[ 46. 8.
from gross killing of life; stopping from falsehood; stopping from gross taking of things not given; stopping from approach to another's wife and having satisfaction with one's own wife; stopping from unlimited possessions. Thus he, accompanied with the result of partial. nonattachment; observing Anuvratas; ideally with result not proceeding (from his actions )-he does not practise transgressions from his vows:- -[The transgressions of gross taking of life] (1) tying of animals with a rope so that they may starve (2) beating [46](3) cutting limbs (4) overloading (5) cutting off or reducing their food or drink, starving. [ The transgressions of the stopping of falsehood ] (1) false accusation under the influence of passion (2) false accusation in secret (3) betraying the confidence of one's wife (4) communication of false information (5) falsification of documents. [ The transgressions of the abstention from taking of things not given ] (1) receiving stolen property (2) employing thieves (3) crossing the boundaries of enemy's territory or trespassing (4) false weights or balances and measures (5) dealing with adulterate goods; The transgressions of the abstention from the approach to another's wife ] (1) Approach to a mistress kept for a fixed period, (2) Approach to a woman not kept as a mistress i. e. a widow or a respectable woman who is not his wife (3) Amorous dalliance in an improper manner (4) Arranging marriages of persons other than himself or his children. (5) Excessive indulgence in sexual pleasures. [ The transgressions of the abstention from unlimited possessions ] (1) The transgression of the measure of open places and