150 गिद्धि [गृद्धि] 106. 6. घसणघोलणा [घर्षणघूर्णन] 44. greed.
2. Brushings and strगुणाण [गुणस्थान] 49. 3. a
uggles. stage in spiritual prog
घेप्पइ [D गृह्णाति] 117. 10. ress.
to hold. गुविल [गुपिल] 103. 18.
चउक्त [चतुष्क] 6. 14. a deeply covered over.
square. गेवेज्ज [गैवेयक] 6.2. a
चउरासम [चतुर्थाश्रम] 12. 4. kind of heaven. See
the fourth stage of App. III to my Ed. of
life i. e. the life of a अंत. & अणु० P. 145
संन्यासिन्. 148. गैवेयकs are nine चकलय [D] 71. 14. Earin number.
rings. गोच्छ [गुच्छ] 66. 1. a चच्चर [चत्वर] 6. 14. A
collection ; a bunch. Resting place in a गोरोयणा गोरोचना] 116. 17. square cf. Guj. चोतरो. Bright yellow pigment
चच्चरी [चर्चरी] 39. 14. a prepared from the urine music-party. or bile of a cow, or चडयर [D] 31. 12. a found in the head of
collection; a group; an a cow.
army. गोसकिच्च [प्रभातकृत्य]11.19. चडल [चटुल] 61. 11. Ple
morning duties. गोस [D] _asing. दे. ना. मा. २. ९६.
चमढण [D] 20. 15. an घय [धृत] 76. 3. ghee. attack. घायण [ हनन ] 101. 16. चयइ त्यजति] 91. 5. to killing.
give up.