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plot viz. celestial, celestial-temporal and temporal. Then he lays down that the stories in general can be of four kinds viz. the wealthstory, the love-story, the religion-story and the mixed story. The author goes on with the discussion upto 4. 12.
2. 19-21. star rataisast (sterfargraaf et] which is constituted with the outstanding matter of wealth. garant [Jalgra] the main-spring of the plot; the effecient cause which supplies the motive to the plot. असिमसिकसि वाणिज्जसिप्यसंगया असि — a sword ' i. e. warfare; Afet ink' i. e. sending of communications, letters etc; fa agriculture;' arforsht ' trading;' सिप्प 'crafts.' विचित्तधाऊवायाइपमुहमहोवाय89371which consists of big applications such as the application of varied metals.' This refers to the arts such as alchemy, making of alloys etc. सामभेयउवप्पयाण etc. उपप्रदान-दान 'bribery' to change those on the opposite side. 5991a is often used in Sutras for दान.
3. I. वित्तवपुव्वयकलादक्खिण्णपरिगया — which treats with the cleverness in arts ( कलादक्खिण्ण ), age (577), body ( ag ) and wealth (fara ).' This expression is very corrupt in Mss. “Age' = youth; body =' beauty of the body.'