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they can by the way of (2) अपुत्रकरण ie the special extraordinary power of spiritual development. According to 44. 12. he breaks the to a certain extent and realises the 8th गुणस्थान= अपूर्वकरणगुणस्थान. cf हरिभद्रs विंशतिविंशिका, VI, 6-8. (ed. Prof. K V. Abhyanker ) सत्तण्हं पयडीणं अभितरओ उ कोडाकोडीए । पाउणइ नवरमेयं अपुव्यकरणेण कोई तु ॥ ६ ॥ करणं अहापवत्तं अपुत्रमणियहिमेव भव्वाणं । इयरेसिं पढमं चिय भण्णइ करणं ति परिणामो ||७|| जा गंठी ता पढमं, गंटिं समइच्छओ भवे बीयं । अणियट्टीकरणं पुण सम्मत्तपुरकखडे जीवे ||८|| Thus the 2nd करण obtains, when the soul breaks कर्मप्रन्थि The भव्य is thus on the 8th गुणस्थान called अपूर्वकरण गुणस्थान (3) अनिवर्तिकरण is the way for the spiritual development which enables the soul after the knot of Karma is snapped to get the सम्यग्दर्शन at which the soul aims. The भव्य attains with this the 9th गुणस्थान = अनिवृत्तिबादरसं परायगुणस्थान. Now after this, मिथ्यात्वादिकर्मदोष remains still in a negligible quantity. It gets divided into 3 parts (1) अशुद्ध quantumn of मिथ्यात्व ( 2 ) Mixed quantum of मिथ्यात्व and सम्यक्त्व ( 3 ) the quantum of सम्यक्त्व; and thus the future ( प्रारब्ध) of the भव्य soul is built on this. If the first two begin to fructify, he has to fall back from his स्थान; if the सम्यक्त्व begins to fructify, he obtains सम्यक्त्व. [ ( It should be SO termed in व्यवहारनय and not निश्चयनय) See हरिभद्र.