[ 47. 93.
intercourse and want of acivities; (4) The siksavrata of sharing one's food with guests consisting of:-Offering charities to those who have curbed themselves, for the purpose of one's own benefit and with great devotionthe charities with the order of time, space, faith and respect of objects like food and drink, which are free from the faults like Udgama etc. (See Notes 50-4) and which are earned with honesty. [46] He-li. e. the soul), accompanied with the wholesome consequence; who has resorted to Gunavratas and Siksavratas, ideally, no result coming out of his action-does not practise these transgressions:--1) ( The transgressions of Digvrata ] (a) transgressing the fixed limit of directions, upward (b) or downward (c) or slantwise (d) increasing the space of the limit (e) the loss of memory (on the part of the soul as regards the exact limit fixed up by him). (2) [The trangression of Upabhogaparibhoga Vrata] (a) using living things as food (b) using adjuncts (such as gums, rasins etc.) of living organisms (like trees etc. ) (c) using as food vegetables which are uncooked (d) using as food vegetables which are not well cooked (c) using vegetables which are not ripe or ready for use. (3) (other 14 occupations which a man should not do] (a) dealing in charcoal by praparing it from firewood (b) dealing in wood (which includes felling of trees) (c) dealing in carts (d) occupation with fares (i. e. working carts or boats on hire) (e) occupation of breaking the earth with spade etc. (f) dealing in teeth (i. e. ivory etc.) (g) dealing in hair (h) dealing in liquors or acids (i) dealing in poisons (j) crushing by machinery (e. g. sugarcane, sesamum etc.) (k) the surgical occupation (e. g. cutting of bodies, branding animals or castrating