56. 21. ] covered places (2) the transgression of the limit of keeping wrought and unwrought gold (3) the transgression of the limit of money and corn (4) transgression of the limit of servants (lit-two-legged.creatures) and animals (lit. four-legged creatures) (5) the transgression of the limit of baser metals............... And such many others, which cause the wanderings in the sea of the worldly existence, he does not practise on account of the happy consequences. And also he adopts the latter Guna-vratas of the following type:-(1) [The limiting of directions] (a) The limiting of going in the upward direction (6) limiting of going in the downward direction (c) limiting of going in the slanting direction (2) [The limiting of the things of enjoyment] (a) the Gunavrata of limiting of the things of enjoyment (b) giving up of the violent action etc. for purpose of enjoyment. (3) The guarding of soul against unnccessary evil consisting of (a) Evil practised through malicious meditation (b) to practise evil through carelessness (c) using means of causing injury (e. g. weapons, fire, poison etc.) (d) advising others to do evil actions. [Now 4 Siksavratas) (1) The siksavrata ( of keeping Samayika) consisting of giving up of faulty contacts and resorting to faultless contacts. (2) The siksaviata to limit the directions and objects by setting a limit every day to the direction of the movement by one who has taken the Vrata to limit the directions of one's movements (3) The siksavrata of Pausadhopavasa (i. e. observing fasts on the 8th day, 14the day, fullmoon day and the new-moon day) consisting of a healthy attitude towards food and body, abstinence from sexual