48. 4. ]
57 bulls etc.) (1) setting fire to bushes and woods (m) bringing up women for immoral purposes (n) draining lakes, rivers and tanks. (4) [The trangressions of Anar thadandaviramana-Vrata] (a) talking amorous things (b) mockery leading to jest by various gesticulations of the face, eye etc. (c) talkativeness (d) employment of an article which is calculated to do injuries to others (e. g. morter, pestle etc.) (e) excess of food and other articles in excess of one's needs. (5) [The transgressions of a Samayika Vrata] (a) ill-behaviour of speech (b) of mind (c) of body (d) non-observance of the particular act in Samayika out of forgetfulness (e) instability about Samayika (6) [The transgressions of Des'avrata] (a) employment of messengers such as members of one's fainily to go beyond the limit to do certain things for himself, (b) employment of servants as messengers to go beyond the limit, (c) communication by word of mouth in order to call a person beyond the limit, (d) communication by gesture, (e) throwing clods of earth and thereby indicating the work to be done. (7) [The transgressions ot Pausadhyrata] (a) going on a bed or coverings not observed or badly observed (b) going on a bed or coverings not wiped or badly wiped. (c) going to stools or making water at badly observed or not observed places. [48] (4) going to stools or making water at badly wiped or unwiped places. (e) not observing properly the Pausadha fasts. (8) [The transgressions of Atithi-samvibhaga-vrata] (a) Putting food in the midst of raw seeds so that the monk should not accept it and still the worshipper might think that he was gene. rous (2) covering food with seeds, raw fruits etc. (c)