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The human being is as insignificant as a frog who is caught in this instance by another like a serpent. He also in his turn in caught by another like a kurala bird. (207)
He also is not self-dependent in this case as he is swayed by the god of death in the form of a boa; and even in the world like this, the attachment to the objects of senses is great infatuation. (208)
[115] So enough of this kingdom which is difficult to be filled like the nether-world; in which weak points can be easily found out like the temple of Jinas to which the excess is easy; whose end is distasteful like the company of villains; which is only devoted to wealth like the heart of a harlot; which is full of dissolute courtiers like the ant-hill full of serpents; the duties of which are not settled like those of the world of living beings; which should be cared with efforts like the basket with a serpent in side; which is alienated from the happiness of confidence; which is desired by many men like the youth of a harlot; and which does not become the cause of pure path of the next world. Then, having given this up, we withdraw to adopt the friarhood, which brings happiness of both the worlds; and which is resorted to by the wise people. Now how will I have the quickness in the matter of the present object? Or this is little,-just tied up for one birth.” Of him thus thinking the night passed away; the morning-duties were performed; and the cabinet of ministers entered.
In the meantime, his woman-guard Vijayavati announced, “Your Majesty, that Durmati;-knowing himself