NOTES. [ The numbers given in front of the Notes refer to pages and lines respectively. ]
1. 3-4 There is विरोधाभास. Mark the expressions: परम-सिरि-बद्धमाणं and पणट-माणं, गय-जोयं and जोईसं, सयंभुवं and बद्धमाणं ।
__ 1. 7. तित्थपवत्तणसमए [ तीर्थप्रवर्तनसमये ] At the time of establishing the fourfold order of monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen. facet is defined as: 'तित्थं ' ति पुव्वं भणियं संघो जो नाणचरणसंघाओ।
2. 3.-4 refers to सम्यक्त्व, ज्ञान and चरण. See उमास्वाति's तत्त्वार्थ. 1. 1. 'सम्यग्दर्शनज्ञानचारित्राणि मोक्षमार्गः ॥ १ ॥. “ The right belief, the right knowledge and right conduct constitute the path of absolution.' तोहिं चिय भणियाइं = सव्वण्णुभणियाई; cf. verses 6. 10. on this page; for details see arateio 1. 1.
2. 9–10. argoare can be also understood as * With regard to those that are worthy to be heard"
2. 11. तप्पडिबद्धं 'which is accompanied. with those things i. e. श्रोत्ध्य, प्रशंसनीय, परिहर्तव्य and आचरितव्य as described in verses. 6-10.
2. 13. From this onward, the author proceeds to describe the three types of the matter of the