of the cowardice natural to the disposition of a woman. Then he took up the child. He thought, "These maids should not have again a hand in this." The child was entrusted to Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 113. 14. ] 125 other nurses, who were made to hear " If there be a dereliction about the child any way, then you shall die at my hand." The queen and Matisagara both were reprimanded. Then he, following the mind of the minister and the queen, arranged for his birth-celebration a little secretly. Thus some time passed away. The name of the child was settled Ananda. He grew up and the cluster of arts was taught to him, [!13] On account of the taint of actions of previous: life, his mind was against the king. He was given the position of heir-apparent. Once the tributary king named Durmati, who ruled on the frontier and who was the lord of the forest, being proud of the strength of his strategic position, attacked King Simha. He sent over him his army. On account of the strategic ground in his favour, he defeated king Simha. When this was reported to him, the king himself started with. wrath He went three marches. In the meantime, as he was having his marches on the sands of the Indus, he,(who was) on the back of the elephant, saw the crowd of people speaking'O misery!'not very far from water. As the king went to that part of land, he saw an old serpent who was caught by a Kurala bird;whose body was rapidly coiling; whose face was terrible and was difficult to be seen; who in his turn had caught a croaking frog; whose sparkling eyes emitted poison; the colour of whose body was extremely black; and whose body was quite big. The kurala bird too was again caught by a boa who was frightful with red eyes and whose body was as big as the trunk of an elephant presiding over a direction. The more the boa caught the kurala. Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 126 [ 114- 16. bird, the more the kurala held the old serpent and the more the serpent did the croaking frog. He saw such an incident which is the cause of dejection to a good person; which brings joy to the heart of a fool and which displays the confusion of the disposition of this world of human beings. The king was dejected. He thought, " Alas, if such is the scheme of the world, what is the remedy in this case ? The serpent is almost caught by the kurala; and the frog is by the serpent. Even though their life has come up to the neck, not only do they not leave up each other but they are even active more and more; nor would they desist from the mutual destruction even though freed. Then, what is the use of seeing a thing which is not within the range of the remedy ? The rutting elephant was prepared. He went to the camp-ground. He camped with the army. He performed the fitting duties; and then as the night passed half off, the king got up after sleep. Having remembered the incident of boa etc. he began to think; how ? The pleasures of senses are sweet just while they come; but bitter in the end. They are like poison. They are much liked by the ignorant people. They are sinful and are abandoned by the wise people. (204) For the sake of them, leaving up the eternal religion the people of this world who are devoted to happiness and whose aim is this life, resort to sin like poison. (205) The fruit of sin is misery; and the destruction of sin is ever full of woe. Even when one is happy, one should follow religion knowing the fruit of religioa.(206) Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 115. 13. ] 127 The human being is as insignificant as a frog who is caught in this instance by another like a serpent. He also in his turn in caught by another like a kurala bird. (207) He also is not self-dependent in this case as he is swayed by the god of death in the form of a boa; and even in the world like this, the attachment to the objects of senses is great infatuation. (208) [115] So enough of this kingdom which is difficult to be filled like the nether-world; in which weak points can be easily found out like the temple of Jinas to which the excess is easy; whose end is distasteful like the company of villains; which is only devoted to wealth like the heart of a harlot; which is full of dissolute courtiers like the ant-hill full of serpents; the duties of which are not settled like those of the world of living beings; which should be cared with efforts like the basket with a serpent in side; which is alienated from the happiness of confidence; which is desired by many men like the youth of a harlot; and which does not become the cause of pure path of the next world. Then, having given this up, we withdraw to adopt the friarhood, which brings happiness of both the worlds; and which is resorted to by the wise people. Now how will I have the quickness in the matter of the present object? Or this is little,-just tied up for one birth." Of him thus thinking the night passed away; the morning-duties were performed; and the cabinet of ministers entered. In the meantime, his woman-guard Vijayavati announced, "Your Majesty, that Durmati;-knowing himself Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 116. 14 that the king has marched and understanding the grim command of the king; who has tied the hatchet on his neck; who is repenting for the transgressions of the royal command; who is surrounded by some persons; and who has come here;-stands with desire of the happiness of seeing your majesty, on the camp-ground of the guards. Hearing this, your majesty is the authority." Then the king looked at Matisagara. Then he, who was clever in knowing the sign and expression, said, "Let him enter; what is the objection there? The kings are kind to those who have obeyed." Then Durmati permitted by the king entered and fell upon his feet saying, "Your Majesty, this is the hatchet which will carry your command on the neck." [116] Imparting him non-fear, the king, then, respected him very much; and gave him good reception. The king went back to Jayapura. The king conveyed his opinion to the cabinet of ministers. Then it opined, "This indeed is the duty, here, of other kings born in good families; why not then is it yours, whose mind has become elevated by the tenets of Jinas? The life commonly for this world as well as the next has fructified for your majesty; the pleasures of senses, resembling the wild-fire burn with fuels as it were and their results are as futile as the Kimpaka fruit; and the death which has defeated gods and demons and which shatters hopes unexpectedly, is all-powerful." They welcomed the idea. Then the astrologers were called and were informed "Find out the coronation-day for Prince Ananda." They said "As the king orders." After reffering, they informed about the fifth day. Then the auspicious things. 128 Page #341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 117. 15. ] 129 for coronation were brought. viz. a pair of fish; a full jar; white flowers; big lotuses; white mustards; the lump of earth; a bull; a big pot full of curds; big jewels; yellow pigment from the cow; the hide of a lion; a white umbrella; a good seat; chowries; Durva grass; fine wine; a big flag; the rut of an elephant; auspicious silk clothes; and many such other auspicious things. In the meantime, the king thought, "Finishing the coronation of Prince Ananda, I shall go in the vicinity of teacher Dharmaghosa." Thinking so, he stood waiting for the day of coronation. [ 117 ] On this side, out of the taint of the actions of the previous birth, Prince Ananda, not minding the opinion of the king, made alliance with Durmati. They planned, "We shall kill the great king by employing some deceit." He heard the account of coronation. On account of the evil determination, and due to the evil nature of his own mind, quite the contrary effect of the same (account) came upon Ananda. He thought, " Indeed, I have directed my activity with him ( i. e. Durmati ) to kill him ( i. e. the king ) under this excuse. Then how will I thus deceive him ? Or else, though this account is right, enough of the kingdom which is given to me by him. What is only worthy of praise, is the kingdom taken with force by killing him." In the meantime, Ananda was called by the king. When he did not desire to come, the king, with one guard, went to the palace of the prince. Thinking 'There is no other opportunity more favourable than this; ' and speaking at once with the influence of the previous birth 'kill, kill,' he killed the guard and gave a deep wound to the king--wh Page #342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 130 [ 118. 14 ose mind was fully confident; and who had not made an arrangement for protection;--with the sword unsheathed. In the meantime, great hue and cry arose; the agitation in the city-army took place; Ananda was surrounded on all sides by the army. Under the oath of a treason to his body, the king said "Eh! What is thus the need of fighting ? Then I indeed should be beheld as killed; so make an installation of him as a king. Let him be a king!" In the meantime Durmati was ordered ( by the prince ), " Fasten him with strong shackles." Then Durmati saying "As the prince orders " came near him. [118] He depraved the family sonship. He discarded the citizens. Then having put the king into bonds through personal guards, the king was managed to be put under proper protection. The kingdom was taken into hands; proper arrangements were made; the group of vassals was brought under control. Then, out of consequent bad feeling, the king was taken to the city-prison. The prison was full of the smell of night-soil extremely churned; the serpents slept on its broken walls; the clusters of gnats and flies were hum: ming; the collection of rats proceeded from the mouths of the cavities and holes; the sloughs of serpents hung from above; the canopy, as it were, was made by spiders; it was the bed-hall of evil age; it was as it were, the play-ground of irreligious conduct; it was as it were the brother of the hell; it was as it were the assembly of the rise of all miseries; it was the familyhome of all implorings; it was as it were the place of confidence of Death; and it was the victory-ground of the god of death. Knowing that the king was led to the Page #343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 119. 20. ] 131 great jail, the ladies of the herem, with Kusumavali at the head came to the same jail; they were alarmed as they gave out piteous cries; they were as it were adorned with strings of pearls on account of the drops of tears mixed with collyrium, which resembled big pearls and which were incessantly falling; their bodies paled, as it were, with the grief of their lord; they were checked by the appointed guards; crushing with force auspicious jewelled bracelets, which made at high pitch the jingling sound; ( 119 ) they were engaged in beating breasts and bellies; their mouths were full of breaths on account of walking on unbecoming soil; and the range of their eyes was warped by long tresses, suggesting, as it were, "The condition of the lord can not even be seen by one who has given up crookedness." They saw the king under black iron shackles. Then they began to weep even more, striking the breasts, tired as it were of carrying fine pearl-necklaces; with hands resembling Aso'ka-sprouts to convey " This worldly existence is full of misdeeds.' Then they were held up with great difficulty by the king and the guards. The king said, " What is the use of grief, which is tied up with irreligion and which results only in trouble? This worldly existence is of varied and strange forms; all souls are as it were its toys; it is difficult to control the movement of the actions in previous birth; wealth is as fickle as the circular streak of lightning coming out from within the clouds; the union is like a dream; the freaks of passion thus come to such. an end. Then what is the use of weeping, befitting an incivil person? You have indeed obtained Page #344 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 132 ( 120. 22. the preaching of Jinas which forms the essence of the world of living beings. Then do follow it. Excepting it, there is no other remedy for the destruction of miseries. Then having heard him, they came to know That is thus and not otherwise'; and bidding farewell to the king, they took to nunhood ( 120 ] in the vicinity of Vidyadhara nun, Gandharvadatta, on account of the force of Ananda and by the lack of desire for life. On this side, the king who, in spite of maltreatment did not go under the sway of anger, took a vow Only this much is my life; now complete fasting is timely.' This was conveyed to Ananda. He became angry. He sent his courtier by the name of Devas'arman saying, * Go and make him eat; he should be spoken 'I will kill him if he does not eat out of a vow.'" Devas'arman went; he saw the king and said " O lord, the movement of actions of those living beings who are under the sway of fate is uneven. This fate indeed is difficult to be praised with civility; it does not appreciate merits of the meritorious; it does not know the time of the desired; it is merely the calamity of men; it is like an intoxicated elephant wandering self-willed; it is like the flow of the Ganges, straight as well as crooked; it is clever in attack like a big war; it is like a poison-knot which is not fitting to the tastes; it is opposite to the desired objects; it is amenable to the undesired. Therefore if it be so, still however a man should not give up human effort, even for a moment; for, O great king, fate is another name for the actions arising from the previous birth; and that is to be conquered by human efforts. Then let my lord adopt human Page #345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122. 1. ] 133 66 effort; may you take food. For, a living man crossing the calamity, can, without fail, obtain prosperity. The king said Devas'arman, I have never given up the human effort proper for the time. I took to friarhood mentally. Hence my mind is not under the sway of the desire of the prosperity. [121] I have taken to non-eating, knowing the proper time. Hence I will not take food." He said "If you are not going to take food, your son will get angry. "The king said "His anger is without ground; anchorites are of truthful vow." He said, "My lord, you know the full account of the life of prince; therefore may he not do a sinful act towards you." 19 was In the meantime, finding that Deavas'arman delaying, Prince Ananda, under the heat of anger, came holding a dagger. He said "If you do not take food, I will cut off your head with a sword, imitating the tongue of the god of death." The king said, 61 Who-knowing that this residence in the shape of body is not eternal, not substantial and ends in death-would, O king, regret when one has to go to death surely? (209) How does a man say for one 'he lives' while he, from his life in the womb, is gradually dying like a lake drying up with the lessening of water? (210) If one of the co-travellers in a caravan, starting for the next world as it were, goes there first, what is in this case the cause of fear? (211) What hope is there for life to a man-as to an animal at a slaughter-house-to a man, who has the Page #346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 134 ( 122. 19. firm belief in mind that life is transient and death is certain ? (212) (122) Alas! The hunter in the form of Fate comes bringing death upon the herd of deer in the form of men, scattering arrows in the form of hundreds of diseases and holding in his hand the bow of old age. (213) Death does not mind an obstacle, a remedy or its prolonged service; it wanders according to its will and pleasure among the groups of men as a lion does among the groups of deer. (214) Some who are disgusted of dying and being born again and again, follow, being disgusted of birth and death, that which takes away birth and diseases. (215) I fear death only to drink deep the essence of the words of Jinas, which pacifies old age, death and diseases; and which is blissful in consequence. (216) What can death, for which the antidote is already made, do to men who have destoyed the taint of sin; and have shattered the shackles of relation and greed ? (217) Death is even better for those who have earned the wealth of austeries; who are not attached ever to the house in the shape of body; whose bodies are emaciated; and who have done well everything. (218) The wise, with road-provision in the from of penance, fully taken, give up their life by a vow; and with the helper in the form of courage, ask for death with longings. (219) The death to a man, of whom after dying either Page #347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 135 123. 16. ] heaven or final absolution is sure, is, o king, even a festival. (220) Going to which place would a man be freed from the black young serpent in the form of death; with long langs full of poison in the form of calamities terrible with incessant diseases? ( 221 ) Neither fight nor running away nor fear matters to the hand of god of death; and its hand is not seen; and unshakable it catches fast. ( 222 ) [ 123 ] Just as cough cuts off breaths decayed with time, even so the god of death cuts off human beings soon as they are born. (223) If then the bonds of death wander with pleasure and self-will even among gods to whom there is even absolute non-descent of old age, aches and diseases, ( 224 ) . Then what to talk of man who is ever chased by diseases, old age, aches and grief ? That a man lives even an instant, is the carelessness of death. ( 225 ) Then give no time for the infamy that is adopted by an unwise person; not even Indra is able to control one who is licked by the jaws of death. ( 226 ) Thus, my son, bring no calunny on your own family by mere killing of a mortal. Lo ! How can I take food which is abandoned by my own word ? ( 227 ) Hearing this preaching, he (i. e. Ananda thinking) " How does he speak even now ?" hit him (i, e. Simba ) on the head with a sword, with eyes burning red with the fire of anger. ( 228 ) He, with pure feeling and with the reality known ( with the thought ) * Bow to Jinas" contemplated Page #348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 ( 123. 24. * This is the taint of the action done in the previous birth.' ( 229 ) " All get the consequential fruit of actions done in the previous birth; the other ( i. e. the individual ) merely become the cause in merits as well as faults. (230) Striking even again him so thinking, he, of sinful actions and tainted feelings, felled the high-souled one of unsullied mind. ( 231 ) Dying so, he was born a resplendent god with the age of five sagaropamas in Sanatkumara heaven, in Lilarama Vimana. ( 232 ) The other ruled the kingdom and after dying was born a hell-dweller of great horror with a long life in the hell-world Ratnaprabhi ( 233 ) What was spoken as 'Sihananda ya taha piya-putta' is described; from here, I shall expatiate upon Sihi-Jalini-mui-suy &. ( 234 ) Page #349 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ zabdakozaH Page #350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ zabdakozaH [N. B. The glossary is only selective. I wish that the reader should not merely depend on this but also should consult Sanskrit comments, notes and above all the translation, for the solution of his difficulties. The two figures after the word and its sanskrit rendering, denote respectively the numbers of page and line. D=Des'i word; (N)= reference to notes. ] aikkamaNa [atikramaNa] 115. agAra 50. 2. a house. 15. a transgression agghai [arhati] 99. . to adhyAra [aticAra) 45. 24. a deserve. transgression. accatthaM [atyartha] 69. 13. maisaya [atizaya] 43. 1. a _very much. superhuman action. accudhigga [atyudvima] 26.9. amao [ataH] 26. 20. hence. much distressed. kAmanijarA [akAmanirjarA] accha [RkSa] 153. 21. a 83. (N) bear. akaMdana [AkraMdana] 102. 9. accha 116. 18. pure. weeping. accha [akSin ] 113. 15. akkha ya [akSata] 70. 5. rice. an eye. akkhippaDa [AkSipyate] 21. accheraya [Azcarya] 33. 5. 16. to be thrown off. wonder bhakkhippaDa [AkSipati] 110. ajiNa [ajina] 8. 19. a 12. to lay aside. deer-hide. Page #352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140 ajautta [Aryaputra] 110. 9. the term to addre:5 a husband. ajaya [Arjava] 43. 9. stra- ight-forwardness. ajjuNa [arjuna] 103. 18. a kind of tree. aTTa [D bhaTTa] 31. 12. a shop, a market-place, a balcony. aTTahANa [ArtadhyAna]23. 19. (N) a kind of meditation. aTTAra [aSTAdaza] 6. 5. eighteen. aTThAhiya [aSTAhnika] 21. 22. lasting for eight days. aDAlaviDAlAo [D] 32. 12. (N) aGka [ardha] 19. 16. half. a [Anya] 70. 10. accompanied with. aNaNAriya [AnagArika] 50. 2. a state of houselessness. aNaja [anArya] 25. 25. incivil. aNavaSTiya [anupasthita] 47. 11. not arrived, not come up. aNadharaddha [anaparAddha] 25. 21. One who has not committed a fault. aNavaraya [anavarata] 31. 13. incessant. aNAcikkhiNIya [anAcakSaNIya] 31. 11. indescribable. aNiccaDiya [anizcalita) 30. 8. unfallen, unmoved. aNissiraNa [anizritena] 2. 7. by being free from attachment. aNugaraha anukaroti] 92. 3. to imitate, aNuvvaya [aNuvrata 45. 23. Vows to be followed by a householder. aNuttara [anuttara] 6. 2. (N) A sort of heaven, anuttaras are 5 in number and are called vimAnas. aNunnabaha [anujJApayati] 42.9, to get permitted. Page #353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 141 aNusaya [anuzaya] 24. 24 repentence. aNUNaM [anyUna] 55. 18. not less. aNoyAro [anavatAra] 123. 4. non-descent. aNorapAra [D] 52. 17. endless. aNhANa[D.] 50.9. eating. adAya [D] 75. 1. a . mirror amiya [astamita] 19. 17. set. atyAiA [D] 33. 4. a .conference-hall. atthi [arthin ] 69. 8. a beggar; a mendicant. atthuraNa [AstaraNa] 62. 20. a bed. aMteura [aMtaHpura] 7. 3. a harem. annattha [anyatra] 49. 14. elsewhere. anta [antra] 109. 19. a bowel. appauli [apakca] 47.8. not well-baked or cooked. appaDivaDiya [apratipatita]48: 14. not fallen. abbhakkhANaM [abhyAkhyAnaM] 46. 2 speaking abbhattha [abhyasta] 83. 18. repeated. abbhahiya [abhyadhika] 33. 19.. exceeding. abmAsao [abhyAsataH] 38.. 8. Out of the close association of preyious birth. abhitaro [abhyantara] 107. 19. internal. abbhuddhANa [abhyutthAna] 12. 1. standing up out of respect for a comer. abhiya [abhidruta] 52. 15.. fleeting. abhiseya [abhiSeka] 28. 25.. bath. amacchariyaM amatsarikaM] 10. 45. one having no pride. ammA [D] 60. 23.. a. mother. amarisa [amarSa] 19. 22, anger. Page #354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 142 amba [Amra] 103. 18. a mango tree. ayagara [ajagara 113. 15. a boa constrictor, a python. ayaNDa [akANDa] 63. 3. all of a sudden. ayasi [atasI 9. 2. flex. avakkhaMda [avaskaMda] 19. 18. an attack. avacca [apatya] 111. 7. a child. avajjha [avadhya] 46. 16. not -fit to be killed. avaDa [D] 105. 19. a. well. aSayacchaha [D] 105. 14. to extend. avayaMsa [avataMsa] 73. 12. an earring. avarajjhai [aparAdhyati] 18. 12. to commit a fault. avaravideha [aparavideha] 6. 12. the name of a country (N) avaraNha [aparAha] 14. 22. the later part of the day. avahaDa [avahata]92. 4. kid napped. avahatthiya [apahastita] 15. 18. removed. apahANa [avadhAna] 16. 14. attention. aveha [apaiti] 17. 18. to pass away. asamikkhiya [asamIkSita]17. 23. without properly observing. ahakkamaso [yathAkramazaH] 6. 4. according to the order. ahanna [adhanya] 8. 5. unfor-. tunate. ahannayA [adhanyatA] 17. 1. ill-luck. ahiTriyA [adhiSThitA] 85.19. presided by. AhappAo [abhiprAya] 111. ___19. an opinion. / ahiva[adhipa]33. 14. a king aho [adhaH] 46. 14. down ward. Aikkhio [AkhyAta] 68. 21. said. Page #355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 143 Aigo [AkIrNa] 7. 5. replete with; full of Aisai [Adizati] 49. 1. to order Auya [AyuH] 40. 1. life. AkizcaNa [AkiMcanya]43. 10. non-possession. ADavio [ATavika] 113. 3. a chief of forest tribes. ADhata [D Arabdha] 27. 25. begun. ANa [AjJA] 17. 16. an order. ANavaNa [AjJApana] 47. 18. ordering. mANavei [AjJApayati] 19. 5. to order. Abhoio [Abhogita] 52. 7. knew. Abhoya [Abhoga] 23. 5. .expanse. AyaDDiya [Avardhita] 71. 1. increased. mAyaNNA [AkarNayAta] 19.20. to hear: Ayamba [AtAmra] 63. 21 reddish. AyavattaM [Atapatra] 116. 18. an umbrella. AyaMka [AtaMka] 33.21.fever. AyAmi 42. 20. long. AyArimaya [AcAsmi] 73. 1.aconventional present given at the time of marriage. ArAhageyarANaM [ArAdhaketarANAM] 5. 8. of the worshippers and those who are not. ArovaNa [AropaNa] 46. 1. laying. AloSa [Aloca] 20. 2. a canopy. Avajjai [Avajati or Apadyate] 10. 18. to come before. AvaDio [Apatita] 37. 15. came up. AvanasattA [ApanasattvA] 41. 31. pregnant. Avaya [Apada] 27. 16. a. calamity. Page #356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 144 AdaraNijja [bhAvaragIya] 43. 15, covering. bhAvAyaNa [bhApAnaka] 23. 14. a drinking-stall. yAvAviya[ApAdita] 101. 20. made to possess. AvAsaNiyAbhUmi [AvAsanikAbhUmi] 114. 7. camp-grounds. AvikAra [AviSkAra 114. 22. revealing. mAvihavA [Avirbhavati] 44. 22. to revel. mAcII [bhAvIci] 121. : 14. continuously. AvITa [ApIDa] 67. 19. a crest-garland (N) pAsa [azva] 11. 20. a horse. Asrava [Araba] 78. 4. a sinful activity. AsAyaNa [AsAdana] 69. 19. obtaining. AsaMdicA [ArsadikA]69. 16. a long wooden couch. AiDa [Aita] 46. 4. brought. AhIranta [AnhiyamANa] 23.7. being taken out. bhAheDaga [AkheTaka] 91. 12. a hunter. ii [iti] 47. 2. of this nature. ikkaNa [D] 71. 7. a thief. itiriya itvarika] 46. b. of a short time. itthi [strI] 40.21. a woman. indayAla [indrajAla] 49. 20. a __magic show. iMdAuha [indrAyudha] 11.10.the rain-bow. iyANi [idAni] 82. 6. now. isi [RSi] 9. 10. a sage. iharahA [itarathA] 19. 14. by another way. Iisi [idRzI] 14. 7. of this kind. Isi ISat ] 8. 23. little. u [D] 13. 15. a particle of emphasis. uTha [Rtu] 59. 5. a season. Page #357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 145 ukkalaMbai [ ullaMbate D] 88. 2. to hang. ukkera utkara ] 118. 8. a collection. ukkosiyA [ utkrozikA) 43. 18. high. ugghu ud ghuSTa] 23. 12. pro claimed. ucchalai [utsarati] 56. rise high. ujANa [udyAna) 34. 3. a garden. ujju [Rju] 120. 13. str aight. ujjoviya udyotita]36. 18. brightened. u? [oSTha] 8. 23. a lip. uDaya [uTaja] 9. 10. a co ttage. uNa [punaH] 43. 8. again. uttattha [ utrasta ] 103. 23. frightened. uttammai [uttAmyati] 67. 4. to pine away. uddesa [uza] 81. 19. a place. uddhaM (urdhva] 42. 22. high. uddhadehiya [auladehika] 101. 11. post-death cerem___ony. undUra 106. 16. a rat. uppaMka [D] 69. 10. a coll ection. uppADai [utpATayati] 89. 20. to wrench out; to take out. uppuNNa [utpUrNa] 23. 5. full of ummAlo [unmilitaH] 70. 19. blossomed. uvaNNA [ upakIrNA ] 36. 22. scattered. uvaogiNo [ upayogina: ] 5. 11. useful, pertinent. udhakaya [upakRta] 82. 1. an obligation. ubha [upastaMbha] 57. 11. keep-up uri [upari] 66. 22. up on. over. urima [uparima] 99. 18. above. udharoha [uparodha ] 14. 13. an oustruction. Page #358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 146 uvaladdha [upalabdha] 33. 6. obtained. ubavajjai [upapadyate] 40. 12. to be born. upavAa [upapAta] 6. 10. birth, nativity. uvadhimhA [upavizrAmyati] 29. 23. to take rest. uvasagga [upasarga] 5. 13. a calamity. upasama [upa rAma] 48. 10. pacification. upazamazreNi= a path of pacification. uThavaTTa [uvRtta] 40. 10. returnea. uvAyANa [upAdAna] 2. 20. the principle cause. uThaveya [udvega] 17. 21. de jection. uvvellanta [udvalat ] 59. 3. well-rounded. usaha [RSabha] 1. 2. the name of the first Tirthankar of Jainas. ussagga [utsarga] 108. 2. the giving up of ego. UNoyariyA [UmodaritA] 50. 7. taking less food than required. UmiNiyA [D] 70. 8. rubbed. Usiya [ucchita] 20. 5. raised. eDa eti] 122. 1. to go. egRNavIsa [ekonaviMzati 97. 19. nineteen. ehi [idAniM] 8. 7. thus. ettiya [etAvat ] 21. 20. this much. etthaMtarammi [atrAntare] 20 8. In the meanwhile. edaha [etAvat 87. 24. this much. 31757[D]78.8.a string of pearls. oNaa [avanata] 17. 5. bent down. otthaya [avastRta] 72.6.co_vered with. oyalai [avacalati] 106. 3. to move oha [ogha] 33. 9. a co_llection. Page #359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 147 ohasaNijja [avahasanIya]8.3. kaNha [kRSNa]122. 18. black. fit to be laughed at. kattarI [kartanI] 68. 7. ohi [avadhi] 32. 1. (N) scissors. A kind of knowledge. kanda [D. dRDhaM] 3. 15. resokaiyava [kaitava] 83. 17. a ___lutely. deceit. kandai [kandati] 49. 19. to kaka kuiya [kotkucya] 47. 14. weep. jesting, speaking obsc- kaMduya [kaMduka] 15. 16. a ene things, making ____ball. obcene signs,movements kappapAyava [kalpapAdapa] 42. 3. etc. A fabulous tree descrikakkolaya [D] 66. 11. a bed to be fulfilling all kind of fruit. desires. kakkhaDa [D] 44.8. rough. kappa [kalpa] 30. 14. a kaMkAla 95. 13. a skeleton. vow. kaMkhA [kAMkSA] 45. 14. a kammaNajoga [karmaNayoga] 101. desire. __16.application of magic. kaccolaya [D] 76. 8. a porringer. kayaTTasoha [kRtApaNazobhA] 31. kaDakkha [kaTAkSa] 35. 9. a ___ 15. with markets placeside-glance. well-decorated. kaDaya [kaTaka] 22. 20. a kayatthai [kadarthayati] 8. 1. to bracelet. molest. kaDisuttaya [kaTIsUtraka] 76.7 kayaMta [kRtAMta] 8. 1. the a girdle. god of death. kaDhiNa [D] 11. 23. (N) / karaNa85.13. police-search. a kind of grass. karaNijja [karaNiya]42. 10. a Page #360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 148 thing fit to be done; a duty. karaMDaya [karaMDaka] 101. 4. a box; a casket. kalamala [D] 118. 6. the dirt of the bowels. kaladhoya [kaladhauta] 60. 13. gold. kalla [D=kalya] 14. 18. tomorrow. kahiM [kutra] 37. 20, where. kAyavya [kartavya] 10. 17. should be done. kAraNiya [kAraNika]85. 13. a policeman. kArima [kRtrimaD] 111. 16. artificial. kAlamAsa 91. 5. death season. kAleya 70. 15. black sandal-Aguru. kicca [kRtya] 49. 3. an action. kicchapANa [kRcchaprANa] 93. 1. keeping up life with difficulty. kimio [kRmayaH] 85. 10. worms. kilIva [kIma] 56 6. impotent. kiraNa [kRpaNa]57. 10. mean, lowly. kisatta [kRzatva] 28. 6. thinness. kisANu [kRzAnu ] 41. 4. fire. kiMcUNa [kiMcidUna] 99. 18. a little less. kiMpajjavasANa [kiMpayavasAna]40. 6. of what result. kiMpAga [kiMpAka116. 8. A kind of fruit which though sweet in taste, is poisonous. kI DA [kITa] 38. 16. a worm. kIramANa [kriyamANa] 121. 2. being done. kIla [kaDA] 15. 16. sport. kucchi [kukSi] 40. 17. a __womb.. kuTTaNa [D] 119.1. beating. kuDaya [kuTaja] 103. 17. a kind of tree. Page #361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ kuDa [ kuDaka] 55. 10. wall. a kurara [kurala] 113. 14. kind of a bird. gfau [g] 46. 10. the household utensils made up of clay or any other metal except gold or silver. a kuhADa [kuThAra] 115. 22. an axe. kUDaya [ kUTaka] 34. 23. deceit, a snare. kerisa [ kIdRza] 77. 20. of what kind. konta [kuMta] 20. 6. a spear. [D] 103. 21. a boar. khaira [ khadira] 103. 1S. kind of tree. a a [D] 81. 5. (N) khaNiya [kSaNika ]35. 1. mo mentary. khantI [kSAnti] 43. 9. for - givness. khagaDhI [kSapakazreNi] 48. 149 11. a path of the destruction of action. fasa [faga] 21. 21. to be vexed. khIla [kIla ] 99. 3 a peg. khu [ khalu ] D] 17. 18. indeed. khujana [kubja] 41 3. dwarfish. khuDai [kSuNati ] 105. 20. to destroy. khelai [D. krIDati ] 41. 16. to play. gaNDaya [ gaNDaka] 103. 22. a. rhinoceros. 40. 21. a limb, a body. gaddabha[D]102. 4. de. nA. mA. 2. 82. a shrill noise. ngagor [naqfa] 58. 17. a woman whose husband has gone away. garuya [ guruka] 41. 18. big. gavdhiya [ garvita ] 19. 13. proud. fifa 14. 8. a knot. instas [ gRhapati ] 97. 23. a house-holder. Page #362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 150 giddhi [gRddhi] 106. 6. ghasaNagholaNA [gharSaNaghUrNana] 44. greed. 2. Brushings and strguNANa [guNasthAna] 49. 3. a uggles. stage in spiritual prog gheppai [D gRhNAti] 117. 10. ress. to hold. guvila [gupila] 103. 18. caukta [catuSka] 6. 14. a deeply covered over. square. gevejja [gaiveyaka] 6.2. a caurAsama [caturthAzrama] 12. 4. kind of heaven. See the fourth stage of App. III to my Ed. of life i. e. the life of a aMta. & aNu0 P. 145 saMnyAsin. 148. gaiveyakas are nine cakalaya [D] 71. 14. Earin number. rings. goccha [guccha] 66. 1. a caccara [catvara] 6. 14. A collection ; a bunch. Resting place in a goroyaNA gorocanA] 116. 17. square cf. Guj. cotaro. Bright yellow pigment caccarI [carcarI] 39. 14. a prepared from the urine music-party. or bile of a cow, or caDayara [D] 31. 12. a found in the head of collection; a group; an a cow. army. gosakicca [prabhAtakRtya]11.19. caDala [caTula] 61. 11. Ple morning duties. gosa [D] _asing. de. nA. mA. 2. 96. camaDhaNa [D] 20. 15. an ghaya [dhRta] 76. 3. ghee. attack. ghAyaNa [ hanana ] 101. 16. cayai tyajati] 91. 5. to killing. give up. Page #363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 151 parima [carama]36. 18. Last. cAi [tyAgin ] 76. 24. one who renounces. cauraMta [caturaMta] 24. 23. having four angles or corners; a sort of seat. cAuraMta [caturaMta] 69.. 17. a pandal. cAa [tyAga] 107. 22. Gi ving up. cAraya [D] 18. 17. a prison. de. nA. mA. 3. 21. cigicchA [cikitsA] 15. 9. diagnosis. cittayamma [citrakarma ] 15. 17. painting. cittaTTiya [citrapaTTikA] 666. 16. a painting-board. cibiDa [D] 7. 11. cibiDa. nAso snub-nosed. ciya [caiva] 45. 7. a part icle of emphasis. cirAyai [cirAyati] 121. 7. _ to make late. ghukko [cyuta] 17. 1. missed cela 76. 10. a clothing. coyaNA [codanA] 13. 21. an impelling cause. cciya [caiva] 5. 15. Only, also ceva, chaviccheya [chaviccheda] 46. 1. wounding the body. chArIkaya [bhasma kRta; chAra=kSAra] 41.4. turned into ashes. chittara [D] 7.20. a sieve. chuhA kSudhA] 103. 4. hunger. choDAvai [D] 87. 4. to release, to make one dispossess. na [iSTa] 52. 6. offered as an oblation. naccaMdha [jAtyaMdha] 41. 2. blind by birth. jattA [yataH] 5. 12. from which. jatta [yatna] 10. 17. an effort. nayA [yadA] 44. 2. when. narakalA [jvarakalA] 62. 21. slight fever. santa [yantra]47. 12. a machine; a mechanical device. jaMpai [jalpati ] 6. 17. to speak. Page #364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 152 jaMpira [jalpaka] 55. 4. spea- . king. jalai [jvalati] 19. 20. to barn. javaNa [japana] 8. 28. mutt ering. jahanniyA [jaghanyA] 43. 10. lower. nahArihaM [yathAI] 12. 10. as befitting. jAi jAyata] 37. 22. to be produced. jAyaNa [yAcana] 118. 3. an entreaty. jAdhaya [yAvaka] 70. 12. lac. jiNai [jayati] 6. 17. to win. juima [dyutimat] 123. 19. lustrous. jujjhai [yudhyati] 117. 20. to fight. juNNa [jIgaM] 113. 14. worn out. jUha [yUtha] 61. 15. a group. joIsa [yogIza] 1. 2. The lord of ascetics. noei [D] 86. 20. to see. jogaNya [yogapaTTaka] 9. 2. (N) P. 129. joNDA [jyotsnA] 33. 10. __moonlight. joya [yoga] 1. 4. The spiritual exercise or concentration. jhijjA [kSIyate] 110. 5. to pine away. jhosiya [dhasta D.] 1:22. 9. destroyed. ThiI [sthiti] 6. 3. a pe__riod of life. DakA [daSTa] 40. 23. bitten Damjhai [dayate] 52. be burnt. Dasai dazati] 106. 1. to sting. DAha [dAha] 41. 4. burning. DiM Dima 7. 21. a drum. Dhakka [D] 40. 16.a drum. Dhoiya [DhAkita] 88. 15. placed. NavaraM [Dkevala] 7. 6. only. Page #365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ tayArisa [ tAdRza ] 49. 3. like that. takkara thief. [ taskara ] 46. 4. a takkara [tarkate ] 21. 1. to deduce. [] 36. 21. grass. [103. 24. thirst. ast [at] 105. 7. a side. taya [ tad ] 33. 8. that. taraccha [tarakSa] 103. 21. a hyena. afr[D]60. 13. a tray. taliccha [D tallakSya ] 56. 8. bent upon. tAliyaNTa [ tAlata ] 61. 22. a fan. fa [f] 7. 10. three tiga [trika ] 108. 5. the triad. titthapatrattaNa [ tIrthapravartana ] 1. 8. the establishing of the fourfold order of monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen. faforer [fa] 103. 17. a kind of tree. 153 fau [fa] 6.7. A collection of three. 6. 14. A meeting-place three roads. of tiyasinda [tridazendra ] 53.11. the lord of gods, Indra. tiriya [ tiryag ] 46.14. slant. tirie [ tiryag ] 34. 20. lower animal. tikoNa [ trikoNa ] 7. 10. triangular. tIrae [tIrayati] 96. 23. is able. a ater [f] 6. 6. thirty. af [D] 76. 7. an ornament for hand. turiyaM [tvariMi] 7. 22. qui - ckly. 11. 20. A kind of horse from Turkey. teNa [stena] 46. 4. a thief. tettIsa [ trayastriMzat ] 6.6. thirty-three. telokka [trailokya ] 19. 17. three worlds. Page #366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ thaNahara [ ratanabhara ] 54. 16. the weight of breasts. [D] 42. 19. a place. aifat [D] 97. 7. became stiff and numb. [] 94. 2. a woman. gur [alfa] 36. 23. to praise. 154 thUlaga [ sthUla ] 45. 17. per - ceptibly big. theva [stokaM D] 36. 16. a little. [D] 75. 14. a drop. thora [ sthUla D. ] 54. 19. heavy. davakhAlayA [drAkSalatA] 65.22. the creeper of grapes. daNDajattA [daNDa yAtrA ] 91.23. a military journey. afozar [afcear] 74. 7. a string of pearls. daMtacchaya [ daMtacchada ] 7. 12. A lip. dantabalahiyA [daMtabalabhivA ] 66. 3.a bed-hall in a palace. acgeyi [zdfeye]20. 1. unbridled with hot temper. aft [a] 20. 14. speedy. darikSaNa [ darzana ] 43. 14. sight. 71. 9. an army, a leaf of a jewel. daha [hUda] 41. 18. a lake. [g] 57. 1. a jaw. IT [ar] 78. 4. a door. dAhi [dAridrya ] 103. 12. poverty. dAhiNa [dakSiNa] 8. 22. right. diyaha [ divasa ] 14. 16. a day. divaDa [a] 52 4. one and a half. dIva [ dvIpa ] 6. 11. an is land. 12. a [] 7. 12. long. duio [dvitIya] 92. companion. dugula [dukUla ] 64. 4. silk-garment. dupaya [ dvipada ] 46. 9. human being. dupaNihANa [ duSpraNidhAna ] 47. 17. ill-attention. a a Page #367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 155 geret (gaar] 113. 13. quickly. gart [arc]80. 13. a door, an opening. a [fa] 11. 23. two. GET [af] 116. 19. a kind of grass. TEEU []47. 21. cl. imbing. Taas (faqatda] 66. 21. a kind of metre. ArCA (173] 43. 6. twelve. GEHAT (COOH) 118. iron-age; technically the 2nd Ara (a part of the cycle of time ) of the decreasing and the fifth of the increasing aeon. TEER [D] 71. 13. a kind of ornament for neck. ger [fear] 45. 12. twofold. gfag [a] 9. 16. troubled. A SECCO [298] 55. 12. a seat for a god. Qafata (datfarfa] 78. 16. a partial non-attachment. aqur [astia] 83. 3. a little less. 715 [alizza] 52. 20. a bad condition. suitge [ploitue] 19. 13. ETUT 50.13.occurs often in Sutras, to mean'a city which has traderoutes of both land and sea; with faqa, a well-protected business-town'. ale [ac] 117. 19. treachery, perfidy. laro [ztafra]9. 16. ill-. luck. [FIET] 57. 9. the. desire of a pregnant woman. sforzt [D] 8. 6. much. Page #368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 156 ghi [dhati] 35. 13. faith, couragedhiratthu [dhig+astu] 40. 5. fie. dhI [dhiga] 14. 21. fie. . dhUyA [duhitA] 67. 11. a daughter. dhUvaghaTiyA [dhUpaghaTikA] 55. 4. an incense-pot. dhoya [dhauta] 104.2. washed. naggoha [nyagrodha] 104. 17. ___a banyan tree. nacvaNa nRtya] 15. 17. a dance. naDa [naTa] 35. actor. nattao [naptRka] 33. 14. a grandson. nahakamma [nakhakarma] 70. 2. _nail-cutting. nahayaMda [nakhacandra]74. 2. mo on in the form of nails. nAikula [jJAtikula]99. 3. the parents' house. mANa [jJAna] 43. 4. know ledge. nAya [jJAta] 103. 11. a traditional account. nikkaDDiya [niSkRSTa] 5. 9. unsheathed. nikAiya [nikAcita] 109. 4. thick. nikkhivaNaya [nikSepaNa] 48.3. throwing. niguJja [nikuJja]81. 20. a. bower. ninnagA [nimnagA] 41. 16. a river. nippidhAso [niSpipAsa] 10. ___15. having no thirst for. nibbhacchiyA [nirbhatsitA] sc ornfully discarded. nijjUhago [D] 99. 3. a ____jutty. nibbhara [nirbhara] 21. 4. full of. nimmajiya [nirma Ta] 70. 15. cleansed. nimmahamANa [nirmathyamAna] 118. 6. being stirred very ___ much. nimmoya [nirmoka] 118. 8. a slough of a serpent. nimiya [D] 9. 1. nyasta put down. Page #369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ niyas [D] 105. 2. to see. niyadRi [ nivartate ] 10. 10. to return. niyasi [nikRti ] 25.2. revenge; de. nA. mA. 4. 26. hypocrisy. niyala [ nigaDa] 119. 6. shackle. a niyANa [nidAna ] 24. 11. the death-vow; (N) one of the four types of meditation. niyaMsaNa [D. nivasana] 64.4. a clothing. nivajja [niravadya] 46. 18. faultless. nirumbhai [niruNaddhi]to check. niruvahaya [ nirupahata] 44 14. undestroyed. nivannA [niSaNNA ] 62. 24. sat. nisaMsa [nRzasa ] 17.17. wicked nihitta [ nikSipta ] 34. 7. thrown. fag [faya]63.3.secretly nINiya [D nIta ] 86. 5. brought.. 157 neura [ nUpura ] 71. 2. an anklet. netrattha [D] clothing. para [ prati] 17. 16. towa rds. paTTAviya [pratiSThApita ] 83. 11. established, given. painna [ pratijJa' ] 10. 12. an oath. 56. 4. a paI [ pradIpa ] 19. 17. a lamp. payujai [ prayunakti ] 101. 16. to apply. pautti [ pravRtti ] 12. 15. news. paumarAya [ padmarAga or padmarAja ] 71. 9. a precious stone; king Rama. oya [ prayoga ] 69. 2. atte mpts. [ prakoSTa ] 63. 20. a wrist. pakhavAya [ pakSapAta ] 10. 17. leaning on the side of. pakakhAlaNa [ prakSAlana ] 48. 23.. Washing off. Page #370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 158 paccAIyapurisa [prAtyayikAH puruSAH] 118. 2. personal guards. paccanta [pratyanta] 113. 3. border territories. paccavAya [pratyavAya] 122. 3. a difficulty. paccAhiyANai [pratyabhijAnAti] 39. 5. to recognise. paccAyaNa [pratyAyana] 29. 7. an information. paccAsanna pratyAsanna 60. 19. __ in the vicinity. | pacchAyAva [pazcAttApa] 115. 15. repentence. pajjanta [paryanta]5.13. Until. pajjalia [prajvalita] 35. 12. burnt. pajjutta [paryupta] 55. 10. set paDikUdhaga [pratikUpaka] 92. 22. the jutting foundation of concrete or stone on which the circular walls of a well rest. paDiNIya [pratyanIka] 24. 22. Opposite; unfavourable paDiya ggio [pratyagritaH ? D] 18. 24. received, welcomed. paDiyAra [pratikAra] 122. 3. a remedy paDilehiya [pratilekhita]44.21 cleansed paDipattI [pratipratti] 52. 16. an attainment. paDivattI pratipatti] 16 3. ___news. paDissaa [pratizraya] 79. 10 an abode for ascetics. paDiya [pratizruta] 112. 4. promised. paDihAyaha [pratibhAti]66. 13. to appear. paDucca [pratItya] 5.7. Hav ing known. paNA [praNayin ] 24. 14. a . dear one. in. pajjuvAsaha [paryupAste] 19. 7. to wait upon paDaNa [patana] 82. 10. a precipice paDavAsa[D] 17. 1. a collection of fragrant materials. Jan. Page #371 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 159 paNarasa [paMcadaza] 6. 5. Fift- een. paNihANa [praNidhAna] 82. 14. the concentration with a will. pata [patra] 104. 13. a fo liage. pattachenja [patracheya] 61. 13. the decorative painting on the body. pattiyai [pratyeti] 100. 21. to put confidence in. patthAva [prastAva] 117. 13. an opportnity. patthia [prArthita] 36. 20. requested. patthuya [prastuta] 2. 9. Relevent game in the composition under consideration. paMti [paMkti] 11. 9. a line. pannata [prajJapta] 45. 13. laid .down. pabhiDa [prabhRti] 97. 16. Be ginning from. pamakkhaNa [pramRkSaNa] 69. 15. bath. pamhaliya [pakSmalita ? D.] 33. 11. Whitened. payaI [prakRti 13. 15. na ture. payaTTAvai [pravartayati] 20 2. to make active. payatta [ prayatna ] 46. 4. an effort. payatta [pravRtta] 104. 12. started. payANayatiya[prayANakatrika] 1 13. 8. three marches. parakkama [parAkrama] 19. 13. an exploit. parAvatta [parAvarta ] 86. 18. __ the transfer. parikammiya [pa rekarmita 50. 16. cleansed, purified. parigaghiya parijalpita]106.8. ___spoken. paricatta parityakta] 18. 2. _abandoned. pariyaria [parivRtta] 70. 20. _surrounded. pariyANaNa [parijJAna] 12. 5. Knowing. parivdhayai[parivrajati] 39. 18. to move by. Page #372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 160 pariveDhia [pariveSTita D.] 117. 17. surrounded. parisakkA [pariSvava te] 38.13. to move about, to walk. : parisamatI [ parisamApti ] 48. 16. the conclusion. parIsaha [ parISaha ] 24. 10. an affliction of hunger, thirst etc. to be borne by monks. parisANa [parizATana]109.23. throwing out. parihassa [ pariva ] 7. 13. short. parihA [ parikhA] 6. 13. A ditch. parihANa [ paridhAna ] 70. 3. dress. paropparajeAga [parasparayoga] 5. 12. the proper mutuality. pallala [palvala] 103. 23. a puddle; a pool . pallANai [D] 20. 1. to _ride. paliovamapuhutta [palyopamapRthutva] 45. 17. a period of 2 to 9 palyopamA palita [ pradIpta ] 21. 14. burnt. paliya [palya or palyopama] 6. 7. A measure of time. see. (N) P. 128. paliyapRhatta 48. 12. see paliovamapuhutta. pavaMgabaMdha [pra.daMgabandha] 71. 10. a kind of ornament; a dam made by the monkeys. pavvala [prabala] 106. 6. str ong, able. pavAhA [pravAhayati 88. 15. to rid off pavAya [D] 15. 16. deje cted, downcast. pavu? [pravRSTa] 36. 4. rained. pavellira [pravalat ] 113. 13. Coiling. pasaya [D] 103. 21. a kind of animal. pasajjhaM [ prasahya] 28. I8. forcibly. pasattha [ prazasta ] I0. 4. proper. Page #373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 161 . pasaMta [prazAnta] 56. 18. tr- anquil. pasAriya [prasAdhita] 8. 15. adorned. pasutta [prasupta] 118. 6. slept. pAika [papi] 19. 16. a foot -soldier. pAuNai [prApnoti] 44. 18. to obtain. pAusa [prAvRS] 11. 5. a rainy season. pAovagamaNa [pAdapopagamana] 50. 2. a sort of fasting. pAgAra [prAkAra] 6. 13. a rampart. pANAivAya [prANAtipAta] 45. 19. killing. pAmuka [prAmukta] 104. 19. given up. * pAyacchitta [prAyazcitta] 107. 23. atonement. pAriyA [pAryate] 83. 21. is .enabled. pASA [prApnoti] 8. 9. to obtain. pAsaNDi [pASaNDin] 32. 14. A man belonging to a heretical creed. pAhuDa [prAbhRta] 67.6. a pr esent. pAheya [pAtheya] 93. 6. the victuals for journeypiucchA [D pivasvasA] 59. 16. the father's sister. piTTa [pRSTha] 23. 52. a back. pittiya-utta [paitRkaputra] 5. 21. the son of a pater nal relative. pisuNaga [pizunaka] 66. 11. forestalling, pisuyA [pizukA] 38. 15. a kind of worm. pihaNaya [pidhAna 48. 4.a covering. pihula [pRthula] 57.1. broad. pIDhasappI [pRSThasarpin] 41. 7. a man suffering from a kind of lameness so that he may have to move by his back. pIlaNa [pIDana] 47. 12. cr ushing. pIsijada [piSyate] 15. 10. is pounded. puDhavI [pRthvI] 83. 5. the earth. Page #374 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 162 puNNavatta [D] 23. 7. (N) a garment which is taken out under the passion of joy by another. purIsa [purISa] 118. 6. nig ht-soil. puloiya [pralokita] 59. 9. seen. puvva [pUrva] 10. 12. a pe riod consisting of 7560 ___common years. puvvaNha [pUrvAha] 14. 22. the first half of the day. puvAyariya [pUrvAcArya]5.17. a former teacher. pUyAruho [pUjA] 54. 13. fit for worship. pecchaNaya [prekSanaka] 65. 13. a show. peranta [paryanta] 75. 5. a border. peranta [paryanta] 8. 15. the boundary-line of the kingdom. pellai [D] 119. 1. to throw. pesavaNa [preSaNa] 47. 19. se. nding. poTTa [D] 111.16. a belly. potta [DI 23. 7.. a garment. poya [pota] 51. 4. a boat. poya [pota] 122. 18. a young one. posaha [pauSadha but properly upoSatha] 3.5.a. sort of vrata obserrved with fasting on aSTamI, caturdazI etc. phaliha [sphaTika] 55. 8. a crystal stone. phaMza [sparza]69. 14. touch. phAsa sparza] 54. 1. touch. phAsua [spArzaka] 33. 1. clean. phuDai [sphuTati] 118. 6. to break. phuraNa [sphuraNa] 94. 23. throbbing phusai smRzati] 71. 12. to touch.. pheDara [D] 73. 9. to break open. bajjha [bAhya] 45. 1. external. Page #375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 163 baMdhura 54. 16. beautiful. bAyAlIsa [dvicatvAriMzat ] 50. 5. forty-two. bAha [bASpaM] 15. 15. a tear. bAhirao [bahistaH] 29. 15. from outside. bAhiM [bahiH] 86. 5. out side. bihassA [bRhaspati] 15. 12. the preceptor of gods. bIbhaccha [bIbhatsa] 113. 15. frightful. bIya [bIja) 41. 22. (N) the seed; the fundamental principle viz. samyaktva. khunjhai [bodhati] 80. 12. to know. bondi [D] 54. 4. a body. bhaiNi [bhaginI] 81. 18. a sister. bhaNDaya [bhANDa] 116. 17. a vessel. bhaNDAriya [bhANDAgArika] 85. 14. a store-keeper. bhattapANa [bhakapAna] 46. 1. food and drink. bhalla [bhallUka] 103. 21. a bear. bhavya [bhavya] See bhavia. bhavia [bhavya] 40. 8. one with a desire to att___ain the spiritual goal. bhaMsada [bhrazyati] 84. 3. to fall. bhAgia [bhAgika] 98. 20. a partner. bhADiyakamma [bhUtikAkarma] 47. 10.a vocation of hiring carts etc. bhAra 76. 6. a measure of weight. bhAvattha [bhAvArtha] 6. 10. proper sense. bhAvariu [bhAvaripu] 3. 18. The enemy of the reality. bhisiyA baMsikA] 8. 21. a seat for an ascetic. bhIrattaNa [bhIrutva] 6. 19. cowardice. bhUi [bhUti] 8. 20. ashes. Page #376 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 164 bherava bhairava] 118. 14. ter- rifying. bhoI [bhavatI] 111. 3. your ladyship. maharA [madirA] 63. 13. wine. mailaNA [D.] 88."7. a kind of titular deity. mara [mayUra] 63..16. a pe acock. maUha [mayUkha] 70. 1. a ray. maejArisa [mAdRza] 30. 6. like myself. maccu [mRtyu] 35. 22. death. macchariya [mAtsarya] 48. 4. vanity ( in charity ). majA [madhya] 53. 1. in the midst, inside. manjhattha [madhyastha] 5. 15. one with neutral mind. majhima [madhyama] 13. 15. middle, ordinary. mazciyApayoa [maMcikAprayoga] 95. 9. The method of putting a cot in the well. maDaha [D] 7. 13. narrow; maDaMba [D] 50. 13. a ki. nd of village. maNDukka [maNDUka] 114. 3. a frog. mahava [mArdava] 43. 9. soft___ness of temper. maya [mRta] 123. 9. deed. maya [mada] 7. 1. pride. maya [mRga] 7. 1. a deer.. mayaga [mRtaka 49. 17. a dead one. mayaraddhaa [makaradhvaja] 59. 12. the god of love. mayAhiva [mRgAdhipa] 8. 13. a lion. malla [mAlya] 15. 14. a garland. mahai [D] 107. 4. To ___wish. mahagdha [mahAI ] 65. 13. pre. cious. mahantaga [mahatka] 85. 14. an elder of the town. mahappA [mahAtman ] 123.14.a high-souled being. mahariti [maharSi] 82. 9. a. great sage. mahalla [mahat] 7. 10. big. Page #377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 165 mahallaga [D] 60. 16. a chamberlain. mahasaSo [mahotsava] 53. 15. a great festival. maMDala 7. 1. (N) mAulaga [mAtulaka] 59. 6. a maternal uncle. mAuliMga [D] 80. 13. a citron-bIjoru. micchatta [mithyAtva] 43. 15. a false belief. miyaMka [mRgAMka] 14.9.a moon. mIsa [mizra] 70. 15. mixed. muraya muraja 23. 11. a drum. musAvAya [mRSAvAda] 45. 20. falsehood. muhala [mukhara] 1. 7. buzz ing. mUa [mUka] 56. 7. dumb. mUlasuddhi [mUlazuddhi] 49. 11. the investigation of the cause of complaint. meiNi [medinI] 109. 4. the earth. -metta [-mAtra] 7. 11. only; used as the last mem ber of a compound. metti [maitrI] 53. 3. fri endship. mehuNa [maithuna] 50. 3. sexu_al intercourse. mohariya [maukhaye 45. 16. speaking overmuch. raa [rajas] 58. 1. dust. rakkhasa [rAkSasa] 49. 16. a giant. TFT A space measure which a god, with 2057152 yojanas speed per moment, may cross in six months. raNa [araNya] 81. 8. a forest. ratta [rakka) 19. 20. red. rano [rAjJaH] 5. 10. of the king. rAyavattaNI [rAjavartanI]95.13. the main road. rAyahANI [rAjadhAnI] 95. 4. a capital. rAsaha [rAsabha] 7. 19. an ass. rittha [riktha] 84. 1. wealth Page #378 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 166 ruNTanta [D] 58. 1. hum- ming. raMDhA [D] 11. 12. to hum.. laga [D] 97. 3. a ball of sweets. laTTi [yaSTi] D. 15. 19. a stick. laDaha [laTabha] 54. 5. beau. tiful. Dhaddhi [landhi] 78. 5. mira culous power. laMbaNA [D] 95. 7. ropes. lahuM [laghu] 88. 9. quickly. lAya [lAta] 76. 3. an off___ering. liMvapAyava niMbapAdapa] 32.14. the nimb-tree. luNAi [lunAti] 123. 1. to cut. lUyAtaMtu [lUtAtaMtu] 118. 9. a spider. le? [D. loSTha] 4. 17. a lump of clay. lehAyariya lekhAcArya]98. 10. a teacher. paiyara [vyatikara] 88. 4. an incident. viuDaNa [D] 24. 15. des truction. vakala valkala] 8. 19. a bark-garment. . paggha [vyAghra] 103. 21. a tiger. paMka [vakra] 7. 12. crooked. paJcA [vrajati] 121. 17. to go. vacchatthala [vakSaHsthala] 57. 1. a chest. pacchI utta [D] 70. 1. a barber. ajjara 11. 20. A kind of horse from the country of vajjara. vaTTa [vRtta] 7. 10. round. vaTTa [pRSTha] 19. 21. the surface. vaNNiyA (varNikA] 66. 14. a brush. vaddhAvaNaya [vardhApanaka] 23.14. an ovation. batthasohaga [vastrazodhaka] 38. 1. a washerman. vaMtarasuro [vyantarasura] 7.6. a kind of gods. Page #379 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 167 vandaNamAla [D] 31. ornamental arch,made och made up of stringed leaves,to be fixed on the upper part of the door. candra [vRnda] 1. 9. a coll ection. vammaha [manmatha] 55. 2. god of love. vammIya [valmIka] 115. 3. a ant-hill. vaya [vrata] 18. 1. an obse___rvance. valhIya [vAlhika] 11. 20. a kind of horse from the country of Balkha. vaSaesa [vyapadeza] 48. 4. a pretext. vavatthA [vyavasthA] 118. 4. adminisrative arrangement. pasaNa [jyasana] 107. 4. a * difficulty. basaha [Sabha] 1. 2. a bull. vaha [vadha] 45. 24. killing. vAiyA [vAcitA] 68. 28. was read. pAei [vAcayati] 86. 8: to read. vANamaMtara [vyAnanyantara]5. 22. (N) A kind of gods. vANijna [vANijya] 47. 11. business. vArUyA [D] 88.17.a she elephant. vArejja [D] 61. 12. a __marriage. bAvaDa [vyApRta] 28. 25. employed. vAvAia vyApAdita] 117. 20. killed. vAvAei [vyApAdayati] 28.18. to kill. SAvAra [vyApAra] 15. 17. activity. vAsaNa [D] 86. 5. arti cals. vAsA [varSA] 36. 1. a rainy season vAha vyAdha] 34. 25. a hunter. vAhiyAlI [bAhyAlI] 11. 20. the riding grounds. . vi [api] 11. 1. even, also. Page #380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 viDaddha [vibuddha] 57. 5. awa- kened. viuNa [viguNa] 71. 3. incr easing. biubdhiya [vikurvita] 52. 11. developed a supernatural thing by special powers. vikkheva [vikSepa] 19. 12.; 113. 4. an army. pA. la. nA. P. 43. 'choho vikkhevo' confusion. vigicaNaya [D] 48. 1. leaving out. vicchAya [vicchAya] 16. 19. pale. vicchuriya [vicchurita] 34.15. scattered over, spread. over. vijAhara [vidyAdhara] 81. 18. a species of demigods. vijju [vidyut 45. 9. ligh- tning. vinjha [D.] 105. 17. a butting. viDhatta [D.] 96. 18. ear: ___ned. viDhiyA [D.] 71. 4.a ring. viNinta [viniryat ] 113. 12. coming out. vitti [vRtti] 28. 6. main tenance. pitthaka (D] 113. 4. att acked. vitthaDa [ vistRta ] 4. 20. widely spread. vitthiNNa [vistIrNa] 54. 11. broad. vinneya [vijJeya] 45. 3. should be known. vimhia [vismita] 34. 12. astonished. viyaDa [vikaTa] 8. 15. for midable. viyambhiya [vibhita] 20. 7. increased. viyaraha [vicarati] 123. 3. ___to move about. viyaliya [vicalita] 15. 14. dropped. viyANai [vijAnAti] 18. 13. to know. Page #381 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 169 viyANaba [vitAnaka] 74. 8. a vihuya [vidhUta] 67. 3. shacanopy. ___ken. vilayA [D. vanitA] 6. 16. . visa [viMzati] 6.6. twenty. a woman. vIhiyA [vIthikA] 12. 25. vilasiya [vilasita] 25. 25. a grove. action. vucchaha [vakSyati] 53.8. will viliyA [vIDitA] 101. 10. speak. was ashamed. vuTTI [vRSTi] 1.8. a shower. vivajjaa [viparyaya] 97. 5. vuDa [vRddha] 86. 3. an elder. change. veja vidya] 15. 8. a phyvivarIya [viparIta] 24. 3. sician. unfavourble. veDhiya [veSTita] 43. 12. vivAga [vipAka] 8. 7. a encircled. result. veyAvacca [vaiyAvRtya] 108. 1. visattha [vizvasta 19. 16. service. ___with confidence. veragga [vairAgya] 8 1. avevisamasara [viSamazara] 1. 1. rseness to worldly life. the god of love. ghelaMdhara 5. 21. A kind of visara [visara] 34.15. pro- gods of the Nagakufusion. mara class who hold visottiyA [vistrotasikA] 45 the beach of Lavana Samudra. 14. wrong activities of dhesatthiyA [vezastrI] 115. 2. mind. vihANa [vidhAna] 122. 2. a harlot destiny. voccheya [vyuccheda] 46. 1. vihAyai [vibhAti] 11. 8. ___cutting off. to shine. vAlAha [D] 77. 3. the Page #382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 170 name of a country famous for horses. vAleha [D.] 66. 3. to pass. saha [svayaM] 52. 19. by on eself. sahara [svaira]47.17. wanton. sakkA [zaknoti] 106.12. to be able. sakkaNai [zaknoti]22. 5. to be able. sagaggaya [sagadada]102.2. wi- th chokes. saMgahaNigAhA saMgrahaNIgAthA] 6. 9. the traditional stanzas which present in short the issues of the matter. sacitta 48. 3. the object having life. sacchaha [D] 70. 13. de. nA.. mA. 8.9. similar. saja [padya] 101. 5. insta ntly. sanma [sAdhya] 111. 2. attai__nable. sajmasa [sAdhvasa] 86. 11. hastily. samjhAya [svAdhyAya] 36. 6. one's own religious studies. sejatA [D 20. l. to make ready. . saMjujjai [saMyujyate] 64. 23. to be joined. saMjuttI [saMyukti] 96. 18. _the readiness to go.. saGka [sArtha] 6. 7. one and a half. saGka [zraddhA] 36. 12. faith. saNAha [sanAtha] 6. 13. acco mpanied with. sattiya [sAttvika] 4. 6. pu re-minded. sattha [sArtha] 121. 16. a company. satyara [saMstara] 27. 24. a bed. sadAviya [zabdApita] 51. 7. called. saddhi [sArdha] 55. 18. with. saMtappiya [saMtapta] 18. 3. being under anguish. saMtiya [D] 87. 11. belonging to. Page #383 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ saMdaNa [syaMdana ] 20. 2. a chariot. saMdAmio [saMdAnta ] 38. 3. tied. saMdhukkiya [saMdhukSita ] 24. 11. inflamed. sanna [ saMjJA ] 7. 11. a sign sanniya [saMjJita ] 38. 6. named. samaicikaa [D. samatikrAnta] 22. 13. passed away. samakkhAya [samAkhyAta] 43. 17. described. samatthai [samarthayati ] 27. 16. to believe. samaMddha [ samRddha ] 32. 2. pros perous. samaya 12. 1. a doctrine . samayaM [ samakaM ] 55. 5. with. samallINA [samAlInA ] 8. 18. closely attached. sammaM [samyak ] 48. 3 properly, well. sammata [ samyaktva ] 36. 11. right belief. sammadiTTI [samyagdRSTi ] 45.15. right perception. 171 samANatto [samApta] 19. 22. ordered. samAsatya [samAzvasta] 112. 1. consoled. samIkaya [samIkRta ] 36. 21. levelled. samUsiya [samucchrita] 55. 2. high. samoyaranta [ samavataran ] 28. 25. descending. saMpatti [ saMprApti ] 41. 22. acqusition. saMpayaM [ sAMprataM] 69. now. saMpaya [saMpad ]120.20. prosperity. saMparivuDa [ saMparivRta] 31. 20. surrounded. saMpAss [ saMpAdayati ] 9 1 to get, for somebody. saMhiyA [saMhitA ] 15. 9. a treatise. sayarAhaM [D] 54. 2. at once. sayAsAo [sakAzata: ] 14.14. in the vicinity. sarai [ smarati ] 114. 10. to remember. Page #384 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ sarathambha [zarastaMbha ] 105. 5. a clump of reeds. saraha [ zarabha ] 103. 21. a kind of fabulous animal said to have six legs and stronger than a lion. eft [D] 71. 8. a loose bracelet of stringed pearls. sarisa [ sadRza ] 49. 20. like. salAha Nijja [zlAghanIya]11.2. fit to be praised. efafgu [dfafan] 122.12. emaciated with penance. saMlINayA [ saMlInatA ] 107. 22. the control of body. savaNa [ zravaNa ] 71. 14. an ear. savara [zabara] 62. 9. aboriginal tribe. an 114. 19. 172 savasa [svavaza] self-dependent. savaha [ zapatha ] 117. 19. an oath. savAya [svavAca] 123. 10. one's own speech. savvannu [sarvajJa ] 5. 6. allknowing. saMvacchariya [sAMvatsarika ] 116. 11. an astrologer. saMvidatta [D. arjita ] 5.1. earned. saMvRtta [saMvRtta] 18. 4. be come. saes [zvasiti ] 38. 16. to breathe. saha [sabhA ] 118. 11. an assembly. 39. 12. fit. sahasa [ sahasA or sahAsya ! ] 46 2. unthinking, accompanied with laughter. sAgaDi [zAkaTika] 47. 10. a man who drives carts. sAgara [ sAgara ] 6. 5. a period of time. See (N) p. 128; it is also called sAgaropama sAyaga [ sAyaka] 122. 1. an arrow. Page #385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 178 sArera [sArayati] 61. 13. to arrange. sAvajja [sAvadha] 46. 18. faulty. sAlibhaMjiya [zAlabhaMjikA]55. 9 a doll. sAvaya [zvApada] 8. 14. a wild beast. sAsa [zvAsa] 123.1. breath. sAhai [D] 81. 22. to tell. sAhaNa [sAdhana] 20. 1. an army. siddhatthaya [siddhArthaka] 116. 16. white mustard. si? [ziSTa] 36. 3. advi sed, spoken to. simiNaya svapna] 11. 14. a dream. sirIsiva [sarIsarpa] 118. 7. a reptile. silImuha [zilImukha] 58. 14. a bee, an arrow. siNeha [sneha] 100. 17. love. somaMtaya [sImaMtaka]118. 10. a particular kind of hell(N). saulaMga [zIlAMga] 34. 10 (N) __p. 144. 50. 11. suI [sUci] 104. 15. a needle. sue [zvaH] 34. 2. tomorrow. sukka [zukra] 15. 12. the preceptor of demons. suNaa [zunaka] 38. 2. a dog. suNiyA [zunikA] 38. 1. a bitch. suMdara [saundarya] sumarai [smarati] 86. 20. to remember. sumariya [smRta] 27. 6. remembered. . suvaTTiya [suvRtta] 57. 2. qu ite round. suvaNNaga [suvarNaka] 15. 14. toilette made by pigment or paint. suvibhatta [suvibhaka] 6. 14. well laid-out. susiNiddha [susnigdha] 64. 3. well-oiled. Page #386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 174 suhAya [svabhAva] 44. 18. real nature. suhAsaNa [sukhAsana] 13. 5. a good seat. sanAyAra [sUnAgAra] 121. 19. a slaughter-house. sUyayAra [sUpakAra] 15. 21. a cook. sUsai [zuSyati] 121. 14. to dry. sohillA [zobhin ] 69. 18. beautiful. haTTa [D] 58. 2. a market. haMdi [D. hata] 122. 1. alas. halabola [D] 54. 8. noise. hiTTa [hRSTa] 54. 2. exulting. hiNDAveDa [hiMDAvayati) 7. 22. to cause to walk. hiyaya [hRdaya] 65. 20. a heart.. hiraNa [hiraNya]86. hu [D] 35. 1. indeed. huNijjA [hUyate] 76. 3. is offered. huliyaM [D] 104. 20. ins tantly. heDA [aghastAt ] 12. 24. down. heTTima [adhastana] 99. 18. downward. seDhI [D zreNi] 48. 10. a way. senna [sainya] 19. 19. an army. seya [sveda 74. 4. sweat. soya [zauca] 43. 10. purity. 10. purity. soyAmaNI [saudAminI] 11. 8. lightning. sAhaNiyAkuMDa [zodhanikAkuMDa] 38. 3. a washing basin.