मयणा दरनिवलिया निव्वलिया य जह कोहवा तिविहा तह मिच्छतं तिविहं परिणामवसेण सो कुणइ ।। १२२० ।।
Just as by washing clean, Kodrava grain becomes ( 1 ) intoxicant ( 2 ) half-cleaned ( 3 ) completely cleaned, in the same way the 157 divides hage by the thought-activity.
In brief it should be borne in mind that the destruction of the HEATH is the most necessary preliminary for the destruction of the other three (1) Fraracosta (2) laracorta (3) šara, which form the दर्भदकर्मग्रन्थि. It is not however a guarantee that the HELPonce destroyed, may not by some way or the other attach to the soul, merely because the mental outlook (Hatefa) is kept unsullied. For this, three ways of spiritual development in the case of Hot souls are noted (1) HEI727STOTETTIITTO 44. 12. i. e. by the way of ordinary routine development of the soul going on from beginningless time (Barfer) by the gradual annihilation of 27. By this, in course of time one may destroy HEITTH by the TEATTERUT.
Arriving at the cognition of my afer which requires to be broken, there are some souls which can break it and some that can not. Those who can,