[ 85. 21. Yajnadeva informed the king 'My lord, it is not proper publishing the faults of friends. But enough of a friend who is unfriendly to himself; whose conduct is evil; and who adopts unwholesome ways contrary to this world and the next. [85] By one in the know, things against the good of men and the king, should not be neglected. Hence even such a thing is to be reported to your honour.” The king said “May your righteous self speak." Yajnadeva said, “My lord, hear. I have heard from servants close to Cakradeva that Cakradeva has robbed the house of merchant Candana; and that he has hidden the property in his own house. Your honour is the authority after hearing this." The king said “Sir, it is impossible, he is born of a good family; hence how will he do such an act which is extremely immoral ? ” Yajnadeva said "My lord, nothing is impossible for those who are swayed by ignorance and greed. Is there no fault in a good family;-are there not worms in fragrant flowers ? Then let a search be instituted in his house in some way." Then thinking it fit, King Candas’asana instituted a police-search. The policemen were informed-“Taking the store-keeper of merchant Candana together with the elders of the town, search for the lost property in the house of Cakradeva.” Then thinking "What would result from this impossible thing ? But we are the executors of behests;' they gathered the elders of the town and took the storekeeper of merchant Candana. The policemen, presided over by the elders of the town, came to my house, when the day remained only one Yama. I was questioned by them. “O son of a merchant, have you at all brought in course of transactions the property of this sort ? "