[ 48. 20. Neglecting the appointed time of monks for begging alms and keeping them ready before or after (d) Making a pretext that food belongs to others (e) Acting from jealousy of others. He (i. e. the soul which has gained Samyaktva) does not practise these and such other transgressions of Gunavratas and Siksavratas. Then conducting himself with fitting observance account of the particular result of the period of his actions, in that birth or in other births, he has his calculable Sagaropamas, worn away. Then he takes to the duties of a friar consisting of forgiveness, softness, straight-forwardness, renunciation, penance, restraint, truth, purity, non-possession and celibacy. Then such will be the way of suppression; and such will be the way of annihilation. It is said:
When the duration of the action while the right belief is obtained, is reduced by 2 to 9 the becomes a S'ravaka; from that (i. e. the remaining) when calculable as are worn away, he attains af (i. e. right conduct); from the remaining duration, when the calculable intiqas f. (80)
are worn away, he obtains.
Thus when his right belief does not shake away, the high-souled one either wandering in the orders of men or gods obtains all (i. e. the right conduct etc.) er in one birth without having to take up another way, he obtains all. (81)
Then on the completion of the way of annihilation, be obtains the best absolute knowledge and revelation eternal and unending. Then in regular order with the