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friend of Vijayasena ) is born a dog. He experiences here the most horrible condition; he is tied with a rope very tightly; his body has withered due to strong hunger; he is in the vicinity of a washing-basin; and he is afraid of the kicks from the hoofs of a donkey. In the other birth, he was Sri-Kantã the most beloved wife of the son of a merchant by the name of Kusumasira who were you, and who dwelt in the city of Kusumapur of the continent of Puskarırdha Bhārata. On account of close association with her, the sorrow born of the fire of separation from him, does not come to pacification. I heard this and dejection came upon me. With mind infatuated with love for the dog, I sent my men to the house of Usadatta the washerman, to get the dog released. I said to them “Get him (i.e. the dog) released soon; give him food and drink; and taking him, come here." Then those people went, soon executed my command and having taken him, came up. I saw the dog not from 'very far; his hair was caught by hundreds of lice; he was marked by erosion due to hosts of worms; his body was much emaciated; he appeared horrid due to his tongue moving while breathing; the row of his teeth appeared white; and he moved very slowly. Great nonattachment was produced in me on seeing him in that condition.“ O this worldly existence is terrible ! Here, the love-amours of men come to this end !" In the meantime, those men came near me with him and said to me “Sir, this is the dog." Then hewhose long tail was moving; whose eyes were filled with tears; who shook his face with his neck raised [39];-began to howl, having come to this sort of indescribably